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14412260 No.14412260 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain how women are opressed in society like feminists claim? Or is this so called patriarchy just a myth?

>> No.14412266

It was a legitimate argument at some but but not anymore. Women have more power than men these days. Watch Marriage Story.

>> No.14412272

the west is not patriarchal anymore

>> No.14412279

No, the majority of feminist literature is a critique Victorian-era womanhood (i.e. kate chopin & virgina woolfe) 3rd wave feminism is more theory based (i.e. judith butler & co.)

>> No.14412280

Browse this site for a day and you will experience a whole plethora of misogyny.

>> No.14412284
File: 633 KB, 1920x2340, 2473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American conservativism isn't patriarchal...

>> No.14412288

What cuck-ass country is that? Faces look weak as fuck.

>> No.14412293

yeah, the entire catalogue of r/twoXchromosomes

>> No.14412300

Also all the men are Semitic.

Why do so many sound like joke names... I mean Ron Wright, come on!

>> No.14412308
File: 147 KB, 927x1433, Thorazine_advert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also all the men are Semitic.
Ask your doctor about possible paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.14412310
File: 14 KB, 157x231, 1577235809601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14412311

>the west
>american conservatism

>> No.14412320

They control the Republican party FACT

>> No.14412323

Conservatism is reactionary though

>> No.14412328

It can be.

>> No.14412335

On one side of the aisle you have literally one woman, and on the other a nearly even 50/50 split. I'm sure this is just a coincidence.

>> No.14412340

it always is. Conservatism is summed up as "things were better before, now is bad." It is always fighting against change and the progression of the world.

>> No.14412345
File: 50 KB, 600x600, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You left out the part that the whole reason for the con game is to cultivate a herd of fearful ignoramuses who vote against their own interests to make the rich richer, because different=bad.

>> No.14412377

But how is that oppression?

>> No.14412406

It's often an imagined before. That's still arguably reactionary. If can also manifest itself as things staying the same, and there may be no reactionary element at all.

>> No.14412415

The problem with conservatism is that it has move to the left. Imagine an aspiring politician in one of progressive countries saying today that he wants to ban gay marriage. His career would be over in a day.
It's way too late to save the western world peacefully. Just get ready for the boogaloo and write down the names and addresses of people who let this happen.

>> No.14412428

>get ready for the boog
>get brapped by an unmanned weapons system using facial recognition and heat sensors withing hours of it popping off
Your best bet is to get right with the Lord anon

>> No.14412820
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>> No.14412850

It is indeed a myth, it used to be real and women were at a disadvantage but anybody who cannot see that modern women have greater advantages than modern men is either deceitful or legitimately mentally retarded

>> No.14412873

>american left wing tranny shits on muh conservatives
>proceeds to deny the enormous power jews have in their republican party
>proceeds to post a big pharma ad for medication that ruined at least two generations of his countrymen
yup, it's an american "leftist" alright

>> No.14412897

It's great you're using this picture because it seems you forgot the foremost oppression system: class

>> No.14412899
File: 14 KB, 303x335, le monk ey russian leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Putin lmao

>> No.14412912

Punished Dan

>> No.14412916

Not true. Conservatism is resistance against further change; reaction is movement to reverse the changes made so far. They are related however.

>> No.14413017

lmao this is the jew runs the media verision retard-lit

>> No.14413099

A decade ago it was possible to argue that the legislative/executive branches of the federal government actually run the country--today it is clear that the bureaucracy, media, and universities will get what they want regardless of who is in Washington

>> No.14413143

>a group of men
anon are you retarded

>> No.14413266

Is that kandyland in the black jacket?

>> No.14413291

Why is the left so obsessed with identity politics?

>> No.14413295


>> No.14413529

Wrong. Conservativism is the idea that "things are okay right now, change might make things not okay". The idea that things were better before is Regressivism.

>> No.14413623

The closest thing the right has to diversity is that guy with the eye patch

>> No.14413643

>If I be elected to congress I promise a bottle o rum every week for each one of ye landlubbers

>> No.14413654

delete that, I don't want the thread pruned

>> No.14413845


>> No.14413858

imagine being this much of a troglodyte

>> No.14413872

At least in the states conservative movements are infested with reactionary nationalists. I don't know how Europe compares

>> No.14413877

All of politics is a shell game though regardless of ideology

>> No.14413896

No. It's pseudo-history.

There's not rigorous analysis whatsoever.

Even the concept of "oppression" is extremely ill-defined. You would think that after more than 100 years those people would have arrived at a moderately scientific and consensual definition of it, but they haven't.

Keep in mind that proving that women have been oppressed would require AT THE VERY LEAST:

1 - scientific conceptual apparatus with extremely rigorous definitions of things which can be measured;
2 - mathematical measurements using the best available data from entire centuries as well as advanced statistical methods.

When even Psychology and Economics often fail to pass the minimum tests required for legitimate scientific research, do you genuinely think that Gender Studies (Gender Studies!) might have passed them?

Of course it hasn't.

>> No.14413909

No one can provide a decent definition of oppression that we can all agree upon.

