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14363692 No.14363692 [Reply] [Original]

Economically left, culturally right. Literally what’s wrong with it unless you’re a rabid ideologue?

>> No.14363698


>> No.14363700

Why can't hicks just put their economic interests ahead of their racism?

>> No.14363710

Most people on the planet are culturally right economically left. It only hasn't been common because the ruling class aren't most people on the planet.

>> No.14363723

its funny, when i was growing up in us northeast it was very common to hear people say they were culturally liberal, fiscally conservative as if that was extremely obvious. as if the economist was objectively correct. how things have changed

>> No.14363726

Why can't commies just put their economic interests ahead of destructive social experiments?

>> No.14363738

economically left

wtf man, why do I need to read those two words together in a supposedly intellectual environment

>> No.14363741

>Most people on the planet are culturally right economically left.
Where does this meme come from?

Most people aren't anything at all. They have their private lives to tend to and their politics consist of a confused mess of common-sense platitude and moral impulses that they absorb unconsciously throughout their lives.

>> No.14363743

I can say that I endorsed Blue Labour before it was cool ;)

>> No.14363745

You commies time and time again ignore human nature. That’s why you’ll never win. Genuine communities are fundamentally at least partly exclusionary in nature. Why can’t you accept this?

>> No.14363750

/lit/ has always been a blue labour board

>> No.14363776

Because some people are capable of supporting something beyond their bodies.

>> No.14363792

Yes. Whoever grabs this paradigm first wins, however the elites truly hate it.

>> No.14363793

> ahead of destructive social experiments
Which is what? The idea that you don't have to be a rabid racist and can coexist with people who are slightly different from you? We've had multi-national political communities for a very long time. Rome is a good example of that.
> Genuine communities are fundamentally at least partly exclusionary in nature. Why can’t you accept this?
Yeah. They can be more or less exclusionary. Nobody is asking you to love everyone. Just don't hate them.
What exactly is this great project that you're supporting?

>> No.14363797
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You’re a decade or two too soon. Give it time.

>> No.14363801

You don't understand economics.

>> No.14363811

>Just don't hate them.
Then stop forcing the lowest common denominator on us because it's ideologically approved.

>> No.14363814

Have sex, incel freak.

>> No.14363819


went straight for it huh

>> No.14363824

Now that I think about it, I should've waited until you mentioned Sowell's basic economics before letting off that one.

>> No.14363826

>Just don't hate them.
I might be a far right racist, but I would rather live surrounded by pious brown muslims than by queers and sick, liberal whites. where does that put me?

>> No.14363827

Rome collapsed, friend
The problem is that evolution has produced vastly different types of humans with different values, skills, intelligence, social structures, and purposes
We can foster amicable relations between friendly nation-states, but attempting to blend us all into one conglomerate has never resulted in prosperity or peace because it is unnatural

>> No.14363828
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>right to do as they please

>> No.14363830

That's not what I was going to bring up. But whatever.

>> No.14363833

I think it will be pretty successful if the ruling elites and academics who run the media don't kill it while it's still fresh. Hell, I wish we had something like this in the US. The powers that be would probably like it here even less than they like it in Britain, though. The only thing I can see wrong with it is that it is pretty much certain that, politicians being politicians, all or almost all of the major figures involved in this "Blue Labour" push are corrupt as shit and at least half of them are probably adulterers or druggies. As a rabid American authority-mistruster, I would also worry about it moving too far right culturally and infringing on the God-given human rights of individuals who don't necessarily fit Britain's Mail-reading norm (especially given Britain's shit track record with civil liberty). The queer theory LGBT sorts, autogynephiles, and Wahhabis have to be reined in and not allowed to gain influence but the push has to be in moderation. Otherwise we would probably just see London happily put the boot down on normal homosexuals, non-deviant actual transsexuals, and Westernized lite Muslims because the Onslow-looking masses can't tell the difference between different people and degenerates hiding under the labels of different people.

>> No.14363839

In the middle of a caliphate

>> No.14363841

>What exactly is this great project that you're supporting?
The project of a people able to completely subdue and dominate the other. The experience of participating in such a thing is far greater than the mere bodily comforts the socialists promise us.

>> No.14363846

>Just don’t hate them
You can respect and acknowledge differences without hating others. It is possible. The second someone says hey maybe moving large numbers of Muslims to Christian countries will lead to tension and alienation on the part of both parties you scream racism. Why is believing that incompatible with respecting Islam?

>> No.14363852

liberalism is gay

>> No.14363866

That is is. Good thing I'm not a liberal, though.

>> No.14363869

It comes from reality. Most people on the planet are poor as shit. I'm places as far away as Thailand, or mexico., Or rural America, most people are very much in favor of government social programs. These same people tend to also be religious and less institutionally indoctrinated and so are less in favor of things like gay or trans rights simply because they are less exposed to them.
The rich are rarely racist, it's the poor that are racist.

>> No.14363898

I agree. Are we stuck forever with civic nationalism with British characteristics at best now?

>> No.14363905

niggaaa por peoples racism is a shadowww of the rich men theyre just imitations just like platos cave get it?!?! hahahahah

>> No.14363907

Are you sure?
>liberalism is gay
>you are clearly gay
>so you are a liberal

>> No.14363912

So you’re going to start locking up trannies because they’re a bit unhinged instead? Come on, be realistic.

>> No.14363922

>start locking up trannies because they’re a bit unhinged

>> No.14363935
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In my camp basically. I realise that mocking racism makes me into some kind of faggy lib in your eyes but I'm really not that. What my politics come down to, and I think it's the same for many leftists (not libs, leftists), is opposition to markets. I think that markets have come to dominate our lives to a sickening extent and I want them banished from many spheres of life. I want people to exercise political control over their lives instead of being leaves on the winds of the market. I think that any thoughtful religious person should recognise the role of consumerism, globalisation and other market-driven phenomena in the erosion of religious values and come to the same conclusion.
>Rome collapsed, friend
Everything collapses. It had a great run. Better than most.
>The problem is that evolution has produced vastly different types of humans
That's just plain wrong. Evolution does not produce different values, skills, and social structures. That's politics.
But they're not in favour of social programmes because of a coherent ideology. They're just not dumb enough to vote themselves out of things that are plainly necessary to their survival. That doesn't make you a leftist. The same with their "social conservatism". They are not acting on a coherent world-view. It's just a boorish prejudice towards outsiders combined with a media diet that consists of third-rate publications full of racist paranoia.

>> No.14363948

Self mutilation is serious self harm.

>> No.14363956
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Why won’t they read Burke?

>> No.14363970

choose one

>> No.14363988

I don't know, dude. I wish we had something like this in the US, though, even if it was mostly bullshit. I'm tired of having to sit things about because the options are shit. They say the country is divided on God, guns, and gays, but I'm down with all three of those things and would appreciate some healthcare, trust-busting, and border security as well.

