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14356413 No.14356413 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to be a man?

>> No.14356431

to has a dick

>> No.14356442

It's whatever you want it to be.

>> No.14356445
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Men act. Women are acted upon. It's that simple.

>> No.14356453

It means being virtuous.

>> No.14356459

To be in control of his passions, and his emotions. Otherwise, he is not different than a beast whenever he yields to every sensual delight.

>> No.14356476

This is patently false. In any endeavor in life, there need to be two participants. This is something Butterfly understands as well.

Perhaps you'll see when you're older: no relationship is built upon ONE person doing all of the commanding in the relationship: this leads to fights. :3

>> No.14356491 [SPOILER] 
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Au contraire. Women have wicked ways of acting upon men...

>> No.14356506

>This is something Butterfly understands as well.
The only thing that cunt understands well is how to be an obnoxious tranny faggot who derails threads and ruins /lit/. And I never said anything about relationship dynamics so idk where you're getting that idea from.

>> No.14356535

To keep pursuing what makes you happy no matter the odds, being generous when appropriate, reinforcing bravery while ensuring you don't become a controlling tool.
It's healthy to juggle equal amounts of traditional masculinity with newer developments.

>> No.14356541

>To keep pursuing what makes you happy no matter the odds
What if that means being a disgusting pervert or whatever

>> No.14356542

Nothing, it means nothing

>> No.14356553

To be the father or brother you wished you had

>> No.14356555
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>> No.14356871

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


>> No.14356893

But what IS virtue?

>> No.14357136

To rape women

>> No.14357141

What society considers manly at the time you live in.
That's what it means to be a male.

>> No.14357143


>> No.14357184

Fuck off Socrates, I won't fall into your tricks never again

>> No.14357239

i wish i knew but to be honest i have never met a man in my entire life
i am a tranny and people tell me i am supposed to just be a man but then i look at them and they're basically just hairy aged children, they run away from things that scare them, they cower at the thought of being judged, they never stand up for themselves, they're vain and shallow and materialistic, they think working out or growing a beard or sleeping with lots of women or going hunting makes them a man. people say "man becomes, woman simply is", or "men act, women are acted on", or other things but i see nothing in that in any man i've ever met. i think a lot of the reason they hate trannies so much is because they know that if there was more to being a man than simply having a penis, they'd lose that too
they complain about women being turned into shitty imitation men by getting jobs instead of being homemakers, and about otherwise normal guys being turned into trannies by being tricked by pinkpilling sociopaths, and maybe they're right but they should try cleaning their own house first

>> No.14357258

A woman makes him a Man
A child makes him a Father

>> No.14357261

Lol girl brain jumps to relationships, every time

>> No.14357271

Imagine falling for a neoliberal political trend and fucking up your body forever LOL

>> No.14357290

Dear friend, we observe that male dogs, cattle, pigs do also. By your definition, it is thus, the trait of a penis makes each one "a man". This is what you have surely asserted, but it is self-evident that these creatures are not men at all and we may have to surely conclude that you are most incorrect in your assertion that 'to have a dick' makes a man, but instead the essence of what makes a man is something else indeed.

>> No.14357299


I forget how small David's pee pee and sack is. Also, what's up with his pubes? He's got a small plate of macaroni over his junk.

>> No.14357313

This is what the proper detumesced size should be. Mine used to be that small until I fell into the habit of daily porn use or daily sex in my 20s, which ruined this. Porn and sexual excess deform the muscles and make men have a "shower", which is more easily damaged and more easily aroused.

>> No.14357315

A man can make her cum in under 30 seconds

>> No.14357319


>> No.14357341

I am no girl. :3

>> No.14357352

By Zeus, I must guess that to be right, Socrates.

>> No.14357358

Good God, Anonymous, what a sorry state you’re in! I hesitate to call it by its name, but still, since we’re alone, it must be said. You are wedded to stupidity, my good fellow, stupidity in the highest degree—our discussion and your own words convict you of it.

>> No.14357679

>It means being virtuous.
Pursuit of virtue
These are the meaning of being a man, and the method to become one.
>But what IS virtue?
The Christian virtues and the Roman virtues are plenty answer for the uninitiated.
Reject degeneracy. Reject weakness in yourself. Reject the multiculti.
>"It is not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times- it is the way we not only tolerate evil, but have made a cult of positively worshipping weakness, depravity, rottenness, and evil itself."
>"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
How I'm living my life:
>No alcohol
>No tobacco/nicotine
>No drugs
>No pornography
>No fap
>No videogames
>No Disney
>No onions
It also means for me
>Playing chess
and I am always seeking to
>Create new positive habits and rituals
Self-control and pursuit of virtue are the secret to life.

