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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 94 KB, 539x955, 17B6DCA7-24FC-43AE-ADE0-58FA8DE54B04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14404764 No.14404764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>got ghosted after this

>> No.14404767

post face and body with timestamps

>> No.14404768

Women cant read, this image is a shoop or she is lying.

>> No.14404773

>implying its a girl
everyone knows us gays are the ones with best taste

>> No.14404775

>stupidly hilarious

that doesn’t sound friendly at all

>> No.14404788

Why should you even care? You can draw the conversation out by asking more questions, but that is a waste of time.

>> No.14404803

>it's another "Kafka is funny" bugman
Wouldn't hit it either.

>> No.14404822

i don't find him funny but tinder conversations rely on exaggerated reactions. She has countless other matches she could text.

>> No.14404833

from this screenshot you come across as over eager, prob the reason she ghosted you

>> No.14404837

Good luck! Hope you find someone you like :^)

>> No.14404838

You'll get ghosted a lot no matter what you do. Keep texting other girls if you want to improve a bit but dont think about their opinion too hard. She got texted by another dude and decided to gamble there instead, or got scared shitless, or found some minor irrelevant thing about you that she proudly considers a telltale sign of your "unfitness". The same approach could've worked on another day of the week, when she has diffirent kind of shit in her head. Dont rely on a womans opinion on anything.

>> No.14404848


>> No.14404853
File: 73 KB, 507x750, 74ADFE16-0D38-41A6-A582-DD82B22F1443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not giving her anything to work with, next time you should try and both say something while asking a question. For example: “have you read Guenon yet tinder-chan?”

>> No.14404857

Kafka would be seized by fits of laughter on the rare occasions he read his work to people he knew. You're a brainlet who can't recognize the hilarious in the horrific.

>> No.14404858

It ends on an underwhelming note. Where is the conversation supposed to go after that? It's not sparking any questions or intrigue - we aren't going anywhere with "sadly I couldn't get into his other stuff." Ok, so should I just kill myself now? It feels very dead. Inspire life and she will want to be a part of your world

>> No.14404860
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 70540799_691526971337415_3975259489181508855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind people on 4chan

>> No.14404867

>stupidly hilarious premise which turned kinda dark
wow i'd fucking ghost you too

>> No.14404868


>> No.14404869

my whole tinder aesthetic is that of a depressed e-boy. Its quasi functional and shifting to an entirely different aesthetic would be tough now since I'm in too deep.

>> No.14404873
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>caring about women

Any man wasting time (no matter if virgin or chad) on women in these times is a massive retard.

>> No.14404875

without leaving her much room to comment on what you just said, the flow of the conversation came to a standstill. you just simply stated what your opinion on kafka was in a pretty straightfoward and basic way (which can be fine) and did not give her any indication as to where you wanted the conversation to go from there. you just said your thing and that was that. if she wasnt that into you to begin with, itll be hard for her to come up with something to talk about especially as you seem to dismiss most of kafkas work as not being ur thing so she cant really talk about kafka without it seeming like something that would bore u. you probably could have saved the conversation had you left her with a somewhat open-ended question at the end like asking her what some of her other favorite authors were or really any other question relevant to their interests but its probably too late now and any attempt to rekindle the conversation will be seen as sorta desperate, something u dont wanna come off as. there are so many other people out there so i wouldnt fret too much over having a bit of an awkward convo with someone.

>> No.14404878

You sound like a faggot dude

>> No.14404891

Hahaha what the hell, are you autistic?

