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14408081 No.14408081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen
>The petition was signed by prominent leftist intellectuals, such as Louis Aragon, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, (((Jacques Derrida))), Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge
>In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.
Ok I am glad I now have something to deflect from being too lazy to read these pretentious French nuleft """philosophers""" - they are all pedophiles.

>> No.14408084

we have this thread every week

>> No.14408092

your post reads like pedo-apologetics. I'm sorry, I don't engage in that sort of discussion.

>> No.14408104

15 is peak female desu.

>> No.14408106

the chad sexual freedom fighter vs the creepy incel who can't even get a loli waifu

>> No.14408114

>Gilles Deleuze
what the flying fuck what the fuck what
honestly, why??????

>> No.14408127

Didn't Foucault also deliberately give people AIDS once he had it?

>> No.14408151

>On January 27, 28, and 29, Bernard Dejager, Jean-Claude Gallien, and Jean Burckardt will by tried before the cour d'assises des Yvelines for lascivious acts with a minor of less than 15 years of age. Arrested in autumn of 1973, it is for more than three years now that they remain in remand. Only Bernard Dejager has recently benefited from the presumption of innocence. Such a long time in remand to investigate a simple `vice' affair, where the children have not been victims of the slightest violence, but have to the contrary testified before the examining magistrates that they consented -- although the law at present denies them their right to consent -- such a long time in remand we do consider scandalous in itself. Today they risk to be sentenced to a long prison term either for having had sexual relations with minors, boys as well as girls, or for having encouraged and taken photographs of their sexual plays. We believe that there is an incongruity between the designation as a `crime' which serves to legitimize such a severity, and the facts themselves; even more so between the antiquitated law and the reality of every day life in a society which tends to know about the sexuality of children and adolescents (thirteen-year olds are given the pill, for what doing?) French law contradicts itself if it recognizes a capacity for discernement in thirteen and fourteen year olds, so as to be able to try and sentence them, but denies them the same capability with respect to their emotional and sexual life. Three years for caresses and kisses are enough. We would not understand if on January the 29th, Dejager, Gallien, and Burckardt would not be freed.
see link for list of signers

>> No.14408179

here, now for a few of my thoughts.

i am probably biased because i am somewhat of a fan of deleuze, and quite a fan of sartre and foucault, but here it is. i personally find the conclusion it is permissible to have sex with a person under the age of 16, their apparent consent notwithstanding, to be entirely unconscionable. i think that anyone below that age is ill-equipped to consent to having sex to the extent that it is unreasonable to permit them having sex with those substantially beyond that age while valuing their emotional health and development.
however i do think that the letter presents an interesting point that children in france at that point were legally responsible for their actions at 13, but not able to sexually consent. i think that this is actually pretty unreasonable, but i think it is telling that the letter does not suggest what is to me the obvious solution: to raise the age of majority to meet with the age of sexual consent rather than lower the age of sexual consent.
anyone who has substantially dealt with children knows very well how absolutely stupid they are by no fault of their own, and it seems unreasonable to force them to bear any serious legal penalties or sexual trauma as a product of decisions they have made at such a tender age
/lit/, do you think that the age of sexual consent and general consent need to coincide? why or why not? what about drinking, driving a car, or joining the armed forces?

>> No.14408184


>> No.14408201


The Frenchman is immunized against all insults etc. etc. etc.

>> No.14408251

>need to coincide?
if everything coincides, like it does noways, that specific age will hold a powerful mark for the start of adulthood, even if it's arbitrary. that itself is fucked when it's related to sex. also maturity for each type of activity doesn't come at the same and doesn't need the same type of cognitive demands
>alcohol and drugs
fucks your brain in development, older is better
>driving a car
with restrictions, younger is better as it's a matter of developing autonomy and responsibility with oneself and the others
shouldn't exist at all
it can destroy your mind and sanity, and the trauma can self-propagate, oldest as possible ideally

>> No.14408259

It was a different time...

>> No.14408263
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tfw you realize it was all a scam, nuleft was really about libertines getting their coomies.

>> No.14408290

>same type of cognitive demands
simple point but good. when you put it that way i don't see why it would need to be
>alcohol and drugs-older is better
i agree, but i am also sober alcoholic/straightedge so i think lower of drugs than just about everyone else i know
>driving a car-younger is better
i don't know about this one, driving is pretty fuckin dangerous, and children have much worse outcomes driving than adults do. i think this is very much abrogated by the fact that it does offer many growth opportunities for young people including better adaptation to the skill when it is acquired younger
>military-shouldn't exist
i disagree but i don't think we will get at anything meaningful w/r/t the age of consent by talking about it so let's just shelve that
>sex-old as possible
i have unfortunately seen the consequences of sexual trauma, but i also think that like driving a car there are benefits that legitimize an earlier age of consent. sex is eventually a component of a relationship and learning to have sexual relationships, manage emotional commitment, and have safe sex are important skills. i think another important factor in terms of age of consent is that kids are basically guaranteed to have a bunch of sex with eachother at a young age in america because the law is enforced as opposing adults having sex with children or sexual minors abusing eachother rather than an outright ban on sex for sexual minors.
i guess i would like to see age of consent laws reflect the relative safety and permissibility of kids fucking eachother as consensually as their unfinished development can allow while strongly protecting children from abuse by those substantially further along in development than they are

>> No.14408314

hmmmmmmmnmm this is a cryptocreep post

>> No.14408322

Have you read Logique Du Sens? He says why he is against the age of consent, but to understand you need to actually read him.

