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14411078 No.14411078 [Reply] [Original]

Where did girardfag go?

>> No.14411085
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>> No.14411257
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I don't know, but we're in desperate need of him.

>> No.14411271
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>> No.14411366
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>tfw you are such a softie that the frog memes break your heart
i'm here. where else would i go? i just have my neuroses on a low simmer because they're pretty much the same ones they were last time. Six Degrees of Nick Land, you know how it is.

reading Deleuze, Nietzsche, all those guys. & the Buddha, who helps a lot.
>he knew peace at last, peace from his own massively inflated sense of self-importance
>sort of. there was really no peace to be had from some things
>but that's not really what Christmas is all about
>so we didn't talk about that

peace & goodwill to anons, all of this.

these are not me, btw.

>> No.14411411
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Get in the Whitehead thread

>> No.14411456

I hate it when conformists try to pretend we're all like them. They're such squares that they have to abstract their conformity onto everyone else, because the alternative is to recognize that THEY'RE the ones forcing themselves to live this way-- which would force them to accept the agency they spend all of their time avoiding.

It's like, even when they're trying to get better, they can't help being whiny "You think you're better than me, but you do it it too!" pieces of shit.

The recognition of the possibility of diversity is the first step towards not being a normie. Not feeling guilty about it and pretending you can only be different if you transcend the atman and join a circlejerk with God, the Buddha, and Freddy N.

>> No.14411490

Where do I get started with Girard? I've only heard of him in reference to Peter Thiel before.

>> No.14411500

And Merry Christmas to you.

>> No.14411530
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kek, i can't right now. it's Christmas Eve. there's family stuff going on

you're in for a treat. Things Hidden is the big one, i'm partial to Battling to the End. The Scapegoat, V&S, Deceit Desire & The Novel are all a-waitin'. you can start anywhere with the boy, depending on what you're into. the reader and Palaver's guide are good places to start.

and to you too mi amigo. peace and superior firepower be with you

>> No.14411537

Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

>> No.14411552
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aye sir. and to you as well

>> No.14411567

>We arent gonna conform


>> No.14411628
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Merry Christmas, it's been a while friend! There's something I want to ask you... have you experienced other episodes of glorious hyper-immersive philosophical rambling such as late last year when you made the cosmostechnics threads? To you was it like being absolutely posessed by philosophical inquiry, an irresistible flow?

I just experienced a period of mad rambling myself from September 20th to late November, as I have periodically through the last ten years, interrupted by periods of slow digestion and research. The climax of my latest episode is pretty much summarized in terms of feels in this wonderful video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmwXkJV_B-w

>> No.14411724

Do you have a PDF/EPUB/etc of Things Hidden? I've looked everywhere and found nothing.

>> No.14411735


>> No.14412515


>> No.14412552

I killed him!

>> No.14412564
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hello good sir

i have a kind of running journal that goes on 24/7. once upon a time i dreamed of turning it into a publishable work of genre fiction, but then i realized whatever it was was going to go way beyond anything that could be contained in a monomyth form. then i strongly considered graduate school for philosophy, but still my mind was just changing all the time, and i was continually discovering new guys to learn about. and at a certain point i just sort of began creating my own private radio station on paper, listening to the sound of my own weird thoughts...and that was what led me to /lit/ to share some of that craziness. and so Cosmotech was born.

and it's still fucking going! that's the craziest part...it doesn't seem to me like i am anywhere near finished the adventure. if anything, coming and hosting a Land-influenced Tea Party only confirmed that, in fact, there were many others having the same weird suspicions about the nature of the world today also. even before the Mighty Cruffitan it was a genuine pleasure to have encountered people on this very board who were already posting the same thoughts i was thinking, which is just about the most wonderful feeling ever, if you are into this stuff: that shared bewilderment, the beautiful moments of aporia.