>> No.14404898

>implying this roastie is even worth OP's time
If a girl wants to fuck she will make it happen
You've gotta go through 20 dead end conversations to fuck one roastie

>> No.14404907

god /lit/ is so fucking boring and dumb. i've seen DMs posted here half a dozen times now and it's always beta as FUCK. why are you saying she "ghosted" you when you didnt give her anything to respond to? also your reply was a lame and normie description of the book before following it up with pointless boring normie information that you couldnt get into his other work. even I have read most of his short stories and my top 5 favorite books are all scifi

>> No.14404913
File: 42 KB, 1200x667, 1574013863139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you will die alone fuckboy. its your job to be interesting and you arent interesting. you could easily fake it but you lack the imagination to do even that. what is even the point of talking to you? you aren't leading the conversation anywhere and you are boring. there's 200,000 other guys in her area to talk to, why should she waste her fucking time with you?

>> No.14404917

>state opinion
no room for conversation
>ask question
feels like a Q&A session
>state opinion and ask a question right after
seems too desperate

I'm fucked in every scenario

>> No.14404919
File: 57 KB, 659x344, 7E9AA4AA-9CB7-4204-A032-6181E6DDBB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile here's MY DMs with tinder girls. get on my fucking LEVEL OP

>> No.14404924
File: 360 KB, 655x527, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP but i got the same problem
how do i become interesting?
help anons

>> No.14404930

Put a condom on every finger

>> No.14404932
File: 149 KB, 850x1133, 1564368281777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the year 20+20
>still caring about 3d

If you are not 10/10 chad don't bother. Women have too many options. You are wasting your time for something that will only ruin your life at best. Let them ride chads and embrace the waifu ways like you are supposed to. It is your destiny.

>> No.14404933
File: 51 KB, 630x221, image0.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no room for conversation
your opinion was boring and unoriginal
>feels like a Q&A session
your questions were boring and unoriginal
>seems too desperate
you were suffocating her with boring and unoriginal questions

I thought this was /lit/? Fucking /r9k/ has more interesting convos with women. I discovered Tinder from an /r9k/ "chad thundercock adventures" thread in 2015/16 and within 24 hours met a virgin girl that I then dated for 3 years. It's not even difficult. You don't even have to be nice either. All you have to do is laugh at your own jokes and the grass will be greener

>> No.14404948

>wanting to pick through 30 other men's trash on whore roulette sites
have some self respect man

>> No.14404989

I don't give a fuck what your aesthetic even is. You can make anything interesting with imagination.

Seethe more faggots

>> No.14404995
File: 240 KB, 1796x713, well ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i got the same problem
>how do i become interesting?
You don't even need to be interesting, you just make them think it. Step 1 is to find yourself amusing. OP and most other people I see just sound monotone, seeming like they are at a lack for passion. Talk to women like you are talking to yourself, trying to keep yourself from dying of boredom. Step 2 make the convo as easy as possible for her. everything you say should have an obvious and easily reply, and should also not be boring. If you don't have anything interesting to say, don't say anything at all. Just wait until you do. Moreover, if you can't think of anything interesting to say: when in doubt, be elliptical. Why do you think so many people are attracted to Nick Land or Spinal Catastrophism etc etc? That shit makes no fucking sense. Step 3 have a decent sense of aesthetic in terms of which picture you choose and what you're wearing. dont be overweight.

Here's an example convo I had. Look at how fucking dumb my jokes are. It doesn't matter though. I'm amused with myself and she doesn't have to try hard with her responses. Any time I have posted my picture on 4ch I have been told I'm a 5.5 at the highest. I've never gotten higher. I weigh 130 lbs. I am 5'9. I am quite ugly. But I followed my two steps that I outlined above.

>> No.14404998

This. We're in a time of instant gratification. You need to cut through the bullshit small talk fast, or she will lose interest and make plans with someone else.

>> No.14405011
File: 85 KB, 1080x1344, 1576930364553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put a condom on ur entire life lmao

>> No.14405014

More of this convo?

>> No.14405028
File: 17 KB, 351x344, 1513751108634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14405032

This guy is right OP. This girl is waiting for you to make plans. Why spend all your time texting small talk when you could do it in person? It's a fucking dating app, not AIM.