>> No.14357721

>>No tobacco/nicotine
>>No drugs
Nothing to do with virtue as not all of these affect reason or induce pleasure, notably in the case of nicotine. In fact, it can help one persevere in virtue. The most virtuous man I know of is Pope Benedict and he was a life-long tobacco user until his 90s. His writing shows it. You should treat some drugs as means for specific ends. Things like cannabis and alcohol are inherently deleterious for the mind, subdue reason, and force it to go after pleasure but other substances can be of considerable benefit, enhance self-control, aid executive functioning and repair past ruin. Your non-use of them for the sake of not using them has nothing to do with virtue.

>> No.14357724


>> No.14357769

>Didn't elaborate at all or give any further explanation for the sake of being succinct
>"Durrr, this guy just isn't using them just to not use them! I gotta tell him he's wrong!"

And now you have. Thank you, brilliant man, for suggesting the use of insanely perilous tobacco products to be virtuous and an intelligent crutch. Thank you for directing stating that tobacco does not "affect reason" like someone who has never met a vile, disgusting smoker.


>> No.14357802

friendly remainder that if you wear open-toed shoes or footwear of ANY KIND you have renounced any claim to a status of manhood

>> No.14357839

also if you shave


>> No.14357842

You claim to be an individual interested in the pursuit of virtue and self-control, but your reply is an emotional rebuttal and if dissected, the argument within is invalid. I could offer in juxtaposition examples of "great, marvelous" smokers to the "vile, disgusting " ones you have met, which would include Kant, Bach, Beethoven and less impressive, Einstein. The presence of "vile, disgusting" persons smoking is not any indication that it adversely affects reason. Drunkenness takes away reason. Weed takes away reason. In contrast, the acute affects of nicotine stimulate the very faculties of the brain responsible for reason. It stimulates the brain and places man at a higher level of cognitive awareness. We can see this in studies showing that nicotine increases digit span and executive functioning.

>> No.14357937

>I could offer in juxtaposition examples of "great, marvelous" smokers to the "vile, disgusting " ones you have met, which would include Kant, Bach, Beethoven and less impressive, Einstein.

>I could offer in juxtaposition examples of "great, marvelous" chronic masturbators to the "vile, disgusting " ones you have met, which would include Kant, Bach, Beethoven and less impressive, Einstein.

See what I did there?

>Doesn't affect reason
>Never met a smoker in "need" of a smoke
>Doesn't induce pleasure
>All smokers ever would disagree

You're such a retard that it's actually kinda funny. 6/10. And while I acknowledge that your dumb ass may continue to reply, know with utmost certainty that my lack of response is due to your aforementioned retardation and you not deserving reply.

*mmmmmmmwua!* Kiss you, miss you!

>> No.14357977

To have pp. Use another word or invent one if you want to add meaningless descriptors.

>> No.14357997

You materially changed the substance of discussion. We were discussing the merits/demerits of nicotine use. Masturbation is a separate issue and those individuals mentioned had varying sexual routines so the example does not linearly translate anways.

>Doesn't affect reason
>Never met a smoker in "need" of a smoke
>Doesn't induce pleasure
>All smokers ever would disagree
This is a very flawed biased observation taken from the subjective experience of low IQ trash, relating to another issue, physiological addiction which by its absence may cause them to go after it, but the substance itself is not impairing the use of reason. I have smoked tobacco before (though I am not a tobacco user currently), and it is not pleasurable in any euphoric sense. The pleasure to be derived is from providing a nice moment of repose and silence. Contrast this with alcohol, where one may say rash things that he will later regret. The faculty of reason is preserved, even in states of withdrawal. The immoderate use of it to the point of such an excess, would be contrary to virtue but using it for a purpose, is not contrary to virtue.

You lack self-control to be this emotionally heated right now. I have no animosity against you, said nothing to directly offend, yet your actions so far contradict your initial post as to what it means to be a man.

>> No.14358002

What? Your substituted example doesn’t “do” anything, it’s simply a false statement.

>> No.14358005

And after reading that last line I have to say that you are, without a doubt, the cringiest faggot I’ve come across in weeks.

>> No.14358015
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There is no such thing as a “man” in a generic sense. There are different sorts of men. Manhood is in the blood, so you must know your blood and your origins, your race (and, no, “white” is not a race). One is a German man, an English man, a Jewish man, a nigger man, a Chinese man. You have to know your race and your ancestry, to know the limits and possibilities of your own blood. Manhood is not an abstraction of philosophers.

>> No.14358021

It highlights the absolute idiocy in defending anything as good or bad based on the accomplishments of people who did it.

>Lists names of a bunch of accomplished murderers
>Lists names of a bunch of accomplished rapists

Wait, all these responses are looking awfully samefag... Shit, did I just fall for something?

>> No.14358031
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It’s the other way according to the Tantrists. Man is passive and immobile like a king on his throne while woman is restless and active.

