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14360050 No.14360050 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some books

>> No.14360058

Basic Economics by based black man

>> No.14360061

get a life

>> No.14360081


>> No.14360110

Black book of communism

>> No.14360140
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>> No.14360166

Gay. Become a despairing marxist scholar with a detached disdain for all modern self-identified communists like a grown up.

>> No.14360169

Based armchair marxist

>> No.14360176

All contemporary Marxists are armchair. The philosophy is dead and the world is headed towards some bizarre Technocratic Elite style while everyone else is a pluralistic mass of "repressively tolerant" consumers who will presumably just be culled and killed or abandoned when the technology allows the technocrats the ability to leave the planet behind.

>> No.14360221

Start with marx

>> No.14360314

Geez, I mean we all know it deep down, you don't have to state it so plainly... joykill

>> No.14360343
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Start with Marx and Engels.

Communism will win.

>> No.14360352

Theses on Feuerbach
The German Ideology
Principles of Communism
Communist Manifesto
Wage-Labour and Capital
Critique of the Gotha Program
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
State and Revolution
What is to be done
Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism
Reform or revolution

You can also read more Marx and Stalin and Mao.

>> No.14360421

was gonna post this

>> No.14360866

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Manifesto of the Communist Party
The German Ideology, Chapter I
Comments on James Mill, 'Éléments D’économie Politique'
Wage Labour and Capital
Value, Price and Profit
Capital, Volume I
Socialism and War
Imperialism and World Economy

>> No.14360874


>> No.14360878
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I have a good meme for this feel

>> No.14360880

>I want to become Communist
Get a lobotomi and ur done.

>> No.14360882

Is it that you want to larp as a failed authoritarian socialist (their political parties are called Communist) or do you want to lend your aid to the struggle for a free society?

>> No.14360905

tankies are the only decent commies dumb tr*nny

>> No.14360918

They’ve failed thus far. By going backwards we’ve all failed. You have to win over the masses with a *preferable* alternative. Not an iron grip. Stop living in the past.

>> No.14360928

>want to become communist
How do you know you want to become communist if you don't know enough about it? Beyond stupid.

>> No.14360947

>Frog poster bait is beyond stupid

Bubba bootlicker, why so liberal?

>> No.14360997

so what do you recommend then for the struggle of a free society?

>> No.14361076

tankie communities are full of trannies you stupid fag

People are drawn to theoretical positions due to material factors way before they acquire consciousness of them.

>> No.14361222
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>> No.14361224
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Bubba bootlicker, why so liberal?
Eat my shit t*anny janny.. Or have the mods shoad u yet?

>> No.14361231
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But what’s the suicide rate among lesbians?

Why are you a tranny chaser, Bubba?

>> No.14361241

U got fired didnt u? Fucking kek, kys subhuman.

>> No.14361271

Why in God's name would you simply "want to become a Communist"?

>> No.14361702

thank you ill read trotzki then

>> No.14361731

That’s why we need based communists like Stalin

>> No.14361765
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>imperialist socialism

For my area, And many others, I think, I’ve been pondering how to get whole communities to become like preppers. Though they’re generally thought to be a bunch of rightwingers and prepping for odd things like alien invasion or nuclear winter, the idea is to be more focused.
I don’t see them as all that crazy though

They’re already weakening and killing us off. But they’ll never get off the planet in any great numbers. This is the Blade runner world.
Knocking them over is easy enough. It’s the military that’s the problem. They'll set up their semi-fascist and semi-socialist little nation-states and we’ll never get what we’re after
This is why we DON’T need “communism like Stalin” we need something different and genuine.

>> No.14361771
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>This is NOT the Blade runner world.
‘Xcuse me

>> No.14361773

Read Origins of the Family by Engels, he was a Chad and he proved it with his theories

>> No.14361779


This but anarchist instead

>> No.14362644
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>> No.14363090

So your going to hate people for being suicidal? Wtf?

>> No.14363164
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>> No.14363180

This mentally ill tranny really personifies everything wrong with modernity.

>> No.14363298


Read this to understand Marxism in a simple, direct way. From Marxism, you will understand why so many of us support socialism and communism, and what theoretical developments have been made since Marx about our world and the world economy. Good luck.

>> No.14363322

I believe sentience to be the greatest gift there is and if you're so willing to throw it away you're a nigger and i will never acknowledge anything you say.

>> No.14363326

Politzer's Elementary principles of philosophy. Essential to understanding marxism and history from a certain perspective.

Obviusly Marx's and Engel's works, the kapital, the communist manifesto.

Marxism is closely related to sociology, so Weber is a must. The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism tells how the US, a colony, became such a powerful independent country unlike say, the colonies from india or south america. Hint, it's because of religion.

Also, don't be extreme about your opinions, communism works in theory, yet fails in practice because of the human factor, in fact, reading too much into politics, turns anyone into a communist, reading too much into communism, turns anyone into an anarchist.

>> No.14363521

If i was a janny I'd ban u

>> No.14363536
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learn some actual economics instead

>> No.14363558

cringe. why has nobody pointed out the logical gap within this statement? You can be what you posted AND a marxist, your post implies that communists are not marxists. wtf?

>> No.14363586

>communists are not marxists
Modern communists are not even communists, dude.

>> No.14363909

The ABCs of Marxism

Why We Are Marxists by Alan Woods
A short introduction to the basic elements of Marxism and why socialism is the only way forward for humanity.

The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxismby V.I. Lenin

This short article outlines the most basic—but fundamental—elements of Marxism: its philosophy, understanding of history, and analysis of economics.

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
The founding document of the Communist movement. More relevant today than when it was first written over 160 years ago. Although it is relatively short, every line is dense with content and some find it difficult to read. But once you work through it carefully, you will find the ideas start falling into place. Like a good song, the Manifesto is worth re-reading time and time again—there is something "new" in it every time you read it!

Marxism and U.S. history, dispelling basic misconceptions about Marxism, etc.

Marxism and the USA by Alan Woods
This brief history of the class struggle in the United States illustrates that the ideas of Marxism, socialism and communism aren’t at all alien to “the land of opportunity.” From the primitive communism of many Native Americans to the American Revolution, the Civil War, and beyond, there is nothing "un-American" about socialism and revolution. In fact, there is no country more ripe for building socialism than the United States.

Introduction to Marxist Philosophy: Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels
Socialism existed long before Marx and Engels, but it remained just “a good idea,” until their development of scientific socialism. Engels discusses the various Utopian socialist movements of the past and their limitations.

Marxism and the state, anarchism, and reformism

State and Revolution by V.I. Lenin
State and Revolution was written to prepare the Bolshevik party for their task in 1917 of leading the Russian working class to power. It analyzes the origins of the state, its role in maintaining the rule of capital, the need for the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeois state, how a workers' state must be used by the working class to defend the socialist revolution, and how the state as an instrument of the rule of one class over another would "wither way" in the transition from socialism to communism, as a result of the gradual dissolution of classes. In this short book, Lenin also takes up the views of the anarchists and the reformists on this question, and exposes their limitations.