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/lit/ - Literature

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1437359 No.1437359 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We describe our ideas for books and people tells us if they've been done before.

A teenager going through an existentialist crisis attempts to commit suicide. He wakes up to find a strange, black man sitting in his hospital room. The man turns out to be the ghost of an old, blues singer that the boy idolizes. With the ghost's help, the boy learns to love life. Kind of corny, I know, but I like it.

>> No.1437390


Extremely corny. How about a book where Stevie Ray Vaughn and Buddy Holly form an unstoppable blues tag team to take over the world with cool melodies and intense blues shredding.

>> No.1437393

Sounds dumb. I'm sure the beatfags of this board would love it, though.

A world ruled by anthropomorphic sinks.

>> No.1437398

That sounds awesome, and I would wish it was made into a movie, a video game, a musical, and then somehow a renovelization from one of those things.
It's lame, but sounds similar to Keret's "Kneller's Happy Campers". So maybe check that out OP.

>> No.1437397 [DELETED] 
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>A teenager going through an existentialist crisis

>> No.1437401
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>A teenager going through an existentialist crisis attempts to commit suicide

>> No.1437406
File: 115 KB, 447x700, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.1437413
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OP...one of the most cliche things you could ever write. Get some creativity breh.

>> No.1437419
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>> No.1437420

British Moroccan pulls huge bank heist, betrays friends and flees to Morocco with 20 million pounds; Morocco and Britain are at shit and Morocco won't extradite him. He has 20 million pounds and can live freely in Morocco, but can never leave or Britain will scoop him up. Depressed with the idea of the rest of life spent in Morocco, he becomes depressed and takes on alcoholism, leading to his death of liver failure.

>> No.1437421

Spaniards in Russia search for their families stolen sacred cow when they meet Muddy Waters who helps them discover the true nature of their quest.

>> No.1437429

>Depressed with
>becomes depressed

>> No.1437436 [DELETED] 

I have a few:

>A child ages at a rate equivalent to one month per year (i.e. 12 years pass, child is like a one-year-old physically and mentally), goes through life foreveralone.jpg over the course of centuries.

>Cat actually have 9 lives, but only the veterinary community actually knows this. "New" kittens at pet stores are in fact resurrected from the "euthanized" cats at vet offices, and a family coincidentally re-adopts their old cat that died.

>A young couple moves into a new apartment only to find a hobo squatter. The squatter and the young man from the couple get into a violent confrontation resulting in the squatter's death. Over the next few days, the police refuse to show up as the couple is forced to share an apartment with a rotting body.

>Suddenly, one day, gravity reverses and most living beings fly out into outer space and die. Story follows the last few weeks of life for the lucky survivors who were indoors at the time of the incident, basically hanging onto the planet by a thread.

>> No.1437439


>> No.1437444

I have a few:

>A child ages at a rate equivalent to one month per year (i.e. 12 years pass, child is like a one-year-old physically and mentally), goes through life foreveralone.jpg over the course of centuries.

>Cats actually have 9 lives, but only the veterinary community actually knows this. "New" kittens at pet stores are in fact resurrected from the "euthanized" cats at vet offices, and a family coincidentally re-adopts their old cat that died.

>A young couple moves into a new apartment only to find a hobo squatter. The squatter and the young man from the couple get into a violent confrontation resulting in the squatter's death. Over the next few days, the police refuse to show up as the couple is forced to share an apartment with a rotting body.

>Suddenly, one day, gravity reverses and most living beings fly out into outer space and die. Story follows the last few weeks of life for the lucky survivors who were indoors at the time of the incident, basically hanging onto the planet by a thread.

>> No.1437497

A panda finds itself in the middle of a post apocalyptic scenery where mankind is as good as wiped out. The panda, from a young age raised in a european zoo, struggles with his identity as a panda (being raised in the zoo, only ever coming into contact with men) and finds himself with close to no survival instincts and bad adaption skill to the european flora. Troughout his journey he comes in contact with a large variety of animals, even traditional inhabitants of europe that had long been extinct in the wild. When he sees the most beautiful transformation of caterpillar to butterfly he decides that's what he wants, he wants to transform in the same way and fly away. Initially he tries to collect caterpillar and spider rag to form his cocoon, an impossible task, so when he finds a roll of plastic wrap, a reminder of man's reign, he uses it to construct his cocoon, and eventually uffocates.

>> No.1437514


please write this

>> No.1437517

fucking cool

Except for the cat one.

>> No.1437542

>A child ages at a rate equivalent to one month per year (i.e. 12 years pass, child is like a one-year-old physically and mentally), goes through life foreveralone.jpg over the course of centuries.

So, a darker version of this?

>> No.1437547

I'ts been a rough sketch just for fun idea for a couple of months now, the title is : Pandamorphosis

>> No.1437552

Dude, you're a fucking genius.