>> No.14358043

I assume you meant to quote me and the last line you are referring to is:
>You lack self-control to be this emotionally heated right now. I have no animosity against you, said nothing to directly offend, yet your actions so far contradict your initial post as to what it means to be a man.

You mentioned in your initial post, rare friend, that 'Self-control & Pursuit of virtue', are the qualities which make a man which I certainly agree. However, in all of your replies to me you have exhibited a lack of self-control, in manifesting the vices of anger and imprudence.

>> No.14358095

So we now agree that your initial argument of offering your anecdote of "vile, disgusting" smokers as examples is invalid, which I stated from the start, and if you will note, I further added in response that I 'could offer', which meant I was playing along with your reasoning. Since your initial line of reasoning was flawed, please address why any nicotine use is opposed to virtue in any circumstance.
>Wait, all these responses are looking awfully samefag... Shit, did I just fall for something?
If it is of any consolation, I did not write the reply to which you are now responding.

>> No.14358100

>I did not write the reply to which you responded*

>> No.14358105 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14358114

All the soibois in this thread interpreting 'man' as 'male'

>> No.14358120

good thing socrates nontemporally refuted them through space time

>> No.14358131

I seriously can't tell which idiot here is which, though I'm pretty sure Tobacco Faggot is most of the posts now.

>You mentioned in your initial post, rare friend, that 'Self-control & Pursuit of virtue', are the qualities which make a man which I certainly agree. However, in all of your replies to me you have exhibited a lack of self-control, in manifesting the vices of anger and imprudence.

Ohhh, clever girl trying to challenge someone into a box of behavior they themselves aren't in. First, lmao at thinking I'm angry at some dumb twat arguing that smoking is totally separate from the addiction of smoking, especially when the entire premise of the argument was for smoking to be used as a crutch. Ahhh yes, the virtuous crutch of the tobacco use which is a braindead thing to do given the health risks.

>No, no loss of virtue in self-destruction!
>No, no, light up a cigarette instead of exercising when you need an outlet!
This trash doesn't even stand up to that psychotically narrow definition of virtue we haven't even touched on. Reason and pleasure is all virtue is concerned with, huh? Seriously, what the fuck?

This is such pathetic shit. And really, trying to call me for anger in a post in which I quote Thomas Aquinas on the immortality of being without anger? Truly, this is... Idek what this is anymore.

>> No.14358141

No why would you assume that I was quoting you, clearly I was quoting the faggy ending to the other guy’s response, as well as my own response to show that it was a follow-up to that.
He’s trying to show that smoking is categorically different from the other vices that were named. Those geniuses would not have accomplished much had they been alcoholics, chronic masturbators, or gaming addicts, but nicotine use is less destructive to the mind. You should, if at all, be arguing with him about the physiological damage caused by smoking, or try to come up with examples of people with the supposedly more destructive vices who were able to accomplish some noteworthy artistic or intellectual feat.
Also, you’ve got a really bad eye for stylistic variation if you think this is samefagging. This is a public board and people are going to jump into your arguments every now and then, please try to get used to it.

>> No.14358183

>please address why any nicotine use is opposed to virtue in any circumstance.

It goes against
>Constantia for negative health impact
>Dignitas for exhibiting lack of self worth
>Firmitas to begin when committed to not
>Frugalitas for being utterly unneeded
>Honestas for negative image of being a smoker
>Humanitas for clear lack of refinement
>Industria for distraction from productivity
>Nobilitas for negative appearance
>Prudentia for lack of foresight to the consequences
>Severitas for lack of self-control
>Virtus for smoking being for idiot bitches

You are retarded.

>> No.14358185

You're also fucking retarded.

>> No.14358189

I really wish people would learn what that word means, unless you think trannies are a product of extremist libertarianism.

>> No.14358203

I’m sorry you’re so flustered about all this, but it’s time you calm down and reflect on why this has gone so poorly for you.

>> No.14358230

>or try to come up with examples of people with the supposedly more destructive vices who were able to accomplish some noteworthy artistic or intellectual feat.

>I’m sorry you’re so flustered about all this, but it’s time you calm down and reflect on why this has gone so poorly for you.

You just said that an adequate argument against smoking having no negative impact on virtue (lmao) is to list accomplished heroin addicts (LMAO).

You actually are retarded.

>> No.14358240

No, that was a suggestion for how you might go about refuting the proposition that tobacco-smoking is categorically different from the other vices.

>> No.14358318

To walk among men, to walk the way of men, and to fade like any light.
Jeffrey Epstein din't kill himself

>> No.14358321

Epstein was a man’s man

>> No.14358322

yes you are >:3

>> No.14358341

To be a man is whatever one proclaims it to be
With his voice, such as it sounds, will bounce off his walls, such as they are
And he will look out his window to the landscape and proclaim,"ah yes, this thing I proclaim, how could it be otherwise? In lands harsh like these."

