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/lit/ - Literature

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14358942 No.14358942[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What religion/belief system do you subscribe to and why do you believe it's the truth?

>> No.14358943

saging shit threads

>> No.14358946

It seems to work.

>> No.14358949

It makes most sense

>> No.14358954

work how

>> No.14358956

Satanism. Religion is retarded dogma.

>> No.14358959

Nice samefagging, Mohammed lmao but you forgot to remove your lame name

>> No.14358962

Oh the faggot deleted his reply lol it was this one btw: >>14358949 EXPOSED

>> No.14358972

I subscribe to the belief that threads on /lit/ should be about literature.

>> No.14358993
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 薫梢01 by ヨルノトノ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeric Literalism.
Monotheistic ""theologies"" are patently nonsensical gnostic political degenerations of the religions that preceded them, whose worldview is actually coherent while epistemologically suspended. Also, consider that Homer, Æschylus, Dante &c. were all pagans- it speaks for itself.

>> No.14358997

Dante was Catholic. Work =/= author

>> No.14359022

Eurasian futurism; the belief that the white man and Asian women will combine their genitals and perform a harmonious sex act resulting in cute hapa babies

>> No.14359032


>> No.14359077
File: 143 KB, 1200x785, tumblr_psne4cSD7a1rlk3g8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Δῖος Dante was a quite heterodox (and decidely anti-papist) Latin Christian (I suggest actually contrasting his views on pagans in Hell and the severity of lust with the orthodoxy, for instance) who, quite apart from extensively embracing pagan symbology & syncretising, to the point of overtly praying to Apollo, literally affirms the principles of pagan hero worship if you actually pay attention.
The papists, after despising him in life, have done their best to reappropriate him after his death & shy away in embarrassment from his actual work.
And considering that Christianity is as a whole a corrupted subset of paganism, it certainly isn't ridiculous to call this nobly baptized pagan what he is.
This is what our lord Agamemnon Vanax Andrôn died for.

>> No.14359086

There's so many other better ways though...

>> No.14359089

I pray to Satan and it seems to pay off.

>> No.14359093

Based. I was trying to explain this to someone earlier but you articulated it well.

>> No.14359234

I am the closest thing to god there is. Not invincible, all-knowing or all-powerful, but coincidentally immortal.
Also I am the only conscious being in all of existence, which makes my thoughts, dreams and reality one and the same.
I am forever trapped within my own mind and I probably had done this to myself.

>> No.14359237

Hapa boys are cute, CUTE!

>> No.14359322

Non dualism

It makes the most sense and my personal experiences led me to believe this

>> No.14359358
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Because Jesus is irrefutable

>> No.14359456

What do you mean by Homeric Literalism?

>> No.14359464

>Monotheistic ""theologies"" are patently nonsensical gnostic political degenerations of the religions that preceded them
>implying medaeval theology is the only theology that exists

>> No.14359465
File: 552 KB, 2447x1391, Catboy Nick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14359466

>There is a God that simulates our universe—which unfolds according to the laws of physics—in his mind. We are dissociated alters within the mind of God (Kastrup).
>He has fine-tuned the laws of physics for the existence of value—that is, living beings with free will (Leslie).
>God is benevolent, but not unchangingly perfect or absolutely powerful (Hartshorne).
>We are good insofar as we are like God and imitate his divine motives and virtues (Zagzebski).
>Our actions have great significance—we have the capacity to make God suffer and to contribute negatively or positively to His/Our ‘divine life’. Our actions collectively determine whether the universe’s existence was justified.

>> No.14359473

as opposed to based having that picture saved on your computer

>> No.14359475

based, never thought id see her here

>> No.14359478

im a girl

>> No.14359481

in that case hi can i sit on your lap plox

>> No.14359485

no, fuck off incel

>> No.14359850
File: 31 KB, 470x470, unchainedjambomonsterdicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post this pic
my sides¡

>> No.14359866

the guy in the bottom right is supposedly the leader of politicized american christians

>> No.14359998


>> No.14360301

Also Greek.
Should be more considering this is a Greek board.

>> No.14360650

No truth

>> No.14360710
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1572380088586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radical centrism and Uncertaintism. Basically not being certain of anything because, quite frankly, it's foolish to assume that everything you believe or think to know is bullshit and if anyone tries to force me to have a certain point of view i beat the shit out of them

>> No.14361322

I continually change my mind about what I believe. I’m not sure whether, from a metaphysical standpoint, I’m a non-dualist, a dualist, a Jamesian pluralist, a deist, or a theist. From a political standpoint I’m not sure whether I’m a fascist, a fatalistic conservative, a technocrat, a duginist, or a supporter of the status quo. From a philosophical standpoint I still can’t choose between Plato and Aristotle, which of the twain my sympathies lie with. But one thing I am certain about, and that’s racism, because fuck niggers.

>> No.14361488

>There is a God representing the Form of God who is immanent and transcendent
>this God conserves the universe
>From this God, all other Gods are made
>All Gods fit into Forms of their own-Sun Gods, Skyfathers, Earth Mothers, War Gods, etc
>these Gods give shape to the universe
>from these Gods comes nature

Idea being that there are many ways to get to Heaven, that any religion you follow is as good a bet as any, as long as you do follow it. True release, however, above Heaven, is to return to that One God after attaining Moksha.

>> No.14361613

Hinduism because i did a bunch of drugs

>> No.14361628


>> No.14361645

Christianity. I see the truth in it, and I see it because God granted me the ability to see.