>> No.14405033
File: 48 KB, 300x450, 1534636576688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a year ago; I uninstall Tinder the moment I make with a girl because otherwise it's just mindrot. I think the context is that she sent me that one Doja Cat video where she's dressed up as a cow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXnJqYwebF8)) so I think I told her I want her to dress up as a cow and take her to the abattoir and then from then on I kept calling her a cow and she kept getting increasingly more upset. I probably made a couple more cow jokes and then stopped entirely because there's a line between funny-attractive-mean and just being an asshole that's very hard to place imo

>> No.14405040

being thin in amerifat land is like not being a sucked out tuberculosis case back in the day now though

>> No.14405042
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 1534722136817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nowhere. you can install tinder right now and do this and i beg of you to keep trying, sieur

>> No.14405049
File: 39 KB, 530x530, Funny-Photoshopped-Duck-With-Horse-Face-Photo-For-Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actually living in britbong land but you are right about that one

>> No.14405052

How come she didn't stop talking? Being called 'cow' should be supremely offending to women.

>> No.14405079
File: 264 KB, 148x111, 1576888690183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't try.

>> No.14405082

i didn't start the conversation by calling her a cow of course. we had been talking for maybe a couple hours, a day, a couple days? i don't remember, but im very certain she knew i was joking because im always generous with complements ('damn you really are pretty', 'you remind me a bit of [insert actress,etc here], and so on), no doubt. also i am always laughing at my own jokes like an idiot, which makes "send a pic lazy cow" seem much less jarring than if we were just talking like OP was

>> No.14405102

What a qt. How can 3DPD even compete?

>> No.14405111

an old homeless woman's vagina feels better than a hand, i bet

>> No.14405112


>It was written by dead people so therefore it's all very serious and high-brow

Anon you are the bugman

>> No.14405118


X was good
>Yeah (proceeds to explain X)

You showed her your autism, she knows, she doesn't need you to tell her what X is. This is why the term 'mansplaining' exists.

>> No.14405136

Sure guys but comon
>kinda dark
is the most retardedly dull description of the latter half of that work. It is one of the saddest, darkest things I've read fullstop. I felt much sadder reading that than I did reading 300 pages of rape and murder in 2666. "kinda dark" comon now you can be more interesting than that

>> No.14405163

That's how it is with all social interactions. Just be a high energy version of yourself, some people will hate you, some people will love you. You don't even necessarily have to be funny

>> No.14405192
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 09-roll-safe.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent you are so very right in that, although (im the guy you replied to) personally i have a much harder time being a high energy version of myself irl than i do on tinder. that's the beauty of it, by the time she meets me irl its too nearly late and much more difficult to screw up

>> No.14405210

>Last message yesterday
A literal eon in zoomer time between messages

>> No.14405213


I've come to the conclusion that trying to have an in-depth conversation on a messenger app with a woman you want to be romantically or sexually interested in you is almost always a bad idea. In the absence of non-language conversational cues, each sex defaults to texting the other like a member of the same sex. And if you want a girl to find you attractive and be interested in you, talking to her like a man is a terrible move. Same with women talking to men as if they're women.

Keep it brief in text, boys. You pour out a novel about yourself and you can't see them get disinterested.

>> No.14405301

So say one is relatively fit and not ugly. How would he go about finding a thick girl to date?

>> No.14405316

well u swipe on the thick girls and start a conversation

>> No.14405334

So tinder is the answer. Fuck man, making a tinder is gonna be annoying, I don’t have many pics of myself

>> No.14405338

Based also wtf I've been to that picture in a dream before what's happening

>> No.14405341

doesnt even matter, even if the pictures are from 2 years ago. the goal is too meet them irl, then its too late for them

>> No.14405349
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It is a place full of sorrows and hopeful melancholy.

>> No.14405354

Well I was fat two years ago. I look pretty good now, so fuck me. Anyway, what do you usually put in the bio?

