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File: 147 KB, 800x1211, 800px-Glenngould-statue-toronto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14402153 No.14402153 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that Bach's music is the ultimate form of art?

>> No.14402179

When I listened to Cello Suite 1 with headphones on for the first time.

>> No.14402629
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>Glenn Gould

>> No.14402646
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>Concerning non-vocal music, by which I mean one involving any use of pitched musical instruments, it is humbly and with all deference my opinion that all such activities should be abandoned in favour of purely vocal chants handed down through the oral tradition. It is more than likely that if a free reign of music was permitted in a society displaying even a slight state of decadence, there would remain very few musicians who display a true understanding of the traditional order and the purpose of music within it, which is a role purely subordinate to that of the traditional institutions; instead, as in the case of Europe, we might face ourselves with certain groups infiltrating the musical tradition and subverting it from within. Certainly, the historical record would bear this out. The events of the past few decades with the emergence of the most vile and repulsive 'composers' such as Erik Satie and Erwin Schulhoff offer the perfect example.
- Réné Guénon writes to Julius Evola

>> No.14402653
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he sounds like a grouchy old grampa

>> No.14402663

what a meme person

>> No.14402739


>> No.14402744
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Take the divinepill.

>> No.14402760

absolument basé et pilule-rouge

>> No.14402844

Based and Gouldpilled

>> No.14402846
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>Bach on piano

>> No.14402847

18, listened to the Art of Fugue. shit blew my mind

>> No.14403018

This seems to be guenonposting of actual relevancy, bravo

>> No.14403041

same time I realized pop music for the masses is the ultimate form of art

>> No.14403070
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Gould is just a symptom of the decadent age where people value the performer equal or higher than the composer. The same thing is true with museums and academia: the highest activity is viewed as being commentary on great art instead of art itself.

>> No.14403085

t. Petzold

>> No.14403093

What books should I read while listening to Mahler's 6th symphony to enhance my experience.

>> No.14403149

wow that fucking sucked. give me one baroque piece that isn't boring trash

>> No.14403271
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I love music, but I love silence more.

>> No.14403302

Absolutely disgusting. Try Koroliov and Hantai.

>> No.14403364

the beatles are better

>> No.14403522

if you think this is boring you're simply a subhuman

>> No.14403547

>ruins the music by humming over it
why did he do it

>> No.14403573


>> No.14403575

I know he is entry level but what pianists would you suggest?

>> No.14403606

Behold a pseud faggot

>> No.14403608

Start and end with chopin

>> No.14403630

Name a single artist in any other field that can top him, I defy you

>> No.14403670

>counterpoint wankery
wow what great art

>> No.14404119
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Funny sounds sound good, Grug happy.

>> No.14404483

You don't know how based you are son. And what's more, the world's last true musician agrees with you. https://youtu.be/iOZbhw6SlO8

>> No.14404510

>tfw music was retroactively refuted by guénon

>> No.14404552


>> No.14404706

i was hooked the second i first heard bach

>> No.14404724
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cant compete with symphonies


>> No.14404806

For me, it's

>> No.14404856


>> No.14404865


How would Guenon and Evola feel about modern advertising jingles? What would they have to say about the burgerpunk mantra "I'm lovin' It", created by the former cocaine dealing negro Pusha T, who now sells poisonous food to the community? How can we stage a rebellion against these catchy melodies?

>> No.14406071

When I was a 16 yo atheist. Then I realized that all music is profane and not worth my time. These days I rarely listen to anything that's not a mass by a humble and non-decadent composer.

>> No.14406830

And no one mentions keith jarrett

>> No.14407183
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What would monsieur Réné Guénon have to say concerning instrumental music written by composers who were Catholic and not counter-tradition heretics like Bach? Does such music have a legitimate claim of being divinely guided?


>> No.14407196

so you've gone from being a pretentious child to a pretentious child, a round trip!

>> No.14407212
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(((glenn gould)))
you fucked the fuck up, fucker

>> No.14407215

Before I was pretending to be smart and have a coherent metaphysics while also believing that "le BrAin Is Just A Bunch of Chemicals breeeeh". How am I pretending now though?

