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14407699 No.14407699 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related any good? What exactly is it about? Does it appeal to any hermetic beliefs?

>> No.14407704

It's just hippie-feels good-trust yourself bro-type soma.

>> No.14407708

>Does it appeal to any hermetic beliefs?
Yes. Basically, it's an occult book which offers various exercises which are believed to help expand your consciousness. I'd recommend it along side works like
Info Psycology by Leary
Principia Discordia by Thornley
Undoing Yourself by Hyatt
Abrahadabra by Orpheus

>> No.14407711

That's not true though.

>> No.14408302

It's really not.

>> No.14408340
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Yes. It focuses on exercises that are intended to relieve one of the default assumptions and mindsets one is raised with because it seeks to 'awaken' one to become a conscious being. It's one of the more well-known works of 20thC Occultism so the subjects within it are at least tangentially related to Hermeticism but it is not an explicitly Hermetic text.

>> No.14408353

start reading

>> No.14408359

Did anyone actually find a coin from doing the first exercise?

>> No.14408401

>Yes. Basically, it's an occult book which offers various exercises which are believed to help expand your consciousness But dont do shit.
Finished that for you.

>> No.14408693

came to ask this. It's been almost a month and I haven't, though I have to admit, when I'm on the street I usually forget about the damn coin

>> No.14408871

>undoing yourself
fucking based, my man

>> No.14409555

It's trash for dumbass pre-internet druggies

>> No.14409768

It's an intro to the 8 circuit model of consciousness. Look up the Wikipedia article if you're interested.
Really good book.

>> No.14409807

what all is this about

>> No.14410178

there are some exercises in every chapter, on the end of the first one, one of the exercises is to try and find a specific coin, depending on your currency. You have to really focus on it and believe you'll find it and whatnot

>> No.14410248
File: 912 KB, 291x316, inter-dimensional wizard pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't. You added your own ending. They actually work if you do them right. You likely know this, but work for the CIA, tasked with going around convincing others that such things don't actually work. Or perhaps you're one of the many who live in fluoridated water areas, or are experiencing television and phone induced psychic attacks.
Yes. I found an exact copy of my visualized dime. With the little black dot and everything. I found a few other quarters too. You really got to believe. You got to search for a while, but it happens.
One of the recommended exercises is to imagine a coin. Then go out and look for coins on the ground. Then sometimes you actually find it. Is it coin-icidence? Maybe. But I personally have had success with it. I really actually beleive it's more effective if you think it's magic instead of coincidence or confirmation bias

>> No.14410279

Read like 3/4 of the book and stopped. Didnt really enjoy it desu. Too much outdated pseudo science.
Just go read scientific articles and philosophy books

>> No.14410826

I imagined i would find a million dollar bill and i did

>> No.14410877