>> No.14364007

I'd respect you people more if you came out and said you just find humans to be atavistic filth and want to CRISPR up a New Soviet Man without tribalism or hatred.

>> No.14364013

I’m not suggesting that we roll-back on rights or deport all the immigrants, I just think we ought to stop alienating the majority demographic and both slow down and think carefully about cultural change. Continuity of culture and community is important to people. If this sense of self is relatively stable, then capital can be more effectively addressed.

>> No.14364015


>> No.14364020
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>all a is b
>c is b
>therefore, c is a

>> No.14364032

good luck running a no immigration platform

>> No.14364057

are you implying that anon didn't understand that wasn't a sound inference?

>> No.14364093

I think you could reach a reasonable middle ground of limited skilled migration if you made the case for it.

>> No.14364109

But we are saying it. Just not in plain words. And I don't see why we should. That aside, we don't need CRISPR or anything of the sort to change people. That's what politics are all about. People at least as far back as Machiavelli recognised that.. There are some things that stay the same but there's a lot we can play around with. You only need to look at history to see how much we've done. Since we're on the topic of prejudice just look at how prejudices have changed in Britain. I'm no expert on British history but from what I understand there are centuries of religious, ethnic, and national strife. Britain is literally 4 countries cobbled together into a united kingdom. There were tensions between the different ethnicities, we've had catholics VS anglicans, and so on. Now it's all water under the bridge and all the racists are united to save "white", "Christian" Britain against all those nasty browns. Prejudice can be moved around and tamed. It was done before and it can be done again.

>> No.14364160

have you been on /lit/ lately?

>> No.14364161

no, it's been a year. at least there are no more JBP threads

>> No.14364164

Because conservatism is fucking cringe. I HATE leftoids today, and their ideas are obviously destructive and retarded. But I cannot stand the pomposity of conservatives, how they want to stick their hammy little fingers into peoples lives. The spirit of freedom within the left is the soul of mankind, but that has always attracted materialist pseuds looking to justify their stupid Utopianism or degenerate indulgence. But on the other hand, reactionaries fundamentally think themselves superior to everyone else, and want deep down to control people. I can’t stand either. The only choice is personal spiritual enlightenment and action. As soon as ideology is extended beyond the self it is co-opted by degenerates, charlatans and despots

>> No.14364168

>But we are saying it. Just not in plain words. And I don't see why we should.
Because it's honest.

Your ilk these days, outside of a small handful of aspergal and uninfluential outliers, still seem laser focused on badgering and guilt tripping whitey, who is objectively among the least prejudiced of populations. Why? That's exactly like the liberals you purport to oppose.

>> No.14364179

Yes but there’s a middle ground between that and ‘a mosque in every town and village’ or ‘Britain was always a nation of immigrants.’ You can’t just invite 100,000 immigrants a year and call people bigots for feeling marginalised in their own country because of it.

>> No.14364187

Theocratic Monarchism is the best system. Fuck your frivolous fixation on freedom. All it leads to is libertinism.

>> No.14364191

>But I cannot stand the pomposity of conservatives, how they want to stick their hammy little fingers into peoples lives.
Conservatives want to kill people, genocidal intent has always been at the core of conservativism: to erase the existence/influence of those who are different that them. Conservatives are all fucking balless cowards who think hyper-defensive posturing is courage. As the world changes ever further from their retarded, lifeless myth of past wholeness they become ever more fearful, violent, and criminal.

>> No.14364195

The conservative point is that radical individualism leads to atomisation and loss of a sense of community. Moderate individualism is a reasonable middle ground.

>> No.14364206

cultural right (aka conservative or traditionalist) believes in the keeping the current/historical organization the same, which means hierarchy/oligarchy, economic exploitation of the working class, respect towards authority because it is the authority (and no other reason) and oppression of women, and PoC. The economy, politics, and culture are all tied together and to be economically left and culturally right are in complete contradiction of each other and cannot exist simultaneously without ideological blindness and ignorance of reality.

just say that you want nationalized healthcare, public education, but you want to call black people nigger and be entitled to sex from women.
next plz, im feelin saucy tonight!

>> No.14364212

Christopher Lasch may provide some insight in this area. Conservative and yet still anti-racist and relatively unideological

>> No.14364214


>> No.14364219

It’s not really that simple. A lot of my views would not mesh with leftists but I despise authority and think people who respect authority are mindless stupid drones

>> No.14364240

There are no "conservative points." Conservatives kill or try to oppress "radical individuals" which includes whatever arbitrary criterion they feel like, such as sexual preference or skin color, or having a different perspective of the world, and then justify it with intellectualization. Conservativism is optimized for fucking bronze age dynamics, not the dynamics of the 21st century. If conservatives have their way they'll tear down civilization back to a bronze age level just to preserve their holy hierarchies.

Approaching conservatives expecting them to have tenable, valid beliefs is a losing game. Conservatives only make sense when you assume they work under the condition of seeking power for the sake of power for themselves, and fuck everyone else. Words and ideas are mere weapons to a conservative.

>> No.14364243

Saying what you think in plain words is just autistic. Human communication is rich and complex and even with nothing more than the written word it's possible to convey ideas in a more sophisticated and nuanced fashion than just spelling everything out.
>Your ilk these days... still seem laser focused on badgering and guilt tripping whitey
First of all, who do you think I am? Like I said, my politics revolve around getting rid of capitalist logic and markets. Social issues are a low priority for me personally. But even then, people on the left (as opposed to "moderates" and all manner of libs) care much more about promoting social democracy than purely cultural issues.

Anyway, if you're referring to things like raising awareness of structural racism or the enduring legacy of colonialism and all that, then the problem is more of a miscommunication. These things are not the fault of "whitey". Something like Colonialism is a consequence of the national policy of imperial countries, and the prosperity that they enjoy (and conversely, the poverty of the exploited countries) can be traced to these colonial endeavours. Former empires are on a hook for this, and if you're some Paki who arrived in Britain 10 years ago you're reaping the benefits of colonial exploitation in the same way some white guy is whose family has been in Britain for generations. The fact that you equate countries like Britain with white people and criticism of former empires with criticism of white people is entirely on you.

>> No.14364254

TL;DR conservativism is a mental illness. This has become painfully obvious everywhere conservatives are conservative, from the gutters of the internet to the most powerful conservative assholes in the world today.

>> No.14364255

modern left is merging with capital in a horrible frankenstein chimera and culturally conservative socialist societies actually existed, you retarded partisan.

>> No.14364256

There’s not a singular version of being culturally right. It’s culturally right insofar as it emphasises a certain continuity of community. You wouldn’t disagree that the modern identitarian open borders cultural left alienates most people would you? Culturally right doesn’t mean swinging back into facism, it means rejecting how ideological the cultural left is and ensuring a reasonable degree of social cohesion.

>> No.14364263


>> No.14364269

You’re right. When we are all mixed raced and living in pods eating bugs the world will be a better place.