>> No.14405357

being "smart" is seen as a sexually desirable trait distinct from actually being smart or having high-level conversations with people
instead of having "in-depth conversations" you should be letting girls think they are having in-depth conversations, when really you're just wooing them with what they think counts as "intellect", basically like you would show off your muscles if you were a bodybuilder, while leaving the actually interesting discourse for people who are capable of it

>> No.14405363

needs a gondola joker

>> No.14405369

>hasn't read Odradek or Before the Law
what a pleb

>> No.14405372


>> No.14405387
File: 178 KB, 288x415, 640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going after some slut who's into (((Kafka)))

>> No.14405388

Im 5’10 FUCK

>> No.14405417
File: 13 KB, 859x435, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway, what do you usually put in the bio?
just some dumb shit, keep it short, or nothing. you'll be starting the convo anyway so it doesnt matter that much

>> No.14405422

girls cant tell the difference trust me

>> No.14405431

then just say 6'1

>> No.14405439

They usually don’t talk first? I mean, I figured some wouldn’t, but none?

>> No.14405459

>They usually don’t talk first? I mean, I figured some wouldn’t, but none?
i mean i havent had to talk first ever but A) thats pretty rare from what i understand and depends on how you look, and B) even if girls do talk to you it likely wont be the ones you are most interested in so you may as well talk first

>> No.14405483

That all sounds well and good, though a chubby nerd girl with a fat ass might possibly talk first, and I’d be fine with that. Shit i guess Im all set to make a tinder, tips for pics?

>> No.14405494

based and frenpilled

>> No.14405505

it was really not that bad bro...

>> No.14405508

We are all frens fighting on the same side

>> No.14405513

>it was really not that bad bro...
Yeah looks like it worked out well for him

Preferably something you didn't take yourself. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Just put the best ones possible, but not too many. Just like 2-4

>> No.14405514

>>state opinion and ask a question right after
>seems too desperate
Jesus christ, zoomer
Ask the fucking question, put yourself in their shoes

>> No.14405519

>the same side
what is the other side?

>> No.14405543

Well shit, I guess I’m ready to make a tinder

>> No.14405563

tell us how it goes if the thread still stays up after a few hours

>> No.14405566

Lol are you kidding, its funny. Not even trying to be edgy here.

>> No.14405611

>its funny. Not even trying to be edgy here.
Yes fucking hilarious dude. Gregor just trying to fit in with his family. He tries saving a picture. His mom can't stand the sight of him. He hurts the people he loves that finally started accepting him. He tries helping but gets hurt. The dad blames Gregor and beats him half to death with fruit. His family then neglects him. You're probably autistic and lack basic levels of empathy.

>> No.14405646

> someone I haven't exchanged more than 4-5 lines with is inviting me off tinder to a message apps.
And I refuse to believe I'm that interesting, could she be a prostitute or aiming after my precious organs perhaps?

>> No.14405655

Nah this isn’t mexico

>> No.14405659


You would never talk like this with a guy "sadly I couldn't ....". Jesus dude it sounds pathetic, you're a wet blanket. That's why you got ghosted

>> No.14405686

>And I refuse to believe I'm that interesting, could she be a prostitute or aiming after my precious organs perhaps?
post convo. i will decide 100% whether or not shes trying to get money from you, a prostitute, an organ harvester, or just into you. i promise you that much

>> No.14405691

i would never talk with a roastie who takes the Lord's name in vain. duede it sounds blasphemous, you're a heathen. thats why you will go to hell.

>> No.14405708

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with that?

>> No.14405726

not that guy but he sounds like he read too much shitty fiction but, worse yet, retained none of it and is only left with a "wet blanket" of a personality. that's what it sounds to me at least. it's not interesting and it doesnt sound smart either

>> No.14405733

Well fuck, how do you avoid this?