>> No.14408330

i really just think that kids fucking kids is unavoidable and probably an important part of their development at some point. i really don't want to be involved in it, and in fact am filled with disgust and regret at the sex i had at 16 honestly. if my thought on this seems weird or not very well worked out that's because i haven't thought about it too much, if you have a problem with the substance of my post i'm happy to hear it

>> No.14408642

is he really talking about aoc in that book or are you pulling one on me?

>> No.14408717

>it is unreasonable to permit them having sex with those substantially beyond that age while valuing their emotional health and development.

now, as you and the letter your'e discussing point out, the state recognizes child sexuality in some way, it is inevitable that they will have sex between each other. now, what makes it so different from sex with adults? I think this point is crucial here, it is natural in a way, that children explore their sexuality, but when it comes to relations with adult, this relation instantly becomes exploitative, why this sudden change? first, common-sense reply to my point would be that the adult holds more power over the child in some way (he can manipulate, abuse etc.), but doesn't this hold true also for usual adult sexual relationships? I'm just skeptical about viewing adult-child sex instantly as abusive/toxic relationship.

>> No.14408740

it's another anglo wants the government to decide what is correct sexual conduct because he is too morally bankrupt to enforce it himself

basically, the anglo admit that he is a pedophile when he willingly surrender his agency to institutions

anglos are the vilest creatures roaming this planet.

>> No.14408921

Houllebecq already refuted all these morons

>> No.14409028

that writer that always has this one pedophile character in his books?

>> No.14409042

he's one of them..

>> No.14409049
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So what should be the age consent? And at what age should one be able to legally marry?

>> No.14409059

I completely agree with this notion and still hate the French Post Modernists lol.

>> No.14409063

>still hate the French Post Modernists lol.

>> No.14409076
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>> No.14409104


>> No.14409109

from what perspective do you agree?

>> No.14409139

What is the data on this subject? I never see anybody citing studies about the actual effects, just moral arguments one way or the other

>> No.14409143 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 399x399, BpUdGnL-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young cunny is nice. You should be allowed to enjoy it, but you can only have one and must spend the rest of your time on earth with it.

>> No.14409150
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Young cunny is nice. You should be allowed to enjoy it, but you can only have one and must spend the rest of your time on earth with it.

>> No.14409156

don't you think sexual relations with a child would be traumatic for her?

>> No.14409181

A 15 year old is not a child.
They're horny as fuck, and have been having their cycle for a couple years now.
Install an app called Tik Tok, and look at what 15 year old girls do.

>> No.14409192

fair enough, why do you think sexual relations with a child is the biggest evil today? what causes it?

>> No.14409194

Yes but if we allow adults to fuck 15 year old girls 15 year old boys will never get laid. Incel revolution LMAO

>> No.14409214

I don't think you should fuck prepubescent kids.
Also, there should be familial approval. Marriage or some shit. Something to be sure they will be together forever and not some asshole who will just pump and dump.
The point is that teenagers are fucking horny, and that they could outlet that horniess to a responsible man around his mid 20s who is established and stable.
This is assuming a lot of things about the society though.
I don't think the incel community is made up of 15 year old boys.

You also forget that girls develop earlier than boys.

>> No.14409221

It's a statement about the world these philosophers helped create. Dummy

>> No.14409238

>Also, there should be familial approval. Marriage or some shit. Something to be sure they will be together forever and not some asshole who will just pump and dump.

I agree with you here, this kind of argument reminds me of pedophilia in ancient greece. I just don't think it would word in contemoprary times. Back then, closed communities, certain educational ideals enabled such relations, today we have neither.

>> No.14409287

Yes, like I said my statement is assuming a lot of things about the society.
I just think the concept of age of consent in itself is flawed. I don't think people, especially women should be going around fucking all willy nilly.
>durrr, incel doesn't think women should express themselves sexually
Go out and ask any neurotypical girl if she would take back her first time or not.

Also, another anon asked if a sexual experience will be "traumatic" for a younger girl and for some of them it may very well be.
If she's not ready, then by all means- don't fuck.
>durrr, women just become a commodity this way
Again, you are the one that has a warped view of women. They bring the family together, and good mothers are the foundation of a stable society.
I can assure you the majority of women would prefer to be mothers than be stuck in some office job for hours on end.
Fuck I would prefer that. Bonding with your fuckin kids, then reading or doing whatever other hobby I please.
If she so desires, after you raise good strong kiddos with the help of a strong father- by all means pursue whatever damn aspiration you have. But at that point you'd probably see life isn't about wagecucking hours on end to earn meager fucking wages.

