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14397913 No.14397913 [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image on your finest prose ?

>> No.14397937

your sentence ends with a question mark, therefore it cannot be an imperative. therefore there shall be no reply from me.

>> No.14397952

hold she the stick but broom floor

>> No.14397959

Sorry , i'm Esl , my reasoning is that i thought using the question mark is more polite.

>> No.14397960

Pro whores on parade
Despite make-up caked faces
The cleaner outshines

>> No.14397969


>> No.14397974

the threads of equality are woven by lies

>> No.14397984
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Old Asian lady with a broom,
and bunny girls that make me coom

>> No.14398000

The foot fetishists grow disappointed as the scene unfurls

>> No.14398009

It was hard to feel bad for insects, but he was so desperate he briefly--in a moment of weakness he would later recall with disgust--thought to himself "that Asian girl is kind of cute." He didn't think about the bunnies at all; he didn't deserve to bend them over, slap their asses, and spray long white ropes all iver their eager faces even in his imagination.

>> No.14398110

as lin mei passed the girl in yellow, their eyes met for a moment and a silent message passed between them. as she returned to her locker, lin mei found the number 213 written on the door in lipstick.
later than night, in room 213, lin mei showed the girl in yellow that it was not only tiled floor that she could make wet

>> No.14398167

Stupud faggot

>> No.14398194

By and by
Ling watched her dreams reappear
She pushed through them
without casting them aside
All alone
she cannot cry
She survived
She’s a survivor, she’s not gon give up
What music sweeps through
A Chinese gong, a Spanish lute
“Excuse me”
She smiles sweetly
The breath of life moves deeply
Inside her pale and
holy body

>> No.14398244

I thought this was pretty clever and deserves a (you)

>> No.14398283

asking a question is more polite than just telling someone to do something, but you have to actually ask a question, not just throw a question mark at the end
>Describe this image in your finest prose. (impolite)
>Please describe this image in your finest prose. (polite)
>Can you describe this image in your finest prose? (polite)
>Can you please describe this image in your finest prose? (very polite)

>> No.14398518

The miss cleaned the floor, knowing her existance will go unnoticed due to something grater: the circumstances. She wasn't born rich, pretty, white. She wasn't born intelligent or even in a good country, in which millions upon millions live.
"Wish I was them" She thought. As she kept sweeping, her body decayed.

>> No.14398535

>Pardon me, sir or ma'am, but would you care to partake in my humble thread? All I ask for is a simple description, in the finest prose you can muster, of this image I have attached to my post. If all goes well, it should be a jolly good time for all involved! (most polite)

>> No.14398545


>> No.14398581

It was the worst of times, it was the best of times.

>> No.14398649

It was the blurst of times.

>> No.14398725

worth clicking into the thread

>> No.14398731


>> No.14398735

id hook up with the cleaning girl

>> No.14398855
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>> No.14398867

the cleaner is more attractive than the left two

>> No.14399230


>> No.14399302

based coomer

>> No.14399354

dam son those are some ugly fucking harlots
was this at the dollar store?

>> No.14399366

i rike it

>> No.14399370

she wanted the pink outfit but was given the red just as the brunette was. she didn't dye her hair blonde to be given the same outfit as a goddamn brunette. "why did the redhead get the pink bunny outfit?" she wondered. "i would kill her if i knew how to get away with it. at least i'm not mopping the floor."

>> No.14399389
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The revolutionary spirit seized the janitor. I HATE PERVERSE PEOPLE, she thought, as she wiped away the bodily fluids off the floor.

>> No.14399409

If the 4chan jannies were cute old asian ladies I'd post my dick on inappropriate boards a lot more.

>> No.14399413

"moppin up moppin up moppin up stuff"
"moppin up moppin up moppin up stuff"
"moppin up moppin up moppin up stuff"
She sang this tuen in her head for hours on end every day of her life and when she died regretted nothing.

>> No.14399699

Three whores lined against the white backing, flashes from every direction, every eye on them
humble and swift, cleaning the floor, just as she was commanded, submissive and disgusted
"Mao would've never stood for this" she thought, "how could my country be invaded by western whores", sweeping the floor, doing the best she can, doesn't want to anger her boss, he is insufferable when he's angry, "Mao would've never stood for this" she finishes sweeping the floor and returns to the backroom, she prepares the mop, chemicals and maintenance room for the next shift.

As she’s leaving, she takes a stop by the boiler room, to say goodbye to her friend, Xiao Ling, the boiler maintenance man, she knows how much he wants her, and in a swift moment seduces him to a back room. “I’ve always wanted you, please take me now” she screams and they consummate, make love quickly, seeing as they don’t want to be fired. As Xiao is putting on his pants, he is felt by steel in his neck, She plunges the pick in and out, Xiao fades into black, and he’s gone, she is free to move now.

