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14360098 No.14360098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books explain why women aren't right wing?

>> No.14360101

Holy shit he looks like Jreg

>> No.14360105

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.14360111


>> No.14360114

>tfw wish I could just do that shit and not have to do on top of a shitty office job

>> No.14360127

Because these days women are more intelligent than men. Men vote so that the corporations can dictate our lives. Women vote to empower ordinary people. That's why men vote for Trump and women vote for Bernie.

>> No.14360129

Show dominance and she'll follow your lead.

>> No.14360132

why cant this guy make a comic without writing paragraphs upon paragraphs


>> No.14360213


>> No.14360228

Women lean to whatever the establishment or dominant male in their life is

>> No.14360234

This is stupid. There are plenty of right wing women. Suburban boomer white moms aren't the vanguard of the revolution.

>> No.14360260

least common multiple?

>> No.14360263

>intellectually engaging with women
nobody who does this will ever make it

>> No.14360266

This desu, modern leftish urban women are likely to be tomorrows spinsters who cares what they think

>> No.14360269

>Women lean to whatever the establishment or dominant male in their life is
Pretty sure I see more men do that than women. Women tend to reject the establishment actually

>> No.14360276

left can't meme

most of that has to do with them having to explain their jokes to ensure everyone is included and it's not inside. the other part of it is lack of edge so as not to offend anyone

>> No.14360285

Only those raised by weak fathers or single mothers.

>> No.14360320

Trump literally won the female vote in 2016, plus I doubt Bernie can win more than millennial/zoomer socialists since they don't have jobs and won't feel the brunt of his tax-heavy policies.

>> No.14360334

Can you give any data of this?

>> No.14360338

Higher genetic predisposition towards empathic responses when confronted with the suffering of others

>> No.14360373

Was about to say this

>> No.14360378

*Except ugly men

>> No.14360403

nah once they get a modicum of power over anybody they love to see what suffering they can inflict and get away with.

>> No.14360437

Any google search will show you that about 40% of american women voted trump in the 2016 election.

>> No.14360474

OP is suggesting that right wing philosophy cannot do well on 20-30 woman who is related to find mate or subjected to marrige. I don't think "woman" is not properly used in the sentence. If it is restricted to that, is there any data on this?

>> No.14360517
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because of 60 years of nonstop propaganda. mass produced 'liberated individuals' that are all exactly the same. The feminist concept of freedom is hollow, muh abortion, forgoing family to pursue a middle management carreer to prove you are just as good as men, being a 'proud slut' to show those men they aren't going to 'shame you'. Really, feminism, like all identity politics, is motivated by a sense of shame, a surrender to liberal humanism incarnated in advertising and corporate HR.

reading only the correct approved books and the right progressive tv shows to avoid contamination warmed over sexual liberation discourses from the 60s. Sex has replaced community and spirituality as the one socially sanctioned source of meaning, which doesn't mean however, people are having more sex or even enjoying it.progressive leftisit sexuality is ritualised transgression of judeochristian values, devoid of eroticism, a poor substitute for the sacred.

Today's empowered feminist women act and talk like caricatures of Dr. Freud's hysterical patients, always feeling violated. Notice how the hysteria around concept and rape is accompanied by a push to normalize BDSM and prostitution, pornography headed by the very same people?

Woman has rejected Man, God, and her Natural Role as Mother and Wife, as such she is left alone in the wilderness clinging to astrology, cats, wineboxes, made up diseases such as lyme.

>> No.14360990

Lol I didn't even have to type it out: >>14360285

>> No.14361000

Being right wing is assuming that other people have as much strength and autonomy as you do. It is statistically corrolated with upper body strength. It relates to embodied cognition. If you are as weak as a woman and need help lifting a box or unscrewing a jar or changing your oil you assume that everyone is as weak and incompetent and also needs help. You project yourself outward.

>> No.14361034

Then help us destroy capitalism

>> No.14361044

>sit at home all day playing with children
>occasionally cook and clean
>work in some corporate hellscape
>60 hours a week
>nonstop bickering, stress, fights, etc.
god women are stupid I wish I could be a housewife

>> No.14361048

>Using Jewgle

>> No.14361054


>> No.14361065

and how many of those have careers? das rite

>> No.14361072

They are. White women voted for Trump. Left-wing "women" kill their own children and die childless surrounded by cats.

This is why every subsequent generation of whites is more right-wing than the last. Leftism is a self-selecting eugenics program that sterilizes its own people.

Same thing with Russia. Soviet Russia annihilated its own left-wing population, which is why it is one of the least socially "progressive" (see: Homosexual and child-abusing) white nations around.

I am convinced, as were Spanish scientists after the Civil War, that Leftism is a sort of genetic illness. We can cure this illness by simply allowing it to manifest and eliminate itself.

Once this has happened to all races and the inferior genes are expunged, we will have perpetual segregated peace, with all races living in harmony in an organic apartheid.

>> No.14361075

>motherhood and housework is degrading
>acting in porn and sleeping around is empowering


>> No.14361092

>implying children aren’t hard work
It’s rewarding work, but not everyone is mentally cut out for it.

>> No.14361096

it was mostly the penis-envy managerial class women who voted Hillary.'It's her turn' 'I'm with her' lmao you will never have a penis you delusional menopausal slag.

>> No.14361100

>playing with children
Being tied to domestic duties for over twenty years of your life is the choice a lot of women make, but then your sort pick them for not being more than wet-nurses.
>corporate hellscape
Help bring capitalism down.

>> No.14361105

>The feminist concept of freedom is hollow
So's the current masculine concept in practice.

>> No.14361107

>butters is for trad women roles
damn butters you aight sometimes

>> No.14361119
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>> No.14361131

freedom is an inherently masculine concept. that is why the managerial gynocracy is so intent in rooting out all masculinity. So we can all be reduced to an honogenous mass of pink haired consumer sludge, devoid of all gendered characteristics, it's just easier to govern

>> No.14361133

It's social humanism not liberal humanism

>> No.14361134

>children are hard work
it's a struggle to raise them at times but it's not "hard work" 95% of the time only modern bugpeople complain about having to stay home with their crying child instead of going out to drink

>> No.14361189
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In the next 30 years the world (at least the developed world) keeps shifting towards data being the new gold/oil of the world, and increasingly less violent societies... the function of a division between men and women become increasingly more pointless. There are no foreign lands to conquer, the most valuable resource being bits and bytes... there is almost no specific role for men.

The only major crisis we forsee is the fact that our whole social assistance structure is based on a Ponzi Scheme that there will always be more people born than the previous generation... when in all actuality, we are soon going to reach a level where it will be the norm for couples to have zero children.