>> No.1437567

Heart of Darkness''s themes, + True Grit's travel narrative and characters, and + fantasy elements from LOTR

in fact lets just glom 3+ books together and discuss whether it's shit or not

>> No.1437582

I can just take the 'themes' from another book and write a good book right
right guys

>> No.1437614

A teenager becomes disillusioned with their life and ends up taking psychdelics to cope, through various experiences with them they become obsessed with the concept of murder, they also become aware of their imminent death that they have no freedom to stop.

>> No.1437622


LOL. Angst.

>> No.1437630

okay so
a teenager
is depressed

and it's super deep

>> No.1437632

A lonely man takes up an interest in the paranormal, and begins spending his days and nights combing around abandoned buildings and crime scenes trying to snap pictures of the deceased.
Yadda yadda yadda, weird stuff happens and he goes crazy.

I have a pretty big outline of that, actually. It's way more complicated but nobody gives a shit anyway.

>> No.1437634

Well, ultimately it is. I ripped the entire idea off of a person I met on the internet who actually sort of did this. They were an introverted druggie at about age 16 or 17 ... they're still there now. They actually were looking for the whole "open your mind with psychdelic" sort of a thing.

They're also a weeaboo. (But I'm not including that?!)

>> No.1437642

Kinda like the secret of nimh, except the mouse gets into extended conversations with humans and questions his existence.

Yeah, so basically I took a children's book and made it a million times more pretentious.

>> No.1437651

So basically Blood Meridian with dragons?

>> No.1437664

A small country that deals with all decisions by dialectic method

>> No.1437666

I wrote this story about a group of soldiers at the DMZ in Korea.
That's it. They don't really do anything except sit around and wait to get bombed by the million starving Asians just over the border.

It's kinda similar to this, now that I think about it.

>> No.1437670


Oh god that is the deepest most profound outline I have ever read. Someone give that man a Pulitzer Prize.

>> No.1437678


This sounds like that one story about the man who goes into an abandoned field with a camera and his camera stops working. He starts seeing strange rocks and a portal or some shit opens up to another world. He gets OCD as a result of the experiences, something else, yada yada.

Probably not close but it reminded me of it. It's killing me because I can't remember what it was. Was it King?

>> No.1437681

Re-write the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy from Frodo's first-person point of view, except he speaks like Holden Caulfield, and narrates the entire trilogy as Holden Caulfield would.

>> No.1437682

The one I was working on was a man on 10 years of probation going through this period of life arguing with himself over nihilism, biological determinism, and other topics he doesn't really understand as he leaps through various legal hoops the system sets up for him. Enough taken from my life to count as semi-autobiographical, but barely so, done in a similar style to many misanthropic authors but usually done to point out how useless misanthropy is as a cultural anesthetic. I was trying to work it as a satire of self-indulgent intellectual rationalizations.
Opening line of the book (I've posted the beginning chapter as a short story here a couple times, to surprisingly positive reviews [though I was anon at the time; I'm sure people would trash it now]):

Jesus christ this room is full of black people.

>> No.1437703

I have a lot.
The problem with the shit I write is that the plot is hard to describe, if it even exists.
I know how to start something and how to end it. But very rarely are the things in between the two on some set path.
I think the closest parallel I can think of to all the crap I churn out is Trainspotting.
Sure, there's a plot. But it jumps all over the fucking place so much it's hardly existent.

So anyway..
>Guy walks around his town because he has nothing better to do and interacts with various weirdos, including an insane homeless man struggling with his inevitable death via brain cancer, an ex-priest who was kicked out of the church after the cardinal found out he was a she, and a militia leader plotting to blow up the supreme court

>Journalist goes to unnamed, war torn, country; and attempts to determine all the factors that lead to the place being a shithole, with limited success.

>Two orphans living in a Kowloon-esque shanty town in near future New York attempt to survive after the assassination of an up and coming politician nationwide rioting.

So yeah..

>> No.1437704

>just a simple book about a serial rapist/molester. Just stuff about how easy it is. How he hates women. How he loves to know he completely fucked their lives up. And how he can tell someone has been a victim before. A lot of it would be junk about his daily life and how he doesn't want intimacy and only cares about himself. No fuckin moral judgement will b passed on him in the text.

>kids form a gang/pact to grow up before they look like adults. So they subject themselves to all kinds of mature shit and eventually are experienced and cunning enough to outsmart anyone they come into contact with.

>> No.1437709

These are really cool. I'd read all of them with decent prose and reasonable length.

>> No.1437710

>"Sparks" nationwide rioting

I hate typos..and I always have them.
Why, typo-god? Why?

>> No.1437712

not a story, but an idea for a musical/play

>A story of two families during the Bolshevik revolution, one on the communist side and the other on the capitalist (they're trying to flee to america) side. The story tells the pitfalls of both families choosing either path, and shows the fallacies of both forms of ecopolitical choice, and tells why no form of government or economy is the best.

>> No.1437713

I would also read all of these.

>> No.1437714

So, does anyone feel ambitious enough to rate the stories in this thread?

>> No.1437723

>Anyone feel like being the typical /lit/ douchebag and force their opinions on others in this thread?


>> No.1437725

>Limited success
Well, that just sounds boring. What the fuck is the point of it all if he doesn't find anything out?

