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14411451 No.14411451 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14411492

C'mon cunts you've had to have read this shit, gimme your THOTS

>> No.14412477

One of my favorite sci-fi books for the cyberspace stuff alone.

>> No.14412490
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I got u senpai

>> No.14412527

Love it. I need to buy the other 2 books.

>> No.14412548

I thought it was good, I was pleasantly surprised with the worldbuilding and character progression. I've noticed a lot of the book is also in Snow Crash- and I think Snow Crash is a satire of Neuromancer.

I also think Riviera isn't relatable at all.

>> No.14412581

Loved it, but hard to follow. I get that Case is out of his mind most of the time, but the entire last act is a complete blur to me. I don't get why they had to get that Brazilian guy if he was going to betray them at first notice, or what 3-Jane's deal or plan was. She didn't seem particularly bothered by the gang breaking in.

>> No.14412624

The sci fi general hates it

>> No.14412632

It's a but overrated but sffg is trash

>> No.14412647
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>I feel..
>..greater sincerity.

>> No.14412902

I liked it but thought it was kind of a slog towards the end and some of the character development is corny. still some cool imagery and pretty essential scoff

>> No.14413135

this book is not describing a 'genre' you plebs. reminder he wrote this before the internet. well before the colored gui.

>> No.14413168

I prefer the paperback original.

>> No.14413276

It was good, I enjoy books that give you a sense of the protagonist through a unique writing style. With Neuromancer the way the descriptions flow sets the tone both for Case and the type of scene he operates in. It really pulls you into the book, you can't read it and not feel the right way. Heinlein's a master of this strategy too.

The end is crazy because Tessier-Ashpool mansion is an absurdist escher house. Case puts everything unimportant to the side, which leaves a lot of weird stuff poorly described.
I think 3Jane doesn't actually want to stop Wintermute from contacting Neuromancer. The Tessier-Ashpools want wintermute and neuromancer to combine and form the super-AI because they created the whole scenario. They're fighting back against wintermute as hard as they can because they have to legally, but 3Jane is a little unstable so she just gives in.
I read Neuromancer a while back though so that explanation might be wrong.

>> No.14413544

Is Riviera psychic? I feel like everytime Riviera is in the scene the book throws reason out and vomits on me some nonsense monster shit. i can't tell if Riviera can turn into a monster or if he can genjutsu the people around him to see what he wants them to see.

So does everyone have retinal AR implants that he can hack, or something? And what kind of drugs does he do? Explain Riviera and his obsession with Molly.

>> No.14413625

I got a boner when the girl fucked Case.

>> No.14413937

It's explained that Riviera has had a lung removed and replaced with a holographic projector. He can generate holograms, and even focus the lasers to burn out the bodyguards eyes. How the lasers get from inside his chest into the outside world I don't know. You could handwave it away by saying the implant uses strong magnetic fields to manifest lasers in the air on demand using some undiscovered property of the atmosphere around us.

>> No.14414533

dude wrote a pretty good sf novel, given that he had no experience at all with computers.

>> No.14414535

>I also think Riviera isn't relatable at all.

he's not supposed to be.

>Is Riviera psychic?

no. he's there to provide Burroughs-esque color.

>> No.14414539
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>> No.14414553

Look underage
Coooming anyway

>> No.14414578

I love this book. I think one of the BEST parts about going back and reading old science fiction is comparing the author's predictions to what was to come...hence why I think "We" is such a fascinating book to read.

Neuromancer has kind of a mediocre story, and I can tell he wants it to fit into the NEUROMANCER EXPANDED UNIVERSE, which I think really hinders it since the book just kinda "ends." I think there's enough content there otherwise for it to exist on its own...and Gibson coudl have explored the ramifications of the new AI in a few chapters vs maybe just dumping it in a new book. That being said, everything else in the book was great. Gibson explores a lot of cyberpunk concepts that we just take as common to have in the 21st century, and it's a really fascinating book to imagine yourself reading when it came out. I really loved reading about the nightlife aspects of this book. That's always where society will take inventions because we're always a bunch of degenerates. Turning yourself into a mindless fuckdoll for a few hours? Yeah, let's do it

>> No.14414666

Literally how can you look at this picture and not want to rape them and then kill them afterwards for being a disgrace to humanity. Literally impossible

>> No.14414675

>disgrace to humanity
on the contrary, this is what humanity is all about. i would like to come in them as many times as i possibly can, and risk everything else in the process

>> No.14414690

They are showing off their near naked bodies for anyone to see. They probably aren't monogamous or interested in raising a strong Christian family. They have no sense of the ideal or the sublime.

>> No.14414814

>permastoned rastas can maintain space stations

>> No.14414946

Why should psycopath be relatable?

>> No.14415434

if you like it check out grid linked

>> No.14415443

Holy shit, the blonde.