>> No.14410136

I'm nostalgic about that period in France when things were going so good economically and culturally that people had time to care about shit like this.

>> No.14410157

>literally every postmodernist was a pedophile
continentalbros... it was all a farce...

>> No.14410203

You will catch a lot of pedo seethe for this but everyone simply knows it is the truth, which is why their arguments always manifest so defensively. There is very little understanding of such things with children, and they will never, ever approach an adult for sex. They are always groomed or coached by someone older. That’s the simple fact, people more intelligent than them can goad and train them, depending on the level of self delusion sometimes unknowingly, but this is always what is happening in these situations. Pedophiles are incredibly manipulative, to the point where they sometimes don’t even realise they are doing it, often pressuring children in very subtle ways because they know it will get them what they want. And then you see what child abuse victims grow up to be like and these people want to pretend they have no responsibility. I can’t imagine any sexual fixation being justified with these problems and consequences, but outside of the semantics the people who want to do it simply have a sociopathic streak

>> No.14410806

der boomer

>> No.14410822

itt people that think that they're gonna get the chance to get to fuck young girls

Fucking laughable if I do say so myself

>> No.14410841

This same kind of knee-jerk reaction against what's deemed 'unacceptable' would allow someone to throw an author out for being an anti-Semite, FYI

>> No.14410912

fucking yawn stop memeing this

>> No.14410917


>> No.14410982

>they will never, ever approach an adult
>scum are incredibly manipulative
the only sane reply in this thread

>> No.14411107

People only do that if they think antisemitism is a bad thing

>> No.14411977

I am a zoomer

>> No.14412186
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>> No.14412429

i think it's because even though adults are stupid and easily manipulated, children are more so. it is pretty easy for an adult to get sex out of a kid if they want it, it seems to me. pretty much >>14410203
i guess i will say that teenagers seem to age into desiring sex even with adults before the age of consent, but i think ultimately they aren't ready to have it and it should be up to adults to keep their hands in their pants until at least sixteen, maybe 18-20
i guess the important question is what kind of developmental milestones have to be hit to consent to sex.
i did a little reading of the sep article on informed consent, and to me the features of consent relevant to sex that might exclude a child from participation are:
the lack of ownership adults feel over their actions as children, potentially leading to a loss of self-ownership
an ignorance of the romantic, physical, or psychological consequences of the act
a lack of power/confidence to refuse that children typically feel

the relevant psychological features here are
>self-ownership and self-continuity
this might have good literature about it, but my psychology brainlet head cannot find it. i think a lot of it might come down to whether your knowledge of the below points met some standard when you made the choice or not
>knowledge and intuitive understanding of sexual transmitted diseases, pregnancy, rug burn, puking, and their consequences
>knowledge and intuitive understanding of the romantic and emotional consequences of sex, i.e. how you might feel during and after
i think that brute knowledge of this stuff requires a certain level of emotional development, but not beyond an early highschool level, while the intuitive understanding appears at frontal-lobe myelination for some [around 25-30], and never appears for many.

i know i haven't included any studies but i hope my tacking to more easily generalizable psychological phenomena makes this easier to carry over to your own life. i think if you look at piaget's or erikson's stages of development you will see that those stage models do not really do a lot for an account of consent that is more nuanced than what we have now [ie don't fuck people before puberty or when they are blackout drunk or developmentally disabled] because they don't make distinctions in their stages between like 12 and 17 which our model of consent probably should

my general conclusion is actually that unless we are willing to crank the age of consent up to 25+, we should establish a general standard of consent that is correlated with public educational standards so that a person of a given age can be said to have a strong likelihood of having a sufficient capability to consent to sex, manifested in skills that are developed in school involving understanding and skill managing personal relationships, a strong understanding of sexual health, and an ability to confidently say "no" even to authority figures when it is appropriate

>> No.14412440

btw sorry if this is poorly written, i am feeling pretty lazy to day and i was sifting through quite a bit of information from own memory + the internet, hopefully someone more literate than me can clean it up into something more coherent

>> No.14412449

But they still do it, very commonly it's done. Do you think an author, say Celine, should be canceled for being an anti-Semite?

>> No.14412460

if some faggot doesn't want to read a book because it's a bit "racist" then that doesn't affect me

>> No.14413501 [DELETED] 


>> No.14413636

>understanding and skill managing personal relationships, a strong understanding of sexual health, and an ability to confidently say "no" even to authority figures when it is appropriate
But how many people possesses all of these, even as adults? Particularly that last one.

The more I think about questions of consent, the more it seems to me that there's no such thing (at least, not by the "up-to-date" definition of consent). My objections to the rationales behind the present laws relating to consent are not that they are incorrect per se, but that they would, if taken to their logical conclusion, make consent impossible under all but a few circumstances.