so of course i have loads of other stuff to talk about, or ramble about. but building up to that had been about a year or so of haunting Land threads, and i had just accrued a huge pile of tumblr pics, and i also just like sharing electronic music. so it all turned into a kind of wonderful potlatch, for setting all kinds of things on fire. it may happen again at some point, who knows? sometimes you just kind of find yourself in the mood for that stuff, you really need to just shout and go on a holy tear like a lunatic. like a fire sale for the unconscious, i guess...

it's good for people like us, and necessary, i think. i have a strong sense that most philosophy is, in a way. you just have to affirm that it's not all in your head, or not entirely in your head, or that the parts that are in your head are wired in to yet other heads, and so on. a big beautiful circuit of weirdness, a wonderful sublimated mystery. there may be more at some point...but it's more like jazz, or improv theatre, than serious philosophy. you just hit a couple of the right notes and that's enough. then try it again later on.

i do not! hard to believe it's not on libgen.

it's all true. merry christmas!

nice work, keep it up

>> No.14412620
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i think i read some of your rambles recently also. it's definitely fun when you feel genuinely intoxicated by an idea. as for the video...i mean, why not? why not fire on all cylinders? there's nothing there Whitehead would disapprove of.

>was it like being absolutely posessed by philosophical inquiry, an irresistible flow?
yeah. i'm sure you know the feel, when you just have too many things going on at once and you have to try and corral them into sentences, and then somehow get them out through a teeny little keyhole brain? it's like that. or when you are already anticipating responses to things, and trying to be in nine different places at once...but the crazy thing is, it's really not so unusual. most people i think have all kinds of ridiculous anxieties, with all kinds of terra incognita inside them. i was fortunate enough to get into a fine IRL conversation the other day with a Heidegger guy who was familiar with Deleuze, Bataille, all that stuff. and it's a relief when people already know the Matrix-like nature of life.

he reminded me that psychedelics really are the answer, btw. we were laughing about the idea of a Matrix which only consisted of a single red pill - rather than featuring, say, some guy wearing a sandwich board who Neo encounters along the way, who has taken a red pill for Neo's red pill...an entire labyrinth of pills, going all the way up and down. that is to say, maybe the red pill that Neo received was the pill that he actually *wanted* - because it is equally plausible that a true Matrix might also contain a theoretically infinite number of pills, until it becomes truly impossible to know for certain whether one is in the Matrix or not, which level of the Matrix one is on...rather like inception. but with more drugs.

More Drugs seemed to be a recurrent theme, anyways. but yes. it was kind of inquiry, but just kind of a deep frustration, or just a desperation. you can only compress ideas so long into preposterously academic-sounding speech, and then you just eventually want to begin bashing away on percussion instruments because who gives a fuck. i guess that's my style of doing things: more Subway Busker than orchestra musician. Justin Murphy said something similar as well, that it was quite liberating to review books without the pressure of trying to play the role of Serious Academic. i guess i can relate to that feeling, in my own way.

but i can barely live with my own inner monologue anyways. it's like what Yudkowsky said, when someone asked him why he wrote fiction. he said, 'well, i tried *not* writing it, and that didn't work.' that's the best answer i've heard. i feel similarly. and i'm not half as interesting as he is. sometimes you just gotta air it out. there are no real hard and fast rules or schedules for this stuff.

>> No.14413103
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>you can only compress ideas so long into preposterously academic-sounding speech, and then you just eventually want to begin bashing away on percussion instruments because who gives a fuck. i guess that's my style of doing things: more Subway Busker than orchestra musician.

