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14384216 No.14384216 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14384224

Just finished Hyperion, I loved it but I hate cliffhangers

>> No.14384521

I'm reading a light novel called The second coming of Gluttony. It's pretty good

>> No.14384548

Tennyson as a Religious Teacher by Charles Masterman. It's not bad so far and covers a lot of topics that still apply to modernity. Just started it as some nonfiction in-between reading chapters of Ice by Anna Kavan (which is an entrancing read, love the meandering and vague narrative)

>> No.14384578
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Reading Making Shapely Fiction. It's diamonds. Reading Philosophical Investigations. Also diamonds.

>> No.14385185 [DELETED] 
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Home Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle. The contrast between a book on colonial life written by a woman in the 19th century and one written in the 21st century by a male with an agenda is astounding. I think I'm done with history books written after 1965.

>> No.14385194

Your moms ass.

Gonna have to say no

>> No.14385355
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It's interesting enough. Not written poorly, but one quirk it does have is not using quotation marks. Interesting enough to make me want to read for 30 mins before bed, but not really enough to make me want to read until my eyes are sore and begging for rest.

>> No.14385362

currently reading the Burning White (last book in the Lightbringer series) great series all around

>> No.14385379

Reading godiva's holiday catalog!

>> No.14385410

Snow Crash
It's all right. Some days it's a slog, some days I really enjoy it

>> No.14385538

Les Mis. I’m equal parts charmed and frustrated at the constant and long-winded deviations from the main plot. I hope I can finish it before the new year.

>> No.14385546

This girl haz small booby, where is big boooby girl?

>> No.14385586
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Reading The Screwtape Letters and really enjoying it!

>> No.14385782
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an essay on the history of civil society by adam ferguson. i actually got a bit choked up and teary-eyed at his description of human nature, then went into a kind of manic optimistic episode. christ, i've become such a faggot over the last few years. it wasn't even that profound.

>> No.14385828
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A biography of van der Waerden. It's nice.

>> No.14385840

Golden Compass. It's alright - interesting world building but very typical hero's journey structure which makes it a little boring and predictable. Hoping it picks up soon.

>> No.14386684
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The Acts of the Apostles. It is wonderful.

>> No.14386697

It's okay to cry, anon.

>> No.14387403


>> No.14387771


I already replied to the previous thread: >>14376136.

I just finished The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher and Death Note Black Edition 1. Still reading Micronesian Legends and Final Harvest which is a collection of Emily Dickinson's poetry. Waiting for Sword of Destiny, which is the other anthology of short stories in the Witcher series and Death Note Black Edition 2 and 3 and also Junji Ito's Uzemaki to arrive here on Guam from Barnes and Noble.


Been eating shit sandwiches (melted cheese, deli meat, lots of lettuce, some cucumbers, onion and tomatoes with ketchup and mustard between slives of bread) and those thing keep falling apart and also still make me feel hungry afterwards.

>> No.14388369


*slices of bread...

I should also warn you guys that shit sandwiches can cause heart attacks because of the fatty cheeses and the deli meat. You can just cut out the fatty cheese and the deli meat and have yourself a really healthy sandwich instead of a shitty one.

>> No.14388378

Just finished The Diamond Age.
Good shit, mane.

>> No.14388380

beyond good and evil. i have no fucking idea.

>> No.14388453
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maybe, but to this? i started tearing up reading it again.
>we speak of art as distinguished from nature; but art itself is natural to man. he is in some measure the artificer of his own frame, as well as his fortune, and is destined, from the first age of his being, to invent and contrive. he applies the same talents to a variety of purposes, and acts nearly the same part in very different scenes. he would be always improving on his subject, and he carries this intention wherever he moves, through the streets of the populous city, or the wilds of the forest. while he appears equally fitted to every condition, he is upon this account unable to settle in any. at once obstinate and fickle, he complains of innovations, and is never sated with novelty. he is perpetually busied in reformations, and is continually wedded to his errors. if he dwell in a cave, he would improve it into a cottage; if he has already built, he would still build to a greater extent. but he does not propose to make rapid and hasty transitions; his steps are progressive and slow; and his force, like the power of a spring, silently presses on every resistance; and effect is sometimes produced before the cause it perceived; and with all his talent for projects, his work is often accomplished before his plan is devised. it appears, perhaps, equally difficult to retard or to quicken his pace; if the projector complain he is tardy, the moralist thinks him unstable; and whether his motions be rapid or slow, the scenes of a human affairs perpetually change in his management: his emblem is a passing stream, not a stagnating pool. We may desire to direct his love of improvement to its proper object, we may wish for stability of conduct; but we mistake human nature, if we wish for a termination of labour, or a scene of repose. […] if we are asked therefore, where the state of nature is to be found? we may answer: it is here; and it matters not whether we are understood to speak in the island of great britain, at the cape of good hope, or the straits of magellan. […] man may mistake the objects of his pursuit; he may misapply his industry, and misplace his improvements. if under a sense of such possible errors, he would find a standard by which to judge of his own proceedings, and arrive at the best state of his nature, he cannot find it perhaps in the practice of any individual, or of any nation whatever; not even in the sense of the majority or the prevailing opinion of his kind. he must look for it in the best conceptions of his understanding, in the best movements of his heart; he must hence discover what is the perfection and the happiness of which he is capable. he will find, on the scrutiny, that the proper state of his nature, taken in this sense, is not a condition from which mankind are forever removed, but on to which they may now attain; not prior to the exercise of their faculties, but procured by their just application.

>> No.14389575

On the Jews and their Lies by Martin Luther. It is pretty based desu.

>> No.14389596
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It's certainty a beautifully written and very inspirational piece of text, so I don't blame you for having that reaction. Besides, I think that it's very sweet that you did. Would you rather be emotionally closed off and have nothing ever reach you and your heart ever again? Embrace your feelings, and live life with passion, anon!

>> No.14389602
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Pretty gay.

>> No.14389605

>"Strange and Intriguing"

Is that the best review that they could find?

>> No.14389610

That's kind of the only way to describe the book. He just expand so much the simple idea of "I was weak. I got strong. Being strong is beautiful and good. Yes."

>> No.14389626

I know, I've read it.