>> No.14364271

Being culturally right: you want to kill people who are brown, gay, or believe differently than you.
Being economically right: you want to kill poor people.
The genocidal bloodthirst is the same, it's only a matter of what targets one sees as the most convenient.

>> No.14364275

it's not "the left" that has eroded social cohesion across the developed world, but unchecked global capitalism and leaps in technology our ancestors never could have imagined

>> No.14364277

respect for authority is core concept of main stream right wing culture. Mindless support for police and military, "law and order," the father rules over his home, follow the rules of the bible/god/the church.

what views do you hold that wouldn't mesh with left but aligns with the right? feminism bad? women bad?

>> No.14364280

is this unironic?

>> No.14364286

Yes you’re right. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the modern cultural left.

>> No.14364288

This but unironically.

>> No.14364305

Those are the elements of global capitalism which the left extols and seeks to protect.

>> No.14364306

you could kill every tranny on twitter and every gender theorist in the academy and we'd still live in
a cultural void with less romance, less love, less faith (of any sort), less meaningful tradition and less continuity with the past every year

>> No.14364338

>you're all evil murderous primitive amoral psychos reeeeeeeee
jeez now why would a conservative be afraid of you in power
Colonialism was pretty bad and fucked Africa, fine. But I don't see Leftists going hard against the Indian caste system for example, when there are still 200 million dalit, instead they are orders of magnitude more interested in restructuring the ordinary European consciousness.

>> No.14364339

This is the real idea here. The political squabbling between both “teams” is completely ancillary and perhaps a distraction from the complete spiritual crisis of the modern age. More and more you see the same utilitarian, semantic thinking from both sides. I honestly think politics is so heated nowerdays because it has replaced meaning in people’s lives, it’s how those whose outlook has become so materialised, cramped and empty can feel part of something bigger or transformative. Even emotion is becoming some transactional mechanism. I predict when the enlightenment finally subsides and the old institutions of organised religions are torn down fully we will at last have another fresh start or nihilistic void; which we can use to find the sincere spirituality religions are born from. Perhaps with the perennial knowledge we have accumulated from all modes of philosophy, faith etc we can discover something indivisible and lasting. The true fight for humanity will take place in a spiritual sphere, and this will only become more obvious

>> No.14364340

leftists respect authority, just different sorts of authority, ie. instead of family and religion, they go for academic authority, credentialed experts, psychotherapy, impersonal PC type norms. American liberals in particular seek redemption through institutions, they have learned to distrust themselves and the possibility of communication between people to the point where they can be convinced such and such product of mass culture is somehow progressive and antiracist.

>> No.14364346

Which is why it is economically left. I don’t know if you can entirely fix the problem of modernity through politics but you can lessen its effects.

>> No.14364347
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>> No.14364350

Homosexuals too.

>> No.14364364

They're retards that why, they don't read anything of value. Their literary input amounts to skim reading woke articles in the guardian, zero book fluff summations of critical theory and woke twitter gotcha memes.

>> No.14364365

I agree that there is a spiritual crisis but you can’t entirely escape politics if human beings still have to live together. The question then is, which is the least worse way of doing that?

>> No.14364369

>But I don't see Leftists going hard against the Indian caste system for example
There's this weird tendency among right-wingers to cast leftists as failed or hypocritical would-be saint as a way to discredit our beliefs. "You're a socialist but you own a smartphone!" and such nonsense. Unfortunately, hating the way things are doesn't exempt us from having to live here. We're not immune to ignorance, greed, stupidity, cruelty, and all manner of vileness that's common to people. You don't see many leftists railing against the Indian caste system because they're only vaguely aware of its existence and can't do anything about it.

>> No.14364376

This the road I'm heading down. Read Lasch, Chesterton, Cram and Morris.

>> No.14364387

Sure but at the same time, not all inequalities are unreasonable. Perfect egalitarianism is equally retarded.

>> No.14364398

all liberal identity politics are really about a deep sense of shame and a search for approval from a benevolent white male other. Women must pursue a career in order to prove they are 'just as good as men' the most cartoonish 80s action hero models of masculinity? women must want that as well. Modern 'feminists'
no doubt to the horror of their 1970s predecessors have even turned to promoting the normalisation of pornography and prostitution. To be fair, many in the modern liberal left merely replace god and church with mass media and 2008 vintage new atheist beliefs, renouncing to what were the genuinely challenging and creative tendencies of the left. I'm very amused by the retro cold war tendency to blame the russians for everything. What liberals are really frightened of is the Russia within, ie. human tendency towards organicism and religion(re linking) vs rational world of atomised equal individuals

>> No.14364411

It is, and it's not something that people are trying to achieve. Personally, and once again I think I'm not alone here, I just despise everything that stems from capitalist logic, such as hierarchies based on property and wealth. I have no problem with intellectual or spiritual authority.

>> No.14364416

I'm just saying you'd think it would be more salient considering the global scope of your crusade, and yet the white man is the overwhelming object of your preoccupation, which I find strange. I'm not demanding perfection just a reasonable explanation, and it's typical of any debate to point out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of an opponent. If the will is there the international community can pressure a nation to reform with sanctions, so it's not true that you can't do anything.

>> No.14364425

When you proclaim to support universal forms of justice, you’re stances must be universal, especially in our globalized world. Any moral realist incapable of living up to the sainthood they’ve idealized is a hypocrite and a bastard.

>> No.14364430

I agree. But you’ll agree that some manifestations of this idea do often creep into politics. I agree about capitalist logic too, so that’s where the left-wing economics come in.

>> No.14364431

It would be easier if the people claiming to care about them didn't openly profess their hatred for them

>> No.14364433

To be fair, many online leftists are bemoaning Modi’s alleged fascism. There’s been plenty of complaining about the new immigration law, and I even saw a “Free Kashmir” billboard (it even said to stand against oppression and genocide, so it was unambiguously leftist) on my way ho,e yesterday.

>> No.14364449
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>> No.14364457

Ok but would you let your daughter date a Dalit?

>> No.14364458
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What we need is to return to a society of social relations. Ethnic groups awarded privileges based on historical contribution and struggle, townships and free cities forming their own constitutions, the right to own slaves, and a society of moving parts forming an interconnected whole without atomized parts, centered around a royal family from which the rest of society finds its metaphysical foundation.

>> No.14364459

This might be coming with Johnson's goverment. One Nation Toryism and Blue Labour are not a million miles apart

>> No.14364460

>I'm just saying you'd think it would be more salient considering the global scope of your crusade,
Why? Like I said, we're not exempt from being citizens of a specific state and members of Western cultures. Since you are a Westerner the leftists you are exposed to are other Westerners who express their disgust at what they know, which is the history of their country and other European/North-American countries.

