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/lit/ - Literature

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14381565 No.14381565 [Reply] [Original]

Step aside, pseuds. A real book has arrived.

>> No.14381573

What makes this one real?

>> No.14381575
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uh oh

>> No.14381620

He's right about self-reference being the key to much of this. I'm not sure how many layers of self-reference an ordinary human mind can cope with but it's probably not enough. It'd have been better if he engaged with some philosophy on the topic for example Fichte and Hegel.

>> No.14381654

add thomas aquinas

>> No.14381658

I have more than three strikes on this. I'm out

>> No.14381679

Where's Fahrenheit 451?

>> No.14381753

Whoa there, Fahrenheit 451 is not claiming to be overly smart, just a bit of dystopia for shits and giggles that's all.

>> No.14381760

that's not really what being a midwit is about

>> No.14381765

>adding legitimate authors like chomsky and sam harris to a midwit core compilation

Yeah, nah.

>> No.14381767


>> No.14382845

But why's Penrose triangle on the cover?

>> No.14383210

>dissing on real human bean Marc Goldyboy
>dissing on Huxley and Orwell
>dissing on the Hero Cycle
>dissing on fucking The Prince and Art of War
I can tell this was written by a hipster without a shred of original thought.

>> No.14383218

>legitimate authors
The only one that shouldn't be on there is Taleb. Chomsky is a filthy communist and Harris is an imbecile.

>> No.14383282

midwit detected

Every book on that chart is "good" if you're a fresh faced innocent little teenager just beginning to think for himself, but adults who don't develop any further than that are midwits

>> No.14383467

I really don’t think midwits know about Stirner

>> No.14383474

Near infinite. Capable of more but coping becomes a lost concept

>> No.14383486

>Near infinite.
no it's like 5

>> No.14383495

Sure thing Nassim

>> No.14383508

Hi Muhammad

>> No.14383563

Chomsky is a communist WHAT he’s not even a socialist this is a high iq thread to be certain

>> No.14383580

This is a book for people who have no idea about Godel, Escher or Bach.

>> No.14383731

meme book, ignore


>> No.14383752

>Sun Tzu
>Marcus Aurelius
>Herrnstein and Murray
>Douglas Murray
They have their flaws anon but come on.

>> No.14383772

The only legitimate book in there is The Prince, fuck you for including it in there

>> No.14383812
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you're forgetting a few

>> No.14383834

Did you just put Socrates there lmfao retard

>> No.14383855

>being such a resentful stupid little niggerbitch

>> No.14383873

>Including Jesus
*Fedora tipping intesifies*

>> No.14383899


>> No.14383930

>the AVGN
Shut the fuck up, the nerd is the most enlightened and well articulated person out there! He is up there with other great writers like Socrates and Plato. This whole chart is a shitton of shit

>> No.14383931

Is there anyone remotely popular who is not a pseud ?

>> No.14383934

>sam hyde
he's a comedian dude, chill out

>> No.14383958

Any good philosopher who isn't a modern day sophist
He's a political pundit in the form of a comedian

>> No.14383986

the what

>> No.14383997

Angry Video Game Nerd

>> No.14384003


>> No.14384006

>Tao Lin
how DARE you, Taipei is LITERALLY my bible

>> No.14384020

>Any good philosopher who isn't a modern day sophist
List 5

>> No.14384132

Oh nonono

>> No.14384183

why is Onision between Darwin Pynchon and Borges LMAOO

>> No.14384273

Forgot the bible.

>> No.14384783

same thing desu

>> No.14384961

Yeah, plenty, he's very popular in antifa/alt-left/leftypol circles.

>> No.14385590


>> No.14385595

i would like to read hero with a thousand faces at some point. does it really belong here?

>> No.14385618

>mentioning Chomsky and Harris in the same sentence
Pseud, please.

>> No.14386058

this is bait btw
obviously it starts out good then just has everyone on it to upset autists

>> No.14386091

i liked the bach bits
doing various types of canons and counterpoint in dialogue form was neat
i was too brainlet to keep up with the maths

>> No.14386094

i tried reading it but the guy is fucking insufferable
every time the turtle and achilles show up it's cringe af makes me want to disregard everything he says

>> No.14386270

Dude you just posted cringe

>> No.14387211
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That book is the definition of pseud. Aquinas preemptively summarized the entire thing in a few lines by defining that beauty consists in clarity, proportion and perfection. Imagine being a pencil necked professor and getting blown the fuck out this badly by some guy who has been dead for several hundred years.

>> No.14388390

To be fair if he was alive today, people here would think he's just that.

>> No.14388424

>not pictured: Philip K. Dick
Uh I'm going to call based on this one!

>> No.14388605

>engaged with some philosophy
I read GEB as a fun math book, not really philosophy. Martin Gardner type deal. Talking about previous philosophers would have added to it's length without adding anything of importance to it's content or premise.

>counterpoint in dialogue
Going into it, I thought I would hate the dialogue bits the most, but they grew on me. It was a fun little way to introduce the concept, even if it did beat you over the head with it. Could have been done better, but could have been a lot worse.

>> No.14390101
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Babbys first system theory

>> No.14390110


>All these morons not realizing this is a joke

/lit/ has to be the most autistic board on 4chan

>> No.14391191

It was actually written by an autistic NEET

>> No.14392433

Ashkenazually, he's a CIA/Mossad agent. He can speak fluent Hebrew, for no good reason given his claimed ancestry.

>> No.14392457

This is a shitpost meant to piss off everyone lol Fantano and Borges, Dawkins and Jesus, Nye and Kubrick, Milo and Joyce! Makes no sense.

>> No.14392458
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>it is in the Adelphi catalog
It definitely can't be bad

>> No.14393268

its pretty kino. I think it's like an independently conceived entry to the post-structuralist discourse from an anglo-analytic perspective.

>> No.14393294


>waah anything mainstream in liberalism is bad

The theoryfag that made this is probably seething at his own lack of understanding of economics. Putting Piketty and Krugman on here because they're center-left and vocal about their politics is like saying Chomsky is a shit linguist because he's a dipshit leftist... they're all highly respected in their academic fields

GEB is a fine book and utilitarianism, while autistic, does have a place in normative ethics discourse. Everyone else on here probably is midwit bullshit

>> No.14393710


>> No.14393856
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>upset about a "pseud" who must speak to the level of their audience to not put them to sleep

>> No.14393925

sam harris is honestly brainlet tier. he's not even a midwit.