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File: 586 KB, 635x645, CD2388D7-94F3-44B3-BB91-DC2CDE3214C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14386017 No.14386017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14386021

Rome went from Rome to their own version of this

>> No.14386053

Pompeii graffiti:

VII.6.35 (Brothel of Venus; on the Vico dei Soprastanti opposite the Vicolo del Gallo); 1645: "May Love burn in some lonely mountains whoever wants to rape my girl friend!"

From the peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus: "Restitutus says: 'Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates.'"

From the Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio: "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"

>> No.14386065

You do realise it's 4chan's fault right? Like in a BIIIIIIG way.

>> No.14386073
File: 69 KB, 850x400, quote-rome-is-the-great-beast-of-atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14386074

>Who was Heliogabalus?

>> No.14386078

So what's next?
Is the US going to die?

>> No.14386084


>> No.14386093

eventually yeah. I bet it's going to take hundreds of years though

>> No.14386135

The US is too bombastic to just bleed out for centuries like the Ottoman Empire. They'll now either violently collapse too hard they become a footnote in history, like when the turn of the century Argentina had the highest GDP in the world... or have a Hitler or Julius Caesar come into power and become more magnificent than ever.

>> No.14386145


>> No.14386219

So everyone here is going to ignore 4chan's massive contribution to faggotry?

>> No.14386237


>> No.14386238

Excuse me sweaty but this is 4channel

>> No.14386247
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>> No.14386256

>From the Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio: "Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!"
Do you wonder if, had Christianity not taken over, this modern 'trap' stuff (which comes from a non-Christian culture nonetheless) would have started faster? Like can you imagine medieval art or something and instead of depicting scenes from the Bible or some saint's life it's basically fetish manga?

>> No.14386266

I'm 99% certain that 4chan drove shemale porn into the mainstream (and consequently will drive animal dick dildos into the mainstream as well.)

>> No.14386277

No, because sexual deviancy occurs only in the late stages of a High Culture. The brutality of nature does not allow such things to last long, regardless of setting

>> No.14386293

This looks very roman to me. It's not like Rome wasn't a cesspool of degeneracy. And it's not like I mean it as a bad thing

>> No.14386296

>Le enlightened centrism

>> No.14386309

Reminder: otoko no ko is for 2D only

>> No.14386316
File: 163 KB, 1400x1630, 1576628896742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did we go from Rome
who is "we"?

>> No.14386318

Twinks can do it for a short time.

>> No.14386326

I'm trying to help you. It's for 2D only. ONLY.

>> No.14386328

I don't think that's not what is being said here. What is being said is "great beasts" are unlikable, and it doesn't matter what those "great beasts" are. It's a stand against monolithic, ideological entities in favor of smaller, less ideological systems.
At least that's what I got from it.

>> No.14386338

What a retarded take. How is referring to trans people as TRAPS increasing acceptance at all?

>> No.14386347


>> No.14386348

theyre trying to mush together all the definitions

>> No.14386354

Why do you even reply to people that put Le inside greentext posts?

>> No.14386369

I'm just saying.

That's the funny thing, 4chan's trap addiction comes from multiple...sources I guess you could call them, like porn addiction and a need for new novel porn, or low self-esteem nerds who went nerdgay, etc I mean I remember a lot of the early tumblr/4chan traps had a dislike for real women, like SableHart.

>> No.14386398

Because I'm tired of the retarded enlightened centrism meme that is not a real critique.

>> No.14386401

Xe is talking about adjusting men to the dickgirl aesthetic. Unfortunately for xim, the vast majority of "femboys" and MtFs are unsightly faggots/hons and don't resemble the traps of Nippon at all.

>> No.14386408

You will learn, in time...

>> No.14386417

The hells a hon?

>> No.14386429

then what the fuck do we chose

>> No.14386436
File: 84 KB, 850x674, crFUuhS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpopulation mabye?? Humanity is sub-continuously reducing the number while still getting sexual gratification?

>> No.14386442

Hons are hideously unpassing transwomen. You see, in their community, they tend to tell everybody "you look great, hon!" no matter how ugly or masculine they appear. So 'hon' naturally came to be associated with the Shrek-in-a-dress look of these unfortunate beings.

>> No.14386493
File: 27 KB, 250x152, 250px-Diethylstilbestrol_molecule_ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bet is the rising age of pregnancies plus xenohormones such as DES or BPA causing homosexuality, transgender people and mental illnesses like autism.

>> No.14386499

No, degenerate nerds got their payday.

>> No.14386532

Bestiality is 10 times more redpilled than being gay.

>> No.14386539

You really are a spoiled shit aren't you.

>> No.14386543

So you agree that being gay is red pilled?

>> No.14386545

No it is not

>> No.14386552

>or have a Hitler or Julius Caesar come into power
alright, alright, i'll get around to it as soon as i finish cooming

>> No.14386569

But 10×0(gay)=0(bestiality) for bestiality to be >0 gay has to be >0

>> No.14386585

A number being ten times another does not imply that either is greater than zero, dumb pseud

>> No.14386591

It does though

>> No.14386593

your sexuality is the manifestation of your psyche/soul. desiring boiepucci is a clear sign that your psyche is deranged.

>> No.14386680

I don't know what you're trying to say but I'm certain that being a furry will become a sexuality.

(Bad dragon, you know who they are, sponsored one of the tranny awards show. A bunch of the new-ish trannies are 4chan posters. 4chan is accidentally the driving force of many things in this stupid timeline. I don't know if it's cos of capitalism/consumerism/whatever you want to call that's absorbing and commodifying every dumb subculture and spitting out bizarre artifacts.)

>> No.14386826


Remember that furry picture with the Ghandi quote?