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14397746 No.14397746 [Reply] [Original]

>Religion, art, hope--these things are fantastical, irrational creations to help him cope with the blank, cruel realities of life. The real truth is that there is a secret part of the brain (that I haven't been able to find) that controls man, and in fact all our outward behaviour is just a secret code telegraphing these hidden urges! Trust me, I'm a scientist!

I miss this nigger like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.14397896

Freud's writings make way more sense when you know he was in constant excruciating pain from oral cancer for most of the later years of his life. I'd think everything was shit too.

>> No.14397920

>Religion, art, hope--these things are fantastical, irrational creations

Bruh, you don’t get Freud if you’re think of rationality/irrationality as anything but manifest categories. Religion can be very rational, while still being a cope. Art can be extremely distressing for someone and provide no comfort, but they still feel compelled by it.

>> No.14397926

How is it a cope if it’s the truth?

>> No.14397981

Why must someone accept a ‘truth’? There’s no law or anything that makes people accept or do things according to ‘truth’. A person’s approach to relgiom ks determined by factors and episodes in their kife that entirely incidental. Say you think Christianity is the truth, it is entirely reasonable that someone living 200 yeats ago in China would not have been a christian due to lack of exposure to it, or cultural forces that would repress his desire to become christian had he known about it, etc. The truth is not important to explaining why people are what they are or why they do what they do.

>> No.14398069
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I hate this nigger more than anything I credit him for ruining my life fuck him. My mother has her doctorate in cognitive psychology and is a major devotee of Freud and his teachings. She took everything that retarded projecting cokehead pervert said as gospel and utilized it in raising me. You people don't have any idea what it is like to be raised by a single mother who has drunk the koolaid on psychoanalysis (and newer models of computational neuroscience) wholesale.
Because my mother thought she was so goddamn smart I of course as her proginey had to be smart too (though not as smart as her, obviously), so when I was five years old she was already drilling the libido crap that dr nigger freud set up as his Unmoved Mover into my skull. My mother would always tell me how I had an oral fixation, how I was going to develop an anal fixation, and how I already wanted to have sex with her even though I was only eight and just wanted to play with fucking bionicles. Do you have any idea what this does to your mind? Having to be bombarded by nigger cigarman's insane narratives amd baseless explanations for basic human behavior all day every day? Being told by my own mother (who granted, has fairly ample breasts and shapely body that I'd definitely call an archetype for fertility) that I need to sublimate my desire to sleep with her by getting laid as soon as possible, and saying it the way other mothers ask their children how was your day at school? And then of course there was the time when she herself introduced me to porn at the age of eleven. Literally sat me down, brought up some pornsite, and said 'Now, anon, you need use this because it's a healthy outlet for your sexuality and will help you not develop any neuroses about me during these crucial years of puberty teehee.' How the fuck did she expect me NOT to immediately develop a mommy-fetish and waste my adolescence glued to a screen where I could watch whatever woman looked the closest to her get DP'd by niggers that no doubt dr nigger-pseud himself would commend as the apex of male sexuality? Yes of course I'm a virgin in my 20s and how I went through all this and avoided the tranny meme is beyond me.
I hate freud with a singular, ultimate hatred. Oh, and of course I'm circumcised even though we were never religious because 'lol anon all my colleagues and jew mcjewy institute of judaism said it was the healthiest thing to do, physically and psychologically!' fuck psychology and academia and most importantly fuck freud.

>> No.14398079

>I miss this nigger like you wouldn't believe.
Why are you scared of reading osho? He will rip everything apart. But you are scared.

>fuck psychology and academia and most importantly fuck freud.


>> No.14398081
File: 27 KB, 452x568, rank_otto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank > Freud

>> No.14398085

just a small fraction OP
i've seen people fanatic about jung and freud


>> No.14398092

>I hate this nigger more than anything I credit him for ruining my life fuck him. My mother has her doctorate in cognitive psychology and is a major devotee of Freud and his teachings. She took everything that retarded projecting cokehead pervert said as gospel and utilized it in raising me

Krishnamurti felt the same way about his groomers. Muh theosophy. Read some osho
oh wait, you won't cause too pussy

>> No.14398093

Freud didn't make your mom a pseud bitch
he was merely the chosen vehicle of many available through which she expressed her intense neurosis

>> No.14398113

jesus christ anon if even half of this is true i really feel sorry for you from the bottom of my heart

>> No.14398127

>he believes in a substantive unconscious

Mystics are pathetic copes.

>here let me fill you with this absolute bs that isnt based in observations or reason (since these would be from without) and just take my word for it. Got it?

>> No.14398142

you have no idea what you are saying. You must have read too much freud. Oh well, not my problem.

Like i said, i've talked to many freud fanatics like you and many jung fanatics. It's just funny

>> No.14398147

>i've talked to many freud fanatics like you and many jung fanatics
Are they different?

>> No.14398148

>Why must someone accept a ‘truth’?
You certainly need to accept it before trying to have a meaningful conversation.
>The truth is not important to explaining why people are what they are or why they do what they do.
Even accepting that, which is debatable, the reverse is true. Explaining 'why people are what they are' is irrelevant to knowing truth which is the important part.

>> No.14398149

this nigga needed some guenon

>> No.14398179

>which is the important part
Here, you already betray yourself. Why is it important? Any answer to this only reveals more and more forces from childhood that shape your psyche. What is ‘important’ is evaluative, which must is determined through affective chains (like physiological impulses). Not everyone shares this affective chains and what is ‘important’ is variable to the individual. If truth determined psyche and not the other way around there would be no split from you or a freudian. But the split exists and it must be explained. Your move, sophist.

>> No.14398180

>Are they different?
Jung and Freud were buddies. Freud had many many many many disciples but jung was the best one. Best best one.

im not gonna say more than that
i feel like OP would have been a very great disciple of FREUD.
Look at him, he misses him. Jesus christ lmao

>> No.14398228

but jung goes more philosophical route

>> No.14398268

if you read osho, you would know.
>but jung goes more philosophical route
cool idc, life goes on, jesus christ

>> No.14398643

That's rough bro, you should get back at her by fucking her to show that her plans backfired.

>> No.14398728

Its called the lizard brain, and I guess this coked out "scientist" couldn't figure even that out.

>> No.14398766

Not him, but obviously some people can be wrong and others right with respect to truth, which would explain differences.

>> No.14398782

How does that make you feel?

>> No.14398843

this is the only productive outlet to your anger anon