For example, people say
>age disparity precludes consent, because there can't be consent if there's a power imbalance
and they also say
>there's a power imbalance between men and women.
Those two assertions form a syllogism, the third term of which is "therefore heterosexual relations cannot be consensual." Even if they don't complete that syllogism themselves (in the mainstream, at least), that is the necessary conclusion of the whole "power-dynamic" theory. (Of course, interracial relations would also be out of the question, as would relations between people in different income brackets.)

I think the actual good reasons for a high or higher age of consent have to do with practicality, propriety, "like-with-like." But those rationales are precisely what the mainstream has already rejected as insufficient to justify restricting sexuality (see: gays).
So we have a situation where the mainstream has rejected the propriety rationale and replaced it with a flimsy power-dynamic theory which is inconsistently applied (and whose consistent application would outlaw sexuality all but completely). I imagine that in the near future, the flimsiness will give way and the progressives will begin pushing to lower the legal age, and perhaps even for the legalization of outright pedophilia. Zoophilia is already on the way in Canada and elsewhere. Christ, how did it come to this?

>> No.14413722

The power imbalance question comes from the cognitive dexterity of both parties due cognitive power, not sociological definitions (heterosexuality).
Also it has already been proved the extent and depth of trauma's consequences, eg Harlow indicates that primates change drastically according to perceived affection received in childhood.
An abused child will become a maladjusted and/or malfunctioning adult. It's in no interest of society that this type of person becomes incentivized or promoted.

>> No.14413838

>The power imbalance question comes from the cognitive dexterity of both parties due cognitive power, not sociological definitions (heterosexuality).
Could you elaborate? That's not how I've seen it applied. For example, there have been some me-too accusations, on the weaker side of the scale, which amounted to "I consented, but he's rich/famous and male so actually I didn't consent."
>It's in no interest of society that this type of person becomes incentivized or promoted.
That's just the thing; as I was saying, progressives have already shown that they're willing to throw the "interest of society" into the trashcan if it gets in the way of individual "sexual expression." Just look at transsexuals and what they're trying to do to young people. That's what worries me.

>> No.14413862

kids are literal retards until proper development bro
same thing with raping a down syndrome man or an alzheimer chair bound granny

>> No.14413915

I don't think anyone disagrees with that. The uncertain part, as this guy >>14412429 was discussing, is how one ought to define "proper development."
At any rate, that's got nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm saying that (maybe this is straying beyond the topic of this thread) the popular conception (or at least, the progressive conception) of the nature of consent would seem to make consent, practically speaking, impossible. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not correct.

>> No.14413934

>how many have all of these
yeah this is something i'm coming onto as well. it seems like we can't even trust "adults" up to 30 to have the neurological features necessary to properly consent to sex, and even people after that might lack brute or felt/intuitive knowledge of the consequences.
i actually don't like the propriety rationale either. i think that relying on a norm being presently established to justify it is pretty pathetic as well as totally intertial if not reactionary

i actually think that we should justify our standard based on the age at which people have been given good opportunities to generate those skills which are requirements for a high standard of consent, and if they still avoid those we will leave them be to consent to sex like the rest, since i think doing otherwise would be overly paternalistic

>> No.14413955

Age of consent just fetishizes whatever the minimum age is and creates a culture of pedo hysteria. It's a perversion.

>> No.14413958

(citation needed)

>> No.14413964
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>> No.14413970

You should know that Sartre and Beauvoir were child abusers who shared their victims, and that Beauvoir was removed from her teaching position for grooming and molesting her students. Anyways, this question is not difficult at all. Adolescents are children, and are especially so when they grow up in cultural milieus that don't force them into adulthood quickly and violently. The age of majority should be either 18 or 20 for all of those things. Minors who commit crimes should be institutionalized in reformatory programs until either they are reformed or reach the age of majority in the case of petty crimes, or upon approval of a council of doctors in the case of severe crimes. The criminal records of minors should be sealed and only opened if said minor continues as a habitual criminal in adulthood. Pedophiles should be put institutionalized for life if they have consumed images of child abuse, executed Taiwanese-style if they have abused a child, or remanded into humane inpatient-outpatient programs for the management of their illness if they have neither abused a child nor consumed images of child abuse. This is not difficult. The petitioners were simply perverts or apologists for perverts. In one of the later petitions put out by Sartre's newspaper but not by others, the subject of the petition was even more obviously evil---a grown man who lived with a harem of prepubescent and young adolescent girls.

>> No.14413977

Based frenchies

>> No.14413979

>The age of majority should be either 18 or 20 for all of those things
why? if anything it should be 30 or more. Presidential eligibility is 35, clearly there are levels of maturity and experience above 18 (or just of arbitrarily 20) minimum age requirements are a rule of thumb applied to individuals of vastly different conditions. It's a lazy standard that permits injustice because looking at individual situations is too much work. You would be best off making fornication itself illegal which would create defacto ages of consent.

>> No.14413983

>this image of an aryan man defends my argumentative ineptitude
fuck boy

>> No.14413986

There is no philosophy without the art of ignoring objections.