I relate to my engagements with this thousand-headed conversation in similar terms, as a performance, an activity, and what started my recent episode on September 20th was abandoning the audience of the present (including myself) categorically and directing my writing and activities to a hypothetical recipient of a far-future that is completely removed from everything presently situated. To become wholly-futuristic, a living contemporary of a far-future, a mental time-traveler who is out of time in the present. This resulted in a huge surge of inspiration that resulted in doubtlessly a few books' worth of rambling madness, strongly related to the concept of the Great Filter and the approach and engagement with it as the most audacious, risky, improbable daredevil stunt that an organism can engage in. To commit to it 100%, to risk everything in pursuit of this wild pipe-dream and the horizon past it that is so extremely different from present experience as to be utterly unfathomable. Only someone completely insane would attempt such a thing, to deny all evidence of impossibility and failure and just fucking fly towards it. This daredevil sense also found an inspirational anthem that is American as fuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA47bIg2HQo


>> No.14413916

Merry Christmas I think you're wonderful

>> No.14413954

GIRARD DONT LEAVE! Tell me what I should do with my life! Tell me I’m doing a good job! Tell me you love me! tarnasfag btw merrychristmas

>> No.14413959
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Wait also Im working on playlist for cosmotechnics I went through every YouTube video and song suggested in all of the generals every single one, listened to all the artists too and their best songs. It’s not even close to finished of course and it’s spread across two playlists


>> No.14413999
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Also fuck you Girardfag, you should have recommended me 12 Rules for Life but now I'm barreling down this water slide just because I got excited that I was tall enough to ride it, with a big shit streak following behind me and my middle school crush watching in horror. This is all your fault. I am but Hethor,
>M-m-master," Hethor said, "you can have no idea how much t-t-trouble, how much deadly loss and difficulty we have had in overtaking you across the mountains, across the wide-blown seas and c-c-creaking plains of this fair world. What am I, your s-slave, but an abandoned sh-shell, the sport of a thousand tides, cast up here in this lonely place because I cannot r-r-rest without you? H-how could you, the red-clawed master, know of the endless labor you've cost us?"

I'm changing my name from tarnasfag to hethorfag

>> No.14414348

I think an English digital version doesn't exist and no one tried to scan its physical copy yet

>> No.14414997

its been 4 decades now can one of you faggots just do it already

>> No.14415048

love you miss you <3

>> No.14415070
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>He clutched his cap and said, "I am the slave of my master, far-traveled, m-m-map-worm Hethor am I, dust-choked and doubly deserted," looking at me all the while with bright, deranged eyes, like one of the Chatelaine Lelia's hairless rats, rats that ran in circles and bit their own tails when one clapped one's hands.
>I was so disgusted by the sight of him, and so concerned about Jonas, that I left at once and went back to the spot where we had slept.

>> No.14415410

lern french u lazy fuck

>> No.14415737


>> No.14416209
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merry christmas to you also kind sir

hethorfag, once tarnasfag, i dub thee a knight of radical empiricism and wish you godspeed and good luck in the great beyond. the Cosmotech playlists are supercool, i can't wait to put those on soon and maybe go back and read some old stuff again

and because you're breaking my heart with the Weeping Quasimodo picture, i would also remind you that in LotR it is in fact Gollum who gets the ring into Mount Doom at the end. this is to say that in the great clash between good and evil it is in fact the indestructible mutant-outsider who does a fair bit of heavy lifting in the resolution of the story. i don't think any of us escape looking into the Great Eye of Capitalism - like the eye of an Elder One, but stupid and shortsighted, like Epimetheus - without something of it staring back. and even Nietzsche wishes suffering for all of us.

but that picture of Quasimodo bawling on the stairs is unironically giving me the feels. that's such a sad image! and while relatable, it's much too sad. i'll be hoping for more singing and acrobatics in the rafters for you rather than things like that! or perhaps something more like pic rel, in the long run. Crying Quasimodo is too much to bear! but thank you once again for making those wonderful playlists too.

take care anon

>> No.14416359

picked up girard's book and realized it was written in a retarded interview format
immediately trashed it
didn't come to read some retarded platonic dialectical dialogue

>> No.14416362
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Dear lord, dear lord! O lords and mistresses of creation! M-m-master has returned!
>i would also remind you that in LotR it is in fact Gollum who gets the ring into Mount Doom at the end
Agreeable insights like these are why you are my source of *mimetic desire* (did I use that term correctly? I just watched a Girard interview while I ate hot wings, alone, on Christmas)

>or perhaps something more like pic rel
if anything Harold sounds more like you, at the end of it all, with a cult around you whether you like it or not, begging to die! but as you wish, sieur

If you care just keep an eye on the cosmo#15 playlist, that's the one i'll be expanding and putting everything in, it's just really hard to get the *feeling* and *order* right. I think starting and ending with the roots is important. Anyway, not to keep you, m-m-master, merry christmas! Glad you're around! Come again!

