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14357446 No.14357446 [Reply] [Original]

We are impoverished without him


>> No.14357478

Just like we would be under his preferred economic system.

>> No.14357489

He is weeping and gnashing his teeth in hell. He is crying out for a drop of cold water to cool his tongue. He will receive none.

>> No.14357487

>We are impoverished without him

Yes we are truly suffering a dearth of atheist whinging.

>> No.14357501

ok retard

>> No.14357520

Oof, cringe, and yikes

>> No.14357523

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the burning hell isn't there until the rapture.

>> No.14357528

God, can Sam Harris be more of an idiot?

>> No.14357536

The sainthood of Hitchens is irritating, what did the guy do besides shill for war and be arrogant?

>> No.14357542

I'm not sure. The rich man in Luke was immediately in hell after death though.
Luke 16:22–23
>22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by ethe angels into Abraham’s fbosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in fhis bosom.

>> No.14357545

This. I'm actually an atheist, but commies like him make me wish that he'll existed.

>> No.14357579
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>> No.14357585

deny god to justify it all

>> No.14357610

>be arrogant
That's the prime virtue for fedoras. So he get sainthood

>> No.14357901

Same anon and I'm critical of capitalism too, but I find those communist intellectuals to be vulgar, entitled, and grotesque

>> No.14357902


Would he have been a Trump supporter?

>> No.14357914

Nah, he was one of those guys who hated anyone who didn't agree with him.

>> No.14357935

He was witty and kind of charismatic. Sort of an intellectual chad

>> No.14357964

I find him, like many recent atheists, but also charlatans like peterson and the like, utterly dull. It is because an atheist, a modern one, represents the defeat of mankind, the full materialisation and impotent literalisation of all culture, experience and meaning. The ability to only see superficial language, to only see what is presented and not to see that the words compose a system in of themselves which argue certain truths and obscure others. They can only criticise things on the most literal terms, which makes their arguments intellectually void and hopelessly dull. The profound meaning beyond scripture, beyond representation and in experience and as that writing as ancillary to experience- is lost. Because their own experience is so commercialised, so materialised, that they cannot conceive of any reality beyond the words, any experience which inspired them. They have literalism which extends from the proud page they mock into the banality and sad slavery of their entire existence. It is hilarious to see their saccarine, forced sentimentality, barely in touch which real expression, sincere emotion... because they simply can’t reach it tangibly. All of society is eroding into this.

>> No.14357971

do shut up you boring little turd

>> No.14357979


>> No.14357981

Quality post

>> No.14357984

Calling something “boring” as an insult is basically just admitting you are frothing at the mouth seething. You can’t articulate anything actually wrong with it, yet you don’t want to be seen as using “base” insults so find some cowardly middle ground where you can basically call someone a faggot without seeming overly mad or crude

>> No.14357990

In every Hitchens thread till they like it.

>> No.14357992

Is this a meme now

>> No.14358701

He was also a boring contrarian

>> No.14358720
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>> No.14359053

why hasnt a mentally ill muslim not chopped this fucking useless kikes head off yet?

>> No.14359078

holy BASED

>> No.14359083

you're boring too

>> No.14359425

it says a lot about the decay of the west when this man was until recently, one of our prominent free thinkers.

>> No.14359444

Do you think that's a mature thought to have?

>> No.14359461

Yup I'm thinking this is based

>> No.14359486

Nothing is actually even said in this paragraph. What exactly is the critique? That they don't close their eyes and writhe like someone is pleasuring them under the table?

How else should a scientist behave except in a clinical and literal fashion?

>> No.14359499

Internet dipshits regurgitate the opinions and imitate the style of their preferred accredited rhetorician (debate libtards on discord and wreck them like Ben Shapiro!), and I suspect the now largely extinct fedora-tipping classy atheist gentleman was widespread imitation of Christopher Hitchens' bourbon-swilling pontificating rubbish. Providing oneliners and simplified arguments to brainless dweebs should serve as Christopher Hitchens' enduring legacy because they are the only ones who still care, the time they used his line likening God to the North Korea dictatorship bonding them as deeply to this oaf as The Dark Magician to Yu-Gi. I suspect imitation of Sam Harris or Ben Shapiro yields a much less juicy crop.

>> No.14359509

Gentlemen this seething cuckold has lost his composure.

>> No.14359520

Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.14359533

Are there good public intellectuals outside the west though?

>> No.14360055

>hitchens is a scientist

>> No.14360333
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Fedoras utterly and forever btfo

>> No.14360459

Guess what I'm gonna copypaste in every single of these threads

>> No.14360468

Peter was always the smarter brother.

>> No.14360482

Hello police? I'd like to report a murder.