>> No.1437731

If we all agree the ratings are entirely subjective and don't resort to namecalling, I don't see the problem.

>> No.1437739

Goody, now I get to be pretentious!

Anyway, most civil wars in the modern world are far more complicated then they appear on the news. There is always so much shit going on you can hardly say one thing caused it.
I think that's what I'm trying to convey with that. He finds out plenty of shit, sure. But none of it answers that question of "why".

Anyway, I'm still in the planning stages for that. So I might change my mind on a lot of the stuff I plan on chucking into the crap pile(story).
I know how it ends though and why I want it to end that way.
Without getting into the shitty details, it's more about how the rest of the world relates to the third world then the third world itself.
I've got lofty ambitions but little talent.
Shame, isn't it?

>> No.1437747

I wouldn't go as far to say that. It's fair to provide a fair opinion, but to just be a douche nozzle is just being a douche nozzle.

I mean, I'm not going to hate Roger Egbert for giving reviews, nor am I going to want to slaughter metacritic for congregating 100000000000 opinions and thoughts. Is it really fair to say that?

>> No.1437753

>Man notices one Winter afternoon that he is getting some dandruff.
>He starts to scratch his scalp, more of the stuff flakes off and drifts onto his clothing.
>He gets mildly annoyed.
>That very day, he arrives to a first date with a wonderful person fifteen minutes late.
>Over the progression of a month, he becomes more and more unreliable, causing some people to starve, and others to become incredibly pissed off with him. He becomes more and more... Flaky.
>Just as his composure degrades and flakes away, so does his scalp. At the end of the novel, he begins scratching furiously at his head, pulling out the remaining vestiges of his hairdo and then peeling through his raw, bloodied skin. He finds the fault line between the two halves of his skull and then rips his skull apart. He feels his brains, and then squeezes the gray matter through his hands like dough.
>His downfall is the downfall of all of the people who were close to him.

I'd just have to find out how to write about his spiraling descent.

captcha: poetic, trouble

>> No.1437755
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>agree they're subjective
>no name-calling

>> No.1437760

1/10 poor idea, needs deeper thought

>> No.1437771

A story in which the protagonist is described in a second/third person view by other characters, in present tense, the big reveal might be that the protagonist was not real, but the other characters thought he was.

A fantasy story with no magic, at all; as in, fictional people in a fictional world (would it still be fantasy?).

>> No.1437776

How on earth would you explain that?

It's just fantasy isn't enough

>> No.1437780

Every plot ever has been done before. Honestly it's the way you execute it that makes it worth reading.

>> No.1437784

I remember seeing some interview from Jim Jaramusch once.
He basically said the same thing. According to him, everything he's ever done was stolen from somebody else.He just showed it a different way.

>> No.1437785


>> No.1437787

The Four Gospels of the Bible from Jesus' perspective as narrated by Travis Bickle.

>> No.1437789

>How on earth would you explain that?
What do you mean, the first or the second?

>It's just fantasy isn't enough
Is that a question or an affirmation?

>> No.1437794

the first, and it is an affirmation, I like to agree with myself since so few people know how right I am

>> No.1437797

The instant you mentioned black man I thought of the movie Cross Roads.

>> No.1437802

I can't describe anything, in fact, it's hard for me to write, period. I have ideas, I have full scenes written, I have full grown allegories and interaction ideas, but no down to earth point to them. I mean, I have stories with tone and characters well defined, but no plot.

>> No.1437804

Well, you could say he was everyone's imaginary friend; or like a myth, eventually he developed in something every other character believed, but never saw.

>> No.1437807

What do people think about this one, I've been giving this one lots of thought, and I think I, personally, believe that it's something I should write.

>> No.1437813

In ten years we have developed a one use time portal. We (being America) decide to use it as a gag and send an outspoken republican (let's say, Glenn Beck) to the time of the slaves and such. Well, Glenn finds that he has more in common with the slaves than the plantation owners. He becomes a part of their culture. Glenn sees true injustices and finally starts the uprising in the past that he failed to initiate in the future. However, since this is a coming-of-age-tale, Glenn decides not to take credit for his work or leave a message for future Glenn.

I would elaborate but I think the acid's kicking in.

>> No.1437814


You aren't alone.
Anyway, I hate to bring up Steven King on this board, but I remember reading something were he said that when he starts a story he usually has no idea where it is going to end up. He just writes it out as it comes to mind and sooner or later it forms into something coherent.

Maybe you should try that instead of trying to work every detail out in advance.

>> No.1437821

good short story material
go from there

>> No.1437829

A semi-biographical story about this guy

>When asked about the secret of his long life, Buckles replied: "Hope," adding, "When you start to die... don't."

Come on, what isn't fascinating about a guy who can give a quote like that?

>> No.1437861

Honestly, reading about that guy makes me want to do the same thing. He didn't do even do anything truly spectacular, all he did in the war was drive an ambulance.
He just seems optimistic as all hell.