>> No.14405769

see >>14404995
You can sound poetic/interesting without being needlessly solemn. Perfect grammar doesn't matter, in fact it's better if you don't. You're on Tinder, sounding super dignified is cringy

>> No.14405800 [DELETED] 

Pls r8 this conversation

>> No.14405803

repost it mthrfuckr it was deleted

>> No.14405810
File: 425 KB, 720x1398, 20191223_190537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry posted wrong image at first

>> No.14405832

what am i even reading? what is the context?

>> No.14405838

I'm trying to have this woman dominate me sexually. She works in public relations.

>> No.14405839


On a very deep level you are making yourself sound like a victim to the universe. "I wanted to enjoy it... but ... sadly... it wasnt in store for me... maybe next time I'll have better luck.... I guess". I guarantee you she dried up as soon as she read that.

On a more surface level it's like you're scared to give an opinion on anything, even a god damn 100 year old book. You cant just say the book is shit (whether it is or not is irreverent), you have to give the most polite, non offensive remark on it you can possibly make.

Chad wouldn't say "sadly" anything. He likes stuff that's good and he doesnt like stuff that's shit.

>> No.14405841

>do you want to borrow this book anon?
>yes i do lets go on a date i can even send a car for you if you can't make it haha so no copping out because of no transport haha, we can also see [gay movie for gay faggots] i'm dying to see it but i need a chaperone because i'm a-scared of going alone and for some reason none of my friends ever want to be around me, CAN WE HAVE SEX?

>> No.14405864

Ah yeah. I hope she ignores me desu. I had no idea what to do because borrowing a book forced me to see her in person and I thought shit might as well ask her to see Cats. I dont know why I want to see it so badly bros. Anyway. Fuck.

>> No.14405878

Fren you should’ve just said “yeah sure, when are you free?” Ezpz, no need to make it complicated

>> No.14405893

Oh well. Honestly I just got out of a very serious relationship, forgot how to do this anyway and was never good in the first place.

>> No.14405896

You’re good man, no need to worry

>> No.14405899

its a shit test. she's hinting at meeting up to see how desperate you are to do so, and you failed miserably by jumping at the opportunity like a rabid dog.

>> No.14405902

This is a book you read in high school, typically as a comic adaptation.

>> No.14405903

Fuck off you herp-a-TRP

>> No.14405906

Thanks anon
If that's the case then fuck it desu.

>> No.14405912

>Why do you think so many people are attracted to Nick Land

you lost me after that mate

>> No.14405915

i would make fun of you but her response was very similar to yours. i can't tell if she's mimicking your behavior so as to not offend or if she's nearly as autistic as you are

that second message is good conceptually but you somehow made it extremely beta with the "embarrased of going alone" and the rest
>Excellent, excellent, amazing, I'll borrow it asap if you don't mind. I can come pick it up, or we can meet somewhere and get coffee? Also, have you seen the movie Cats? It's basically just about cats. I don't know, I haven't seen it yet

>> No.14405922

The Country Doctor is like the non-pleb line, Before the Law is far more pleb than The Metamorphosis.

>> No.14405926

>you lost me after that mate
Yes, keep telling yourself that people don't like him for his book covers and obscurantism. Watch any Zizek lecture and then read the comments

>> No.14405945

>but you somehow made it extremely beta
He's literally trying to be a sub, also it pays to show a bit of vulnerability sometimes. It's the Surkov line that is most fucky in this whole thing.

>> No.14405946
File: 21 KB, 680x383, 1576533069837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you tried. You're also overthinking it. Don't beat yourself up over it though.

>> No.14405956

She is weird. I was joking about wanting sex from her. I just want to talk about books to someone irl. My beta-ness blasts through no matter what.