Most women who were denied the vote in the 19th century didn't see themselves as oppressed. Does this mean they weren't? Both "yes" and "no" are perfectly acceptable philosophical answers, depending on which moral system you decide to work with.

What about men who were forced to fight for their countries? Did they see themselves as oppressed? I don't know. I don't think we have any reliable data, do we?

And what is the cause of oppression? Does it have to be man-made? Can lower life expectancy be considered a form of oppression? Does it have to be made by one man upon *another*? Would a suicide epidemic be a form of oppression? Does it have to involve collective behavior? If so, what types of collectives and how are said collectives to be rigorously delimited, and why not other types, and why not individuals? If an Egyptian man tortures an Eskimo, is it oppression or just ordinary violence?

All of those questions show just how ridiculously ill-defined the concept of "oppression" is.

It is not useful for proper scientific inquiry.

>> No.14413936

>He doesn’t know what qualitative research is
Still going to use your argument for shills

>> No.14414124

Women weren't opressed, poor people were.

>> No.14414134

Yea, one side has quotas

>> No.14414140

This, its all false framing

>> No.14414166

>but what about meeeen
white males are so fragile

>> No.14414168

I don't even disagree with your sentiment but Baumbach is such a retard. Why would you cite any of his work?

>> No.14414202

If you actually want to learn, try reading the second sex.

>> No.14414226

Lol women are sociopaths

>> No.14414241

Aren't all men sociopaths?

>> No.14414251

They can't hide it like women

>> No.14414257


>> No.14414262

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
But judging by the way you phrased your question you don't really seek the truth, you just want some easy answers to appease confirmation bias

>> No.14414267

Ive never gotten why allowing the rich to have more money is voting against my own interests
>tax rich more but they just end up hiding that money like always circumventing the tax
>even if they pay more tax money I will never see that money put to use in any way that will benefit me
but if you look at it this way
>rich keep more of their money and reinvest to create more jobs
which is more in the interest of a party primarily concerned with economic prosperity?

>> No.14414269

Yeah its honestly shocking to me that anyone on this site can say misogyny isn't a thing, just look at the nonstop porn, rape threats, nudes shared without consent, and just general reactionary ideas. But I guess it's mostly brainlets and teens on here anyway

>> No.14414313

reinvesting with democratic accountability vs. accountability only to shareholders, it's really very simple which side benefits you

>> No.14414323

There is just as much hostility towards men on here. Do anything even slightly wrong and youll be called a faggot cuck incel retard.

And on the rest of the internet you're more likely to see people saying 'fuck men' and 'men are trash' than the same thing about women.

>> No.14414324

>democratic accountability
mate atleast give me a serious answer

>> No.14414373

Capitalism only favor cheap labor price. That's why feminism and immigrationism are a thing. Feminist are jealous men have higher wages. So the Capital has a solution: lower men wages, so both male and female have the same wage. In the end, the winner is the Capital.

>> No.14414391

This is why you take the Marxist Feminist pill. There is no bigger exploiter of women than capital.

>> No.14414498

when I shitting and peepee go hard I touch and play

>> No.14414597

>a hero denied by his homeland

>> No.14415919

my diary desu

>> No.14415956

Who cares

>> No.14417294

What if I want to read a book regarding the truth like you say? Is the truth really exploitation through capitalism like everyone else here claims?

>> No.14418090

>Yeah its honestly shocking to me that anyone on this site can say misogyny isn't a thing, just look at the nonstop porn, rape threats, nudes shared without consent, and just general reactionary ideas.
Go to your town's family court and tell me that women don't have power. The only "weapon" men have are saying mean things about them and hacking into their phones to grab their nudes. Men get robbed and have everything taken from them on a daily basis at family courts. If I could trade having a picture of my dick circulating against all the power that women have, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat.

>> No.14418111

>Most women who were denied the vote in the 19th century didn't see themselves as oppressed.
>Almost two thousand fucking twenty (2020)
>Still believing that "voting" is a thing
Élisée Reclus figured it out a hundred and fifty years ago: https://www.marxists.org/subject/anarchism/reclus/voting.htm
And some faggots are still on this bullshit.

As for me, the topic of women is closed: prostitution is a thing, this is the only contact I will ever have with them. At least it's clear exactly how much I'm paying and what I'm getting back. Not dealing with these succubi on a personal level anymore.

>> No.14419070

>read this book by child rapist foid

>> No.14419077

Misogyny =! Oppression you dummy

>> No.14419101

Most likely it is Russia, but first please go look into mirror, bitchbrain.

>> No.14419791

Before apporximately the industrial revolution both men and women were "oppressed" - by nature itself. It is only in the last couple of centuries that we have acheived a mastery over nature. Feminsts analyse history through our current way of living. It's completely retarded.

Back then were was no "career", or news, or politics or media. There was God, your children, famine, smallpox, the plague, war and the monarchy. Women weren't sat at home thinking "I wish I could move to the city and start a career like all the men". They were thinking "Dear god in heaven please let my child survive the winter".

If you could go back to ANY time and place in history and choose to be born as either a man or a woman, if you choose man you are just absolutely retarded. The chance of your life being absolutely brutal is way higher.

>> No.14420906


Ius Vitae Necisque