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14380379 No.14380379 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve modern slavery?

>> No.14380381


>> No.14380386

based and stoicpilled

>> No.14380395

take down the international banking system and the federal reserve. put in place severe antii trust laws, make unions fully legal

>> No.14380413

End capitalism

>> No.14380421

Living frugally, while putting money aside. Learn a skill that lets you choose your own hours.

>> No.14380433



>> No.14380435

Move to Africa and become a warlord

>> No.14380464

ubi + gradual reduction of 40hr workweek

>> No.14380482

>must be slavey
Shut the fuck up, loser.

>> No.14380493

this but unironically

>> No.14380501

Are you implying that structural transformations in the economy stemming from decades of deregulation, bad trade deals and labor arbritrage are not responsibile for our economy of identured servitude to part time mcjobs and glorified contracting for uber?

>> No.14380503

Don’t work dumbass

>> No.14380570

Remove die Jude

>> No.14381059

Get over it. Be a better slave. Change your frame of mind. Serve with joy.
Re read marx.
Pretty much. Be thankful for the opportunities you have.

My serious answer is the bookchin pill.

>> No.14381066

This is the answer.

>> No.14381100

Imagine doing this before the great depression.

>> No.14381108

>end up working even more for even less money
No thank you

>> No.14381132

>wrong article
>wrong noun form
cringe as fuck. Your nonexistent German ancestors would be ashamed

>> No.14381142

>put money aside for years
>economy does an epic fail
>my money is worthless now

>> No.14381144

put women to work and let men live as stay-at-home dad

>> No.14381153


>> No.14381158

that would create a hypergamous society on a scale beyond any heretofore conceived

>> No.14381161



>> No.14381168

Buy precious metals in case of economic collapse.
No amount of security is fail proof, but the more, the better.

>> No.14381171
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-usury-is-the-cancer-of-the-world-which-only-the-surgeon-s-knife-of-fascism-can-cut-out-ezra-pound-65-39-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>every country in the world could have been like denmark, a peaceful welfare state where education is guaranteed, everyone has a high standard of living, and you only need to work a few days a week (if that)
>instead the jew made it so your parents have a "mortgage" (usury contract) on a house they don't own while paying 50% of their earnings as usury repayments to unaccountable jewish banks because your government is in infinite jewish usury debt no one can explain (except the bankers and "finance ministers," who say it's absolutely necessary, literally all jews btw)
>so your family has to live off "credit" (usury) on a regular basis which is like having money but you have to pay some extra money to an (overwhelmingly jewish) bank or credit company for the privilege
>all so you can go to college on the back of massive loans with interest (usury)
>the colleges are all owned, run, and mostly populated by jews (look it up), and they're also used as private investing corporations (look it up - all major universities are in fact sitting on massive piles of money they use to speculate, AKA, use to generate "capital" usuriously)
>so you can get a job where you will also live on credit (usury) to pay off your debts (usury)
>private ownership was 90%+ at the beginning of the century, it is now nearing 0%, so that you are maximally subject to market fluctuations and the need for mortages/loans (usury)
>you are completely accustomed to the idea that "living on credit" or "having debt" (usury) is normal
>you are completely accustomed to the idea that "leasing/renting to own" (usury) is normal
>you are completely accustomed to the idea that "economies" are infinitely complex leviathans that run themselves, but they also need a special cabal of "experts" (80%+ jewish, look it up) to run them
>you are completely accustomed to jews dominating all sectors of finance, industry, media, culture, and much of politics in your country, while being less than 2% of the population
>you are completely accustomed to owning nothing, and not aspiring to own anything until you're practically retiring
>you are completely accustomed to the idea that "market fluctuations" can wipe out entire towns and regions, making your investments pointless anyway
>you are completely accustomed to the idea that you have to pay $4.89 instead of $5 and that this $4.89.99 on sale from $5.99 with a $1 rebate if you buy 3 (with a contract for 6) translates to $5.1891 with sales tax on credit with an extra $21 surcharge for use and a $10 fee to simply have a bank account every month and (etc etc etc), endless extra numbers and secret fees
>for all of human history, none of this has been normal
>for all of human history, all of these things have been seen as borderline satanic with how dangerous they are
>but you're completely accustomed to them
>and it's wrong to ask "why can't we just tear them out, root and stem?"

>> No.14381175

Buy guns and ammo

>> No.14381208

In the near future I am willing to bet primary education will be divided into separate practical and creative programs
At practical school you learn stem in a dynamic manner that allows you to progress at your own level.
At creative school (for lack of a more legitimate sounding name), you cultivate your interests in an ungraded setting, practice meditation and learn mindfulness techniques. As well as regular therapy sessions (or something similar to therapy). And maybe most importantly philosophy.
This type of education is actually starting to creep into society with more affluent charter schools

We eliminated religion from school without substituting ANY moral or spiritual training.
We are literally raising psychopaths with anxiety disorders.

>> No.14381236

You have that backwards

>> No.14381240

>the absolute state of zoomer plebbitor tourists
The correct answer is learn to hunt, fish and garden. Become subsistent on the land around you. Take the Agrarian pill.

>> No.14381243
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You have to go back

>> No.14381245

I can't tell you much, but it has something to do with letter bombs.