>> No.14405963

You didn't write a bullshit conversation in a fake tinder generator ;^)

>> No.14405970

The surkov line was like blurting something stupid out in conversation but I actually typed it out and hit send. >>14405946
Thanks Chad

>> No.14405974

>and I will look down and whisper

>> No.14405981

>women can't pretend to be well-read from skimming wikis
retard detected

>> No.14405988

>He's literally trying to be a sub, also it pays to show a bit of vulnerability sometimes
That's not even the same thing though. You can be a sub and show vulnerability without sounding like you give 1,000,000 fucks

Moreover, and this is much more plausible, you can get into a relationship with a girl and then become a sub without giving off half a dozen dogwhistles that you are a beta bitch boy. At the end of the day even most dom women don't want to have to change every lightbulb

>> No.14405990

If you know she's a dom, just say that you got nervous, you like her, and you'd really like it (if she still wants to see you) for her to take the lead. Throw in some kind of compliment. Big part of domination is being in control in a caring manner, it's like catnip.

>> No.14405997

dilate virgin

>> No.14405999

Yeah, you have so many issues you could be a matador. You're reading way too much into their interaction.

>> No.14406008

Fucking good advice. I went out drinking with her and my friend like 2 weeks ago. She told me she was "kind of a sadist" and we had a conversation about propaganda. So the whole thing isn't out of the blue. I just come across as a loser over text messages. I cant help it.

>> No.14406018

>You're reading way too much into their interaction.
Projection much? You're the one that replied to me that he's trying to be a sub when he specifically stated he just wants someone to talk about books with. Not to mention you are convoluting "sub" and "vulnerability" with just being a meek person and now giving a cop-out non-response

>> No.14406026

I mean I've played the "idgaf" thing but I do actually give a fuck. If she isn't going to stomp on my face then I would at least like to trade books with her. There is zero chance of a serious relationship because I dont want that ever again. It's pretty fucked up see this all typed out.

>> No.14406041

Omg this is so wholesome

>> No.14406042
File: 308 KB, 267x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14406044

>he's trying to be a sub
No, I said he is a sub, the point was that what you call "being a beta" isn't a bad thing. You give bad advice duder.
>Not to mention you are convoluting "sub" and "vulnerability" with just being a meek person and now giving a cop-out non-response
Am I now.

>> No.14406048

>I'm trying to have this woman dominate me sexually
>I was joking about wanting sex from her. I just want to talk about books to someone irl.
>If she isn't going to stomp on my face
>I don't want a serious relationship
Jesus christ man just pick a side already

>> No.14406056

>online dating
oh nonononononono

>> No.14406063

The problem is trying to label stuff too early, you've talked about her being a sadist so see if you can have a conversation about that some more.

>> No.14406065

>pick a side already

>> No.14406066

>engender their unconscious desires
This is nonsense

>> No.14406067

>No, I said he is a sub
Which he would then show by? Is this what we are resorting to?
>the point was that what you call "being a beta" isn't a bad thing
Yes it most definitely is. Being a meek individual (too embarrassed to go to the movies alone) and being a sexual sub aren't the same thing.
>Am I now.
Yes and you just did it again

>> No.14406076

>Which he would then show by?
Stating he is a sub.
>Is this what we are resorting to?
You have a personality disorder.

>> No.14406085

The real problem is that I'm ambivalent to an extreme degree. I keep getting with the same kind of woman and I'm never happy. But I cant seem to get with any other type. This whole interaction with her is just me imitating my own former self and it shows. I want to grow into a speechless savage. Fuck it all. Ugh I'm frustrated. Everything society has to offer is out of my reach and so I want to destroy everything out of revenge. I never learned to self soothe. Fuck

>> No.14406094

Okay but really?I think propaganda does exactly that. It doesn't command, it suggests. It gives permission and also reassurance. It doesn't invent, it doesn't expose, it symbolizes and commodifies

>> No.14406099

>Stating he is a sub.
Do you even know what you're talking about anymore? You said that it pays to show vulnerability.. aka trying to be submissive. Now you're opting for semantics.
>You have a personality disorder.
You replied to me, over-analyzing, told me I'm over-analyzing, and now are repeatedly insisting that I have a mental illness. Get a grip man

>> No.14406110

>I keep getting with the same kind of woman and I'm never happy. But I cant seem to get with any other type.
You don't know her well enough yet to know that.
>This whole interaction with her is just me imitating my own former self and it shows.
You are now also categorizing yourself and negating large parts of your own personality.
>I want to grow into a speechless savage. Fuck it all. Ugh I'm frustrated. Everything society has to offer is out of my reach and so I want to destroy everything out of revenge. I never learned to self soothe. Fuck
I'm not going to throw you a pity party dude.
>The real problem is that I'm ambivalent to an extreme degree.
You're depressed.

