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14359673 No.14359673 [Reply] [Original]

What did God mean by this?

>> No.14359682

is the quran long? i dont feel like spending more than maybe 2 hours on it.

>> No.14359684

also, why isnt that bitch in a hijab?

>> No.14359686

Nobody will know until the Imam Mahdi comes and explains all the hidden meanings of the Quran. Though id wager some sekret Sufi or Ismaili Golden Age Muslim orders had insight into this during their time, and the knowledge was lost

>> No.14359690

It's about the length of the four Gospels, so it's decently short if you don't want to listen to a narration alongside (which I highly recommend).

>> No.14359697

No one knows.
Shiite meme

>> No.14359701

Sunnis believe in the Mahdi too retard. They just have different views concerning his nature/return

>> No.14359703
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>id wager some sekret Sufi or Ismaili Golden Age Muslim orders had insight into this during their time, and the knowledge was lost

>> No.14359721

she's prepubescent.

>> No.14359722

that isnt too bad. i should also read the gospels. ive only ever read john i think.

>> No.14359724

I'm reading Tafsir Qurtubi right now and there are a few viewpoints.
According to Ali the letters form the Greatest name pf God.
According to another viewpoint ,they were meant to intice the Kuffars of Quraiash who refused to listen to the Quran.

>> No.14359731

did you guys convert to islam just because of guenon?

>> No.14359741

I was interested in converting to Islam long before I came to this shit board and found out Guenon existed. But Guenon has confirmed my thoughts on Islam even more

>> No.14359744

what is your ethnicity?

>> No.14359748


>> No.14359755

is there any muslim here? i want to talk

>> No.14359776

no there are only s*fi guenonist filth or diaspora/westernized ethnoshillers sorry

>> No.14359783

Seething Salafinigger. Go stab someone in London

>> No.14359791

they are included, the salafis here are just arabwashed siegeposters

>> No.14359797

I'm born Muslim ?
What guenon works did you read ? And does guenon/you believe in Hadith ?

>> No.14359806
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dont talk shit about SIEGE posters, faggot

>> No.14359809

I havent actually read many yet, Just intro to Hindu doctrines and 'The Essential Rene Guenon'.

Personally, Hadith comes down to the Sunni/Shia Split. I have my own theory on the divide within Islam based on what i have read in the Nahjul Balagha.

I might explain it later, but generally. Just call yourself "Muslim", not "Sunni" or "Shia"

>> No.14359814

>What did God mean by this?
"kill all infidels and marry your 10-y.o. cousin, nigga. Inshallah"

>> No.14359839

she was 19

>> No.14359842

What are some comfy youtube channels about Islam? I like this Jew talking about Judaism and would like to see something similar from a Muslim.

>> No.14359856
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I realized the truth of Islam because of the Prophet's (pbuh) adoration and veneration of cunny.

>> No.14359858

mohammad hijab, but it is pretty intro. he falsely slanders the greeks though, if i recall correctly.

>> No.14359865

I do call myself a Sunni, the Sunni school is built around Hadith which is kept unchanged with the same rigorous process that is used to safekeep the Quran.
Boukhari amd Muslim are the most authentic Islamic book after the Quran.
Sunni school is based on logic and facts and rigorousness while Shiite and Sufi take a "whatever" approach to these things which doesn't sit with me well.

>> No.14359875
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Alright, how do you respond to the fact that Ali himself claimed that Muhummad elected him to be his successor?

Do you think Nahjul Balagha is a forgery?

im not going to defend Shiism, because I think they have made a lot of fake traditions, like the infalliability of the Imams, that the fiver (Zaydi) Shias dont agree with.

but one thing they do get right, is that Ali WAS supposed to be the successor. Obviously, Ali still pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr to stop more schisms from happening within Islam

>> No.14359892

Aisha was a kafir who helped Abu Bakr subvert Muhummad chosen successor Ali.

>> No.14359896

what is the difference between kafir and kuffar?

>> No.14359905

Can't you guys just kill each other already?

>> No.14359907

They are the same, different pronunciation in English.

>> No.14359909 [DELETED] 

>Alright, how do you respond to the fact that Ali himself claimed that Muhummad elected him to be his successor?

