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/lit/ - Literature

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14401085 No.14401085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is the female sex incapable of genius?

>> No.14401092


>> No.14401099

They are not made in the image of God.

>> No.14401110

i think that's the wrong way of looking at it.
they are just not meant to do the things men do

just as women are incapable of producing genius
men are incapable of producing children
has man ever birthed a genius?

>> No.14401114

Because modern (((Western society))) is making it seem like femininity is a curse. It is a very subversive culture that gets off from corrupting innocence, which we even see in publishing trends. Beatrix Potter, Jill Barklem, Molly Brett, and a few others were geniuses, but they wouldn't survive well in the modern era. The only solution is to slaughter every last Jew.

>> No.14401117

maybe because women have been oppressed for literally as long as humans have existed??

>> No.14401119

Because they are women namely whores

>> No.14401120


>> No.14401130

Literary genius takes as its object wisdom. Women, though highly intellectual, cannot be wise any more than a king can claim to be poor.

>> No.14401136

women are not intellectual, the great majority of them are painfully average which is why they do not produce much culture.

>> No.14401141

Genius is a combination of high IQ and moderate disagreeableness. Women are more likely to have average IQs and much more likely to be socially isolated.

Genius occurs when a guy with high IQ is rejected by society and fucks off to play with his own toys. Girls never really get told to fuck off.

>> No.14401147

Hello hello hello there doctor Edward Dutton. How’s the weather in Finland this time of the year?

>> No.14401148

Did you not read Beatrix Potter, Frances Burnett, Astrid Lindgren, Ramée, Spyri, Tove Jannson, or any other good female writer when younger? People tend to look down on children's novels or picture books in this day and age because the modern culture is highly subversive and geared towards a false sense of maturity:

"One may enter the literary parlor via just about any door, be it the prison door, the madhouse door, or the brothel door. There is but one door one may not enter it through, which is the nursery door. The critics will never forgive you such. The great Rudyard Kipling is one to have suffered this. I keep wondering to myself what this peculiar contempt towards anything related to childhood is all about."
-- Michael Ende

>> No.14401150

No real incentive to. Only a man is judged by his achievements. Women aren't held to such a standard.

>> No.14401153

Women are less likely to be isolated. Sorry. I'm a bit stoned.

>> No.14401156

Children's novels don't express genius.

>> No.14401159

>who is JK Rowling

>> No.14401160

Yes, they do. In fact, they express equal level of genius with much of your so-called classics. Literature of the extremes tends to touch on the true nature of things better than literature which dwells in the middle with ambiguity.

>> No.14401170

>express equal level of genius
equal level, if not more,*

>> No.14401173

based radfem mommy

>> No.14401179

Men are the hunter gatherers, the explorers the defenders.
Women are the caregivers, the nurturers, the family supporters.
That is the way we are wired biologically.

>> No.14401195

Do you know what a standard deviation is? Well men have a higher standard deviation of IQ than women. The average of each gender is the same, but the standard dev is different. Which means there are more male geniuses and more male idiots, and women tend to be clustered around the average.

People think it might be because of higher mutational load.

>> No.14401198

no, i think women are capable of genius. i just think all the variables required to produce genius in them are improbable.

also, i said genius. not intelligence. intelligent women; though again fewer in numbers, exist.
and among intelligent women, women tend to not show interest in the fields that men do so they express their intelligence in different ways.

>> No.14401206

You didn't even understand what I was arguing for.

>> No.14401217


>> No.14401223

Imagine you had no real responsibilities and society was built entirely around shielding you from all bad things including your own decision making. Imagine that you never had to try for social validation. How would you know if that person was a genius? They've never been left alone with their own thoughts or pushed to work.

>> No.14401229
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What humans notate by their "genius" can be quite mysterious. Many great practitioners have on interview little else to say on her or his mistressly performance.

