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14376818 No.14376818 [Reply] [Original]

Was Tennyson completely wrong when he wrote "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"?

Someone who's never loved doesn't know what they're missing and are much better off.

>> No.14376824

Well I'm someone who's never loved and idk but I feel like I'd prefer to have loved and lost.
Not an incel btw just inexperienced.

>> No.14376829

No, being loved is a validation of your worth as a human being that is impossible to replace.

>> No.14376837

See you barely even care one way or the other

Being loved, sure, but this is "to have loved"

>> No.14376851

It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't know. I have never experienced true heartbreak so I don't know how bad it is.

>> No.14376859

Not if you dont really care about the person who loves you. Then they just seem kind of retarded

>> No.14377039
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Well, like all "quotes" it's deliberately vague. You can't appear intelligent if you give specific examples such as:

>She might have murdered me, but at least I got pussy.

Better in what sense? For your well-being, most likely not, but for your intellect, most likely. If you'll indulge a personal anecdote, I had a deeply held fear that I would never find love. So, I got married very young to more or less the first girl that came around. It didn't go very well.

Funny part is though, my fear was probably not incorrect whatsoever. I probably never will find love. It's just, I did learn that isn't such a big deal as I used to think it was.

>> No.14378478

Depends if you fall out of love with them or they fall out of love with you.

>> No.14379612

>that isn't such a big deal as I used to think it was
Finding love is a pretty big deal, maybe you've just learned to cope

>> No.14379671

love is an absolute meme either way. its unironically just chemicals urging you to coom.
>inb4 rick and morty
i say this as a Christian. its very clear in the bible that sex is only for making babies and that in heaven there is no marriage or sex anyway, so there's literally no other point to romance besides breeding. anything else is just coomer cope. if God didn't make us all so horny we would've just died out as a species long ago.

>> No.14379684

>Someone who's never loved doesn't know what they're missing
Wrong. We all know what love is intuitively whether we have experienced it or not. Plato was right. All learning is remembering this we already know.

>> No.14379760

sure we know wht it s but not what it feels like

>> No.14379765

The quote was about his friendship with Hallam. He is saying that it is better to gain from a relationship then stop gaining than to never gain in the first place. Death doesn't remove anything, present or past, just prevents a future. In short, it is better to enjoy a past and present than fear a future.

>> No.14379789

men aren't allowed to have friendships anymore because its gay, don't you know? you're essentially saying that its better to have been gay than to have never have been gay at all because you learned from the anal penetration.

>> No.14379813

>Not an incel btw just inexperienced.
You don't get to decide this, incel.

>> No.14379830

I've loved and lost. I though she was the one. I told her I'll take her hand. It didn't work out. I still dream about her 2 years later. It gets easier but love doesn't go away. It's a permament chemical lock in your brain. If the universe is indeed cyclical, I'm happy.

>> No.14379890

its definitely better to have never "loved" because then you don't end up as some cuck daydreaming about >her while she's getting fucked by the 49th chad since you broke up. no offense

>> No.14379989

WTF!? Wojak has EARS!?

>> No.14380005

Your chemicals are telling you to cope like that, lmao.

>> No.14380009
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>> No.14380010

No. I got rejected and now I fucking hate women.

>> No.14380031


>> No.14380034

no its pure rationality. the end of a romantic relationship is the bearing of offspring. once we no longer need to multiply as a species, there will be no more romance.

>> No.14380036

Did you mean to say Yes?

>> No.14380041


>> No.14380045

For me it was more of the years of niggers telling me women love them more and women telling me they love chad more, how many times a day do you think you see one thread in the same vein of these two ideas on r9k? The answer is above 4 easily, every day, for years.

>> No.14380060

>the end of a romantic relationship is the bearing of offspring
Source: my ass
I'm sure all couples stop loving each other the moment they have kids, right?

>> No.14380065

I'm not one of the self-victimizing freaks who goes on r9k so no comment

>> No.14380362

he's right cause he's referring to true love that is destroyed tragically, not you getting rejected by the girl who you shared one common interest with

>> No.14380410

>Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
this is cope, like most poetry

>> No.14380450
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{{Perhaps you have been coping since birth into believing love is such a big deal.


maybe huh? Isn't maybe a funny thing. Maybe I'm right. Maybe it means nothing.

>> No.14380857

what a pathetic way to live your life. keep thinking in dichotomies and see how much you'll enjoy living.

>> No.14381156
File: 46 KB, 950x534, 2EA9C25C-037C-4915-9216-1B9A119A1866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... You HAVE experienced reciprocated unconditional love before haven’t you /lit/? You don’t seriously think you can be a writer WITHOUT that experience do you???

>> No.14381211
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