>> No.1437871

An alcoholic recluse wakes up one day with no recollection of the night before (we are led to believe he was just too fucking drunk) and it follows a darker version of A Christmas Carol where he has to relive all of the traumatic scenes from his life, up until the most recent crisis where bla bla horrible life experience and then he finds his own dead body. He's killed himself and he's in limbo or something.

>> No.1437873

An apocalyptic tale with an invaded America as the backdrop.

Please tell me this already exists...

>> No.1437885

You could call it '40,000 days of Frank', since he's 109, holy shit.

>> No.1437893

Read something similar; man gets in drunken car crash, relives his failing life with his dead mother guiding him along the way while meeting other people on the brink of death.

>> No.1437909

Barton Fink + Mad Men + Blade Runner

How does it sound?

>> No.1437949

awful, because barton fink was awful

or would it be barton finks underlying plot with societal status quos of mad men in the setting of blade runner

>> No.1437963

book that starts out like twilight. i mean extremely similar to twilight. then during one of the romantic scenes about 20 pages in real main cahracter, who is an occult huntig clergyman slaughters the vampire and kidnaps girl to be brainwashed to forget the whole thing. story is of him fighting the occult. twist when his home, the vatican, is burned down and a group of cultist are plotting to take over the world. i think teenagers would eat this shit up when it becomes popular to hatte twilight

>> No.1437979

that book would literally serve no purpose, which is kind of interesting really

>> No.1437998

well other than being just another story, no it wouldnt serve a purpose. like i said teens would eat this shit up. look at harry potter, alex rider series, twilight ect

>> No.1438000

A science fiction story where people with the ability to teleport begin to appear. A high school senior discovers his own abilities and is thrown into a hidden world of crime and intrigue. The main focus of the story would be the social, political, and military effects of people with teleportation abilities appearing.

A fantasy story, set in a new world in political chaos. A small group decides to bring peace to their unstable world by gathering and awakening several ancient artifacts which supposedly would, combined, give their wielders unchallengeable power. This one would follow a cast of characters who all become involved, in one way or anther, in the conspiracy.

>> No.1438013


Oh right I forgot the point of this thread besides us to circlejerk over our fantastic ideas.

Has this actually been done before? I'm curious.

>> No.1438022

So, Ferris Bueller's day off then?

Would everyone imagining this guy be the effect of some weird chemical leak or something?

>> No.1438031

>Group of basement scientists find a way to bridge universes, and transport to another universe without leaving earth
>One scientist volunteers to try out the machine
>Goes through the portal, comes out, everything is the same
>Thinks it failed, as does his friends
>Begins to realize small things off about his life
>Wife's hair color slightly different, time moves slower,
>Comes to the conclusion that he's in a new universe
>Tries to tell his friends, no one believes him
>Things start getting more obviously different to him, things that use to hurt him dont hurt him anymore
>Begins to read other peoples minds
>Gets paranoid over every change, breaks down and cries
>End of the story has him getting a cut somehow and screaming in pain
>Reader is left to determine if he was in a new universe the whole time, or if he never left Earth

>> No.1438034

i like this

>> No.1438035

God I love that picture OP. Wish someone could turn it into a wallpaper.

>> No.1438036
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>> No.1438038


You mean like this?


>> No.1438039

When God created the Universe, he decided like the physical laws and masses of quarks and stuff, but didn't predict everything that would result so he's fascinated by watching stars and galaxies develop, and discovering the properties of elements, and amazed when he discovers on a small blue planet the existence of a system of organic chemistry whose molecules replicate themselves and self-modify, joining together into more and more complex structures, becoming what we would call life.

When this life starts developing cognitive processes, he is awed.

When it develops language and writing, he is surprised.

When it starts talking about Him, he becomes nervous. When these intelligent beings start working out the laws which govern them, the mechanisms of their own cognition, the rules of mathematics, the existence of quarks and such, he becomes afraid.

Afraid they'll come for him.

>> No.1438042

Turn it into a Winnie the Pooh ending (the greatest adventures are the ones he never had), and you hae yourself a story.

>> No.1438047

i would buy that for any price you put it at

>> No.1438054

>17 year old high school student
>Graduating soon
>Has no idea what he wants to do for college
>Gets killed in a car accident
>Wakes up in a distorted version of his town
>The inhabitants are people he doesn't know
>He uses his second chance to find his passion
>In hopes of finding his passion, he joins numerous clubs and takes on many different hobbies
>Each time he joins a club he meets someone who genuinely likes said club
>He forces himself to be like them but ultimately fails and sees his aforementioned friend succeed in what they love
>Whenever someone succeeds, they disappear
>Each disappearance adds to the overall theme of the story
>After each disappearance, time resets and the protagonist wakes up on the first day that he arrived in the town
>Repeat the process until the protagonist is left with only a handful of other people
>Protagonist goes into depression
>Years pass
>Protagonist finds his passion through an epiphany
>He disappears
>Wakes up as his 17 year old self
>Turns out the 'other world' was a purgatory where troubled youths are sent to after near-death/deathly experiences and they leave it once they achieve their dreams
>The 'time resets' were actually all of the protagonist's potential futures playing out all at once in the purgatory
>A lot of the story is based around the protagonist's unknowing interactions with his potential selfs
>Everyone lives happily ever after

>> No.1438061

This gets posted every time I swear.