How do you know Ali saod this ? Truth is we can't 100%
So consider this Muahmmed the prophet of Allah gave an order before his death that Ali should be imam , and after he died people just ignored his orders ?
All these great companions of Muhammed just ignored a direct order and decided to make Abu nakr caliphate ?
Does that sit well with you ?

>> No.14359910


>> No.14359913

Kaffir = singular , Kuffar = pliral

>> No.14359915

>trusting sand people

>> No.14359918

So do you think Nahjul Balagha is a forgery? thats what I am asking.

If it wasnt a forgery, why would people randomly start saying that it was supposed to be Ali. Wouldnt Ali himself have told them that he was never elected as the successor?

I know you are going to say "muh Jews were promoting Shiism"
Which is half true. Ghulat Shiism was a Jewish invention, but regular Shiism was legit and exists because Ali himself in his sermons said he was supposed to be the successor

>> No.14359925

>Alright, how do you respond to the fact that Ali himself claimed that Muhummad elected him to be his successor?

How do you know Ali said this ? Truth is we can't 100%
So consider this Muahmmed the prophet of Allah, gave an order before his death that Ali should be imam , and after he died people just ignored his orders ?
All these great companions of Muhammed who've had utmost loyalty up untill this point just ignored a direct order and decided to make Abu bakr caliphate instead ?
Does that sit well with you ?

>> No.14359932

have sex

>> No.14359935

I guarantee you, I have more sex than you.

>> No.14359946

Nahjul lbalagha was written centuries after the death of Ali. There is no way to measure it's authenticity , perhaps some parts of it are true and some are false.
Al Boukhari was written much earlier , and there are 1000s of people that memorized it and handed it over across the generations. Not to mention the lengths that al-boukhari went through to ensure that every Hadith he collected was authentic.
Which one of these should i trust more ?

>> No.14359949

smoke some pot then, or something. you niggers are stressed over some gay ass desert cult.

>> No.14359952

When someone memorizes the Boukhari in my country he memorizes with it the sequence of people that handed it to him, and they can trace it back to al-boukhari himself.
Sort of like the dialogues of Plato.

>> No.14359954

I am not an expert on Islamic history. But from what I know, after Muhammad died, only a small group of Muslims came together and voted for Abu Bakr to be the leader of the Muslim community.
Their vote wasnt representative of everyone, Ali himself never got a say in it

>> No.14359964

How do you know the Qu'ran is perfectly preserved if the earliest manuscripts had to be destroyed for deviating from what some King thought the Qu'ran should be?

>> No.14359974

they dont

>> No.14359976

Allah would surely strike Uthman down if he tried to pull off such a great scam.

>> No.14359983

We can never be certain what exactly happened , but i trust that the companions would have done the right thing.
This coupled with some critical thinking , if Ali truly believed he was wronged and cheat out of his right, why didn't he revolt or complain ? Instead he waited his turn for the caliphate , he waited through the reing of Abu bakr , Ummar And Uthman until he finally got his turn as Caliphate , these people never wronged Ali in any way during thier reign , in fact they all got with each other pretty well ,and people only started arguing years after thier deaths.

>> No.14359994

But the evidence is there for all to see. The "Great Paris Manuscript" is one of the earliest manuscripts that we have of the Qu'ran, yet there's a significant variation to what modern Muslims are using. In Surah 3:158 the standard text today reads, "And if ye die, or are slain, Lo! It is unto Allah that ye are brought together." However, in the Paris Manuscript, there is a single additional letter not found in the modern text that reverses the meaning entirely. The verse then reads that if you die or are slain, you are NOT brought together unto Allah.

This is one of many examples.

>> No.14360003

>Why didnt Ali revolt or complain?

Read Nahjul Balagha, that was explained well there.
He basically didnt want there to be any hatred/schisms within the Muslim community, so he pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr anyway.
Zaydi Shias still follow a doctrine similar to this as well, and they oppose the Twelver Shias because the Twelvers have exaggerated how badly the enmity was between Ali and Abu Bakr.

>> No.14360005

Because millions of people memorize it today and thousands have memorized it in every generation, and hundreds memorized it while Muhammed (pbuh) was still alive.
Quran and Hadith have been preserved through oral tradition.