Like I said, we're not saints who are free from plain old selfishness and ignorance, but there are also practical constraints to world-wide activism. For example, Bolsonaro's burning of the amazon forest has been in the news recently, in large part because of climate concerns but also because it's an encroachment into indigenous lands. I don't think this is good or just, but what am I supposed to do about it? I don't even speak Portuguese. My judeocommunist subversion abilities barely work on people in my own country. How am I supposed to affect people in Brazil or India for that matter?

>> No.14364466

It's a quandary, because I do have a lot of contempt for the way many lower-income people live, but I rationalize it by saying that economic conditions are to blame. And the stuff I have contempt for I think is legitimately contemptible--I'm not talking about going to church or hunting or anything. But watching TV for seven, eight hours a day, junk food at every meal, rolling coal, petty scamming (which is endemic), domestic abuse, etc., is fucking stupid.

>> No.14364471

Fair enough. I just miss when leftists were all about sweat shops instead of this weird and paradoxical psychological warfare against whites.

>> No.14364478

>Ethnic groups awarded privileges based on historical contribution and struggle

lmao just because one of your faggot ancestors invented something doesnt mean that you should be given more rights. what value have you contributed to society you fucking worm?

>> No.14364497

You've got to admit that it's pretty fucking annoying when some basedboy brahmin indianigger complains about "white privilege" from his cushy upper-middle-class life though.

Or when the pakis at my local mosque are bitching about racism and oppression, and how corrupt and degenerate westerners are and how they'd never let their daughter date a kafir or a black, and how they'd kill their son for being a fag.

Or rich Arabs spending literal blood money and whining about the America empire that keeps their faggot asses in power, since they know they can play the race card and the average white American can't tell the difference.

Also the upper-class niggers that have turned white guilt into a fucking industry, and basically act like glorified parasites juicing wealthy white academics for every penny they got while treating them with contempt.

I'd be more supportive of the left if it wasn't such a haphazard coalition of axes to grind trying to push faggotry on white men and also multiculturalism but those cultures get to keep their morals and traditions and also "omg aren't these hot brown guys so much more manly than faggot white men".

It's simultaneously hilarious and infuriating, and the movement as a whole is incapable of productive criticism or self awareness.

>> No.14364503

>what value have you contributed to society you fucking worm?
i bless this cesspool with my presence every day, you should be grateful

>> No.14364505

On society: Tradition, national pride, cultural identity, anti-immigration

On economy: Redistribution, investment, fair taxation

That's the right approach. As I have heard it phrased: nationalism + NHS. That's all that people care about. They want to be proud, to wave flags, to have a political elite and media that pander to the majority, not outliers. They also want a state that helps families and takes care of them when they're ill. The Tories seem to have understood this to some extent, and won.

>> No.14364508

I'm talking more about the rights of Muslims to follow and maintain their own legal code, jews to have theirs, christians to have theirs. This was commonplace before the invention of the nationstate. In the Americas many indigenous groups still maintain their own legal codes and constitutions.

>> No.14364537

Can strong state run institutions ever be reconciled with localism?

>> No.14364552

When one follows a conception of justice which is centered around inequality and a system of problematization which is centered around oppressed-oppressor dynamics, it’s kind of inevitable. It’s likely that they do care sweatshops, but these other issues are more immediate and manageable, so they become the most relevant.

>> No.14364569

Look I'm pretty much just an old school leftist. I just larp as a rightoid for fun but I resent being bundled in with them just because I don't like ethnic self hatred or tranny ideology. There's nowhere to turn, I'm completely disenfranchized, pushed into a corner by the majority of your comrades who would shriek fascist and seek punitive measures for my heresies. Look at the rabid leftoid poster in the thread, accusing me of being a psychopath, when I was always dedicated to the emancipation of mankind. Maybe capitalism is to blame for this as well, I'm open to that possibility, but the Left has been historically known to fuck up as well, if you look at the disasters of authoritarian socialism.

>> No.14364571

> push faggotry on white men and also multiculturalism but those cultures get to keep their morals and traditions
First of all, pop-culture having dopey white people and similar crap isn't evidence of some plot to "push faggotry" on whites. Also, Western multiculturalism most certainly does not allow people to keep their traditions and values if they conflict with what Western culture really is, which is liberalism (as in the doctrine of individual rights) and capitalism.

The rest of what you wrote are just random silly people and just outright caricatures. Yeah, they're crap. But they're also barely relevant distractions.

>> No.14364587

>The rest of what you wrote are just random silly people and just outright caricatures. Yeah, they're crap. But they're also barely relevant distractions.
They’re relevant because they’re both loud and the logical conclusion of leftist positions. You be a leftist and disagree with them and maintain any sort of consistency.

>> No.14364590

>it's inevitable to go after whites
but again, they are objectively among the least prejudiced people on the planet. so no, this is not obvious.

>> No.14364654

But the relationship between whites and and nonwhites is oppressive. They see whiteness as a relationship rather than an innate characteristic of some a person or people, and it’s the relationship they’re interesting in changing.

Personally I think it’s best to ignore anyone who believes that the concept of “oppression” is meaningful. Theirs is a politics that amounts to nothing more than lavishing the body with comforts. They see no other prowl for human existence except some academic frivolities. They’re barely more than an automaton when it comes down to it.

>> No.14364665

>Personally I think it’s best to ignore anyone who believes that the concept of “oppression” is meaningful. Theirs is a politics that amounts to nothing more than lavishing the body with comforts.
You're conflating a disdain for oppression - aka unjust control - with authority at large. Good political rule constraints and elevates the individual while bad political rule, or oppression, merely crushes the oppressed for the crass gain of the oppressor. I think it's undeniable that the racist discrimination faced by ethnic minorities in the West, along with broader colonial experiences of many countries, is a form of oppression rather than political rule.

>> No.14364682

How are ethnic minorities being "crushed" in the West? Can you find better conditions for ethnic minorities in all human history?

>> No.14364722

>First of all, pop-culture having dopey white people and similar crap isn't evidence of some plot to "push faggotry" on whites
Fuck off you disingenuous prick. I've literally worked with left wing activist groups before, I've met plenty of agendered demi-sexual pinkhaired faggatrons with penises talking about how they're the "good ones" because "just look at my hair honey". There's also a clear dislike of the stereotypical 'straight white man' among those circles, and I've been told I wouldn't be promoted to certain positions because "this is an organization run by WOCs".
I'm not claiming an elaborate conspiracy, I'm claiming a clear preference that exists among certain types of people who run in certain social justice causes. If you can't see it, you're either willfully blind, disingenuous, or so full of your own bullshit that you don't believe the recent trend towards identarian absolutism and racial segregation among left wing types is an issue that reasonable person could oppose.