>> No.1438078

Rapper Justin Rimes travels to spain where he falls in love with a house and then saves all his rap money to buy the house but then the house is haunted and he has to rap his way out of the house before the spirit kills his rapping spirit and then the only way he can kill the house spirit isn't with his rapping spirit it's with his guitar solo spirit then he gets sucked into the void because he had to realse his spirit so his spirit could fight the other spirit and then he plays a game of spirit cards and then he realizes the only way he can win at spirit cards is if he uses his card spirit then the ghost of his gf tells him to believe in the heart of the cards then he wins and he marrys her.

>> No.1438079

Guy you were responding to, I've been sitting on this idea for years because I couldn't focus for long enough to sit down and write it. I actually raged for a good long while after I saw the trailer for that movie. After having watched it, though, it's not really what I had thought up.

>> No.1438081

cover similar to this but not ms paint

>> No.1438084
File: 40 KB, 600x450, pandamorphosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1438109

you know have no excuse not to erite this book, none of you do

>> No.1438115
File: 40 KB, 600x376, 1286225350355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody write this fucking book.

>> No.1438117

A rich young socialite goes on a spelunking tour to make new business contacts. He gets seperated from the group and finds shelter in a cove. There, he encounters a supernatural being that has always existed, in one form or another. To him it is the shape of a large black sphere that bisects at the middle into a pair of razor sharp jaws. As the creature consumes him he experiences visions that show him this creature is the embodiment of all the hatred of humankind. He awakens, changed, but alive.

Going for more of a Stephen King/Lovecraft feel than "Hatred=Angst"

>> No.1438123

good but this>>1437497is what we all want written

>> No.1438128

A Young man has fled his family after purposely causing a cousin who he hated to smash his hand, only to learn that the cousin had left him a repentant letter and apology to him. The cousin's only passion was art and the manner in which his hand was smashed has destroyed his ability to create. He gets a job working at a super market, while corresponding with the matriarch of the family about her life, his life and his family. Eventually he comes to terms with who he is and what he's done upon receiving a letter from the matriarch of her impending death. He returns to take up mantle of the family head, in which the matriarch had been training him for, and why she never told anyone where he was, despite knowing herself.

>> No.1438131

I remember reading a sci-fi story as a kid about this Being traveling through the universe being chased by other Beings he simply calls Usurpers or something to that effect. He eventually decides to stop running and turn and face them, try to fight, even though he knows that he is clearly going to lose.
The story ends with a little bit of dialogue and the Being protests, "But I'm God."
The other ones say, "Yes. But we are Men."

Whoa. Deep man. Whoa.

>> No.1438140

im going to write this i hope you know

and its going to say "with special thanks to that one guy on /lit/, you know who you are"

>> No.1438144

I would read this shit.
A pianist would also fit this criteria though.

>> No.1438148

Do you remember the name of said book?

>> No.1438152

The first half of that story sounds like an episode of Smallville.

>> No.1438159
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>> No.1438181


1437444 here, I'm really glad you guys liked my ideas. I will write all of them, even if they only end up as short stories.

>> No.1438183

It's a dirty story of a dirty man, and his clinging wife doesn't understand. His son is working for the Daily Mail. It's a steady job, but he wants to be a paperback writer. Paperback writer.

>> No.1438188

Well it's my original thought so I'm pretty sure my version is going to be way better.

Anyway, the only thing I haven't figured out is the narrative, how the fuck do I tell this story?

>> No.1438191

how many pages you up to?

>> No.1438200

1st person?

>> No.1438202
File: 14 KB, 177x300, Be Mein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the panda also going through an existential crisis and possibly a tad suicidal?
Add a black person and you might have a nobel prize winner.

>> No.1438204
File: 28 KB, 739x558, 1280839013863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post 'em on here when you're done

>> No.1438207

I don't know, there's something odd about a panda talking, also I don't know how to be a panda, maybe I should go into the woods some more

>> No.1438219

Well, when he sees the caterpillar, how are you going to convey to the reader what the panda actually wants to do? If not in 1st person, that is.

>> No.1438220

No he isn't suicidal at all, it should be a beautiful honest identity struggle for the panda.

>> No.1438221


I liked how animal thoughts and actions were described in the beginning of 2001: a space odyssey.

>> No.1438226

Well I don't really know, that's why I'm stuck, I can't figure out a way that satisfies me completely.


>> No.1438233

I don't know if you have access to the book, but I could probably find you an ebook. It was done in third person. I forgot to mention that.

>> No.1438237

Thanks for the help, I'll just #bookz it

>> No.1438244

Main character is the physical embodiment of luck. Except, this ability doesn't effect himself. So, depending on how he feels about others, they'll either succeed or fail at whatever it is they're trying to do. Thus, he tries to massively improve the lives of those he cares about and his own life by association. For a while it looks like everything is golden. However, these people can't handle the success and so begins a backwards slide while the main character tries to regain some sort of normality.