>> No.14360009

lmao btfo see>>14359994

>> No.14360011

How do you explain variations like this? >>14359994

>> No.14360016

The original Quran was written down by Imam Ali during the life of Muhummad before it was rejected by Abu Bakr. it is currently in the possession of the Imam Mahdi in occultation

>> No.14360026

is abu bakr seen as a traitor in shia and sufi?

>> No.14360040

In MOST Shia sects, Yes. I believe, the Fiver (Zaydis) arent as hostile, but still think he usurped Ali.

Sufis can be either Sunni or Shia, so it depends on the individual. (Sufism isnt technically a sect, but they do trace their teachings back to Ali himself)

>> No.14360049

Abu Bakr was the St Peter of Islam. Ali was the St John/James. (Exoteric Peter vs Esoteric John)

>> No.14360082

Post the manuscript ,preferably from a source other than Stormfront

>> No.14360084

Don't Shiites believe infallibility of their Imams? If so they're more like Catholics.

>> No.14360099

kafir is singular kuffar is plural

>> No.14360100

Francois Deroche et Sergio Noja Noseda, Sources De La Transmission Manuscrite Du Texte Coranique, Vol. 1, Le manuscrit arabe 328 (a) de la Biblioteque nationale de France (Fondazione Ferni Noja Noseda Studi Arabo Islamici, 1998)

>> No.14360109

>Joseph E. B. Lumbard of Brandeis University has written in the Huffington Post in support of the dates proposed by the Birmingham scholars. Professor Lumbard notes that the discovery of a Quranic text that may be confirmed by radiocarbon dating as having been written in the first decades of the Islamic era, while presenting a text substantially in conformity with that traditionally accepted, reinforces a growing academic consensus that many Western sceptical and 'revisionist' theories of Quranic origins are now untenable in the light of empirical findings – whereas, on the other hand, counterpart accounts of Quranic origins within classical Islamic traditions stand up well in the light of ongoing scientific discoveries.[27

So which is it ?

>> No.14360112

>So consider this Muahmmed the prophet of Allah, gave an order before his death that Ali should be imam , and after he died people just ignored his orders ?
Yes. Like in the authentic sunni hadith where Muhammad ordered his companions to fetch him a paper and pencil so he could write down his will on his deathbed but they refused to do it. too tired to reference, look it up

>> No.14360120

All Shia sects except Zaydis do yes, it is similar to Catholics (But I believe for Twelvers, it is only the first 12 Imams, but I might be wrong). Personally, this is my main problem with Shiism. Their esoterism is usually a good thing, except when they use it to completely change the meaning of Quran verses (Ismailis do this a lot, which is unfortunate)

>> No.14360123

>these people never wronged Ali in any way during thier reign

>> No.14360124
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Shiism was pretty based, I would have been more into it if they didnt have a schism every single time it came to electing a new Imam....

>> No.14360130

What is the contradiction you're seeing?

>many Western sceptical and 'revisionist' theories of Quranic origins are now untenable in the light of empirical findings

Is perfectly compatible with

>whereas, on the other hand, counterpart accounts of Quranic origins within classical Islamic traditions stand up well in the light of ongoing scientific discoveries

>> No.14360143

Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 5, Book 57, Number 103 reads:

"Abdullah (bin Mas'ud) was mentioned before 'Abdullah bin 'Amr. The latter said, 'That is a man I continue to love because I heard Allah's Apostle saying, ' Learn the recitation of the Qur'an from (any of these) four persons: 'Abdullah bin Masud, Salim the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifa, Ubai bin Kab, and Muadh bin Jabal.' I do not remember whether he mentioned Ubai first or Muadh."

This same Abdullah bin Masud is also reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari as having said:

"By Allah other than Whom none has the right to be worshiped! There is no Surah revealed in Allah's Book but I know at what place it was revealed; and there is no Verse revealed in Allah's Book but I know about whom."

We cannot question, then, that Muslim tradition holds Masud as a particularly complete and trustworthy source for the Quran. Yet Muslim tradition is filled with hosts of examples of where Masud's readings were different from the standard text. In regard to the official version of the Quran sanctioned by Uthman and gathered by Zayd ibn Thabit, Masud is said to have proclaimed:

"The people have been guilty of deceit in the reading of the Qur'an. I like it better to read according to the recitation of him (Prophet) whom I love more than that of Zayd Ibn Thabit," (Ibn Sa'd, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, Vol. 2, p.444).