>> No.14413989

>You should know
I really don't know how to digest all this info with my beliefs and understanding of modernity that these french people provided.
>executed Taiwanese-style
I think this is the dream of every single parent on this earth, but honestly how to apply this to fucking politicians and billionaires

>> No.14413992

>if anything it should be 30 or more
this is also a criptocreep post, this time ad absurdum

>> No.14414003

Consent doesn't justify anything in itself. It's an ethical standard with no coherent basis, as the core idea that people should have the autonomy to enter into decisions that might not be in their best interest (or that they regret later) is unjustifiably back peddled on when unsavory examples of children, animals or consensual killings are brought up. It's long been known that consent can be manufactured, pedo hysteria propaganda is the only think keeping this house of cards together. It would be hard to find a worse substitute for AOC laws. Literal mob rule would be preferable, at least then families could take it upon themselves to feel morally and legally justified when the porn mogul who manipulates their retarded 18 year old daughter is butchered and tossed into the pit.

>> No.14414021

At 30, fertility has already begun to decline. People who have children after 30 also have less time to live with their kids and their kids are at a disadvantage in that they have less time with essential parental support. Having a strong family unit that supports its members is especially important in countries without strong social safety nets (this is why countries with atomized family units so often implement these policies). If you were to draft 30 year-olds for routine military service, you would be pulling large numbers of people past their physical prime away from steady jobs and parental obligations (the latter of which would likely harm many children by taking their parent away from them at important development stages). Casual sex is wrong and only leads to emotional suffering, but banning sex outside of marriage would not solve that problem because you can't really stop consenting adults from fucking even if you were to incarcerate the entire unmarried population, and sex between people in loving relationships is healthy and good regardless of whether they are officially married or not.
Teenagers are kids. Don't fuck them or try to fuck them. Why does this even have to be said?

>> No.14414029
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i wonder if epstein was involved. after all, the CIA had been monitoring all of these characters in hopes of boosting their anti-communist revision of left thought, and wasn’t the ford foundation behind the famous john hopkins conference that popularized these fucks in the states?

am i the only one who finds it odd that vintage, best known for dime novel paperback mysteries and romances, is the sole publisher of foucault’s written works? almost as though he’s a product of mass culture itself

>> No.14414039

There's probably nothing more boring than people freaking out about pedos. Which makes our era the most boring yet.

>> No.14414040

Ellie Nesler did nothing wrong. She is rural California's greatest daughter and one of the few modern folk heroes. Her story has largely been ignored, sadly.
Porn depicting actual people is no different from prostitution, which is no different from rape in the vast majority of cases. There may be one in a million porn performers or hookers who actually choose to do so, but the overwhelming majority are coerced, taken advantage of, or manipulated. The people who do it to pay their bills because they need the extra money or have no other option are financially coerced. The people who do it because they have addictions to feed or have emotional or mental issues are taken advantage of. The people who think they are empowered by it are manipulated by ideologues and media. Even the most degenerate and sickening hentai or furry cartoons are more moral and ethical than the most vanilla porn depicting actual people.

>> No.14414042

>freaking out
lmao, get to the fucking rope psychotic scum

>> No.14414048

Pedo hysterics ITT make it pretty obvious this board is dead and leftypol has flooded it. You can tell by the prose alone, I saw someone post "wignat" recently which is vernacular that's never used here.

>> No.14414049

unfortunately kind of what i expected. there is quite the darkness behind many philosophers whose work i admire.
if anyone is curious you can find more about beauvoir's grooming on her wikipedia under personal life
verso publishes 'abnormal' by foucault, as well as a bunch of books related to him or all about him
routledge also published an edition of history of madness in 2006 that is supposedly quite a bit better than the previous standard. and they also publish commentary on foucault as well

i am actually interested in the history of french thought in american and am curious about cia involvement/interest in poststructuralist discourse, i don't want to shut you down at all,
but one of your claims is just inaccurate

my guess about the foucault thing is that vintage has the rights to a translation and that other publishers don't want to undergo the expense of a new translation just to try to compete with vintage

>> No.14414051

>Literal mob rule would be preferable
Mob rule is actually what feels right for most of us and if we could we would kill a lot of people, or ostracize in the greek sense. Law is actually just a capitalist tool for mass control and pacifying. If it breaks the most basic morality people won't be calm no more and consent laws work as such.

>> No.14414052

if i knew you i would kill you with my bare hands without remorse

>> No.14414068

You forgot Alain Cuny

>> No.14414071

Way to prove him right brain dead lefty

>> No.14414073
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>> No.14414074

i would kill you too p*do scum
you all deserve torture and death

>> No.14414087

>Way to prove him right
criptocreep(s) is(are) not so cripto anymore, interesting

>> No.14414091

you know 8ch is back up right?

>> No.14414095

i don't go there, sorry

>> No.14414097

well reddit never even went down

>> No.14414101

>wahhh my hugbox
>nooo not the 4chanterino noooo
which one do you prefer, crypterino?