>> No.14401239

Because their throats constantly get fucked out out big cocks and that causes block restricting the airways, brain gets lack of oxygen, so basically it’s due to their throats getting repeatedly fucked

>> No.14401246
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yes i think all of the women you mentioned are all very intelligent and eloquent writers. but they do not strike me as GENIUS
>People tend to look down on children's novels or picture books in this day and age because the modern culture is highly subversive and geared towards a false sense of maturity:
i agree with this completely, but again GENIUS? maybe i should read what these women wrote. i will enjoy it no doubt but i will not be blown away.

i rarely read stories, i read other things.

>> No.14401249

I would hunt woman for sport desu

>> No.14401265

If you could have all the sex you wanted would you be spending your time struggling to be a genius
Academia is beta male cope

>> No.14401268

They are just dumb whores stop over analyzing it lmao

>> No.14401302

you don't even have to be turbo chad to not like sex. All the people I know who get lots of sex claim sex is too much work and prefer to masturbate or have the girl just jerk them off/oral sex them.

>> No.14401313

The definition of "genius" you're working with is what I find problematic then. I find literature of the extremes, such as horror and children's literature, to touch upon the deeper nature of life rather than those that dwell in ambiguity.

>> No.14401329
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>Tinder bitch says she likes philosophy
>I take the bait
>instead of faking it and pretending that I’m wowed by her “intelligence” I actually try to discuss philosophy with her
>she blocks me
Why am I like this?

>> No.14401338

genius to me is work that through itself changes human thought

>> No.14401344

kek post story or screenshots
what happened anon

>> No.14401345

Schopenhauer's argument: they're only capable of being subjective. They can have great talent, but not genius.

>> No.14401349

That places too much value on novelty. Genius to me involves exploring the full depth and various qualitative expressions of the good and evil. In this sense, children's and horror literature comes gets to the heart of the matter best. This is why the biggest question in life is whether or not their dividing line is determinate or indeterminate.
I don't both reading literature outside of children's or horror anymore. This is because they are the only ones that touch on the absolute nature of things.

>> No.14401362

she most definitely meant astrology

>> No.14401369
File: 403 KB, 1271x1919, 1271px-Rosa_Luxemburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are you fucking dumbass

>> No.14401375

>Rosa Luxemburg

>> No.14401383

It would be in BR Portuguese so no point in posting.
But at one time she actually says logic = EUROPEAN in caps as if it were an argument finisher
I ask why is that bad
And she is like, because it’s boooooooring
I say you’re judging based on unquestioned presuppositions
She says fuck presuppositions :heart emoji, good night
That was the last I heard from her

>> No.14401391

Go back to bunkerchan

>> No.14401392

well i suppose if that is what genius is to you, then i cannot protest.
the smaller world you mention is quite overlooked, and i actually thank you for this. the larger world would not exist without it.
assuming i have children i know what to read to them now.

>> No.14401396
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>rosa luxemburg

>> No.14401397

You don't get my point. There is only the world of good and evil. There is nothing outside of it. If you deconstruct that, then there is nothing further to do this. This is why only literature of the extremes touches upon the nature of things.
Everything mankind does outside of an obsession or fixation on good and evil is a waste of time.

>> No.14401403

>logic = EUROPEAN
i have no idea what this means
also, some sound advice. please don't look for anything other than fuck buddys on tinder.

>> No.14401405

Nah she actually has a degree in social sciences and was surprised and annoyed I was able to not only keep up with her but call her bs out

>> No.14401408

>nothing further to do this
nothing further to do*

>> No.14401409
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I get a lot of sexual attention and to be honest everytime I get snagged in a moment of intimacy, I always think to myself "this is kind of not interesting at all, and really not worth the effort. I wish I was at home reading something neat."

Naturally my hair is falling out and my social circle is becoming non-existent. The reality that at some point in my future I'll curse the fact that I brushed off so many opportunities for love is a contingency I'm well aware of. Even still keeping that in mind, it's not even close to enough to compel me to be interested in intimacy in any degree.

>> No.14401411

what could be more genius than ability to create genius out of your own body?

>> No.14401414

In South American humanities universities it is the equivalent of NAZI and if you say that something is Eurocentric you just have to assume that it is a no no and have no further thought about it

>> No.14401415
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Here's the answer to your question.