Ubai bin Kab is listed above alongside Masud as one of the great reciters of the Quran commended by Muhammad himself. Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 6, Book 61, Number 527 records about Ubai bin Kab:

"Umar said Ubai was the best of us in the recitation (of the Qur'an) yet we leave some of what he recites."

So we see an admission that the official version differed noticeably from other versions of the time that seemed to also have an authoritative claim to being the original.

>> No.14360151

>He pledged allegiance to Abu bakr anyway to keep thepeace.
Yes ans than he pledged allegiance to Ummar and then to Uthman , he either had a really weak character and believed that the orders of the prophet should not be followed/are not worth fighting for ,Or Allah's prophet didn't give those orders and he actually believes those three men to be worthier than him, which would you rather believe ?
In the first scenario everyone of Muhammad's (pbuh) companions is in the wrong even Ali ,and Abu bakr and Ummar are evil men which make you wonder why Muhammed (pbuh) trusted them ?.
In the second scenario no one is in the wrong and we can agree that all of Muhammad's companions are great people.

>> No.14360153

Ismailis during the Golden age was the most enlightened sect Thu though.
Check out "The Bretheren of Purity"
They incorporated a lot of Neoplatonism into their beliefs.

Of course, modern Ismailis are retards who worship the Aga Khan and give all their Zakat Money to him to gamble on race horses.

But the classic Golden age Ismailis would have been my sect of choice.

>> No.14360156

The second Caliph, Umar, is said to have remembered a Quranic verse about stoning adulterers that was once recited by Muslims but was no longer in the Quran. In Sahih Muslim, Book 017, Number 4194, Umar is quoted as saying:

"Verily Allah sent Muhammad (may peace be upon him) with truth and He sent down the Book upon him, and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him. We recited it, retained it in our memory and understood it."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 8, Book 82, Number 816 reports Umar lamenting the absence of the verse in the written Quran:

"I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, 'We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,' and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed."

A 9th century Christian named Al-Kindi also reports this story, saying that:

"Umar speaking from the pulpit said: 'Let no man say that the verse about stoning is not in the sacred book, for I have myself read it. The man and woman who have committed adultery, stone them both. And if it were not that men would say that ’Umar had added to the Qur’an what was not in it, I would restore it with my own hands!' In another address he said: 'I do not know how anyone can say that the ordinance of al-Mut’a is not in God’s word; we have ourselves read it there, but it dropped out. God will not reward with blessing him who has omitted it. It was committed to him as a charge, but he was not faithful to the trust nor loyal to God and His Prophet.'"17

Muhammad's youngest wife, A'isha, is also said to have reported:

"The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it," (Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 3, Book 9, Number 1944).

Many Muslim jurists in Sharia still believe this teaching is binding based on these Hadith. To avoid the conflict, they commonly use the formula that "the recitation is abrogated but the ruling remains." In other words, it has been removed from the Quran but you still have to obey it. They conclude that God must have intended it to no longer be a part of the written/recited Quran (though the Quran is eternal and unchanging) and yet its legal authority is still binding on Muslims even though it is no longer in their scriptures.

>> No.14360165

>He actually believes this.
Hhhhhhhhh , Bro do you even into critical thinking ?

>> No.14360168

Have you actually read his sermons? Ali wanted to avoid all fighting between Muslims if possible.

>> No.14360178
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>> No.14360186

The aya of stinning was indeed removed from the Quran , but it was removed by non other that Muhammed (pbuh) making that a valid change for Allah says :
(Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof) [2:106].

What is true is that the Quran has not been changed after the death of Muhammed.

>> No.14360193
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muhammad was a girl

>> No.14360196
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Do Muslims believe that the Qur'an (the Logos) is the uncreated Jesus Christ?

>> No.14360197

How can even Muhammed change something that is unchangeable and eternal? That's a contradiction.

>> No.14360208

Do you disobey the orders of Allah to keep the peace ? , this goes against the teaching of the Quran. If Ali did this than he's in the wrong indeed.
If you believe that story you're retarded it's written in a way that makes Ummar comically evil ,it has no basis in the Hadith or any reputable source.

>> No.14360244

Only Sufi Muslims and some Shias have looked into this question. It would take me ages to explain and I dont know enough about it, but I would recommend reading books by Ibn Arabi because he spoke of this issue. He was also the greatest Sufi Saint of all time, way better than hacky libtards like Rumi.

