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/lit/ - Literature

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14365437 No.14365437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

literature on how to get a gf?

>> No.14365473

Mein Kampf

>> No.14365509

Harry Potter

>> No.14365513 [DELETED] 

her elbows are extremely pointy

>> No.14365515
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>> No.14365519
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>> No.14365522
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>> No.14365525
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>> No.14365528

Her arms are too hairy. 2/10 would not bang.

>> No.14365541
File: 167 KB, 1024x971, 5100324728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet repository of memes

>> No.14365544

This and Corey Wayne in all seriousness.

>> No.14365552
File: 285 KB, 552x2698, The Rational Male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Rational Male. Take it or leave it, I'm the only one here who isn't giving you a meme answer.

>> No.14365554
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Anything philosophy, if you are smart enough

>> No.14365556
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Do these:
Then enter a pit of despair as you realize women are inherently a pain in the fucking ass to be around. Then move on to this: >>14365552

>> No.14365558

her elbows are far too pointy

>> No.14365560

pointy elbows, 2/10 would not date

>> No.14365562

just wasp yourself?

>> No.14365568

Sperm Wars is one of those books that literally changed my life. I'd say it trumps even The Rational Male. What I don't like about TMR is his emphasis on SMV. We can all agree women's value declines as they get older, but this information is quite useless in practice. The older a woman gets (and the more her fertility window is closing) the higher standards she'll have for male partners (she can't afford to waste time and fuck up another relationship). Hence, sexual market value is actually a completely useless metric in this case, since we're supposed to assume that as a male, you need a higher SMV than the female to easily fuck her. This is not the case with older women.

>> No.14365573

He's clealy saying that only white anglo-saxon protestants are allowed to have a gf!

>> No.14365575

Why do you even want one?

>> No.14365581
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>> No.14365586
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I'm sure you thought this was clever

>> No.14365589

@« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE
this thread may help you in your efforts, now that the transitioning inevitably failed

>> No.14365659

I want to get a girlfriend so I can make her pay half my rent instead of me having to get another job.

Looked at the local dating sites though. No one worthwhile. So what now? Ship in a russian bride? I don't want to get married again but I'm pretty sure if you import a girl you need to marry her. And you need a bit of money to get those girls anyway.

maybe I could go find a drug addict to rehabilitate.

>> No.14365666

I want the physical aspect. There is one woman I love amd she is no more with me.

>> No.14365679

>I don't want to get married again but I'm pretty sure if you import a girl you need to marry her.

Tell me about your first marriage.

>> No.14365707

Just get a hooker

>> No.14365739
File: 115 KB, 675x1200, EKe-FYWUUAAcl67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are subhumans.

Just get a qt bf

>> No.14365756

I just want to cuddle. I haven't touched a human in like 10 years.

>> No.14365764

>Doesnt love his mother

>> No.14365787

>SPERM WARS is one of those books that literally changed my life.
your parents must be proud

>> No.14365793

I would recommend OP stay away from both of these books and not because they’re wrong. They’re mostly right and there’s information to be gleaned from them. I would recommend OP stay away because the at the essence of both of these books is intellectualism, which is the primary hurdle for young men. These books attempt to apply strictly rationalistic and empirical science to the dating market and they have some success, but ultimately, the all lead to a black pill because in treating the symptoms, it spreads the disease. It can’t cut to the root of the problem because they are the problem. You have to understand these books arose out of a desire by internet intellectuals to apply science to dating in a formulaic way, which inherently can’t provide a complete solution because it’s predicated on the problem itself. I like Corey Wayne because he doesn’t get into the weeds with over rationalizing nor does he approach things from method of pure calculation. People have blocks and hang ups so a book isn’t totally worthless, but overly intellectual books only send you deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.

>> No.14365799

This picture has and will always be the most pathetic image in my entire life, especially how it thinks it's smart. Calling women crocodiles, ahhhhh do these incels not realise the pedestal of love and desire they had once put women on has only been replaced by one of fear and hate?

>> No.14365801

Being cheated on during your marriage and giving away half your wealth, house and kids, is a much more dangerous rabbit hole than reading some "intellectual books".

>> No.14365804

>implying he wasn't talking about his mother
You're a bit daft aren't you? His mother obviously passed away.

>> No.14365807
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you know the rules

>> No.14365808

Post physique

>> No.14365818

eh the Rational Male is pretty tame. Some of his stuff strikes me as kind of weird but he's hardly seething with hate or anything, the guy is married

>> No.14365822

And so do I

>> No.14365836


based rickroll poster

>> No.14365838

My mother tortured and beat me as a child. I certainly do not love her.

>> No.14365928


>> No.14366488


>> No.14366490

mystery method

>> No.14366501
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>> No.14366505
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no literature will help you, dumb ass. It is like asking for literature on "how to make friends" or "how to play soccer". What you need to do is go outside and socialize in order to train your mind to stop being an autist recluse.