She removes from her blouse, a highly volatile substance, the furnace’s steel is warm and dark, having been on just a while ago, she attaches it to the inbound gas line, electronics in hand, she makes her final adjustments, checks it all over, everything is as I planned. “Let’s go”

She walked out, as she did after every shift. As for the past 20 years, she endured untold abuse and will put an end to it tonight. Walking in a cold November night in northern china is an easy tastk, getting ot her vantage point is not.

She reaches her point, machine in hand, and eye on the sky, she awaits the timer, 8:56:58, 8:58:02, 8:58:59, 8:59:22, 8:59:47, time is near, anxious sweating, that’s it, 9:01:00

The night sky lights up, 4th of July in China, an explosion to rival the annual firework factory explosions, all those western whores are dead, as is my boss. It’s all over.

>> No.14401107

It came to me on the computer, an image of a cleaner betwixt harlots, like the sun rising from behind the Toilet Mahall, an image beauty extending from hard work and toil, surrounded by the ugliness of sloth.

>> No.14401129


>> No.14401681


>> No.14401710

Fucking jannies deleting best threads and only leaving space for blacked threads

>> No.14401810

Mei Ling kept her head down, avoiding the unbroken gaze of a hundred eyes which leered straight through her diminutive frame. She tried her best to hurry along and finish sweeping the floor, cursing her own poor timing. Her manager had given her a memo at the end of her previous shift, letting her know that the Playboy convention would be held in her work area the following day.
Unfortunately she had forgotten the memo overnight, having passed out in her cramped downtown flat after a few episodes of some American TV show that came on around the time her shift ended.
She cursed her own poor timing, because now she had to feel the white-hot embarrassment of being where she didn't belong, walking in front of American beauties standing proudly on display. They were totally indifferent to her presence, and though she pretended the same, the truth is that Mei Ling was being crushed more and more with every moment she shared their company.
It usually only took her a few minutes to sweep this part of the store, but tonight it dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. People all around stood in her way, making impossible the meticulous level of cleaning which she took pride in. It wasn't fair, they were complicating her job and depriving her of the bit of quiet she so enjoyed around this part of her shift. The management didn't allow their employees the use of electronic devices, so she had no way to block out the cacophony of laughter and voices which all reveled in a joy she wasn't invited to share. Her resentment grew quickly for these foreign invaders.

>> No.14401839

It was the Megaphone Red Carpet Executive Dinner at the Hilton Convention Center. The event was momentous. Deals were struck, assets leveraged, power brokered. Here in these hallowed halls the slightest Faux Pas, an overindulgence in Hors D'oeuvre's or a clumsily manuevered champagne glass, could shatter a glittering deal. Sweat poured, smiles, clasped hands. Touching of shoulders, watching of teeth and eyes. In short, tension boiled between men. Three playboy bunny girls stood at the entrance as obligatory references to the orgy inside. It was understood that by their totemic nature they would be necessarily celibate. Their appearance was irrelevant, 'the girls' just needed to appear. Their tension would be released later at afterparties with Escorts, in bathroom stalls at clubs, with nervous identifications in the comedown from frenzy. The bunny girls would go home alone, that was already decided. An Audi pulled up curbside and deposited a man. Sweat ringed his carefully styled hair. He puffed his way up the stairs and into the reception hall. He did not look at the girls. The Megaphone Red Carpet Executive Dinner was underway, the doors slammed shut behind him. The three girls stood as a picture was taken for an unknown purpose. The Cleaning Lady, unnamed, started to sweep the floor.

>> No.14401846

She's better looking than all of them.

>> No.14401887

Fuck off. He's educating braindead ESLs. Actually he only expressed very light formality. He could've been more elaborate while remaining accurate to how the language is used.

>> No.14401890
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>> No.14401895

What happened?

>> No.14401921

races would be switched in the coming years...

>> No.14402063

Indians triggered

>> No.14402104


Cow died

>> No.14402118

How did cow die?

>> No.14402137

With courage

>> No.14402149

Black liquid pours out;
I lay my head beside the
peices of my kin.

>> No.14402253

Good cow.

>> No.14402376


>> No.14402413

Women do as women do, she thought as she silently wept and swept the floor in front of the floozy the thot and the whore.

>> No.14402526

The world is built around lies. People say they believe in honesty, but they choose the women with the fake faces.

>> No.14403006

German farmers MAD

>> No.14403222

dead cow dead cow
watchu gonna do?
watchu gonna do when they come for you

>> No.14403243

dont be rude, learning a language takes a lot of time and effort

>> No.14403244

an asian woman cleans the floor with a swiffer-like mop in front of three smug, jeering white women wearing playboy bunny outfits

>> No.14403249

>(least polite)

>> No.14403255

Did it go to Cowhalla?

>> No.14403261

No, it was reincownated

>> No.14403266

Capitalist destroyed our women

>> No.14403268

Dying with cowrage is good cowma.

>> No.14403291

I hope he lived his life like the dairy lama

>> No.14403610

From each according to his ability. Not everyone is fit to be a model. Doesn't mean we should ban them