>> No.14360254

Just read the sermons, even if you dont agree with them afterwards. Just to understand Ali's reasoning for doing what he did.

>> No.14360281

But basically yes, the Eternal Quran is the word/Logos itself, and it was technically worn by all Prophets. Weather the Quran we have today was the original Quran, that is anybody's guess

>> No.14360294

why cant you eat bacon?

>> No.14360306

I have nothing against reading stuff i don't agree with , but i am just not into esoterism especially Islamic type, thanks for the recommendation anyway.

>> No.14360309

I eat beef bacon, does that count ?

>> No.14360319

no seriously, why no pork? where is the logos in "dont eat this because i said so." there is nothing rational there.

>> No.14360321

Dirty animal

Thats fine, just dont go around rendering Sufis/Shias heretics and killing them just because they disagree with you.
Let Allah be the judge of everyone.

(Quran 49:11)
O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

>> No.14360324

>I would recommend reading books by Ibn Arabi
Thanks anon. Any specific work I should start with? I'll look into it after I finish watching this lecture series on Islamic mysticism/Irfan by a Shia imam - https://youtu.be/zaA4G5BXbng
By the way, is there any significant difference between Irfan and Sufism/tasawwuf? I know that there were Shia sufis, but this Imam made a distinction (albeit seemingly minor) between his school and sufi practices in the first lecture.

>> No.14360326

dont do 'x' because 'I said so' is a summary of the entire Bible too anon...

>> No.14360331

>there is nothing rational there.
The Logos is strictly supra-rational.

>> No.14360335

>thinks im a christfag

wow dude. great reason. you know goats will eat shit also?


>> No.14360337

This is why I genuinely believe you have to be intellectually retarded in order to be a Muslim. This has been my repeated experience with them, they don't know how to think.

>> No.14360340

Using vapid reddit memes blinds you to knowing God. Please reconsider your choices.

>> No.14360342

I would recommend looking at "The Bezels of Wisdom" and "The Meccan Illuminations".

I believe only volume 1 and 2 of the Meccan illuminations have been translated into english so far, and there is like 37 of them or someshit.

He was hugely influenced by Neoplatonism. Another good group of Esoteric Islam was "The Bretheren of Purity" and their really long series "Encyclopedia of the Bretheren of Purity"

>> No.14360347

cope harder, sandnigger

>> No.14360349

I follow the rules so i can get into heaven , i don't ask why the rules are the way they are , they are simple rules that aren't hard to follow. And a lot of them are beneficial for me. It's all positives really.

>> No.14360351

Fuckoff Stormnigger. Youre probabaly just seething that European Paganism was completely replaced by Abrahamic religion

>> No.14360356

im turkish

>> No.14360359

I know how to think dude , some stuff like that bother me but i try to not delve into them too much and hope that God will strengthen my faith.

>> No.14360364

>praying with group of friends
>guy heading the prayer (imam) is trying to be funny and just recites alif lam meem before prostrating

>> No.14360368

He technically did nothing wrong

>> No.14360369

Why do you believe it's worth ignoring contradictions? If Muhammad changed something he claimed to be unchangeable then he's a liar. There's no way around that.

>> No.14360380

My religious friend got very frustrated and argued that it doesn't count, but I can't remember his reasoning.

>> No.14360391

When did Muhammed say the Quran is unchangeable ? You might bring up some Aya that says something to that meaning , and then i will bring up the Aya that says some things are changeable, than it's a long discussion of which Aya came first and whether these Aya can be reconciled or interpreted differently.
There are a lot of criticism of Islam , I've looked into them a lot , researched ,asked people and asked my prefessors , some I've found an answer for , some i keep in the back of my mind and try not to think about hoping that one day i will find an answer too. Nothing is as simple as it seems

>> No.14360417

If you don't believe the Quran was written on heavenly tablets for all eternity past and was dictated, word for word, to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel then you're a heretic. If you're orthodox and actually believe this, you can't reconcile the fact that this text was changed. Abrogated verses are still in the Qu'ran because nothing can be removed from the tablets in heaven. However, Muslims admit that some things were wholly removed from the Qu'ran and this invalidates orthodox Islam.