>> No.14414107

Again, your prose exposes you. You won't enjoy your time here, midwits hate not being taken seriously more than anything else. Come back when you are atleast a pseud.

>> No.14414110

>Adolescents are children
I wanted to say something about this specifically, because I think it's a common misconception which leads to a lot of confusion.
Adolescents aren't children, nor are they adults; adolescence is a developmental stage between childhood and adulthood.
Adolescence in the brain doesn't end until around 22, as proven in recent times by neuroimaging (a fact which should come as no surprise to anyone who has spent time on/around a college campus.)
The law, for the most part, does not recognize the existence of adolescence as a distinct stage, preferring to classify younger adolescents as children and older adolescents as adults. This leads to confusion when talking about things like the age of majority, because (for example) words like "child" might refer only to children in the biological/neurological sense, or they might refer to children in the legal sense, a category which includes around half the adolescent population as well.

And before you flip out on me, I don't think any of that is necessarily determinative of what the age of consent ought to be.

>> No.14414115

Congratulations, you finally remembered the y in crypto

>> No.14414116

you can't speak for myself, criptocreep. i guess all the grooming made you forget how to interact with adults, i see

>> No.14414119

And there it goes again. RIP letter Y, we hardli knew iou.

>> No.14414122

>t. monolingual anglo, also scum
feds, where are you?

>> No.14414123

stop typing like Linkara you nasty cock slut

>> No.14414127

kill iourself filth

>> No.14414129

Pedophilia derives its pleasure into defiling naive creatures since it's focused on humans that haven't developped sexual parts yet, it's the only explanation I can find to it. All that talk about love is bullshit, likewise consent does not matter and they would probably not get a kick out of it if children could truly give it because then there would be no defiling. That explains why pedo organizations use symbolism that is naive in appearance (and extremely perverse in themselves).
Pedos deserve the rope

>> No.14414130

All is jaundiced to the yellow eye

>> No.14414165

The Greeks where even night pederasts

>> No.14414356

It's since they've had the debate recently. It seems very strange to Anglos with a common law system because you get a fair trial in a totally different way to countries like France. Having a law that strictly defines who has the capacity to consent and that can condemn someone who had no immoral intentions are both extremely dangerous within the French system of law.

>> No.14414372

They're not coerced, they choose to do it, and a lot of them do so because it makes them more money than working some shit job.

>> No.14414446

French are subhuman trash and need to be dominated by Basque/Breton/Norman trinity.

>> No.14414455

even before he had it

>> No.14414559

It was only rumored as a gay disease for a significant portion of the outbreak, and it's not strictly speaking the AIDS that kills you: you end up getting a rare cancer or dying from an illness that doesn't normally do anything. These things happen every so often anyway, but when HIV and AIDS started happening rare diseases and deaths happened regularly to a lot more people.

Foucault didn't believe in it for a long time, and it happened to coincide with him really getting into BDSM dungeons and sex clubs.

>> No.14414565


>> No.14414569

To the wall with them all.

>> No.14414571


>> No.14414583

He wants child sex is why.

>> No.14414616

every time a homo gets aids i am reminded of god's unending love for the human race and corresponding hatred for the sins of those who reject him

>> No.14414673

>For all of Western history it's normal for girls to marry and have kids as soon as they hit puberty
>1900s come along in the USA
>Christian feminists push AoC laws in hopes it will lead to fewer young women having kids at 15 and more going to school
>Somehow this becomes nonsensical "think of the children" canon for all time
>Even questioning it means you hate children
>Nobody can explain why these girls were previously considered adults but are now children beyond this is the assertion Christian feminists made

This is a big part of why our birthrates cratered and Islam's didn't. Muslims understand that women serve no purpose beyond having children and they behave accordingly.

>> No.14414687

Yeah and that's the current age of consent in France, I don't get why someone would want it lower. Personally I think 16 or 17 is reasonable.

>> No.14414779

Common people married later, it was only gentry/royalty that married young because of marriage also being a political thing.

>> No.14414969

>corresponding hatred for the sins of those who reject him
Josef Mengele Died at 67 while enjoying his life in Brazil. Stalin died of natural causes age 74. Stephen Fry is 62. Dawkins is 78. Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed but modern cities that have pride parades still stand, etc. etc., ad infinitum

>> No.14415049
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dubs tell the story

>> No.14415061

both 18

>> No.14415352
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This. It's a bureaucratic fetish. Its fulfillment is in envy.
Less regulation (i.e. minimal state) would also solve issues like >>14413636 and >>14413838 and >>14414356 as today law is just an excuse, meaning the opposite of the reasons it was conceived for.
As for >>14413862 all I have to say is that half the population is always more retarded than the average human... and the average human is already not something I would be proud of.
I have spoken.

>> No.14415384

you should still read them, know your enemy etc etc

the left is a bastion of evil, always has been, always will be.

>> No.14415385

Wheres the lie?

