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14369255 No.14369255 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust hast settled: who was in the wrong here?

>> No.14369258

<brainlet doesn't understand that they are in agreement

>> No.14369274

Both. Christ unites Apollo and Dionysus. Read Benedict's Caritas Deus Est.

>> No.14369278
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fpbp, they both agreed that you should drink wine

>> No.14369334


>> No.14369363

Probably the Flavian dynasty for making up myths to consolidate power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmEScIUcvz0

>> No.14369424

How so?

>> No.14369426

>brown jew vs white european
i wonder who was right

>> No.14369459
File: 30 KB, 480x360, michael+jones2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Inspiring Philosophy guy seems like a genuine asshole desu

It's generally not a good sign when an angry apologist is unwilling to concede anything and does nothing but aggressively push his argument past holes only an expert would know about on a low budget Youtube channel covering topics that're irrelevant to anyone not doing this stuff full time, something that was true even when the church had any power in society

Like I watched his Arianism video and when he started referring to the debate between Christianity and Arianism or the Christian religion and the Arian religion but in another video calls all Protestants/Catholics/Orthodox as Christians because they could yell at him in a way that Christadelphians or Unitarians are too small to, and Mormons are not taken seriously enough to. That's when I knew he wasn't educating people and was just wasting everyone's time.

Like true Christians all have to agree on Homoousion to be Christians but they can wildly disagree on Bible canon and Filioque and still all be Christians to him for some reason. (The reason's obvious since non-Trinitarianism is basically a dead issue which is easy to beat up on in video after video, but attacking sacraments might break apart a Conservative Christian coalition in society. Mormonism being the necessary exception because it's not taken seriously and has no serious biblical scholars and generally doesn't care what others say about it).

Honestly fuck that guy. He's smart enough to know better but he still hoodwinks people on historical and religious topics he has no academic credentials to be an expert on, in order to get people to first adopt a distorted view of history and then deeply regressive beliefs from religion to politics.

>> No.14370226


>> No.14370300


>> No.14370305
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>jesus bad

>> No.14370703