>Also, Western multiculturalism most certainly does not allow people to keep their traditions and values if they conflict with what Western culture really is, which is liberalism (as in the doctrine of individual rights) and capitalism.
Also not true. For one thing, Western Culture is not inherently capitalistic. Capitalism is a stage of modernity, but Karl Marx (and Max Weber and Oswald Spengler and Roberto Calasso and many other intelligent people) have argued that the tendency towards infinite growth and production will eventually overcome the limits of capitalism and we'll end up with either state socialism or some form of communism.
As for the doctrine of individual rights, that's increasingly under fire by westerners themselves. Universities in Anglo countries have totally eroded legal rights for their students and faculty, corporations have destroyed the idea of a right to free speech, in the public sphere militias and activist groups actively try to "de-platform" opposing voices. Liberalism exists in a very small and rapidly shrinking 'public sphere', which begins and ends at your local park (and only then with the proper licensing). As for other cultures, many of them don't even share the basic presuppositions of free will, individualism, etc. that make liberalism possible. The only reason this fact hasn't caused any protestation yet is because those minority groups don't have the power or numbers to enact noticeable change in society. Even westernized minorities, in my experience, tend to have a fundamentally different understanding of human rights and liberal society than those home grown people who've been in the new world for several hundred years (to say nothing of the native Americans, who've been here for tens of thousands of years and as a whole can claim a greater love of liberty than any other race).

>The rest of what you wrote...
Those people form the backbone of many social justice movements today, boomer.

>> No.14364765

Do you think all races were willing to mix with each other in Rome? Clans were allowed to live within Rome, for sure, but people sought to achieve power for their own race.
Such was going to be the way of the American Black, but their culture was attacked just when Black leaders were staying to achieve true progress, and interracial marriage went from a freak accident tolerated with mercy to a full on phenomenon.

>> No.14364830

Good political rule is that which is able to reify an identity to such an extent that all those capable identify with the body politic more than their own human body, completely dehumanizing all individuals within the set. Bad political rule isolates the individual, stripping him of everything but his body, which comes to shape the whole of his politics and forces him into a state of permanent near-nihilism.

>> No.14364897

>NOOOO you can't vote for your interests think of fags, non-whites trannies and other deviants that don't make up nearly the 5% of your population
Reminder that the elites use fags and other idpol "problems" to divert from real problems

>> No.14364927

Populists and religious types also use fags and other idpol "problems" to divert from real problems

>> No.14364933

>Reminder that the elites use fags and other idpol "problems" to divert from real problems
kinda like you're doing now lmao.

>> No.14364936

you mean /pol/tards

>> No.14364964
File: 33 KB, 333x499, radical-orthodoxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Radical Orthodoxy is an informal movement within current Christian theology. It embraces people who offer many different emphases and often disagree, but nonetheless share certain broad aims and assumptions. It began amongst lecturers and students in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty in the summer of 1997, and is especially associated with Emmanuel College, Peterhouse and Little Saint Mary’s. Since then its influence has spread to many different countries. It can be characterised in seven main ways:

>1. First of all, it denies that there is a sharp division between reason and faith or reason and revelation, and regards any such notion as a modern deviation from earlier views. It believes that human nature can only be fully understood with reference to our supernatural destiny, and human knowledge with reference to divine illumination.

>2. It also considers that the world can only be fully understood as a participation in divine being, truth, goodness and unity. Inversely it believes that the world as partially restored through grace gradually discloses to us the nature of the Godhead, without ever allowing us to comprehend it.

>3. To this traditional understanding it adds a specifically more modern view that the realm of culture, language, history and our technological interactions with nature also belongs to this participatory ascent. The realm created by human beings is not incidental to the truth, nor is it a barrier against it. Human poesis participates in the divine verbum, the Son of God. Likewise human social exchanges participate in the divine donum, the Holy Spirit. Through both these processes nature also comes more fully to herself.

>4. As for Dionysius the Areopagite, Modern Russian theology, and even the puritan divine William Ames, this means that theology issues in theurgy, a cooperation between human and divine work, which is nonetheless entirely the work of God. Attempts to think about God are superseded in the supreme work of human making and exchange which is the liturgy. Here a collective human action invites the divine descent.

>> No.14364969
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>5. Radical Orthodoxy is influenced by Postmodern thought, but at the same time contests it. Postmodernity tends to conclude that since we cannot ground truth in an absolutely certain intuitive presence, nor in discursivity, (which is either tautologous or else goes on for ever and never vanquishes uncertainty), that in consequence there is no such thing as truth at all. Often this lack of truth is seen as the only truth, and so as disclosing a nullity at the heart of things. Radical Orthodoxy accepts that there are no foundations and that there can be no finite certainty, but concludes that this situation can be read as the need to refer time to eternity. Only in the infinite Godhead can there be an entire intuition which is also an infinitely concluded exposition. Truth is possible for us because we participate by an act of faith in this infinite truth. At the Fall, humans tried to erect truth for themselves : this is why rationalism is evil. But God himself descended to us and became the truth for us in time. Echoes of this resound through everything ever since, but are concentrated in the Church.

>6. Without God, people see a nullity at the heart of things. They regard death as more real than life. This means that body gets hollowed out and abstraction becomes the true permanent reality, as in ‘all is decay’. Only a belief in transcendence and participation in transcendence actually secures the reality of matter and the body. God transcends body, but is, as it were, even more body than body. So Radical Orthodoxy insists on a valuation of the body, sexuality, the sensory and the aesthetic ; while affirming also that an ascesis which seeks always to rise from body to the source of body is necessary to preserve this valuation.

>7. For Radical Orthodoxy, vertical participation in God implies also a participation between humans and nature and between humans and humans. It therefore regards salvation as both cosmic and communal. Theology encourages a theurgy which aims at a liberation of nature from terror and distress and at a fully harmonious and beautiful interaction between humans and the natural world. Equally it encourages a theurgy which is a social work of maximising democratic participation and socialist sharing on the basis of a common recognition of true virtue and excellence and an educatively hierarchic transmission of these qualities. It regards the Church as the foreshadowing of the Kingdom and the place of the most fully realised human and cosmic society.


>> No.14365029

Reminder that British imperialism was advocated by the Liberal Party while the Tories opposed it. It is not the "conservatives" and reactionaries who have committed the great atrocities of the modern era, but the pioneers of bourgeois progress -- the industrialists, the capitalists, the technicians, the explorers, the merchants, the colonialists. It was not the conservatives who advocated eugenics, but the progressives, the feminists, the social democrats and the syncretists; it was these ideological paragons of change, stretching across the whole spectrum of utopian modernism, that advocated for the "scientific advancement of the race" via the use of sterilisation and abortion against the protests of the "archaic" and "out-of-date" conservatives. There is much that is flawed and inhuman about conservatism, there is much that is corrupt and callous in conservatism, but let us not forget that conservatism has not been the driving force behind genocide in the modern age, has not been the motive-force behind the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and other such atrocities.

>> No.14365041

>New party created 20 years after the turn of the century
>Made in a bid for power after years frustration
>Offering a "third way" via the unification of left economics and right values

What could go wrong boys? Let's hope this is just dressing for the next labour pm after the Tories stuff their pockets.