>> No.14415388

it should be 12, which doesnt mean all girls should be fucked at 12 years of age, but that should be minimum

>> No.14415396

I'm really glad mass surveillance is becoming a real thing because of people like this.

>> No.14415459

>Less regulation (i.e. minimal state) would also solve issues
Don't need to read the rest to know that you have no real beliefs other than this

>> No.14415618

That doesn’t mean antisemitism risk is a legitimate or acceptable criteria for throwing an author out entirely. Same here. It’s an excuse for ignorance

>> No.14415630

Children aren’t beaten and made to work in factories anymore either. Fucking feminazis!!!

>> No.14415647

Viewpoints like this are just utterly naive. Yes because children can’t be manipulated or threatened easily can they? The law is there because it is impossible to discern honesty with children and their predators

>> No.14415657

I find the pedo arguments quite suspect(especially since girls very recently used to hit puberty at like 16, which makes a lot more sense), but there is literally nothing wrong with corporal punishment and children working.

>> No.14415661


>> No.14415676

honestly a lot of my thoughts on this are fueled by my experience as a teenager. underage, i would go on omegle and seek out people who wanted to see me jerk off. i got off on that and still think back on it pleasantly

>> No.14415679

>I must teach kids of the good stuff! I'm an altruist!
Post this on your Facebook so everyone can see what a good man you are.

>> No.14415685

The keyword here

>> No.14415702

Not every child is an orphan... at least technically.
Also, not only predators are convicted by said crimes. "Predator" implies the active seeking out of a victim. How do you know that the child wasn't the "predator", manipulated by some real predators?
Anyway, what is naive is you pretending there is a magic number, having nothing to do with the individual, that divides what a person can or cannot do.

>> No.14415724

Do better, this is some weak shit.

>> No.14415833

Are you a relative or do they actually pay you to post?

>> No.14415837

>Also, not only predators are convicted by said crimes. "Predator" implies the active seeking out of a victim. How do you know that the child wasn't the "predator", manipulated by some real predators?
Because in many places the law itself states it.

>> No.14415925

>Law states what is true
You are paid with taxpayer money, of that much I can be sure.

>> No.14416157
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>In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.
The way the frenchies describe it is not lowering the age of consent for the youths sake, but for the sake of defending individuals whom knowingly broke the law. A particularly sensitive law put in place due to concerns of abuse, rape, and all other issues that inherently come with adult-minor relations. I simply don’t believe lowering the age of consent below 16 provides any benefit, for both parties. Yes, I’m aware that this is an arbitrary age and for some people the age at which they can make responsible decisions concerning their sexual health might be 15 for some and 18 for others bit a line has to be set.
Pic unrelated but it is an nice critique of banning of clearly underage characters in fiction.

>> No.14416317

>a line must be set
At the moment the line is set at "consent is a matter of a magic number" without regard to the capacity to make responsible decisions. If we are setting up arbitrary barriers, why not set it at a dollar value or at a hierarchical grade? It would be less hypocritical and the current strategy ain't breeding more workers or stoppin child abuse(rs) that's for sure.

You can't expect LAW to somehow educate them. Except by fucking them in the ass. Which was the problem in the first place. Alas, poor orphans!

>> No.14416475
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>people younger than 30 yo can't really consent
>past 30 age isn't optimal for reproduction
Can people ever really consent though, even in maturity? Aren't we all guided by fate, doesn't life itself end up using us for its own purposes? What is a free choice? Can someone acting under the compulsion of a desire give in to it freely? Is resistance the only free act of will?

Women are inherently submissive to men and any healthy relationship works that way, no matter what anyone would like to tell themselves. The woman never really stops being a child and looks to the man for protection, leadership and domination; this is why taking a child bride really makes no difference, and only enables the man to raise a perfect wife, subservient to him from childhood. This is obfuscated by a thousand delusions in the modern world which stem from the weakness of modern men and the general degeneration of everything. The old ways work better for everyone's happiness, and they are the only ways to make life livable in this world, but the new ways illustrate the inherent futility and evil of the entire enterprise. The anti-pedophile witch hunt is hyprocritical because a man taking a bride of 12 years old is really not wrong according to the values of the inquisitors, when they're applied with consistence and delivered to their logical conclusions; but still they revolt because they can't help but see how disgusting it is. It's really not any less disgusting than any conventional marriage, only less obfuscated. The conspicuous foulness of pedophilic relationships makes visible the inherent foulness of all relationships; the revulsion and retreat into ever more lukewarm and twisted compromises on the actuality of conjugal love, and the failure of those compromises, draw out the futility of it all. As all systems in the material world fall to entropy and degenerate the delusory nature of it becomes ever more apparent and difficult to cling to, and the failure to renounce it in devotion to God leads only to ever deeper decline down the spiral. Pathological pedophilia, divorces and broken up homes from delusions about equality in marriage. No one is happy and hardly anyone can still achieve worldly happiness in the current state of things; the degeneration is inevitable, and every separate part breaks down in conjunction with all others, just as understanding of the truth of one part of it arises in conjunction with the understanding of other parts. Systems in nature rely on every part arising and working concurrently and opposites rely on each other.