Again, if you're not in a fit state to lead this sort of thing let her do it. If it's not going anywhere, ask if she would stomp on your face, at least you won't be imitating yourself.

>> No.14406120
File: 64 KB, 758x644, 6f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to thank me, brah. We're all gonna make it, one way or another.

>> No.14406122

>You said that it pays to show vulnerability.. aka trying to be submissive
Yeah, please don't put words in my mouth. They're actually persistent here and that is not what was said.
>You replied to me, over-analyzing
Same for this. Seek therapy duder.

>> No.14406131

You need to make some changes young man

>> No.14406140

Really thanks. I am totally depressed. Happy Holidays.

>> No.14406144

I mean it’s a woman, so she’ll want money. It just depends if it’s in the form of cash or a “nice date.” Dont see why it matters as long as you smash

>> No.14406150

Good point, ask her to dress as Santa too.

>> No.14406152

Overly formal

>> No.14406153

>please don't put words in my mouth
I didn't. You're just playing semantics.
>seek therapy
Can you not handle a disagreement without labeling another person with a mental illness?

>> No.14406164

>Can you not handle a disagreement without labeling another person with a mental illness?
Can you not have a mental illness before getting into a disagreement? Oh look, I guess we're at an impasse. I am okay with that personally.

>> No.14406167

Oh I meant happy honda days @_@

>> No.14406177
File: 196 KB, 1116x1500, 1577149081672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my whole tinder aesthetic is that of a depressed e-boy.

>> No.14406189

I just thought the cow thing was funny man, chillax

>> No.14406190

>I'm not listening! I'm not listening! You have a personality disorder! Seek therapy!
I'm assuming you're speaking from experience

>> No.14406197

sorry sieur i didnt understand your reply, i am not a patrician so the natural go-to response is,
>dilate virgin
Just to keep all my bases covered desu

>> No.14406199

Someone is late for therapy. lol

>> No.14406207

>honda days
Even better

>> No.14406213
File: 263 KB, 1200x1200, 1556059236726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone is late for therapy. lol
Yeah your mom clears my head

>> No.14406214

Say five Hail Marys and you will be forgiven

>> No.14406215

Love it.

>> No.14406229

done and done and done and done and done. thank you

>> No.14406248

haha what a LARP

>> No.14406250

Amazing, this guy lost his virginity at 48 to a homeless woman but didn't even get to come inside her. Is this all of our fates?

>> No.14406273

Beep Beep

>> No.14406277
File: 54 KB, 640x480, IMG_2161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14406281

You must be good looking or you wouldn't have matched in the first place retard

>> No.14406300

Gotta love road traffic roleplay.

>> No.14406303

>good looking
Just as you don't actually need to be interesting for her to think you're interesting, believe it or not, you don't actually need to be good looking for her to think you're moderately good looking. There's a reason I mentioned having a decent sense of aesthetics

>> No.14406305

Ever read Crash?

>> No.14406314
File: 975 KB, 500x200, tryingtoseduceme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14406321
File: 174 KB, 992x558, virginia-pile-up-ap-aa-191222_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here bb

>> No.14406333
File: 2.25 MB, 480x362, truckasaurus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me rn irl.

>> No.14406350

>you don't need to be good looking you just need to be good looking
Post your aesthetic face faggot

>> No.14406375

You made me feel better after being cringy to that girl. Thanks sweet anon ^_^

>> No.14406377

post pics