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/lit/ - Literature

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14396818 No.14396818 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14396833

Reading Sérotonine. It's OK.

>> No.14396837

>reading books

>> No.14396838

this girl hav medium size booby. I feel neutral to medium size booby :|

>> No.14396853

Tell you what anon. The next one will have the biggest titties I can find just for you.

>> No.14396858



>> No.14396904

yay :D

>> No.14396942

Jealousy by Alain Robbe-Grillet. Everything is neutral. Everything is an object. Everything is described and enumerated. Everything repeats. Everything is numb. He keeps crushing that centipede over and over and the shadow of the pillar moves ever so slightly. It’s one of the most tense, cool books I’ve ever read.

>> No.14397000
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On the last pages of pic related.
(Title is literally "Death Rode out from Persia")

It's a modern masterpiece. Feels like I'm reading someone's feverdream.
The story itself is about an alcoholic-chainsmoking lowlife with literary ambitions recounting his affair with a Jewish girl in 1970s Hungary as he looks through his notes that he written while drunk.
I fucking love this book.

>> No.14398308

>Borges' Complete Stories
fucking good
how do librarians reproduce?

>> No.14398584

OP, what are you currently reading?

>> No.14398624
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All the data I've been mining from these threads.

>> No.14399611

fugg :DDDD whose buying my reading preferences?

>> No.14399800
File: 162 KB, 1200x800, Bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.14399807

So you can figure out which anon is the cutest?

>> No.14399856

A friend gave me Robin Sharmas "The leader who had no title" as an early Christmas present. Ran through it in a day and found it as basic and superficial as Coelho's fast food novels.

Not only was the story boring and predictable, but the leadership qualities, albeit some being valuable, were over-shadowed by the feel of a global HR megacorp slave inducing mentality and overplayed positivity with no one even trying to confront the ideas presented in the book.

>> No.14400110
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you are this iguana

>> No.14400140
File: 78 KB, 720x720, 79845648_10157882259561449_5409059487342395392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternating between ATTA by jarett kobrek and the overstory
>TFW overstory is breaking your heart b/c you 100% fell for a comparative lit tree boy who wasn't ready to commit

>> No.14401055

Reading Wilhelm version's Tao Te King

>> No.14401322

Just finished the Acts of the Apostles. It was good. Paul is pretty based.

>> No.14401490

The Seventh Function of Language by Laurent Binet. Fast-paced and gripping and a good introduction to 20th century French intelligentsia

>> No.14401493

Senecas discourses and essays, next is epictetus and so on.
pretty based

>> No.14401554
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what do you think of the lay-understanding of stoicism today versus how it is presented by thinkers like seneca?

>> No.14401558

Cursed and They Live-core.

>> No.14401578


Just looked up Overstory that seems based as hell. Definitely getting that on the next book-run.

>> No.14401580

Just finished the Kabbalah and now starting fringe knowledge .. recommend Kabbalah if you’re into energys

>> No.14401673

John Berryman, The Dream Songs. I just started it but I’m liking it so far.

>> No.14401686

The "Kabbalah" is not a book, it is a tradition. And I can guarantee you did not finish the main text of Kabbalah, the Zohar.

>> No.14401692

but i like the small ones! DX

>> No.14401799

Nice, ill give it a look

>> No.14402120

Have a goodnight anons

>> No.14402151

I'm just about to start Three Men on the Bummel. I liked Three Men in a Boat, so I'm expecting this to be similar.

>> No.14402220 [DELETED] 

You too anon

>> No.14402239

Good night.