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/lit/ - Literature

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14405465 No.14405465 [Reply] [Original]

What is the essential incel literary canon? I'd imagine it would have to be an assortment of evolutionary psychology, reactionary takes on the Sexual Revolution and Christian conservative writers

>> No.14405489

everyone keeps talking about how fun it is to get laid
i cant get laid
im mad now

>> No.14405497

Anything by Houllebecq
On Women by Schopie
My Twisted World by the Supreme Gentleman
That Sex and Character book from that incel dude who offed himself

>> No.14405511

truly the greatest literary mind
his name was Otto Weininger. thanks for this list, but is there any non-fiction work we could include in this list? incel is first and foremost a social movement and it needs something more than fiction books and ramblings of virgin philosophers, that's why I mentioned non-fiction like evolutionary psychology of women or works that refute Sexual Revolution

>> No.14405677
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Incel theory is in its infancy, but I recognize it as a legitimate social movement occupied by highly schizophrenic people
Their schizophrenia is not just because of their own failings, but because the system has manifested to guarantee their failure
Drunk on a cocktail of social media technology and hyper capitalism, the
fussiness of women and expectations of social performance are at an all time high
Meanwhile in a frenzy of hermitesque gaming fantasy escapism, actual male social performance is at an all time low
The net result is an insurmountable chasm between expectation and performance which is resulting in the complete alienation at a societal level of the non-elite male sexual agent
The response from these males has been a something akin to the Marcusian "Great Refusal", where instead of rising to meet these unrealistic social expectations, the common male agent is utterly refusing them as false and not aligned with their personal desires whatsoever.
In a clash between the manufacturing of a hypersexualized male product meant to capture that adoration and material consumption of the female agent, and the actual reality males find themselves living in, there seems to be a rebellion developing in what exactly it means to be a man in this new age of internet living; one where you can either consume self improvement products and identities at a dizzying pace, only to probably miss the ever moving target of market driven female expectations, or resign yourself completely to a sexless and recognitionless existence as a cyber exile separated from any access to his sexuality whatsoever outside of his own consumption of pornographic products and toys
this however, will never fulfill the needs of either party, for recognition from a legitimate other. Alienation will intensify for both types of sexual agent, as their one way consumption of sexual products has capitalist social media and pornographic companies absorbing their much coveted recognition and attention, rather than sharing it with one another

>> No.14405682

America was a mistake.

>> No.14405688


>> No.14405701

>conservative Christians

Christianity rejects inceldom—blessed are the pure

>> No.14405907

Sorrows of Young Werther
Notes from the Underground
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Book of Disquiet
White Nights
Pleasant Hell
Phantom of the Opera
Hungover Square
Doctor Glass
The Collector
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
The Tunnel

My Twisted World
Sex and Character

Petrarch's Canzoniere
Canti by Leopardi
Orlando Furioso
Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock
Collected Poems of WB Yeats
Collected Poems of Phillip Larkin

Harlequinade (Pierrot)
Cyrano De Bergerac
Uncle Vanya

Taxi Driver
Lars and the real Girl
Blade Runner 2049
The Double
Swiss Army Man
The Last American Virgin
A Short Film About Love
The Inbetweeners
Welcome to the Dollhouse

Schubert's Wintereise and Die Schone Mullerin
Fur Elise/ Moonlight Sonata
Symphony Fantistique
The Queen is Dead
Weezer: Blue Album
Five Leaves Left
Works of Daniel Johnston
Black Monk Time
Violent Femmes
In the Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonley
Works of Roy Orbison

Jimmy Corrigan

Strong Man Kurosawa
Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.14405954

I have a theory that incels are created due to the ease of access for all men and women to have sex. Think about it, men and women were both more attractive and more fit before the sexual revolution. Now that anyone could get laid this resulted in a lack of natural selection for deciding partners and allowed for more genetically disadvantaged people to reproduce. Also its probably due in part to race mixing considering nearly every incel is some mutt with fucked facial features and a damaged psyche since they cant relate to a primary culture or people

>> No.14406103


>> No.14406172

as someone who spends time making fun of incels as a hobby, I see a lot of them seem to like and recommend Michel Houellebecq

>> No.14406425

His manifesto

>> No.14406442
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>> No.14406449

Yeats was a mystic chad. Leave him out of your nonsense.

>> No.14406451
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>> No.14406462

Not for the first 30 years of his life and he always had a hangup about it.

>> No.14406476

Still not incel. He revived Irish literature.