>> No.14401424

one of the best posters on here. fucking based

>> No.14401428


>> No.14401430

i'm sorry, i wasn't aware that there was only good and evil.

>> No.14401438

i am left with more questions than answers but that's the girl, not you.

>> No.14401441

>when you're too stupid to swim and drown
>when your orbiters cope by calling it murder
so this is the power of female """genius"""

>> No.14401449
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I wrote the most disturbing story in this world, so I understand the saying "the light at the end of the dark tunnel" very well. If there is no light at the end of the tunnel, then everything mankind does is worthless. However, I do think there is a light, and picture books plus children's literature truly reflect it.
This means only literature that helps one understand the darkness or light are valuable.
BTW, I am the closest being to the Second Coming of Christ, Maitreya, Saoshyant, or anything like that. Please become my disciples.

>> No.14401450
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Megan Boyle is a genius of sincerity

>> No.14401453
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>tfw no sexy furry cokehead gf

>> No.14401457

No thanks. I'll just wait for your manic phase to end and for to you stop posting out of shame.

>> No.14401460

you mean genius of trash?

>> No.14401463
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Sincere post.

>> No.14401466
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i dont even care anymore, this just makes me want a comfy gf that writes childrens books and lectures me on the nature of good and evil.

>> No.14401467
File: 30 KB, 480x365, 75250911_10218630511246890_7705616614053380096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may mock me, but I have something you can never take from me.

>> No.14401471

legendary cope. shows you the education level of misogynists

>> No.14401482
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Hey, that's your version of sincere, so I respect that. Just maybe consider how you sound like a steamroom Roomba terminally choked with cum and pubes and feces, pozking

>> No.14401483
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i do not dislike rosa luxembourg because she is a woman
i dislike her because she is a filthy jewish bolshevik swindler!

>> No.14401484

Europe used to have a lot of these, but thanks to porn and Jewish meddlesome behavior, many of them have become corrupted. It is not an easy social problem to fix.

>> No.14401486

Post feet, whore. If on the odd chance, you're a cuck, post your whore's feet, cuck.

>> No.14401491

who is this woman? seen her before

>> No.14401494

not helping the case for your education level
i'm not a woman, cope harder

>> No.14401496

Why would I take it from you? You're going to need something to bite down on when you crash, lest it be your own tongue.

>> No.14401500

totally normal post

>> No.14401507
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why have men allowed this
where have all the good men gone?

>> No.14401508

They allowed it because they are good.

>> No.14401514
File: 71 KB, 450x274, tasha tudor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I crash? Many saints have come off as madmen to the rabble. I am just stating the truth about how I am one of the greatest prophets this world has ever seen. You should feel blessed to speak with me.

>> No.14401520

there is no point in arguing the philosophy behind ms. luxembourg but she herself is a shadow behind marx.
>not helping the case for your education level

>> No.14401521

lmfao cuck is ashamed of his whore's feet oh me oh my lol

>> No.14401533
File: 1.44 MB, 3000x6722, 1576469498212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ear to the streets, peep this book, "Liveblog"
Baltimore's own, episodic plied bog
"But does it live up to that big hype, dawg?"
Megan's unreachable, on a night jog
Fighting daily like Gately, vied mind smog
Writing errors earn flagellant fine flog
Meditate syntax below the shined frog
Engineering phrases, geared tight cogs
Meg's guest bathroom is prone to guys' clogs

>> No.14401545
File: 173 KB, 900x600, 0I5C2989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renowned and saintly anon, preaching such revolutionary doctrine as:
-Valence is real
-I am great

Forgive me, your grace. I would never seek to disrespect your prophetic wisdom with malice.

>> No.14401553

can you stop posting this elderly wench?

>> No.14401567
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I have far more doctrines than that, but I'm not sure derailing this topic is wise. If you wish, you could create a new topic in which I preach to you. Btw, do you know any literary agents?

