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14407385 No.14407385 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question that, I believe, Jung has thought and wrote about. If anyone here is knowledgeable in Jungian psychology, I would greatly appreciate their answer.

For some unknown reason, I identify myself very much with The Wise Old Man archetype. My role models are, among others, the Buddha and Socrates. I see my purpose in life to attain wisdom whatever the costs.

This is so much so that I feel my youthful figure does not accurately represent my inner self (though I pay it no mind). What is more, I abstain from traditionally youthful activities, and in particular, avoid any kind of sexual contact, as I see them as a direct threat to this self-image.

I have read somewhere that Jung believed this self-identification is dangerous for the psyche. I tried finding the source of this claim to no avail.

Is that true? What Jung has said about this?

>> No.14407416

You said that you don't know why you identify with that archetype, so I would start by asking yourself why that is. Then ask yourself what is the dark side, or shadow, of that archetype.

>> No.14407425

Both of you assume that Jung isn't full of shit

>> No.14407441
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I don't assume that Jung isn't full of shit; I know he isn't because I've read his work.

>> No.14407495

Rumi is overrated, and the translations most popular in USA from Coleman Barks are pretty bad.

>> No.14407558

>why you identify with that archetype
I am aware of my shadow, as it has emerged at times when I was in unfortunate circumstances. But I am thinking about this question and cannot find an answer. The only thing I can say is that it has been there since I was very young.

Even as a child, I remember thinking I was more mature than my peers and acting more like an adult. How could I find the cause of it? And is this something possibly dangerous that I should be worried about?

>> No.14407567

You're not a real sage like myself. You are in fact infantile and lack true self-awareness. I am better than Buddha, Socrates, and Rumi, and if you were wise, you would become my disciple. I can give you a throwaway email and put you through rigorous mystical exercises to awaken to the true nature of reality.
However, if my training works, is it okay if you give me some monetary compensation? It's just 3-4 weeks.

>> No.14407582

Anon, please. I'm not here to LARP. Nor am I so delusional to think I'm actually a sage. I'm just genuinely concerned that this might be unhealthy for my psyche.

>> No.14407589

lol jung is the pinnacle of humanistthought and the guy has jsut created the idea that all religions talk about the same thing. it is pure trash. Humanists are always sterile.

>> No.14407591

I'm not LARPing or delusional. Why do you underestimate my level of wisdom and intelligence? I am serious when I say I am better than Socrates, Buddha, and Rumi.
If you want to improve your psyche, the best thing you can do is become my disciple. All I need is 3-4 weeks of your time, and your utmost devotion to my mystical practice guidelines.

>> No.14407605

post reading list

>> No.14407610
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I'm not a psychologist but my intuition is this: feeling like you are more mature or more intelligent than your peers is not uncommon at all. On some level I suspect many people feel this way. So the question you should then ask is why do you feel the need to identify with the wise old man?

You said in your other post that you identify with the wise man's celibacy and love of wisdom. Well the flip side of these characteristics would be lack of intimacy and coldness towards people. Someone who is celibate also isn't experiencing the spiritual/emotional connection of sex, and someone who loves wisdom can often find himself loving wisdom more than he loves people. You may want to consider that you identify with this archetype not because of his positive characteristics, but because of his negative ones. Again, I don't know you personally but I would say that you may be emotinally stunted in some way and you are coping with it by telling yourself "I'm not bad at intimacy and sexual expression, I'm just too wise and mature to need such things." I hope this is pointing you in the right direction. Take your time and keep your chin up, friend.
And make sure to ignore this faggot >>14407567.

>> No.14407612

I don't want to unveil the secrets of my practice because others might steal it. However, I am willing to train any disciple if he or she is willing to follow my guidelines for 3-4 weeks. If no results occur in 3-4 weeks, then that means I failed in my objective.

>> No.14407616

Don't listen this man, he is trying to corrupt you. There is no flip-side to real wisdom and being a celibate sage. In fact, celibacy is preferred for real mystical traditions. This man is secretly a worshiper of the blackness of transgression.

>> No.14407630

I'm still processing what you said but I believe it was actually helpful. Thank you, friend.

>> No.14407633

You think it's helpful because you're a poseur and not truly wise. I have seen many of your type. You were never old in spirit like myself. I could have truly helped you awaken to something great, but you chose to be arrogant and ignore my lending hand.

>> No.14407646

you are larping, go out, have "sexual contact", get drunk, wathever, you'll gain more wisdom, just don't stop searching.

>> No.14407649

Don't listen to these people. They are corrupting you.