>> No.14360521

seeing christcucks crying about some pseudo and then talking about how his following is small brained is painfully funny. the average iq of your faith is around 85 and mainly found in africa and south america. christcuckoldry is pretty much entirely small brained individuals following some random pseudo (priest) and blindly repeating what they're told.

for people convince they're going to get eternal paradise for being kind you sure are petty and ugly little goblins. i guess the sneaking suspicion in the back of your mind called reality is haunting you and you just keep thinking about "what if it's not true?!? what if i can't have sex with an angel?!? how else am i gonna lose my virginity?"

>> No.14360530


Yeah but that's not a hellfire hell, that's the "eternal separation from God's love" hell. The two are easily conflated.

>> No.14360587

0/10 try again next time anon.

>> No.14360600

your religion going off this planet and none of the prophecies will happen. there won't be a rapture instead humans will be living on other planets and moons. keep coping christcel

>> No.14360699
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new atheism is the bomb chicos

>> No.14360875

I try not to think about my atheist / Hitchens phase. Very cringeworthy desu.

>> No.14360886

Thanks to psychedelics I went dire tly from Christianity to deism with no athiest angst phase.

>> No.14360889

Compare the level of discourse here to the based Hitchens destroyer earlier. You are so so stupid but think yourself incredibly intelligent. It’s hilarious

>> No.14360907

I try not to think about my atheist / Hitchens phase. Very cringeworthy desu.

>> No.14360950

It's muslims we're talking about here

>> No.14360970

I see that our edgy Christian larpers are still butthurt years after his death.

>> No.14360975


>> No.14360976
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>Nothing is actually even said in this paragraph

>> No.14360983
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now in easily repostable format!

>> No.14361013

I can't believe I was an atheist. What a cringe and gay worldview.

>> No.14361023

Can someone explain this to me? Are the replies here because this is a joke or funny? Am I missing something?

>> No.14361079

It's just rhetoric. You'll either agree with it because it harmonizes with you point of view, dislike and/or dismiss it because it disagrees, or not care because the debate related to it is utterly meaningless to your well being. And all will go back to their normal lives outside of the internet.

>> No.14361086


>> No.14361089


>> No.14361101

>Can someone explain this to me?

Do you lack reading comprehension skills or what? He is describing notable characteristics of atheist "thinker" types which discredit their arguments.

>> No.14361108

being a christian requires low intelligence, reasoning ability, and being unaware of reality. when you get this holy trinity of stupid the result is the replies you see. they don't have much going for them hence they pray towards the sky and they go for any low hanging fruit.

>> No.14361132


>> No.14361175

Well, we have to think about what hell is, what heaven is.
Both, eternal; without change.
Wouldn't that make them switch places with each other on a long enough timeline?

>> No.14361333

Modern gaythiests are soulless bugmen

>> No.14361346
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You're still in this thread, bugboi?

>> No.14361439

I actually found it to be an incisive post. Perhaps you, finding yourself on its receiving end, are now seething

>> No.14361460

I take it that you haven't heard the good news

>> No.14361484

you get on your knees today like a good little bitch and close your eyes begging daddy for a reward because you're a good gurl? you tell daddy how you're a good gurl so he needs to give you a little bit of paradise? mmmhmm, daddy is gonna give you paradise, bitch. open your mouth it's time for some holy water from the source.

>> No.14361534

Why don’t you read a book considering we are on the literature board? I can’t imagine how anyone familiar with the classics, even quite superficially, could have such a banal view of religion and Christianity. Sincerely, question why you are here if you don’t actually read. As you posturing to yourself? Get some more familiarity with the spirituality you are so clearly seething at (even though the version of it you present is so childish it may as well not be the actual thing) and maybe people will take your posts seriously

>> No.14361573

>christcuck trying to posture he reads literature
reading random quotes from the bible when you remember it exists isn't being well-read larper. nobody with >100 iq takes christ larpers on /lit/ seriously

>> No.14361605

I said the classics. The countless works of literature inspired by Christianity. It’s obvious you are just a completely vapid retard who reads nothing at this point, so you can take the last reply

>> No.14361784

such is the system created by an infinitely merciful god. amen!

>> No.14361807

christcuck wankery, but >>14361079 is fairly accurate

>> No.14361814

>the personal characteristics of the person invalidates their arguments
awe, look, he's retarded

>> No.14361824
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Go back

>> No.14362021

>It’s obvious you are just a completely vapid retard
the famous christian spirit in evidence. it's almost like christ himself is in the thread

>> No.14362100

Atheists ITT still not recovered from this

>> No.14362114

rest in piss

>> No.14362123

there is a general judgement after death then hell
at the final judgement later he will be judged before everyone then reinstated in hell same as before though I suppose the actual final judgement will be far worse then hell (if such a thing is possible) and it will be gods mercy that he is not forced to look at his face for eternity

>> No.14362148

Didn’t he start reading the bible before he died? The coward he is he probably accepted God in his final days silently while still putting up the facade