>> No.14401582

Eat a creampie, Mr. Proud Boyfriend. Epic Gamer Alphas cut right to the exact center of the transaction by issuing to the so chosen woman a barrage of orders secretly craved by nearly every woman anywhere, "take your shoes off," "point your toes," "scrunch your soles" anything that makes them feel their loathesome feet are fawned over, whereupon her positive response may work in the woman's favor. You might not get it all, but women respond immediately on an instinctual level, piqued at the idea this strong high status Alpha has chosen my humble female tootsies for his satisfaction. Some stuff you can't teach, and if you don't already get this game, you shouldn't be playing.

>> No.14401589
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>> No.14401643

to be fair having more video games than friends isn't hard

>> No.14401651

it is if you're an incel 4chan poster

>> No.14401662

Take your statins, boomer

>> No.14401714
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what is my IQ?

>> No.14401722


>> No.14401737

it's 93

>> No.14401741

Good and evil don't exist at all. Your entire premise is the opposite of the truth; it is just a child's view of the world, which we teach them so that they don't do socially undesirable things.

>> No.14401748

Nope, good and evil are absolute and beyond a benefit of a doubt, and obvious to anyone with genuine mystical experiences.

>> No.14401751

Why are women so easily oppressed?

>> No.14401809
File: 350 KB, 1555x2404, 81+xthTH12L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think you dumbfuck

>> No.14401847

>why do you think you dumbfuck
Lack of communication skills?

>> No.14401872

What do you mean by 'oppressed'?

>> No.14401876


>> No.14401877

Don't spout synonyms. Explain this 'oppressed' thing that what was done to all women everywhere for the entire existence of humanity.

>> No.14401889

kept from achieving the things they want to
forcibly kept from positions of power, forcibly kept from having an education

>> No.14401954

Don't forget that men oppressed Hillary by not voting for her.
And when schools finally conceded to accept women, men added math to the curriculum out of spite.

>> No.14401966

I only just figured out females care a lot about what people think of them and often do or say the opposite of what they are thinking in an attempt to deceive
why did I not think of this before it was too late

>> No.14401981

THis is some armchair bullshit lol

>> No.14402046
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the inventor of the popular character beatrix Potter

>> No.14402073

Thank you.
But you're wrong. Though to demonstrate this you need to study history and stop filtering everything through infantile ideologies. You also impose gender factions as if it were the same as your inclinations everywhere, always. As if history is game of man dominating woman and woman wanting to break free and that everyone always thinks like this. I would argue that no one except some feminists have ever thought like this, you just discard their actual thinking and culture in favour of reducing it to your overly simplistic ahistorical terms. Black and white ideology over contextual social reality. This is an ideological revision of history and humanity that doesn't map to reality very well. How do you know women in a culture where they have their role untouchable by men, and see that men have their role untouchable by women, would by default somehow be wanting to achieve something more? Somehow wanting to destroy their own identity and role? Somehow incontent and dissatisfied because in your culture and mentality, rather spurred by recent seeds implanted by mass media, you would kneejerkingly be? That's rather arrogant and it contradicts your own ideology because you're denying the views and experiences of the vast majority of women who have ever lived in favour of an ideology that would have no following without invasive and destructive imperialism with no consideration for the consequences. It's a recent blip in a couple countries, with theoretically dodgy foundations, that has been predatorily imposed on others to their detriment. An ideology that would see a woman's entire identity and way of life stripped from her for some foreign academic's lowkey malicious 'ideals' and personal dissatisfaction. Now this thinking has value in critiquing 19-20th century Western countries, as that's what it comes from, but little more.

How do you keep someone from doing something against their own desires and understanding of the world? You don't because they wouldn't go against themselves to satisfy some modern's fleeting ideological passions. Also on the education point, you take a humanist and universal notion of education as if that's how it always works. No, historically education is intended for a specific purpose and is very expensive. It exists within a specific context. For example, meeting masculine aristocratic virtues and duties. If, in a given culture, a woman's role is to manage a household (and all its slaves), rear the children, ensure maintenance and stocks are all attended. And basically form a pillar of the house and correspondingly of society. Why would she be educated to be male aristocrat when it's useless for who she is and doesn't offer the education she would need. Not everyone is a presentday American woman of a particular turn of mind.

