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/lit/ - Literature

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1440384 No.1440384 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss:
What is literature?

>> No.1440393

Literature is the product of philosophy and art. An author is a person who as trained their mind to misbehave.


>> No.1440392

Written word as art.

>> No.1440394

1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.
2. the entire body of writings of a specific language, period, people, etc.: the literature of England.
3. the writings dealing with a particular subject: the literature of ornithology.
4. the profession of a writer or author.
5. literary work or production.
6. any kind of printed material, as circulars, leaflets, or handbills: literature describing company products.
7. Archaic . polite learning; literary culture; appreciation of letters and books.

>> No.1440399

A text drawing attention to itself. That text should be artistic (note that by artistic i mean it should come from an author with personal views and proposals about aesthetics, structures and what not). It have to be alienated from most practical uses (a manual cant be literature).

I don't know, i'm new to all that literary theory.

>> No.1440402

A bunch of clueless halfwits giving piss poor definitions which another bunch of clueless halfwits give counter-examples to, in seculum in seculorum.

OP is a newfag.

>> No.1440416


Better than someone decrying all these halfwits without contributing anything but unhelpful criticism.

>> No.1440419



Pick one.

>> No.1440424

You are too much of a faggot.

See? That was criticism, but it wasn't particularly helpful. Faggot.

>> No.1440427

>without contributing anything
The very fact I have posted what I have posted in the way I have posted and that it is from me is an immeasurable contribution

>unhelpful criticism
contradictio in adjecto, all criticism is helpful by definition, and more practically, if one knows properly what to make of it, that is why we call it criticism and not bullshitting/namecalling/complaining/etc

But I will give some folks something to chew on; let's try changing the question to something a lil different;


see, now isn't this a much more elucidating way of constructing the question

>> No.1440431

That anon is a faggot? Good to learn something about him. Your particular point of view gave me a new concept of the person we are talking about, thanks for helping build my knowledge.

I agree, he is a faggot. But then again, who isn't?

>> No.1440433

No, criticism by its nature is purely destructive; there is nothing inherently helpful about it.

>> No.1440438


i can't wait until you finally finish your philosophy degree, remain unemployed, and have the soul-crushing realization when you finally decide to settle down and raise a family that your children's life will be shit because of YOUR choices

but hey, at least you surfed /lit/ often, right?

>> No.1440452

>But then again, who isn't?

And so nothing constructive was gained.

>> No.1440451

getting pretty pretentious in here

>> No.1440450

>criticism by its nature is purely destructive; there is nothing inherently helpful about it.

Maybe if you are, like, this colossal subhuman faggot; keep away from me plz I might catch some of your filthy slave dialect

>> No.1440456

guys quiet down, i think a hear a baby crying

>> No.1440461

go to bed dad

>> No.1440465

>mfw all these "critical" thinkers suck at communicating with other people without a keyboard

>> No.1440468

Can't handle it? Cry harder, faggot.

>> No.1440472
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I am the best.

>> No.1440479

At what? Not understanding simple shit?

>> No.1440484

There is no what.

>> No.1440487

you're the one criticizing criticism..

>> No.1440495

Stop egging him on. He'll just post another faggy statue.

>> No.1440498

The guy is just flinging shit oh wait I mean uncritically criticising sorry that's not quite right I meant giving unhelpful criticism

>> No.1440511

Oh, cool, let's see what we get without the "what":
You are the best at what? not understanding simple shit.

I'm surprised you understood that.

>> No.1440537
File: 33 KB, 468x487, supaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is really a line of bullshit language going through this thread I'd like to explicate for some of the more astute folks out here, and it starts at the very start:

>"What is literature?"
Note that the very form of the question is horrendously misleading, suggesting that there is some weird thing out there that's termed literature; totally disconnected with how language is used. Real Platonic hoodwinking.

>all criticism is helpful by definition
Now, you'll notice how I say "by definition", which points to how a thing is defined, whereas this pitiful subhuman can't help but totally twist it into his pre-natal degenerate language;

>criticism by its nature
Words don't have fucking "natures" you stupid, ridiculous cocksucker, see SAUSSURE ET AL, semiotics, dialogic etc

>there is nothing inherently helpful about it

So you see, this is why people get nowhere in threads like these; they fail to recognise that language is being totally shit on in the process of argument, typically for the sake of unconscious obfuscation and a lack of reflection

>> No.1440553
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>> No.1440557


>all criticism is helpful by definition
>criticism by its nature

It's funny because in these quotes it's you, D&E, who are guilty of a use/mention confusion and hence of misusing language. Criticism isn't a word; it has a nature and not a definition. "Criticism," on the other hand, is a word, with a definition and no nature.

>> No.1440564

>thinks the sentence "there is nothing inherently helpful about criticism" is the same as "there is nothing inherently helpful about THE WORD criticism"
I've got news for you, and this is from a pretty high authority cuz I can like walk and talk at the same time and read without moving my lips and all, but those two sentences are, wait for it...

Not the same!

Holy mother fucking revelation! I hope this concept doesn't hurt your head too much, champ.

>> No.1440573

>see SAUSSURE ET AL, semiotics, dialogic etc
>I really have no ideas of my own, guys!

>> No.1440575
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Good Christ, this thread sucks.

>> No.1440589

Hey d&e, I've been browsing this board for about an hour and I already hate you.
I left r9k to get away from whiny faggots like you. Try going there, you'll love it. Everyone hates everyone there, you'll fit right in.

>> No.1440594

>I'm going to look at the whole thread
>nearly entirely looking at the posts on criticism
I sense someone is butthurt about something.

>> No.1440598
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this guy maybe gets it, good for him.

>Criticism isn't a word
lolk kiddo, everyone who is in on it is just loling their asses off by now anyway so I don't have to say much

same thing applies to you

>> No.1440602

pedantism at its best, congrats deep&edgy

>> No.1440603

ironically enough I started off on /r9k/
I'd expect to find this delusional idiocy on there too

>> No.1440605

>Is called out on his inability to use the same concepts he spouts

>> No.1440607
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I am pretty happy just to lol my head off at what I've seen ppl come up with against me in this thread bro, I have absolutely no interest in wiping ppl's arses for them wholesale

>> No.1440608

Derp&Faggy really is the most obnoxious tripfag we have. We've been trying to get him to go to other boards for a year.

>> No.1440616

Laughing at something you could never have the capacity to understand is perfectly natural.

>> No.1440619


>> No.1440621

don't worry, he's either just another troll or very, very, very stupid

>> No.1440624
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>yfw it's your bedtime

>> No.1440626


>> No.1440627
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Bahahahahahahhaha /lit/ is my new favorite board

>> No.1440630

How cute. I'd adopt him and breastfeed him gruel.

>> No.1440633

Sounds painful.

>> No.1440644

It's a fathers duty.

>> No.1440652
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Ya big moosey.

>> No.1440658
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