>> No.14416484
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Life really is all rape and intoxicated unconscious passion. It's born from desire and illusion, lives through them and gives birth through them. Starts with the intoxication of love and pleasure, the forgetful moment of death in the orgasm, starts in the womb where the fetus takes shape through millions of cells growing and dying off, undulating, sculpted by the hand of death. Continues in sustenance from the death of others, uncountable metaphorical births and deaths in its growth, continues the cycle. Life and death are synonymous, like all dualities they swim around in a pointless circle. By giving in to them you continue in causality, duality, physicality, cyclicality. Material existence is a series of gradations of death and unreality, a spiral descending into non-being, a flight into the dark from the eternal consciousness and light of God. The only point is in breaking the cycle, retreating into the Self, breaking the pointed ego and dissolving it into the Self, sacrificing the lesser self to the true one. Freedom is in renunciation, sacrificing the ego on the altar of the Self, breaking off the incestuous relations of ego and anima: the demiurgic fall into and creation of ever deeper simulations. The simulations and cycles of the world are multitudinous, branching off into a fractal spiral of incestuous births, all false and illusory; the Self is One, contained and content in itself, the one and only truth in this world. The choice is between pleasure and austerity, society and solitude, multitude and oneness, illusion and truth, carelessness and virtue, forgetfulness and rememberance, unconsciousness and consciousness; between pointless, cyclical life in death, from death, from delusion and sensory pleasure, headed towards entropy, and eternal life in the Reality of the Self and its subservience to God.

>> No.14416546

Age of consent laws were unnecessary when fornication was a crime. Better times. Now most men are incels and girls cant find husbands they think are worthy.

>> No.14416547
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Society, materialism and sin have their impulse, object and goal in the woman, the heart and soul. Giving in to the worldly other, giving in of the ego to the desires of the soul, brings only a continuation of the cycles of material life. Reason, virtue and the pursuit of truth have their impulse, object and goal in the Self. Renunciation and austerity bring eternal peace and spiritual life in devotion to God. The Self is eternal, still and solitary, singular and whole, the source of opposites, made only to stay in service of God. It's truth, goodness, Reality. The source and objective of the Self is God. The source and objective of the Logos as Christ is God. The source and objective of Logos manifested as human reason and pursuit of truth is the Self. The Self descends into the world from God only to find its way back, as does the ego descend from the Self. The way back for ego is to sacrifice its infatuation with itself, the soul and the children of their union, to sacrifice itself by dissolving into the true Self. The way back for the Self is to let the ego dissolve into itself and to accept its role as a childless child of God.

>> No.14416560
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>> No.14416671
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Tilarna is such primo c*nny btw. If I didn't know it was wrong I'd berry my ego to the hilt.

>> No.14417547
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>> No.14417568

You can still do this. Child marriage is still legal in some states as-long as you have parent’s permission and/or judge approval.

>> No.14417611

>what's social climate
The healthy society that fosters arranged marriage isn't there. Everything is breaking down in conjunction in the Kali Yuga, the breakdown of one system coincides and influences the breakdown of others, all quickening each other. Religion, culture, civilized society and family values, education, governments, environments, people's sanity, all going to shit together.

>> No.14417729

deleuze was not too hot about human rights either, if i get it right, but not for lame ass cliché nullard reasons of course. philosophically speaking they are too restrictive.

>> No.14417773

>wants to diddle kids
>dies of AIDS

its like pottery

Is Focualt the ultimate expression of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" ?

>> No.14418126
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You've got to admit that it is suspicious that they are, without exception, pedos. If was just opne or two, I could take a "well ideas should still be considered evne if the deliverant is morally buasnkrupt"-type line. But when *all* the primary 20thC "leftist theory" types are either, pedos, suicides, or both, it gets hard to not see the whole 'morality is a prison' argument as an excuse to fuck children.

>> No.14418163

The AoC intentionally coincides with public schooling.
Most girls would probably drop out and get pregnant if there were cool 20s dudes cruising around high schools picking up girls

>> No.14418190

>For all of Western history it's normal for girls to marry and have kids as soon as they hit puberty
You'll need to back that up.

>Even questioning it means you hate children
No, it means that you have a vested interest in having sex with children, which the general populace (rightly) finds abhorrent.

>women serve no purpose
Oh, lol, well never mind then, I took the bait, didn't I?

>> No.14419598
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>reddit spacing
>reddit NPC babble
just fuck off, no one cares about you

>> No.14419606

It's all going downhill after 19 desu.

>> No.14419624

>muh white people don't exist

>> No.14420298

Ooo someone's a little cranky, huh?

I'm not so sure we should defer to someone who fawns over simulated, pet-like, children in matters of morality.

I suspect the real reason you're so hot for kids is you don't want to be laughed at for your fumbling inexperience, and lackluster looks?

The world isn't obligated to rearrange itself just because you got left behind.