>> No.14365049

Noooo that wasn't the real unification of right and left ideologies

>> No.14365056

Why can't fags put their sociocultural interests ahead of their greed?

>> No.14365083

>calls itself "Radical Orthodoxy"
>it's Calvinist garbage
prots need to get the fuck off my board

>> No.14365089

What's Calvinist about it?

>> No.14365235

>Which is what? The idea that you don't have to be a rabid racist and can coexist with people who are slightly different from you? We've had multi-national political communities for a very long time. Rome is a good example of that.

Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: a priming experiment.

>"Ethnic diversity is associated with lower trust for both natives and immigrants."
>"For both, the cognitive salience of ethno-cultural diversity causally reduces trust."

Ethnic diversity and its impact on community social cohesion and neighborly exchange

>"Our findings indicate that social cohesion and neighborly exchange are attenuated in ethnically diverse suburbs"


>"I find a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust and a U‐shaped relationship between ethnic fractionalization and trust."

Effects of Heterogeneity and Homophily on Cooperation

>"The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level. In addition, endogenous sorting mitigates this negative effect of heterogeneity on cooperation."

Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Pattern or Nordic Exceptionalism?

>"Cause and effect relations are impossible to specify exactly but ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions seem to have a direct impact on trust, and an indirect one through their consequences for good government, wealth and income equality."

The Geography of Ethnic Violence

>"Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries."

Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence

>"Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country."

>> No.14365238

Does Ethnic Diversity Have a Negative Effect on Attitudes towards the Community? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Causal Claims within the Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion Debate

>"Studies demonstrate a negative association between community ethnic diversity and indicators of social cohesion (especially attitudes towards neighbours and the community), suggesting diversity causes a decline in social cohesion."

Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity: On the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Social Trust in Denmark from 1979 until Today

>"The results suggest that social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity."

Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from European Regions, 2002–2010

>"The results show that across European regions, different aspects of immigration-related diversity are negatively related to social trust. In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust."

Political Scientist: Does Diversity Really Work?

>"A study conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam suggests that diversity hurts civic life and that differences can actually translate into distrust. The political scientist and author explains his findings on the flip-side of cultural diversity."

>"The more diverse the group around us, ethnically, in our neighborhood, the less we trust anybody, including people who look like us. Whites trust whites less. Blacks trust blacks less, in more diverse settings."

The downside of diversity

>"Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings."
>" "The extent of the effect is shocking," says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist."

>> No.14365439

You dont run a platform, you run a campaign that ruthlessly shows the effects of mass immigration, numbers, debates, and even comedy like the Nazi troops payed to funny music. english people will quickly back the winning horse because theyre nonviolent cucks in their heart.

>> No.14365951
File: 21 KB, 350x499, 41mdza7RT2L._SX348_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered reading this

>> No.14365979


>> No.14365992

Nazbol was always the final form of politics, it's Hegelian.

>> No.14365994

These people don't believe that immaterial interests a possibility. They're practically insectoids looking for another hit of nectar.

>> No.14366013

It worked, didn't it? If you divorce it from imperialism, it can work now.

>> No.14366028

I cant believe im seeing this book on lit

>> No.14366032

I don't think you can divorce imperialism from right-wing cultural goals.

>> No.14366035

tories are literally none of those things though. They literally just won on the soundbite 'get brexit done' and that is it.

>> No.14366038

I hope so but I think BoJo is still a bit of a neolib economically. Thankfully, /ourguy/ big-brained Dominic Cummings talks about a lot of these kinds of ideas of his blog. He wants to use Brexit as battering ram against the cultural left to assuage peoples’ concerns about demoralising ideology and immigration so that we can actually get back to talking about substantive political issues again.

>> No.14366065

Just fucking give up immigrants will have their home country and they will eventually have yours but will be some weird psuedo european. And whities fucking cheer for this.

>> No.14366077

>muh human nature
read some anthropology you retarded faggot

>> No.14366087


>let's rebrand fascism as some gay shit, maybe the jews won't notice

>> No.14366102

Economically left = more useless people. Welfare always brings in more worthless people.

>> No.14366125

Welfare is a capitalist thing idiot!

>> No.14366178

Japan and Poland are culturally conservative and not imperialistic. That’s a version of the conservativeness I mean. Blue labour is literally enlightened centrism and so will inevitably piss off everyone who is more than moderately ideological.

>> No.14366192

>In-group preferences for your family, community and nation are wholly evil and identity can be completely divorced from cultural-historical circumstances
Are you being deliberately dense?

>> No.14366252

>culturally conservative
Westernizing most of your culture is hardly conservative

>> No.14366282

>The spirit of freedom within the left is the soul of mankind
in the Anglosphere, the "Spirit of Freedom" is just shit rolling downhill from intel agencies to universities to journalists to you, to expand the power of the State.

>> No.14366303

on the contrary, left wing humanism is inherently imperialistic. left liberal outlets like NYt wapo and the guardian seem to be huge advocates of escalating tensions with russia and humanitarian intervention in 'illiberal' countries. That's also why 'progres' can't stop, ie. those russians aren't sufficiently enthusiastic about child drag queens, they are asking for a war

>> No.14366306

In the Anglosphere, autonomy-worship and egalitarianism permeate the language itself, so overcoming modern the problems of modern "individualism" is easier said than done. Much of said "individualism" is just intel agencies or crazy billionaires funding things into existence in the first place.

>> No.14366312

They don't really believe that, it's just marketing for domestic consumption. The same people were opposing Russia for "Authoritarianism" pre-1991.

>> No.14366393
File: 327 KB, 660x799, EA481C14-BB39-4B33-BC8D-0E9E3A908937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economically left, culturally right.
So it’s just communism lmao (in the form that it actually existed in governments, not the form that is made up by pozzed college students)
Or if you want to take it a little bit further it’s nazbol i guess, Xi Jinping will be very pleased

>> No.14366432

Communism has always turned to some form of traditionalism and nationalism as it has been tried to be applied. Take a look at North Korea, the Soviet Union. East Germany for some examples. The only relevant forms of communism are Maoism and tankies. Everything else will wash away

>> No.14366444

Because they were either
>forced into sanity by virtue of actually wielding power and being honest about it
>not Western and thus less inclined towards liberalism, thus creating a de facto Asiatic Despotism

>> No.14366453

I’m worried that we’re going to swing from one extreme to another, maybe some people might figure out how to stop it.

>> No.14366457

Nice trips.

>> No.14366509

Read Cram

>> No.14366556

I don't think the Japanese are that way by choice. Even then, I do think they've been making fairly successful attempts at cultural imperialism.

The Polish, like most formerly conquered peoples are using immigration as their means of conquest.

>> No.14366671

What I mean is that you can have a strong national culture without imposing it on others. These countries have a degree of cultural continuity that many unfairly regard as illiberal.