>> No.14407705

>Jung believed this self-identification is bad for the psyche

No clue, but I don't doubt it. Statistics show we are likely to type ourselves incorrectly. But more importantly, you can't be a wise sage without putting yourself through real life nonsense. Sorry bud, but you're trying to cheat your way through the hero's journey. Go screw up in the real world. Laugh, cry, want to kill yourself, etc. It's all part of the process.

>> No.14407721

Why do you keep spreading lies and deceit? Holy shit. This is unbelievable. Do not listen to these people!
>you can't be a wise sage without putting yourself through real life nonsense
This is utterly false. I can point the path of purity, truth, and order. There is no need to waste time with filth, chaos, and lies. Do not party. Do not do anything decadent. Do not listen to these people! They are try to make you do transgressive stuff and blacken your heart.
>Go screw up in the real world.
No. You don't want to screw up. What kind of advice is this? You are like a sexual predator monk or something. You are a sleazy hypocrite.
>want to kill yourself
Wtf kind of advice is this? You are r9k level degeneracy.
>It's all part of the process.
How can you know the process when you don't have a shred of wisdom unlike myself? All of the advice you gave will lead him astray and into the seedy underbelly of society.
Listen to me instead. Become my disciple.

>> No.14407726

How much money are you asking for?

>> No.14407728

That part was a joke, but I am serious about an actual mystical path. You can email me at sraoshaincarnate@gmail.com .

>> No.14407737

So how is that artistic-philosophical project of yours going? Have you found a publisher yet?

>> No.14407754

The social media presence for my artwork is growing people (~10,000), but that doesn't seem sufficient in persuading literary agents to represent me.

>> No.14407763

And you expect people to believe some faggot who rants about Jews subverting him on Japanese cartoon boards is wiser than Socrates and the Buddha? Consider me your disciple.

>> No.14407769

Bless your heart

>> No.14407770

I mean, just do statistical analyses on Guide to Literary Agents. I have the 2018 edition. Most of the agents are overwhelmingly Jewish or female, and they ask for LGBTQ+ and inclusive diversity themes.

>> No.14407801

OP here. I would like to thank those anons that gave me honest advice.

If anyone is curious about my initial question, I searched around a little bit and found that Jung thought this self-identification leads to a condition that he defined "psychic inflation," which seems a frighteningly accurate description of my case.

>Jung defined inflation – an unconscious psychic condition – as expansion of the personality beyond its proper limits by identification with the persona or with an archetype, or in pathological cases with a historical or religious figure. It produces an exaggerated sense of one’s self-importance and is usually compensated by feelings of inferiority (Jung1934–1939,1963).

>The key to avoiding inflation is knowledge of the proper boundaries of the ego or consciousness, and this is achieved by discrimination between it and the archetypal contents of the collective unconscious – the self, anima, animus, and shadow – which possess psychic autonomy. When the ego can distinguish what belongs to itself from what belongs to the objective or transpersonal unconscious psyche, it will be free of inflation (Jung1951).

>> No.14407819

This is all really fun, but I'm honesty OP, we grow the most by being true to ourselves. It sounds paradoxical, but consider the idea that we don't know all of our unique components. We try to run from our shadows by identifying with archetypes that have nothing to do with us. To form an integrative identity, we highlight and build up our demons. Jung is famous for getting misrepresented by MBTI, but his "psychological types" still have weight. Look into them, but remember that we are evolutionarily designed to not see our bad sides. Look to "Objective Personality" to later be typed from the outside. You'll learn how to improve your weaknesses.

>> No.14407821 [DELETED] 

Are you affiliated with a specific tradition or religion?

>> No.14407847

I used to be a Soto Zen Buddhist, but I left it awhile back. I've created my own highly unique mystical system now, and I want to see if it works for others.

>> No.14407863

I don't know, anon. A big paradoxical mystery in my life was that I would switch from narcissistic-tier self-importance to feeling insecure and inferior to other people and back again almost instantly. I was wondering whether I am a narcissist or have low self-esteem, but now Jung explains it as:
>[Psychic inflation] produces an exaggerated sense of one’s self-importance and is usually compensated by feelings of inferiority.
I'm so happy that now I know where this curse stems from and how to make progress towards getting rid of it.

>> No.14407874

One way to get rid of it is by becoming the disciple of a truly wise sage such as myself. It helps to humble oneself.

>> No.14408301

It also sounds like what Jung would call your introverted rational function in stark contrast to your extraverted rational function. In MBTI language, that would mean being an IxxP, where your biggest challenge comes from truly connecting to the Tribe. You see it a lot in that back and forth, all in or all out. Other types are more balanced but have their own difficulties.

Have you tried telling yourself, "I know, it's dumb, but it's for them," and letting yourself be moved by others? Letting their decisions truly own you for a moment? I promise, if you're an IxxP, you'll come back to "yourself" very quickly, you won't be in their realm for long.