>> No.14366517


>> No.14366524
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>> No.14366540

>tfw I won a short story competition last year in my region
>story was about a guy who organises to meet up with his long-distance girlfriend
>in the story they are both disappointed by each other but half-heartedly try to have sex but he can't because of ED
>ends with the guy playing DOOM on his PC while his roommate has sex with the girl so her journey isn't a waste of time

>> No.14366560

No Sex at Dawn=Bad list

>> No.14366572

this. why do so many qt's have to have pointy elbows its not fair

>> No.14366593
File: 99 KB, 878x740, 1569007858786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't want to hear you fucks complaining about no gf unless you've gone at least 100 days without fapping. these threads are made by fucking coomers who idolize pussy, and if you fucks would just stop cooming we wouldn't have to deal with your pathetic bullshit. i'm not saying i'm better than you, im not saying i haven't been there, but you need to stop fucking cooming if you're so obsessed with women.

>> No.14366621

>tfw go to lecture on campus
>girl giving it is fairly qt, obviously kind of a weird girl
>go talk to her because I have an excuse to
>end up talking not only about her lecture, but also about memes, video games, and books
>she gives me her number
>get very excited over next few days
>end up asking her out
>she agrees to go out on dates, but tells me that it's strictly platonic
>take her out with guy friends
>they all start talking about how much I'm into her
>she starts making overtly sexual comments about me in response
>still says she isn't interested in a relationship with me

At this point I kind of think that she's just not into guys because afaik she's never had a relationship at all and complains about how guys want attention. She's kind of aloof and has autism I'm fairly sure. Kind of bummed, but she's a good enough friend that I don't want to press the issue of her being flirtatious with me about it, because honestly I'm not even sure she realizes she's acting flirty, or is just extremely clueless.

>> No.14366622
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How do I get a kigu gf?

>> No.14366657

bro you're retarded. if she's flirting with you she wants you to do something about it, she just wants to protect her image with the "haha i hate boys teehee" bullshit

>> No.14366662

its probably just a shit test you pussy or you're actually a beta orbiter.

tldr: in any case she would be ur gf right now if you weren't bitchmade

>> No.14366663


>> No.14366667

Don't get married nigga we all knew that anyway

>> No.14366669

I mean, I told her specifically that I had feelings, and have taken her on dates, she just says that she's not into me that way. I really think she's just clueless and doesn't realize that a lot of what she says sounds like innuendo, or that her mannerisms are flirty. I've confessed my feelings twice now, and the second time she got kind of angry with me about it, so I don't want to do it a third time, if she's interested in anything, the ball is in her court. I've invited her to spend time with me at a summer home, and she accepted, so if anything happens there then maybe you're right, but I doubt it.

>> No.14366679

Best way to stop masturbating is get a bird in my experience

>> No.14366682

yes trading one vice for another often works, but you're still a coomer

>> No.14366702

>I've confessed my feelings twice now
lol cringe.
Anyways girls are programmed to flirt with guys they don't find revolting, so maybe she really is autistic and refuses to acknowledge this.
>I've invited her to spend time with me at a summer home, and she accepted
... I don't waste a lot of time on women but have you tried, like, slowly escalating playful physical contact instead of sperging out about how you feel?

>> No.14366716

it would be extremely sinful

>> No.14366717

No, because I don't know how she would react, but she said that she doesn't like being touched. She just seems so distant at times that I don't know how I would even initiate physical contact, even though she's joked that we should have some.

>> No.14366722


>> No.14366732

At this point /lit/ just needs hyper autistic literature nazi janitors that ban literally any thread not about a specific book or author
Why the fuck did you faggots start making these threads on lit when you were content to stay on adv and r9k for years

>> No.14366734

No sex is good
It improves a relationship and requires more effort than masturbation

>> No.14366735

Tbh because /r9k/ is incel-tier crazy and is an orange board, and there's otherwise not a good board to vent about this stuff.

>> No.14366740

Kill yourself
Get the fuck off my board

>> No.14366741

listen man if you got one girls number you can get another. you don't want to get involved with a videogame autistic type a girl. i think you had best simply have sex with her then move on with your life

>> No.14366743

>sex is good
yes. if its for making legitimate children

>> No.14366744
File: 20 KB, 300x300, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go fren

>> No.14366748

so you're basically saying that even /r9k/ is less cucked than you? fucking pathetic.

>> No.14366754

I like her because she actually has an interesting personality and is passionate about something in life, and it's similar enough to what I'm passionate about (ancient history).

>> No.14366755

>simply have sex with her then move on
degenerate boomer mindset

>> No.14366769

Just be yourself.

>> No.14366775


>> No.14366776

Boomers get married though, it’s say it’s more of a zoomer degenerate porn addict mindset

>> No.14366786

>it’s more of a zoomer degenerate porn addict mindset
no this is that >>14365437
zoomers really just want a loving relationship deep down, its boomers who think going around fucking a bunch of cheap whores is cool. not talking about the roasties obviously