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14358496 No.14358496 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the cyberpunk genre?

>> No.14358504

People got too invested in the cool aesthetic and failed to advance the genre or try and do something new with it. If you've read 'Neuromancer' and seen 'Stand Alone Complex' then you've basically seen it all.

>> No.14358510

It got retroactively refuted.

>> No.14358544
File: 43 KB, 620x400, steve-mann-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenonfag plz go

>> No.14358681
File: 56 KB, 600x800, ac6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ gushes about how great Snow Crash is
>actually read it
>it's Ken-sama fanfic

I genuinely don't understand why this book is so loved

>> No.14358758
File: 572 KB, 1982x1341, the_borgs_cyberpunk_cyborg_mit_steve_mann_1990s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back then, being a weeb was cool.

>> No.14358896

It became real. People started reading the news instead.

>> No.14358901

it became reality

>> No.14358914
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Biopunk is way cooler. Get with the times, grandpa!

>> No.14358930

>Prof. Mann
shit, /UofT/ engineer reporting in

>> No.14358967

It became reality.
Each Macron vote brings us one step closer

>> No.14359134

I fucking wish.
All we get is higher state spending while pretending the opposite, and a bit more negrolatry than usual. Cyberpunk would be an improvement.

>> No.14359788

It became what it hated: An in group bought and sold by massive corporations. Gibson (and all the others) thought that the big corporations running everything was going to be massive medicine or tech companies. Unsurprisingly, they knew little of actual technology and thus didn't see how automation instead resulted in the enlargement of the entertainment and media industry, of which they were absorbed and parroted by.

This. I tried to read it and it was just too.... bad...

>> No.14360025

I've stumbled upon several recent good books which could be cyberpunk, but instead they're just current. That's why the label doesn't really exist as such any more.

>> No.14360030

State expenditure increasing is a way to gut the state. Where do you think the money is going?

>> No.14360033

That Tesla truck shitshow happened.

>> No.14360173

Snowcrash was an extended shitpost making fun of what cyberpunk had become, Diamond Age was his real cyberpunk effort and attempt to move past what was lampooned in snowcrash.

>> No.14360229
File: 349 KB, 500x725, Richard_Eden_as_RoboCop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things, the first is that the cyberpunk moment begins and ends with Neuromancer. No one else, not even later Gibson ever captured again the sense of disorientation that was present in Neuromancer. The writing in the book is often hard to parse and requires you to read a sentence one or two times to figure out what is happening, especially at the beginning where the slang employed has yet to be anchored to a concrete to a definition by an example being given.
The second reason is that cyberpunk concerns itself with the fringe of human relevancy. Bleeding edge technology is less of a theme than the tattered remains of the human subject. Techno-social progress in cyberpunk only means completing the total eclipse of the human species loses their exclusive claim to reasoning, the one thing separating us from the animals in many estimations. Cyberpunk closes the book on humanity and on its own relevance as a genre in the process.

>> No.14360257

Agreed. Johnny Mnemonic was a pretty good movie. Would you agree Elyseum is the closest thing to cyberpunk in years?

>> No.14360280
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That's a really nice appraisal of Neuromancer and the genre as well. Read the book about 8 years ago, but it has still stuck with me. What you say does put to rest Cyberpunk in one degree, kind of stating the Climax of it.
I'd like to believe there are still more stories to be told in the genre, but most likely none will be as masterclass as Gibson's.