>> No.14360494

>All of The Quran is written in heavenly tablest including the few verses that were removed , just because people forgot them and are no longer ordered to follow them does not mean that they never existed or they are not the word of god , same as the original Torah.
Here i reconciled them :)

>> No.14360511

Then you can't claim to have a perfectly preserved Qu'ran.

>> No.14360519

lol. Your whole religion is Jewish bullshit

>> No.14360525

The Verses that constituted the Quran at the time of death of Muhammed (pbuh) are perfectly preserved.
Are we good on the definitions ?

>> No.14360534

But it makes Jews seethe and that's a good thing.

>> No.14360541

No, because orthodox theology is dependent on the Qu'ran on earth being exactly the same as the Qu'ran in heaven.

>> No.14360547

Babylonians were more hardcore and would slaughter jew babies for Ba'al. (((Islam))) is tamed and blue pilled.

>> No.14360556

Why is the rule still enforced for something that God removed?

>> No.14360564 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't get what you mean ?

>> No.14360576

>Why is the rule still enforced
Because the companions of Muhammed(pbuh) enforced it even after it was removed ,and we trust that the companions Muhammed(pbuh) to know better.

>> No.14360585

If God removed a verse from the Qu'ran then he obviously doesn't mean us to follow it. Do you know what is better for us than God?

>> No.14360593

There verses that we recite now are all in heaven , there are however verses in heaven that we no longer recite because we "forgot" them. As long as we don't falsely claim something as the word of God we're fine.

>> No.14360604

To the Muslim mind it's possible to perfectly preserve something that was forgotten.

>> No.14360611

I'd argue that something that has been forgotten has received the ultimate preservation for it cannot be altered anymore.

>> No.14360615

Where is the Qu'ran reading discord group?

>> No.14360616

I don't trust myself with the interpretation of God intentions , if Muhammed (pbuh) companion say that the rule still applies than it does.

>> No.14360630

>Muslims admit that some things were wholly removed from the Qu'ran and this invalidates orthodox Islam.
this is why I don't like it when non-muslims and even non-arab muslims talk about the Quran. what you said makes absolutely no sense, God promised to perserve the Quran till the day of judgement, thats what all muslims believe, the hadith that the retards posted in this thread is weak and with a cut line of narration

>> No.14360635

"نسخ" is evident even in the Qu'ran :
۞مَا نَنسَخۡ مِنۡ ءَايَةٍ أَوۡ نُنسِهَا نَأۡتِ بِخَيۡرٖ مِّنۡهَآ أَوۡ مِثۡلِهَآۗ أَلَمۡ تَعۡلَمۡ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ قَدِيرٌ

(Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall)
Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things?

-Sura Al-Baqarah, Ayah 106

>> No.14361069
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>> No.14361195
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Isnt the Koran very disorganized?


>> No.14361200

>Nobody will know until the Imam Mahdi comes and explains all the hidden meanings of the Quran. Though id wager some sekret Sufi or Ismaili Golden Age Muslim orders had insight into this during their time, and the knowledge was lost
If these letters had a deep hidden meaning, you'd have thunk the sahaba or the Prophet himself would have mentioned something like that. You sufi pretenders commit heresies more often than you make sajdah, I wish you'd all just fuck off and convert to Hinduism already

>> No.14361206

Yeah, lots of repetition ad nauseam so the Mudslimes could get the message by the 3rd or 4th time

>> No.14361230

>implying the Prophet (pbuh) would marry a kafirah, and stay married to her until his death
>implying her father, a man who gave his wealth and risked his life in the cause of Islam, would disobey the Prophet
Shia dogs out of my board NOW

>> No.14361260

They said it though, if you open up a Tafsir book it says that the meaning of the letters is a secret that Allah kept to himself.

>> No.14361643

Not him but you're full of shit, contempt, and circular reasoning. Your "God" sends a final revelation to humanity but doesn't include in it some pretty important stuff (say like the number of prayers you're supposed to pray), which he's gonna send you to hell for by his own word if you neglect, but makes sure to let the billions of humans that will come later in history not to fuck mohammed's wife.

It's not worth anyone's time. Islam does contain some healthy teachings but it's core is fundamental wicked.

I used to respect the guy, but just like all those bearded fucks, he sees people who criticise islam as "enemies" and gets very puerile about it.

>> No.14361729

Please pray. The Shaitan is leading you astray.