>> No.14407227
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*blocks your path*

>> No.14407306

he looks like deleuze

>> No.14407793

well, you used to be right and now you’ve turned into some new-age wine aunt

>> No.14407815

He wasn't Jewish

>> No.14407854
File: 446 KB, 1280x918, 1576670818055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember haven Bach's Chaconne, that he composed for his late wife, played on the harpsichord, racing through my head. I was walking through the fields on a late summer sunday. Nature had reached it's climax and I realized a chapter in my life had been coming to an end as well.
Bach just speaks to the soul, regardless of all secondary bric-a-brac. Screw the haters.

>> No.14407886

i don't recall new-agers admiring the divine liturgy and music based on it.

>> No.14407891

Emil Rau's paintings really do transport you.

>> No.14407895

well, they do fedoralord

>> No.14407988

He converted to Judaism on his deathbed.

>> No.14408015

Based considering that he used a E9sus(#4) which wasn't heard for centuries afterwards.

>> No.14408203
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Without musical instruments the knowledge of the harmony of the divine symphony could slip away from Men.

>> No.14408712

None obviously. I can’t stop listening to the sixth’s finale. I relate to Mahler at a disturbing level. As I grow older and reflect on these past three months the theme will be Mahler’s sixth.
I have the most developed music taste on all of 4chan. I’m just trying to divert that autism into books right now. I’ve had limited success.

>> No.14408736


>> No.14408783


>> No.14408885

Such knowledge is only appropriate for the initiated, who will (by their nature) not misuse the instruments to create profane tunes designed merely to give you a dopamine spike.

>> No.14408908


WTC, AoF, and GV are truly awful, a codex of everything wrong with Music in general. What is worse is that every other Bach piece, many of which are actually good, are either played in the "ecclesiastical" way, i.e. all but inaudible bass, practically homophonic, deliberately quiet cadences, falsely melodic, etc,. to emphasize "beauty", or in the "autistic" way, often wrongly ascribed to Gould, i.e. extremely disjointed, almost equal volume for all voices, interjecting cadence-like dynamic changes between Numerologically-related but aurally-unrelated notes, etc., to emphasize "technique". Both of which are equally prominent in the WTC, AoF, and GV since the pieces themselves are Musically null, and through them interpretation was made equal to music, then separated from it, and finally made superior to it. This attitude infecting Bach's whole body of work and making it sound like shit, the interpreter losing faith in the music itself and imposing the aforementioned absurd dichotomy onto it. Note how there is no Apollonian Scriabin or Dionysian Scriabin, only Scriabin, no Apollonian Chopin or Dionysian Chopin, only Chopin, etc.; consider playing the former's op. 8/12 in either way, an abomination. Bach is really no different apart from WTC, AoF, and GV. This is obvious in more basic interpretations, the more one approaches "merely playing it", the more one can intuit each piece's descriptive organic mixture of Apollo and Dionysus, and realize the harm in prescribing either one a priori.


>> No.14408987

Studying his Chorale settings and 2-part inventions pushed me over the edge - though "ultimate form of art" is some ignorant shit.

>> No.14409170

based and medievalpilled

>> No.14409184
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>5th symphony movement 4

>> No.14409187


>> No.14409191

read Boethius

>> No.14409193


>> No.14409208

>Such knowledge is only appropriate for the initiated, who will (by their nature) not misuse the instruments to create profane tunes designed merely to give you a dopamine spike.
>talking about a fiddle being played while eating my stew at a pub

>> No.14409397

There is no such thing as silence.

>> No.14409502
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The silence is within you fren.

>> No.14409637

Salutations, /classical/.

>> No.14409705
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw a guy from poland made the best piece of vocal music and included whispers to make a statement against german hillbillies

>> No.14410557

>the well tempered clavier, art of fugue and goldberg variations are musically null
hope you kept the receipt for your brain

>> No.14410737

Dvorak, as a leader of all the romanticists, is in every superior to this gay baroque faggot, lover of pseuds.

>> No.14410905

smoothbrains don't get it but this is the most kino music man has created

>> No.14411188

listen to this, the whole process culminating at 5:16 with the 3 voice imitation and the sparrow(s) in the background (present in many pieces of Richter's WTC recording) is remarkable

>> No.14411215

linked the wrong video. same piece but I meant a section in the fugue, which is @9:14 in that link. also, no sparrows thanks to YT compression, but you can find those in the lossless remastered version