>> No.14406605

Volcel is the correct way, based Paul

>> No.14406643

I'm 22, live with my mother, no college degree, no job, skinny, arab, 5'10", and spend my time reading history books and making video games. I have zero problems getting laid with good looking woman. This is literally the easiest time ever to fuck, get off the internet, it's warping your impression of the world

>> No.14406652

do u bring girls home to mommy? had quite a few awkward breakfasts in your time, no?

>> No.14406659

Wait till you get to my age. You still have time, to either pick a trade or go back to school before life starts to get even crueler.

>> No.14406667

No I tell them I live with my mom and suggest we go to their place. Even when I move out I'm gonna do the same thing. I live in the bay area and it's pretty normal to live with parents

>> No.14406680

Yeah I agree, Im starting architecture school next semester. It's either now or never before my life gets even more fucked. But with all my problems I don't even think about woman because they are retards and easy af to bed

>> No.14406691

He was most definitely an incel for the entirety of his early period.
>He revived Irish literature
Not relevant

>> No.14406694

typical young person can't conceptualize a situation outside their own

>> No.14406695


>> No.14406746


>> No.14406806

Lmao cope. If you live in a western country, height above 5'5", face not deformed, and iq above 80 you have zero exuses for being an incel. No you won't be an international playboy with supermodel threesomes every week, grow up and get over it.

>> No.14406811

>He lives in such online echo chamber delusion that mundane example is unbelievable to him
Please get off the internet and go outside

>> No.14406821

Prove he was an incel.

>> No.14406836

seriously, you retards think that everyone is the same, has the same mental complexes, personalities, or like to think that differences in these things have no effect on how you engage with other projects, or that certain mental disorders have no relevance either. You're all a bunch of cunts

>> No.14406839

other people* not projects

>> No.14407051

>doubling down on his LARP
To what end I wonder?

>> No.14407064

>not read any Yeats
>has the gall to enter a discussion about him
Dunno if this is based or cringe

>> No.14407073

>Prove he was an incel.
This post is worthy of a banner.

>> No.14407258

He wasn't he incel tho. WB got his fuck on with multiple women, just not his oneitis or her daughter.

>> No.14407273

>the Inbetweeners
fucking based

>> No.14407426

>defining sexual acceptance by appearance and not social aptitude and intuitional skill

>> No.14407774


>> No.14409154

I miss him so much bros. :(
I just want to cuddle him and tell him everything will be okay.

>> No.14409409

>I have zero problems getting laid with good looking woman.

Right... First of, money doesn't really matter at your age when it comes to girls. And secondly ,you're either good-looking or you don't have "zero problems" like you claim.

How many girls do you talk to before you get a number? How many of the numbers you get turn into fucks? It's undeniable men are having a harder time getting laid, one in three are virgins before 25.

I'll bet my left nut that you're either good looking, or you're putting enormous amounts of time and effort into banging 6's and the occasional 7, and then try to think of yourself as some kind of playboy, even though you're still getting rejected by the majority of girls.

>> No.14409581

Not original poster, at the end of the day it boils down to a numbers game. The problem is however, the average guy's confidence in the modern era quickly deteriorates after the first couple of rejections, instead of thinking 'maybe I just wasn't her type' you think instead 'I'm ugly'. You approach 5 women, get rejected every time and call it quits. 'Chad' approaches 20 women, gets rejected maybe half the time, and gets at least a few 8s to bang on the side. You see the difference? It's mindset. No doubt looks play a large role, but looks only put your foot in the door, nothing more.

>> No.14409675
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This is the manifesto

>> No.14409690
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>just fucking humiliate yourself over and over bro
Uh... no?

>> No.14410164

>at the end of the day it boils down to a numbers game

No doubt. The problem is the odds have been getting worse for the average/below-average guy over time. And that's what the incel movement is all about.

I believe most incels (excluding the deformed ones) could get laid with some average chick if they banged their head against the wall enough times. But the thing is, the Becky you're trying to fuck would instantly have sex with Chad if he approached her, hell, she might even pursue and debase herself for a chance at fucking him (saw this on a number of occasions).

But if an average guy approaches her, she will make him jump trough hoops, invest little in the interaction, and maybe fuck him in the end. And this isn't the retarded MGTOW spiel of "oh you have to buy them many dinners or this or that". She will fuck you when she likes you ENOUGH. But that enough will never compare to Chad.