>> No.1438246

I like the idea, but I think it would be incredibly intriguing if he wasn't aware of it.

>> No.1438258

Wasn't there a Graphic Novel similar to the Panda idea except about lions? Pride of Baghdad?

>> No.1438264

An good Christian family man from a small town in Southern England comes to the realization that everything he does, along with anything anybody else ever does is done in order to fulfill the various biological imperatives which drive human life.

He thusly realizes that in light of the fact that we are, as Carl Sagan put it, living on a "small stage in a vast cosmic arena", living to fulfill biological urges when we have the capacity to use our reasoning abilities to discover truth is redundant and pointless.

So he scraps his old life, leaves his family, his church, becomes celibate, eats frugally and generally lives ascetically.

He then however is overwhelmed by the unfulfilled instincts which drove him exile to begin with, preventing him from getting anything of value done because he ends up consumed with petty wants of sex and lovely food etc.

This leads him to conclude that for him to exercise him rational principle he must do so as a human being - as that is what he is after all. So he lives a life between the extremes of asceticism and animalism, which allows him to keep his urges at bay whilst pursuing knowledge in a worthwhile manner.

That might work if there was an actual story built around it.

>> No.1438271

Wasn't that about a pride of lions that break out of the Baghdad zoo?

>> No.1438274

I had never heard of this, don't usually read graphic novels, but I can see why it would seem rather similar, though I'm pretty sure there is enough to distinguish it.

>> No.1438275

I may go that route.

>> No.1438276

>So he lives a life between the extremes of asceticism and animalism
not to be a boor, but this sounds like every person alive at the moment, or are you saying he violently switches back and forth?

>> No.1438284

How about a book about an old man that travels around the USA with his dog named ummm, Charlie? That been done before? Because if it has, that's fucking dumb and boring.

>> No.1438300


so you want to write it's a wonderful life

>> No.1438321

>Aspiring artist volunteers for a science experiment for quick cash
>Is asked to pretend he is talking and interacting with his clone, man imagines his clone and pretends to talk and do things with him
>after weeks of pretending to talk and do stuff with an imaginary person, he starts to see him becoming more real
>As time progresses the imaginary clone"of the man becomes more realistic, and the man begins to interact with it more and more
>after several months of study, man is informed the experiment is over and he can go home
>Man still sees clone, but doesn't mind, because he's become attached to it
>Becomes a social recluse, talking only to his imaginary clone, ignoring all of his past friends, and begins painting gory and gruesome pictures. He has no idea why
>Eventually the clone starts becoming what the man is not, more violent, commanding and psychopathic
>after weeks of not leaving his house, one of the man's former friends knocks and tries to talk some sense into him, the imaginary clone commands the man to kill said friends and he does it without hesitation
>Man realizes that the imaginary clone is now taking him over, so he tries to flee, but he can never escape it

I know it's pretty shit, can anyone give me some ideas about how to make it not shit?

>> No.1438327


I think there would be two main revelations. The first being that the life of pure instinctive fulfillment of biological desires is vapid, vain and essentially pointless in light of reality. The second being that the opposite life, where he abandons instinct and tries to live not as a human but as a purely rational entity, is not as profitable in that he would be unable to deal with the unavoidable biological imperatives that go with it.

So he tries to live a life which is not pointless, where he tries to live in a way which would further our library knowledge (or something to that tune), though to keep himself sane and do enjoy life he decides he needs to satisfy some of his instincts, but just not centre his life around them.

Of course such core plot points would be the underlying layers of an actual story, though the more I try to explain this the more empty and narrow it feels.

>> No.1438348

...That's really awesome.

>> No.1438354
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Cyberpunk novel where a computer hacker guy goes about stealing high security information and breaking ICES etc. One day he's doing a normal run on some company to steal the new source code for the next big operating system. because he knows there's a big payoff for whoever can sell this on the black market. Well, while doing this run he realizes that someone else is also trying to steal the same thing he's going for. It turns out the security systems of this company are way more advanced then they both expected so they agree to work together to steal this code and split the profit. Upon completing the mission the guy finds out that the other hacker was a mysterious girl.

Anyway, for some reason they exchange information and start chatting it up and working together on missions. They end up falling for each other, while never having actually met in person. The guy suggests that they meet in person, and then the girl reveals that this isn't possible for her because she is in fact an AI. Or at least she's a combination of a curious AI and the remaining memories/personality of a girl who died of some debilitating disease years ago, and her father, a computer scientist downloaded her memories into a computer to try to preserve what was left of her. The reason "she" hacks and steals stuff now is because she's bored and really has nothing to do besides collect information and surf the net. The remainder of the book goes about the two as they go around having fun and getting into trouble. It eventually catches up with the guy and he gets killed. The girl AI mourns the loss of her companion and continues to the be a part of the internet alone.

>> No.1438355

Write that shit in 1st person

I would read the fuck out of these books.