I’m slightly disgusted that I can find these thots arousing.

>> No.14415497

you are right but imagine the smell

>> No.14415520

Gibson stated that he has no idea how computers work, but knows how humans react so thats what really at the heart of his stories

>> No.14416321

Friendly reminder that Gibson uses a Mac

>> No.14417115

Literally finished it today. I fucking loved it. Looking forward to getting into the next two.

>> No.14417153
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I would love to see adaptations of all three stories, but I know they would fuck it up somehow. The end of Neuromancer alone would be an amazing headfuck.

>> No.14417160

>She didn't seem particularly bothered by the gang breaking in.
She didn't care, that's part of her characterization, she's so ludicrously above the situation and everyone in it she simply doesn't care and only entertains Riviera for example only insofar as he amuses her, the culmination of which amusement is his failed plot and death.

>Explain Riviera and his obsession with Molly.
He was obsessed with women, iirc he had some fetish for earning their trust and betraying them. I think he just sensed how much Molly hated him because of this and wanted to fuck her and fuck with her even harder on account of it.

>> No.14417179
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>"He never saw Molly again."

>> No.14417184

>She didn't care, that's part of her characterization, she's so ludicrously above the situation and everyone in it she simply doesn't care and only entertains Riviera for example only insofar as he amuses her, the culmination of which amusement is his failed plot and death.
It's also worth mentioning there's 2 parts to this, one is her superiority in the social hierarchy, 3Jane is richer than god and comes from old nobility, but there's also the 2nd element to her aloofness, she's probably fairly insane too from all the weird shit that entails her genetically and cryogentically manipulated existence. If memory serves she was basically the result of scientifically managed inbreeding.

>> No.14417197
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This is what made soured Neuromancer for me in the end, what the fuck did any of it matter ultimately? Case risked life and limb for Molly and you walk away from it feeling she manipulated him, which may very well have been the idea the entire time. It was very strange how readily she started fucking him in the beginning but in the end it made perfect sense.

>> No.14417203

They do nothing for me, at best I am slightly disgusted by them. I actually envy zoomers who don't know what it means to be oversexed yet.

>> No.14417205

I can't decide whether or not the initial Wintermute encounters were creepier than the Neuromancer encounter.

>> No.14417225

I didn't get the impression that she manipulated him. Molly comes across as the type of character that is reluctant to settle and attach herself to someone after what happened to Johnny. Probably didn't want to go through that pain again so she cut her ties.

>> No.14417228

Gibson predicted ghosting!

>> No.14417241

The AIs were a lot creepier before Case fully confronted them and "fleshed" them out imo. If anything Neuromancer was a disappointment
>dude I killed your girlfriend lmao
>here's a copy of her to keep you company in eternal limbo so just give up
Yeah, whatever.

>> No.14417252

They aren't as good.

>> No.14417262

Still worth reading though. And I'd say Mona Lisa Overdrive is nearly as good.

>> No.14417298

>give up and stay in an eternal prison with shitty food, nowhere to go and a construct of the woman you rejected and failed to save
That was my take on it. Pretty much played on Case's guilt and emotional denial. That would drive me fucking nuts.

>> No.14417314

Is Angie Mitchell basically Lain if Lain were a sim-stim idol?

>> No.14417350

>It was called dub, a sensuous mosaic cooked from vast libraries of digitalized pop; it was worship, Molly said, and a sense of community.
Gibson anticipated vaporwave.

>> No.14417362

Nigga, dub has existed since the 1960s. It's an off-shoot of reggae.

>> No.14417372

is this the chick from the mummy movie?

>> No.14417375

O shit.

>> No.14417391

Maelcum is best waifu.

>> No.14417684

I've got some bad news for you anon

>does nothing but go dude weed lmao the whole time

>> No.14417693

I admired his willingness to help out, despite him being a bit shit at defending himself.

>> No.14417800

Even psychopaths operate on a moral code, in fact the defining characteristic of a psychopath is "too logical." They'll reason that western world is going to shit because of feminism or sluts or whatever so they'll take to killing them. Or they'll fuck them because they like sex but hate earning it.

They all get something out of it, but Riveira doesn't seem to get anything out of it at all outside of some hand-wavey Judas syndrome.

>> No.14418102

> Rasta with a shot gun risks life to help Case infiltrate some crazy ass maze of a mansion because zion elders have a hunch that it'd be a good idea.

The story is kind of carried along by alot of absurd happenings. It comes off as a bit corny

>> No.14418107

They were hired by Wintermute.

>> No.14418197

Gibson also is a self admitted idiot when it comes to computers.

>> No.14418281
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Here's your Molly, bro.

>> No.14418289


>> No.14418305
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>> No.14418470

I absolutely hated Neuromancer.

>> No.14418578

Nobody cares.

>> No.14418595

OP wanted thoughts, and that's my thought. Deal with it.