>> No.14402079

Should also note I hold an egalitarian view when it comes to gender because I'm 19 and Western. Other thinking on the matter is alien to me because I was always fed the narrative of equality. There's nothing wrong with being what you are, sure I might be able to discard it but that would be painful and incompatible with my society. Though ironically women in real life often don't want to be treated equally, they want special treatment and sometimes react poorly to my preference for fairness and equality.

>> No.14402081

nah i just made my post so someone more well read than i could make a post that i can take from and use as an argument next time i'm in this situation

thank ya tho, your efforts wont be wasted. bout that other poster though? dunno.

>> No.14402246

who cares? focus on yourself and the mission bro

>> No.14402285

I birth genius every morning after my cup of joe

>> No.14402320

>Women are better or just as good as men
>Get "dominated"
The utter cope of Feminists is hilarious

>> No.14402333

they come from the rib of the man without a navel

>> No.14402348

It embarasses the men in their life. Being stupid is incentivized in dating. Women will pretend to be dumber than you and likely, extrapolated across society, more are likely to miss the genius mark because they don't get to reach a sort of latent potential that male autists achieve simply by merit of social exclusion and fixation on the abyss, because they already have a perpetual relationship with it. It's likely that women generally experience the existential loneliness male genius flourishes in at lower rates because it's societally coded that a woman be tended to and a man left to figure his own shit out.

Besides that, who's going to stick around to listen to a woman in her latter years when woman is regularly caged in the biological clock and captive to her duty to the species. If woman were to achieve comparative genius, it would mean for the death of the species and she is constantly held to that. We won't see female genius at male rates until continued technological development liberates her from this duty to species.

Furthermore, the disparity in sexually violent trauma may complicate the question of genius. How can you fully utilize your mind if it's trapped in the hedgemaze?

>> No.14402351

Lack of male genius juice.

>> No.14402361
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>> No.14402369
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>> No.14402371

>Th-they're just pretending not to be geniuses
We're reaching levels of cope not previously believed possible

>> No.14402403
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I dont think so, Ive spent forever trying to figure out how the female mind works but in the end its pointless. Their thoughts are nearly always shallow and even intelligent women in my field of study (chemistry) are incapable of critical thought. I dont know why but they arent very good at problem solving and I'm convinced that they can only comprehend knowledge by memorizing rather than expanding on existing ideas and concepts. In my experience women are mentally inferior to men on average which is most likely why men have been behind 99% of human discoveries.

>> No.14402448


>> No.14402450


>> No.14402454

The ability to act as a breeding ground for a parasitic form of life isn't genius, it's questionable hygiene.

>> No.14402461

one of the biggest red pills is the first time you realize that women experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, trala la!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

>> No.14402466

Bell curve distribution. Wamen are the eternal middlebrow pseud of gender.

>> No.14402470
File: 20 KB, 400x241, mfiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the IQ distribution, females IQ has lower variance. It means females have less outliers. Less female geniuses, less idiots as well. They are also less competitive.

>> No.14402472

it only tells women femininity is a curse. They teach it to men however.

>> No.14402476

Women’s intelligence is just as high as men’s, but has a lower standard deviation, so you get fewer “geniuses”

>> No.14402533

Because biologically women do not need to compete to reproduce and so rarely possess exemplary qualities

>> No.14402562

Because genius means the male force.

>> No.14402567

There is actually something really interesting about this philosophy of yours anon. Reminds me of Bachelard's writings on childhood dreams and how it relates to creativity and art.

>> No.14402574


Whoops, didn't mean this post >>14401392 meant this post: >>14401349

>> No.14402626

Their brains are smaller. Simple as that. But we shouldn't hold that against them. It's just the way things are. I would even go as far as to say it is incumbent on men to provide support and moral guidance for women, who, because of their capricious nature, are frequently led astray. When women start heading down the wrong path we men are the real culprits for enabling them.

>> No.14402637

Women's adult iq is actually lower on average, it's not just the variance.