In her eyes, you are a consolation prize, one which she might genuinely enjoy sure, but a consolation prize nonetheless. And in your eyes, she's the 10th girl you approached, who just happened to not reject you. This devalues her in your eyes. Add to that the frustration of always having to be the one to push for dates, to push for sex, to solve logistics, knowing all too well that Chad wouldn't have to do any of that, or at least that she would be much more compliant along the way. At some point it doesn't even feel worth it. But you're a guy, you want to stick your dick in a warm whole; you want the validation of seducing a cute girl. So you trudge along, conflicted, knowing you'll never truly get you want.

>> No.14410265


Tfw I've realised this is me
I've always thought myself seperate to this because I know I can get myself out of it. I've had sex with two women before (I'm 26) but it always felt fake and as if I was trying to fulfill those hypermale roles
Reading this post I truly relate to it

Am I fucked /lit/? Or is it simply a matter of self-care and confidence to get out of that mindset?

>> No.14410374

Dating in urban centers is horrible for young men. If you're not good looking the odds are stacked so far against you that trying to get laid becomes essentially an intolerable humiliation; the effort you must exert to get laid becomes hilariously disproportionate to the reward, and there is a real risk of becoming so demoralized that you simply abandon the attempt before succeeding. Furthermore, you're never five seconds away from a reminder that it's actually hardly any trouble at all for women or handsome men, compounding the sense of defeat. I'm absolutely sure if I reinvested my time into getting laid, basically made it a primary goal I was moving towards, I could eventually get some pussy. But the amount of effort and resources I would need to syphon off of my other pursuits, and the amount I would need to alter my personality (which is like pulling teeth if you have any sense of authenticity) makes it unbearable, it's not worth it.

>> No.14410408
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I reject the idea of it, but I am merely posting, here in this thread, at present, to exhibit the similitude of poses between, J.D. to your immediate left, and, the subject matter of OP, which is clearly demonstrable by comparing both images side-by-side.

>> No.14410526
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To discuss further, join us on.

discord dot gg slash zcqRNG

>> No.14410595
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Getting laid no matter what isn’t a good thing anons.

>> No.14410774

It's partly a numbers game but acting as though female expectations and your own faults are minuscule factors in your success in the sexual marketplace is faulty reasoning
Chad doesn't bang 8/10s just because he asks out more women, he does so knowing that he has something that women want, which assures him that repeated attempts aren't doomed to failure

>> No.14410788

He wasn't one. Certainly not like Elliot Rodger. If we are going to call every lonely and rejected man in history an "incel" then the word is pretty much useless for many people were like this.

>> No.14410790
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I know, it's often severely dysgenic. We need eugenics.

>> No.14412195

Just read Heisman's suicide note and follow through on it

>> No.14412211

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.14412241
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>yeats was a chad

>> No.14412246

everyone in this thread and everyone reading this has an innate value that exists beyond whatever social trappings they find themselves in. You don't need to adhere to harmful theories of society to feel like you belong. You'll always have a place to belong no matter what.

>> No.14412267

That's cute anon, and I'm sure you have good intentions. But in the end the daily experiences of the individual are what make him feel alienated, not some conception they have of themselves.

>> No.14412289
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She looked like a dude.

>> No.14412887
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>> No.14413199 [DELETED] 

Her daughter hot af though + ezra hit it.

>> No.14413342
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>> No.14414170

absolutely BASED

>> No.14414193

>or you're putting enormous amounts of time and effort into banging 6's and the occasional 7, and then try to think of yourself as some kind of playboy
Guys like this are the fucking worst. My last roommate had this superiority complex about eating coomed in pussy off OKCupid like it was a good thing. It's much better to focus your energy on other things than fuck a literal used up 6.

>> No.14414352

no they dont. Advertisement wants to tell you its fun, so you feel the need to participate in society (buy things). Real people say its overrated.

>> No.14414440

This guy missed the whole point of Stoner, chart disregarded.

>> No.14415050

My heroes in life:

Idi Amin Dada
Anwar Congo
Robert Durst
Elliot Roger

>> No.14416048

It's not overrated when it's one of the few things in life that's enjoyable.

But a lot of it is advertisement, and co modifying sex as a product.

>> No.14417414


>The Inbetweeners

Whats your logic on this one? as I really it was a pretty harmless show about teens trying to get laid (and succeeding). I dont get the incel angle desu.

>> No.14418320

You forgot "The Elementary Particles" by Houellebecq, a good book on the subject.