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/lit/ - Literature

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14409289 No.14409289 [Reply] [Original]

>stop playing videogames for the most part
>read iliad and other highly praised fiction
>it's just videogames all over again but a different flavor
Did I get pranked? It made my hobby also less socially acceptable and it's much harder to find people to discuss this stuff with.

>> No.14409298

no it isn't you fuckin retard

>> No.14409302

rotten brain

>> No.14409309

That's why you read theory and not ancient capeshit which was orated by drunkards and coomers

>> No.14409326

>he started with the greeks
yes you got pranked. the illiad is just self-insert Marvel Universe. play videogames instead

>> No.14409327

You shouldn't listen to anyone who's enough of a failure to be on this website

>> No.14409346

read Storm of Steel for call of duty experience.

>> No.14409351

ONLY read for enjoyment, anon. Literature is unique in the way it can describe things, but that's an aesthetic. Even philosophy mostly contains expanded shower thoughts after delving deeper into it. If you enjoy reading, keep going with it, otherwise find another hobby or go back to videogames. Don't become a sophist, who reads for fake intellectualism.

>> No.14409354
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Gesamtkunstwerk: games are underappreciated, our system destroyed the image and purpose of this interesting medium. There are things to explore in certain video games that can't be found in books but you have to discover the beautiful ones, there is so much shit out there.

>> No.14409364

It seems it is just your brain using what it is used to in your new experiences.
I was a full fucking weeb in highschool and I swear when I stopped that and started reading I could only picture the characters and scenes in my head as an anime.
It gets better with time anon.

>> No.14409372

I'm telling you to kys teenager

>> No.14409375

>I could only picture the characters and scenes in my head as an anime.
Watch a fucking movie you slob.

>> No.14409390

Read books that tie to movies so you can keep your reading hobby and be the guy in your friend group who always knows how the book is different.

Everyone knows that guy reads so it makes it seem normal when your normies friends find out you read old books too.

As an added bonus of this, movie books are usually either short because they were made specifically for the movie, or books that were good enough to have their film rights purchased.

>> No.14409392

Wtf does that have to do with anything?

>> No.14409403

Dude no. Keep that power. I wish I could mentally convert books to anime movies. That's like the pinnacle of based.

>> No.14409412

>Did I get pranked?
No, you need to get into the wisdom of the book.

>> No.14409418

hey neoliberal slave, different propaganda in a healthy world has the potential to create "gaming" elite high culture (also different words for it) which also exists right now but not for the filthy masses or chosen ones, except some outcasts

>> No.14409441

It means you shouldn't see books in any way other than their own art form prescribes. But use a movie to fix the weabism.

>> No.14409458

>calls me a neoliberal slave
>is a consuumer of video games(not even better ones) and big tiddy anime girls
Begone pubescent. Vidya is entertainment at best.

>> No.14409477
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>reading isn't entertainment, stop comparing it to videogames you stupid stupid child, I said stop

>> No.14409492
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So what is the Dark Souls of literature, fellow gaymers

>> No.14409545

Anything that's just above your reading skill

>> No.14409845

Show me a video gay with a based verse like the illiad

>> No.14409954

Thematically and aesthetically: the Aeneid, the Worm Ouroboros, and most of all, Book of the New Sun.

>> No.14409972

Good post

>> No.14410840

This, I even get psycho'ed when reading the Iliad and even imagined an opening for it as it was from Jojo's.

>> No.14410859

It was fixed years ago I was telling the guy about my similar experience when I was a weeb.

>> No.14410875
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Sadly true, you get better discussion of literature and philosophy even on fagReddit. Though I will say 4chan is more entertaining.

>> No.14410885

>I was a full fucking weeb in highschool and I swear when I stopped that and started reading I could only picture the characters and scenes in my head as an anime
God damn that's pathetic. I hope your recovery has been going well.

>> No.14410896

Did I mention it was full of racist, sexist, homophobic people who were effectively demonized?

This thread specifically got me thinking that maybe I was wrong to think I wasn't a bigot. I don't agree that trolls are a problem, but I did think there was a possibility they could be a problem in the long run. There are at least 3 ways to cut down on trolls

>> No.14410904

Dead Souls by Nikolai "Miyazaki" Gogol

>> No.14410909

Its over now thank God. Now I can't enjoy any anime not even ocasionally, the pace and cliche noises/face expressions fucking kill me.

>> No.14410934
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That's understandable, trannies, feminists, minorities, and Democrats have twitter. The opposite should have a place for them to dwell as well, but when every board is infected with this fucking nonsense. Where the content is mostly race, sexuality, and politics on every fucking board, even fucking boards you wouldn't think such content would dwell in. It gets real taxing on the soul, when you just want some literature recommendations or to read a spooky story.

I still think 4chan is the best social media site right now and for people who want to truly speak their mind and to not pussyfoot around it hard topics.