>> No.1438358

The very beginning of that reminded me of that movie "Hackers"

>> No.1438360


>> No.1438367

Hopefully that's a good thing. I've never seen that film. I also don't really know how to end that story. I basically just wanted a sort of cyberpunk girl-Pinocchio forbidden love story type of thing. I dunno.

>> No.1438370

sounds like you're about to have to worst acid trip ever, bro

>> No.1438379

Two aging men look back on their lives, they recall the time they spent as young adults debating politics, society, philosophy,.. At a certain point they discussed Cicero's discourse on friendship, they agreed on what they think is friendship, part of this is absolute honesty towards eachother, sharing the thoughts one would normally not share with others. They both decide to lead a different type of life, the more cynical of the two decides to lead a life of selfishness with no regards to society, social constructs or anything he sees as irrational, in an honest way though, he tries to be a good human. The other decides to live the life, use his abilities to become successful, in order tot beat "the man" you must become "the man". He ends up a successful upper middle class man with a home, family, kids,.. while the first one has had a turbulent life, bad relationships, depression,..
They tell how those different views on life have influenced them.
As the cynical/rational man has recently heard he's got a terrible illness, he rationalizes suicide, discusses how to do it with his friend and decides to put a bullet to his brain. As a result of his history with mental problems he can not buy a gun (european gun legislation here). The friend makes the sacrifice, buys the gun and joins a shooting club, in which he stays for a while since they both want him to not take any legal risk of aiding in suicide. Anyway, the happy guy ends up killing suddenly killing himself.

The idea doesn't lean to much on the existentialism but mostly on the idea of friendship and the betrayal of i.

>> No.1438384

Here's the lowdown.

>Man is reintroduced to his rich aristocratic family after he disowned them many years ago. The family main branch is in a convuluted and remote location that is hard toget to. Just so happens that his reintroruction happens during the families aristocratic anual gathering .The major twist is that he and everyone else gets murdered under such strange circumstances that its most likely beleived it was impossible for anything human to have done the mass murder. The book then procedes to try and piece together what happened by using metaphorical battles and theories.

>In the end though not much is ever really explained. I will however troll everyone by making it a semi ITWASALLADREAME ending wherein some nutter Thinks he was on the island at the time when in reality he was just a disilusioned psycho.

What do you think everyone?

>> No.1438401


Read "The Glass Bead Game".


Sounds like a Cthulhu mythos story.

>> No.1438419

A young boy, about the age of five, sees his mother go through a mental break down and she ends up going to a psychiatric hospital for awhile while he stays with his grandparents. While he is waiting for his mother to come back, he, his grandparents, and his uncle all have flashbacks that show their relationship with the mother and show how she slowly became more and more unstable through out the years in her adolescences to the present. It will show her rocky relationship with her parents who is frustrated with all the drama and her relationship with her son's father, who is not around and was abusive and how she became pregnant while in college and dropped out, despite of doing very well and having planned to eventually get her masters degree and just generally shows how she screwed up her life. When she eventually is checked out of the hospital and returns home with her son, she finds the strength she needs to get through the days in her son.

>> No.1438475
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Anyone figure out the name of this story or the author?

>> No.1438501
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>> No.1438509

Dull man leading a dull life is approached by black-robed man, who offers him eternal life, free of charge.
dull man starts to live it up, until eventually, he becomes bored.
bored man tries to rob bank, mortally wounded.
wakes up in hospital, can't use leg or left arm because of wounds. permanent damage.

disabled man gets approched by clocked figure one year later in prison, offered death in exchange for his soul.

How many times has this been done?


>anthropomorphic sinks
>just take my money

>> No.1438514

here's mine (alt. universe, though),

the inhabitants of a futuristic city - it was built just above the cavern where the stranger from judaeia (yes, it's jesus) banished the demon of gadarenes (yes, it's legion) into a flock of pigs - start to succumb to a disease not unlike a quasi-zombie hivemind plague. now it's up to a rag-tag team of police specialists from the pilgrim unit (oh-HO!), which may include the descendant of the stranger himself, to save the day.

shit, this actually sounds terrible. fml.

>> No.1438541

God awoke to a pile of a million lifeless corpses, eternal life takes a lot of regular life, for a billion years god cried, his tears became you and me. He still hasn't forgiven himself and so there is suffering.

>> No.1438567

Part 1:

A teenager and his friends are in a classroom where a group gathers to play cards, talk, whatever. There are cliques within the group, not everyone is friends with everyone or even knows everyone. One day a friend brings an electric guitar, another friend gets hold of it for a bit. The protagonist thinks "el KABONG!" and immediately says it to his friend while pointing at an annoying kid, knowing he'd understand. He thought his friend would just tap the kid's head with the flat side of his guitar, maybe a smart for a sec but no damage done, instead his friend puts a little force behind it and hits the kid with one of the corners. They think and say "oh, shit, sorry about that." The kid appears not to have any injuries, goes home, the protag's friend gets suspended. The protag and friend graduate, they eventually lose touch. At a gathering a year after graduation, the protag learns that the kid died from complications and his friend is in jail for murder. The protagonist feels ultimately responsible, even when he tells himself that the blame is his friend's because of free will and all that, he knows that the chain of events ultimately lies with him. He gets severely depressed.