>> No.14358439

None of these align with the virtues for which you stated. It also increases productivity significantly. Many of your arguments also make absolutely no sense in light of Thomist reasoning, as you are appealing to human respect, itself a vice.

>> No.14359282

>>>14358183 (You)
>None of these align with the virtues for which you stated. It also increases productivity significantly. Many of your arguments also make absolutely no sense in light of Thomist reasoning, as you are appealing to human respect, itself a vice.

Why would the Roman virtues be aligned with Thomism? And why is that your argument? Lmao you are such a stupid nigger.

>Oh no no no no no no! Everything you said is wrong! It has to be! The Roman vietues aren't actually the things you said! All smokers categorically find zero pleasure in smoking and they're all super productive! Virtues are vices! Hahaha I win!

You should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.14359487

So virtuous women are actually men?

>> No.14359760

men and women share different, sex-specific virtues, while also obeying the same virtuous core that applies to everyone with a soul.

>> No.14359808


>> No.14359817
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It means to be made weak by the beauty of women

>> No.14359823

None of those virtues are compromised by tobacco, but many are compromised by your hotheadedness.

>> No.14359828

Look up the origin of the word virtue.

>> No.14359851

Virtues are good, aren't they? They can't be good and bad at the same time. Tobacco is bad for your body. If it's bad it can't be done by a virtuous person.

>> No.14359931

That's very debatable, especially for pipe tobacco use and nasal snuff, which show little if any impact on mortality or health parameters. In fact, pipe smokers show increased longevity relative to non-smokers.

>> No.14360032

It's to be a miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.14360139

To lust for self-annihilation

>> No.14360182

Virtue is the quality unique to actions or decisions that are not just blindly following passions passions. Disciplined behaviour, basically, is virtuous.

>> No.14360190

A man strives to live up to the standards set by the heroes of antiquity. A man is strong, faces his fears, well educated, upholds his duties, and lives to serve the greater good of his family and the realm.

>> No.14360207

footwear is the most feminine and infantile possible metric to judge something like manhood. I guess all those greeks and romans /lit/ looks up to were not actual men as they probably wore sandals year round.

>> No.14360215

holy shit

>> No.14360296

Discipline is but a part of virtue.

>> No.14360504

To be a man is to be an adult human male.

>> No.14360523

>That's very debatable, especially for pipe tobacco use and nasal snuff, which show little if any impact on mortality or health parameters. In fact, pipe smokers show increased longevity relative to non-smokers.

Seriously, cunt, just fuck off. No one is buying your pro-tobacco bullshit. If smoking in any way prolonged life, everyone would do it.

>The most virtuous man I know of is Pope Benedict
>human respect, itself a vice.

>Excuse me, Mr. Benedict Pope sir, I believe we can all agree that your being a smoker has prolonged your life and lead you to all sorts of tasty virtue but ummmm all this respect you amass from others? Really gross, sir. You are better than than that.

You are a stupid nigger.

>I have smoked tobacco before (though I am not a tobacco user currently)

Such a stupid nigger.

>None of these align with the virtues for which you stated.

They all do, but you're a retarded infant stacking rules on top of rules to protect yourself, even going so far as to say the virtues concerning the respect of others to be vices lmfao

>Nothing to do with virtue as not all of these affect reason or induce pleasure

Virtue concerns far, far more than those two tiny criteria, you fucking moron. Everything you say is braindead and devoid of intellectual integrity.

>None of those virtues are compromised by tobacco, but many are compromised by your hotheadedness.

Not at all. Nothing is compromised by my evisceration of some retard who is insulting my virtue and acting as some gatekeeper of what is and is not virtuous when guaranteed their virtue pales in the light of mine.

>Wahhhhh, you're not virtuous because you won't endlessly suffer my mentally deranged bullshit in perfect calmness!

Lol forever, but keep lying to yourself so you can keep thinking of your faggot granddaddy was the best man ever, or whoever the smoker in your dumb as balls life is that you're having this massive C O P E over.

>> No.14360535

This but with Mozart's 20th piano concerto playing

>> No.14360552

To be or be ready to be a father. You can protect and provide for your family. That's it. All your virgin nofap self improvement bullshit affects nobody.
I'm a cultured hedonist little boy and I love it. I'm cute, rich, work out, fuck girls from my classes, take drugs, read poetry and go to museums. I'll be a man when I can't live this lifestyle anymore.

>> No.14360565

Underated post

>> No.14360606

to leave scars upon the face of the earth


>> No.14360902

To Suffer

>> No.14361150

Pewdiepie just answered this today

>> No.14361158

>a Jewish man
Wow man u anti-semite?

>> No.14361202

Practice/study/train hard to possess a skill that makes you desirable to collections of other men & women & children, or to just one asshole who will pay to keep you on call. You will then leave an indelible impression for a time that will outlive you and/or encourage others to strive to be like you.