IQ is a bit of a meme though and the reason women don't dedicate themselves to creating masterpieces on average is probably much more to do with their motivations.

>> No.14402664

the definition of genius is inherently male, the characteristics of what makes a genius are masculine

>> No.14402709

I think we all aren't fit for genius, only those rare few that put aside their gender and got to fucking work, we are fit for surviving, and advancing if it helps survival, the true geniuses are the ones who put survival and physical limitations aside to contribute to something greater than the survival of a nation, science.

>> No.14402765

They don't want that.

>> No.14402772

Well, it sure is good that we're all geniuses, huh guys? Those silly women with those silly cosmetics.

>> No.14402782

I never give my opinion about someone i didn't read.
You should do the same.

>> No.14402792

>tfw you're beyond the limits of that scale
It's the only thing i have going for me. I rarely utilise it, I need to find something to pour my heart into.

>> No.14402819


>> No.14402832

evolution didn't require them to have the same male plumage (in the form of trickery and deception men need to pass on their gene)

>> No.14402855

You need a sperm and an egg to produce a child.
In less than 100 years, we’ll invent an artificial womb. So the contribution is about equal

>> No.14402879

As a male chauvinist, I still think that women have reached less of their potential than men have, in our culture and seemingly all culture that’s come before.

In today’s culture, from Barbie to reality tv, to social media ~ women’s culture is shit. A huge part of intelligence is sticking with something until you figure it out. Women are subconsciously taught to leave it to the men. It’s not doing them any favors.

>> No.14402884

Takes a genius to make me cum as hard as Naomi did.

>> No.14402888

Smaller brain, less grey matter.

>> No.14402904

because geniuses are masculine, autistic by definition.

>> No.14402915

Men have a lack of empathy and take advantage of the weakened state of a pregnant or childrearing woman.
Raising one of you is a full time job and very taxing on the mind and body.


>> No.14402974


>> No.14402978

They haven't had the same educational and vocational opportunities as men have had throughout the majority of human history. Nowadays there are more intelligent women than men but you'll never again see a true "genius" or renaissance man like when our knowledge was more limited.

>> No.14403001

It's literally just that the average woman has thicker white matter and less gray matter, and the average man has thicker gray matter and less white matter. This also goes to extremes in some uncommon situations, where the woman becomes very white mattered which allows her mastery over knowledge and memory, but an inability to process new abstract concepts and such (think of like a stereotypical head librarian or something, very well read and articulate and clever from within her domain and a master of her library and organization, but unable to understand and may even rebel against new paradigms of knowledge or a new way to organize) vs like some absent minded professor mathematician guy (has no memory for where he put his car keys, every day he goes through the same routine of having to find them, doesn't remember anyone elses birthdays, his office is a pigsty of papers everywhere, but he is capable of visualizing 6d objects and immediately integrate complex functions and such).
It is what it is.

>> No.14403014

I should add that what I mean is, the man would most likely be considered a "genius" despite his flaws, whereas the woman would be considered "very smart!" or "intelligent" but not "genius" despite the fact that there is no real reason why one should be considered more or less valuable.

>> No.14403198

Is there actually scientific evidence for this? It sounds credible. I've always felt as though women have greater comprehension of the present moment than men do on average, which I think is why the former are more likely to be realists. As for abstract concepts, it seems like women seem to adopt the stance of "I'll believe it when I see it", while men seem to dive head first into theoretical ideas even if these ideas end up being completely wrong or delusional.

A lot of men who live detached from reality in this way often need a woman who's capable of bringing them back down to earth when necessary. This is because true genius is when an idea can be comprehended on both this theoretical and realist level.

>> No.14403201
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Megposting is a cultural service to this board.

>> No.14403290

Punishment for their deceit in the Garden of Eden.

>> No.14403373

>women are incapable of genius

>> No.14403432

So are jews and they top the genius lists

>> No.14403441

This guy looks to be the biggest brainlet of all time.

Or is it just garden variety mental illness?

>> No.14403474

>Цyкop Бiлa Cмepть
hello based department?

>> No.14403850

Thanks for posting this anon, this is great