>> No.14416369

He became a Buddhist, and to show he was serious, he said he will stop posting on /lit/ and left.

>> No.14416389
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Finally, you're back! I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever read pic related, and wanted to know you're thoughts on it. Given the the topics discussed in the book, I think you would really enjoy it.

>> No.14416887
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i shit you not that bawling Quasimodo was sitting with me all afternoon and i felt miserable. even the frog memes get me now. this is the danger in trying to mine your own unconscious for hot takes on capitalism: it basically strips away all the layers of defensive crustiness away, like tooth enamel, and you wind up being a gigantic sentimental mess about everything. kind of funny how it works like that, but it seems to be the case...anyways ty very kindly, once again, for that Cosmotech playlist! i haven't assembled my playlist for a while, just kind of had tons of stuff open on YouTube all the time while i was posting back when. i don't know if Blue Boy made it on to your tracklist, but that one got fairly heavy rotation also. here it is:

Blue Boy: Remember Me

if i think of any others that are especially thematic i'll stick them in here, or in another thread. someday. w/ev. i think the one by Fluke was particularly good. this track is depressing as hell but sometimes that is where the story goes too

Massive Attack: Splitting the Atom

i will have to strongly consider putting together one more installment of Cosmotech in the new year just to make sure i don't get the Bawling Quasimodo again. i don't think i could take it! just don't hold your breath, okay? these things run on their own schedule...

i needed a break. even now i'm not prepared for being Super Online as before. but i'm always orbiting around here somewhere.

aye, i've had that one on my radar. i read a little Iranian philosophy some time ago, catching up on my Tradition and so on. that guy is interesting for sure. but i haven't taken the plunge yet, so no interesting thoughts atm.

anyways. i'm still alive, just not steadily posting as before. if i assemble my bucketful of Space Eels into something that feels cool enough to share on the beloved forum, rest assured it will happen. until then god be with you and may you all find your way into the Buddha's Palm, wherever you are. bless & good vibes, all that good stuff. especially you, hethorfag. and you too, Aminom. and Mystikos, all you marvelous fiends.

>> No.14417033

>platonic dialectical dialogue
Socrates in the dialogues is funny though.

>> No.14417103
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no need to respond (as im always going to) but,
>i shit you not that bawling Quasimodo was sitting with me all afternoon and i felt miserable.
>it basically strips away all the layers of defensive crustiness away
I feel pity for you, Master, seeing you walk with it on your shoulder so. It must be very heavy.

>blue boy
>massive attack
yes! i'm not sure why blue boy wasn't on there, i have promptly put that on Core Dump. setback has been on there, and im considering other fluke songs. i remember the teardrop massive attack video being described in a comment on an earlier general but no video was actually linked i think so i didn't bother. splitting the atom has been added though! i want cosmo#15 to have a discoherent congruence, but congruence nevertheless, so some cosmotech songs might not make it on there. like there was one DJ Krush song with that wave woodblock print picture on youtube that you linked a few times, but i thought Onomatop by Him was more *cosmotech* so i substituted that. although i dont want to be too dismissive of *other* feelings so ill reconsider those decisions later, you are the Master after all,
>And my master, dark master, death's victory, viceroy over the n-night!

>just to make sure i don't get the Bawling Quasimodo again
>especially you, hethorfag.

>> No.14417108

He's the mastermind behind the Guenon threads.