>> No.14381247

That would kinda end capitalism too, Bucky.
And I’m gen-X

>> No.14381248

>autistic namefag-tripfag shlliing communism doesnt actually understand how communism works

>> No.14381249


Sorry forgot to link it :3

>> No.14381250

read a history book sometime

>> No.14381254
File: 276 KB, 1600x2133, E4C32EE5-24EF-45D8-B578-858FA815B340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because uncle Ted was sooo successful

>> No.14381257

Anarchism, dipshit

I did not stutter. YOU HAVE IT BACKWARDS

>> No.14381260
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>not a single book mentioned ITT
you know what needs to be done

>> No.14381265

>I did not stutter.
No you just said something that's both incredibly retarded and egregiously ignorant.

>> No.14381269

>uncle Ted was sooo successful
It's not about »success» my dear lepidoptera, it's a reclamation of spirit.

>> No.14381274

Joking aside we should have buried monetary policy in 2008, not doubled down.

>> No.14381281
File: 164 KB, 800x533, Milton Friedman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic essential

>> No.14381313

>what is micro-capitalism on a local/regional scale
>what is mid-capitalism on a state level
Thats all the commerce every state needs and should be its maximum under a healthy economic condition.

>> No.14381326

Said the egregiously ignorant slob.
Your appeal is to the propaganda about the Soviet Union not being able to feed its people, not only is this wrong, it isn’t even the topic

Under capitalism we work more than we have to for chicken feed wages because the owner class want more. In the 1970s inflation went up but wages stayed flat. Inflation is caused by the owner class raising prices. Next they made it more expensive to get decent healthcare. They want us to die off.

In anarchism, we control the food and production and all the rest with the understanding that we need to stick together. If the jobs dry up because of automation or something, we just work less. We still eat, we can still fix up our homes, get education and get good healthcare. Less work for more than the owner class is selling you.
Read up on the subject.

How about not capitalism. Lets do that for a change. Something so brazenly good for people and planet. Might be our last chance.

>> No.14381330

>only not-capitalist country that ever existed is the soviet union
>"no u ignorant"
fucking lmao

>> No.14381331


>> No.14381333

You are rentally marted if you actually believe this.
Libertarians who are still libertarians in A.D. 2019 are unsalvageable.

>> No.14381339

>dont get to use money you didnt need

>> No.14381340

On a global scale? Remove the reasons why we're actually forcing to wageslave. I.e. a decent place to live, and enough money to survive and pursue hobbies. How that is going to happen is the way more difficult question.
Personally? Get rich or die trying lmao. Buddy of mine is starting to escape the wageslavery cause we founded a startup together and it's taking off.

>> No.14381346

I reiterate, read a history book sometime, not just your feel good utopia shit based on "best case scenario in every regard" assumptions.

>> No.14381348

>(((We))) control production

>> No.14381350
File: 461 KB, 1147x645, 3B2EDEE5-B88F-45BD-A4B0-C5ADB4141E7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was state centralized capitalism you absolute boob. Ever hear of rubles?
Read this now.

Read a non-liberal history book, AND this book right here

>> No.14381351

>Muh history
Dude stop bothering butterfly, it's not good for her blood pressure

>> No.14381352

>obscure financial instruments in 2008 were created because of the government
> the government was behind fraudlent mortgages at investment banks
Truly your mind on libertarianism.

>> No.14381355

become the greatest con artist of all time


>> No.14381359

>((((we’re))))) all da jooz now
Your issue of course is that socialism accepts all human beings as human beings, and you can’t stand that.
Drink bleach

>> No.14381369

What do you do for work, if I may ask?

>> No.14381371

jesus christ I'm glad I don't live in america, you guys are cucked beyond salvation

>> No.14381375

Will your economic system incorporate AI for administration?

>> No.14381376

>t. resident of an American vassal state

>> No.14381382


>> No.14381384

This sounds like the typical reductionist lolbert wank.
I hear this so much from Libertarians, but do they have not only demonstrable proof, but deep theoretical framework for this? I don't even mean, "lol cite source," because that's just bullshit, but what's the blend of data, analysis, and philosophy that argues this?
Consider that there's a multitude of examples in industry that the lolberts cite as government interference creating new problems. There are demonstrable government failures, but that doesn't prove the libertarian ethos, because there's demonstrable private failures that resulted in similar problems (of course, the libertarian provides a standard which he doesn't give to public failures, that "these things are bound to happen."). But how does the existence of government in a "failure" scenario prove that government mismanagement was solely responsible?
Another lolbert screed (though they do vary depending on right or left) is that there should be no limits on international trade, and international freedom for corporate or private entities. Leftist libertarians also promote essentially open border, or living wherever you desire.
Except, in every single case, this results in the local laborer and professional, skilled or otherwise, being replaced by cheaper competition, and giving a competitive edge to nations that do have protectionism. There is some truth to the principle that the market moves by some deterministic forces, in supply, demand, and cost. But this particular kind of libertarian doesn't apply this principle to these international cases.
And while there are of libertarians who don't fall into this trap, but they shouldn't fool themselves into thinking they're the mainstream. But this internationalist libertarian follows a double standard. The very same people and societies that libertarians claim to fight for, they'll very well throw to the dogs because "muh freedom."
Government interference = bad, because it doesn't work. When unchained private endeavors don't work, and fail the local economy and only profit a handful of corporate men, still they = good, because the arbitrary shifting principles of libertarianism. And this extends to most of the libertarian ideal. Destroying someone's reputation and career forever, when they themselves go against a maxim of a handful of corporations, is acceptable, because "muh private consensual trades."

>> No.14381389

nvm they dont sound the same
but he always post vorocs

>> No.14381397


>> No.14381439
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>> No.14381490

Whats wrong with slavery

>> No.14381546