>> No.14366700

A daring synthesis, indeed

>> No.14366720

Well, a kind of socialism insofar as it doesn’t completely undermine the productive capabilities of (restricted) capital or reasonable individual liberal rights. I don’t think anyone wants to pretend China is a model to follow. The great achievement of the West has been in individual rights which the the Chinese confucianist and legalistic traditions in large part reject. Maybe that makes their societies more stable long-term, but it also makes them more soulless. It’s not a great idea to wholly give the liberal tradition up.

>> No.14366733

the end form of democracy is tryanny, the good kind, though, like the orginal kind from the ancient greeks. aka caesarism.(also a good thing if you're not a faggot)

>> No.14366778

>Economically left, culturally right
That's what old labour was, blue labour is liberal economics with authoritarian cultural leftism.

>> No.14366994
File: 151 KB, 2048x1390, ELzg6PGWwAEnp-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vomitous. "In order to defeat the Tories, we need to adopt exactly the same policies as the Tories." This was tried 1997-2010 and the result was catastrophic. As the attached chart shows, the problem is unironically boomers.

>> No.14367077

>Trying to turn a coalition of migrants, students and degenerates into a revolutionary class
Allahu akbar, and respect my pronouns! Wasn't 1997-2010 Labour similar to Clintonism, anyway?

>> No.14367131

didnt even vote, hate both the tories and labour. tories are more evil to the poor, labour likes immigrants too much.

>> No.14367222

Yeah but the post-cold war consensus was minimal restraints on capital and deliberate liberal multiculturalism / globalism. Which we have seen in the past 25 years doesn’t work.

>> No.14367238
File: 65 KB, 663x1024, F77C6301-F063-47AB-8DA0-2CA592C91E6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the current crop of tories is economically left
They want to create Singapore-on-Thames. That’s going too far the other way.

>> No.14367256

liberalism is far more imperialistic in nature than hobbit hole nationalism

>> No.14367260
File: 182 KB, 1024x791, thomas-sankara-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic issues are Social issues and visa versa. Elements trying to separate either from the other are attacks on self determination, not it's aide.

>> No.14367292

No it isn't you fucking retard.

>> No.14367297

Being compassionate doesn’t mean flooding your country with immigrants, destroying your culture or marginalising your majority demographic.

>> No.14367320

Perhaps not marriage, but interracial relations are certaintly not some bizzare anomaly.

>> No.14367340

The problem is that doing the things you mentioned is more or less fulfilling Anglophone culture, not destroying it

>> No.14367345

>the correct end form of politics is the one that is gaining in popularity right now

damn how did you come up with that one?

>> No.14367392

It will never come to fruition.

The party is full of Marxist scum.

You're better off creating a new party entirely.

>> No.14367397

>Reminder that British imperialism was advocated by the Liberal Party while the Tories opposed it.
There was a faction of Liberal Imperialists in the Liberal party, but they were just that- a faction that split in part because they didn't like the Irish. Tory PM's during the colonial period can hardly be said to oppose colonialism- look at Benjamin Disraeli- and besides, Britain was hardly a constitutional monarchy. Bickering about political parties (when both were conservative anyway) is missing the point somewhat.

>> No.14367407


Leftist parasites will continue to bend reality to fit their own ideology.

Parasitical scum.

>> No.14367414

>fascism minus the racism, militarism, and totalitarianism
sounds good to me

>> No.14367422

then all that's left is the gay shit/

>> No.14367444

So... Blatant populism? Giving the masses a big spectacle by providing them with innefective economic policies disguised as "governing for da poor, not for the rich!!11!" while endorsing disgusting moralism and using your average joe as your moral compass? That's a great idea! I'm sure nothing could go wrong with that!

>> No.14367456

fag detected

>> No.14367492

Because they don't want to deal with faggots 24/7 and don't want to be taxed to hell and back for services they won't even use. Why haven't city dwellers just managed to tax themselves for supporting the drivel of society with no sort of mechanism from getting people that have no ability to contribute back to society to not take that money? It would save everyone's time and everyone's money.

>> No.14367494


None of this has anything to do with animism, so dropped.

>> No.14367517

Also, daily reminder that democracy was a mistake, human rights are a gay ass myth and we should go back to Catholic monarchies.

>> No.14367702

Johnson is a centrist who uses his bigoted fool persona to coopt the far right into supporting a slightly more right wing Macron desu. Johnson isn't going to push back against fags, trannies or immigration, nor is he seriously going to try to get people to meet up in public either in churches or town halls. He's a neoliberal economist to his core.

Cummings is based, but his goal is to give the UK a purpose based around scientific innovation and advancement, and BoJo is his chosen alliance to make this happen. He won't be socially conservative at the very least, but he will be a better technocrat than any of the previous ministers.

>> No.14367758
File: 6 KB, 204x247, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14367775

Upholding liberalism in the face of population replacement is quintessentially British.

>> No.14367780

If it was only Big Bazza voting you probably wouldn't have those policies though, it's a product of a woke elite who would implement the same policies were they given absolute power.

>> No.14367932

Common law and constitutional monarchy are hardly perfectly liberal. Their flexibility is unironically why they work so well. They start to fall apart when you become an ideologue. The twitterati and Brexit party types are turning against them now precisely because they are becoming overly ideological.

>> No.14367962

>Common law and constitutional monarchy are hardly perfectly liberal.
In a way you're right, I've always been a bit puzzled by criticism of common law as liberalism from people who frequently identify as traditionalists in some sense, when it's a legal tradition that builds over time (and even applies outside of England, the SCOTUS has cited English Common Law before).

>The twitterati and Brexit party types are turning against them now precisely because they are becoming overly ideological.
Maybe but largely because the left-twitterati are doubling down on muh autonomy and equality and the right is reacting to that. There doesn't seem to be any reason for these trends to stop, though.

>> No.14367989

what is this Blue Labour thing and why did it get popular at out nowhere?

>> No.14368049

And where are theocratic monarchies today??

>> No.14368053


Holy based

>> No.14368058

>Read Lasch, Chesterton, Cram and Morris.
I know Lasch and Chesterton, but who are Cram and Morris?

>> No.14368061

People who dislike late capital but also think woke politics is wantonly self-destructive and want to deal with that movement without going full /poltard/.

>> No.14368069

Is it popular? One Labor member in the House of Lords started the thing in response to the election, but outside of a single tweet and this thread I've seen nothing about it - nothing on typically lefty places, including the places that would like this, like /r/stupidpol.

>> No.14368150

People are very reluctant to touch it because the culture is so immersed in identitarian globalist ideology that any moderate opposition to it is seen as racism (at least by a significant proportion of contemporary leftists). You’ll need a decade or two of continued election loses as the culture becomes increasingly fractured to get them to get it through their heads that maybe they’re part of the problem.


>> No.14368164

Arbitrary modes of social organization and appeals to nebulous tradition are emblematic of ideological thinking, exactly what you yourself claim to oppose.
They did, hence the pragmatic approach of Lenin, Stalin, Deng, etc.