>> No.1438582

An old Central European peasant woman boils thin soup in a cauldron and reviews the episodes of her peripatetic life as she waits for her father to die.


>> No.1438590

Garnish Poltroon of the XVIII-th Cocksman Space Brigade stands trial, being falsely accused of murdering an intelligent moon named Quentin. Then the StarBread Famine Riots of 29X6 start....

>> No.1438613

a better twist would be the old woman gets punched the fuck out by Vladimir Putin

>> No.1438617

I agree about not having an ending when you start.
I submit that people hate m knight shayamalam because he is in each story rightly assumed to have started with the ending first, so he's not taking a journey to the end of the story with the audience, and this offends us somehow. Also black.

>> No.1438667

How's this? It's an idea for a short story I have.

>A boy lives alone with his dog.
>The first half of the book is building a relationship between the boy and his dog.
>It is generally upbeat and cheerful though there is some cleverly integrated ominous foreshadowing throughout.
>Halfway through, the dog is killed by a group of boys in a violent confrontation and there is lots of detail about the one thing the boy loves being torn from his heart.
>Second half of the book is about the boy’s spiral into madness, depression and psychotic tendencies.
>Culminates in the boy killing a young girl who loves him.

>> No.1438673

thats not a short story.

also, stop gloryfing your own lives...

>> No.1438675


Why can't it be a short story?
Ps. I am not a 10 year old boy with a dog whom i love

>> No.1438680

well, obviously you can make it short enough to be a "short story". But the arc is too wide for being a short story. Actually, the fact that there is an "arc" is already not like a short story anymore.

You even think the same subconsciously, because you say "The first half of the book is building a relationship between the boy and his dog."

Make it a novella.

If you feel like it has to be a short story, cut it lean and mean, maybe start with the death of the dog, exemplyfing their strong relationship through his thoughts and reaction.

>> No.1438683


true. thankyou =)

>> No.1438684

When writing a story with dogs and attempting to increase foreboding, use the ominous way they follow you, unseen, on the other side of walls. Avoid needless exposition.

>> No.1438695


but it's going to be the boys companion, and a happy go lucky friendly loyal one at that. how can he still be ominous to the protagonist?

>> No.1438738

Sorry, I was unclear. This should be a different dog. You'll be bringing a dog into the story anyway, so using another dog for atmospheric effect is efficient - consider the extra words you would have to use to introduce (for example) a forbidding octopus. I'm not trying to be silly, although I do realise an octopus is a silly example.

>> No.1438750


perhaps a symbolic octopus that lives in his mind and represents the tangled, tentacled mess that is an orphans mind?

but seriously i've decided to change it to a novel. and the boy no longer goes crazy after the dog dies, he rather find strength in an overwhelming desire for vengeance and kills the 3 boys who killed his dog. also, he falls in love with the girl and she runs away with him.
also, there is a baker who feeds him and represents human kindness in an otherwise malicious and stupid sea of people.


>> No.1438756


Pandamorphosis. You posted this before. Post more now.

>> No.1438809

A teenage from a very conservative family is forced to emigrate to a more moder country because he impregnated a housemaid.
Then he loses every job he finds because he's too naive and gets continually scammed and conned and taken advantage of.
Finally he loses it and commits a massacre and then suicides.

>> No.1438827
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>> No.1438830

The solar system is too full, but FTL travel was proven to be impossible. So humans move away from the current solar system to the nearest one by gradually building a long tube between the two. The story follows a boy as he journeys from the new end of the tube back to Earth (hopefully).

>> No.1438840

not too shabby
even when its only the plot driving it, not the writing.
but at least the writing is decen enough to not be offputting.

>> No.1438874


This is brilliant and needs to be written.

My idea:

A man and woman live an almost entirely self-sufficient lifestyle in Siberia. Late into her pregnancy when she is unable to ride to the nearby town for necessities, the man takes her place. While journeying, he repeatedly comes across the same travelling sideshow and befriends one of the freaks, a boy with two heads, taking him under his wing and inviting him to come and live with his family. Meanwhile, the wife gives birth to siamese twins. Thinking they are in some way demonic, she leaves them to die in the forest and ends up drowning herself in a river in order to 'cleanse herself'. As the man and boy return home and rush to find the twins, the story ends with an account of the twin's short lives, their experiences in the forest and their attempts in vain to communicate with each other.

>> No.1438962


A fan of Lovecraft? It almost reads like such. I approve


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

Not exactly the same, but close enough. Right up until the suffocation part. -.-


Crossroads, movie, similar. Except dude wants to be blues player, and breaks old black guy out of hospital. With real guys help, boy learns to be awesome.


Oo, would it have Templars? :D

But seriously, the best ideas here are that Lovecraftian pic and the conspiracy Twilight vampire killing. For a /lit/ board, that's pretty bad.

>> No.1439100

Yes I have, I was wondering if someone would notice.

>> No.1439265


I've never watched the show, so could you tell me which episode it doesn't look like I'm ripping it off?