>> No.14368184

What is a non arbitrary mode of social organization? Arent they all basically arbitrary?

>> No.14368191

based and anthropilled dubs

>> No.14368198

based, fascism is just pragmatic socialism

>> No.14368213

you mean like some kind of national... socialism? maybe we cold find a better word for it

>> No.14368228

It's closer to fascism than any other ideology.

>> No.14368231

redistribute to families, not to rootless consumers

>> No.14368301

Imagine both your child and a stranger’s child are trapped in a burning building. You only have time to save one. The other will be burnt alive. Is it ideological thinking to say that you would save your own child precisely because they are your own child? Even if I can provide no further metaethical justification for doing so? If so, then yes it is ideological.

>> No.14368482

God damn anon, way to bring down the hammer.

>> No.14368675

When both sides double down and push further into their respective extremes eventually something is going to crack.

>> No.14368925

>Literally taking the most bluepilled aspects of both left and right
holy based

>> No.14368983

Cant wait till it goes underwater desu
>this post was brought to you by Yorkshire secession gang

>> No.14369008
File: 33 KB, 328x448, 1195CF57-1677-41C7-B8EE-73507CDEE7E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take me back

>> No.14369016

fuck are you talking about faggot

>> No.14369021

Ralph Adams Cram and William Morris

>> No.14369037

Tfw no deregulated ethno-shire

>> No.14369226

It’s not really known at all.

>> No.14369245

Most of the working class couldn’t even vote until 1884 and the Labour Party was only founded in 1900.

>> No.14369303

New Labour was the opposite you dolt.

>> No.14369313
File: 14 KB, 350x350, a1044527854_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Monetary Theory doesn't become 'economically left' just because Labour adopts it. Anyway, read Hayek.

>> No.14369344

Based Dom. I could actually swallow the neoliberalism and the muzzies if we get automation and a space programme ought of it. I would seethe a little bit if a black poly trans-woman is the first person on Mars I have to admit, but it is what it is - you wouldn’t get the current Labour Party investing much in science.

>> No.14369379

Public ownership of the commons leads to freer markets than with conventional capitalism.
Allowing monopoly rights only causes rent seeking.

>> No.14369398

I wouldn’t abandon the market altogether because it can be incredibly productive. I would regulate it though and try to ensure that it wasn’t such a dominating force in people’s lives as it is now.

>> No.14369999

Neither on the far right nor the racist camp tbqhfam.

>> No.14371215

The term Hick is tacitly racist. You're basically just illustrating the stupidity of your own point.

>> No.14371222

If you put it to a referendum I guarantee that the majority of people in any western country except maybe Sweden would agree to reducing immigration by 80%.

>> No.14371230

My only true gripe with Fascism is its connection with the Futurist movement. For me, the annihilation of everything in the past is just reckless stupidity. I am all for progression technologically of course.

>> No.14371245

>...are using immigration as their means of conquest
Pole here and we hate diaspora.

>> No.14371278

>There are some things that stay the same but there's a lot we can play around with.
This sort of blank slatism is always completely unsupported by evidence, while simultaneously being hyper critical of any talk of 'human nature'.

You expect absolute rigor for your enemies while not even pretending to have it yourself. This asymmetry is a constant in nature/nurture discussions.

>> No.14371326

>Prejudice can be moved around and tamed. It was done before and it can be done again.
You make it sound like relations between the United Kingdom are going so well, there is that rising tide of Scottish Separatism and of course the Irish have their problems still as well. I don't know much about the Welsh situation, but your blanket statement is as hollow as your ambitions to make prejudice something "tamed". You act like it can be controlled, whereas it is normally a manifestation of community security vs. dissolution. The reason that the "white" "christian" Britain is against "...those nasty browns" isn't because they have anything particularly against those "nasty browns" but it's that those "nasty browns" are mass moving (at the beset of "white" "christian" britains by the way!) to completely uproot, de-harmonize, and ultimately bring upheaval to the whole pre-established community.

I understand this is a fundamental point for most Leftists: they have some problem with the community of "white" "Christian" people, in general, and think that its destruction and dissolution will then allow them to make prejudice more "tamed" while completely ignoring the vastness of prejudice that they systematically create - in all people. It is like an artifical creation of that "Migration Period" ripe with all the violent struggle of community against community, this time for an increasing sense of survival (e.g. in Scotland there was a "It's Okay To Be White Sticker" and the reaction against it was calling it "vile" "evil" "has no place in our society" - they interviewed a nameless "immigrant family" who said they felt "threatened" - why? Why threatened? Because it's an acknowledgement of a community that they themselves are not the masters of). I find the whole situation terribly funny, from a macabre perspective, because what your idealism banks on is that you will be able to successfully manipulate a rapidly changing community based solely on your belief system. Can you even find a parallel in history that would achieve this? I know there was that "Cultural Revolution" in Maoism which led to mass executions and destruction of historical monuments, etc. and most likely this is what you are ultimately hinting at (e.g. it will become imperative to start killing and/or arresting people who are not assimilating into your ideology at some point).

I am apart of the growing mass of human beings who are beleaguered with this empty idealistic talk of messiahism, anti-community (in favor of another form of community) hypocrisy that ultimately serves no other function than empty belief systems that, in large amounts already, have already failed and/or been disproven.

>Source on Scotland It's Okay To Be White: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-50821872
"I am certainly worried now for my daughters who are not white but are from Perth.

"It's sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this."

>> No.14372046

Love can not exist without hate. You must be willing to hate those who would threaten what you love.

>> No.14372104

Modern china is more fascist than communist.

>> No.14372120

Society is a living concept that only came after decades and century of hard work, nurturing, sacrifice, failures, creativity, and blood. This hippy libertarianite idea that society is just a machine that can have some parts changed and radically transform but stay the same is retarded. They want to slash the arteries of society hoping that pushing the envelope so far with reparations and looking the other way when people dont pay cab faires and giving illegals drivers licenses and transgender drag queen kids being read to by drag queen pedophiles wont just totally destroy and subvert this long and delicately built society. They have no sense of social continuity, thinking that everything here today is spontaneous and subject to change.

>> No.14372388

>Economically left
It don't work.
Why do you think the west is collapsing?

>> No.14372418

the one true and BASED ideology

>> No.14372431

the retard camp

>> No.14372434

>non-deviant actual transsexuals

>> No.14372446

liberalism has btfo'd literally every competing ideology.

>> No.14372455

t. nick fuentes orbiter

>> No.14372490

conservative conception of "community" is just an ahistorical romanticization of the village

>> No.14372529

you had me until that last part

>> No.14372752

bong here we also hate the polish diaspora

>> No.14372779
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>> No.14372796

Red Labour has lost 4 elections in a row

>> No.14372905

that spic oughta be deported

>> No.14373957

>human nature
kek every time

>> No.14373969

similarly, when discussing whales or tigers, you'll often come across people talking about the nature of whales and tigers