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File: 431 KB, 1020x968, rewardingAvoidance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14354022 No.14354022 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on terrible mothers?

>> No.14354030

Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.14354033

The Elementary Particles

>> No.14354038

I hate this nonsense.

I have severe bipolar 1. Some days, I am legitimately too sick to function. Some days nothing is real and then I'm in a mental hospital having an orderly jam a needle full of Adavan in my ass because I tried to break a leg off the table to have something to fight the swamp monster that keeps following me around with.

If you are mildly anxious or unhappy you aren't having a mental health episode. You're being a pussy.

>> No.14354039

Thank God my mom didn't do that. I used to cry before school nearly every day for the first few years, but she always forced me to go.

>> No.14354047

Am I a brainlet for feeling bad for her?

>> No.14354052

Every character in the book inspires pity at some point.

>> No.14354053

People are fucking morons. Obviously what this woman is doing is awful but what's worse is that it's being encouraged

>> No.14354055

Sounds like he's being bullied.

>> No.14354066

I mean I did too. Clearly Ignatius’ mother made clear mistakes in raising him, but at the same time you can’t help but feel sorry for how much of a useless, self-serving embarrassment he is to her in old age.

>> No.14354069

>nooooooo you have to go to school and get good grades and get a good job nooooooooooooo

>> No.14354083

what, youve never skipped class before? grade school is a joke, you honestly cant expect people to show up EVERY day

>> No.14354101

Telling a kid he'll be rewarded for reneging on an obligation because of some negative emotions is setting him up for a future of quitting and failure. The proper thing to do is to tell him he needs to go, that he can take the coloring easy for the day, and that he can rest and recuperate on the weekend. Like 99% of modern life is literally just showing up and handing in assignments on time, so unless you want your kid to be a failure, you need to tell him that the most important thing to do at all costs is to show up when you need to show up.

>> No.14354105

This. Mom did the right thing.

>> No.14354114

>nooooo success is everything what do you mean you don't want to teach a six year old modern life is all about doing shit you don't feel like doing how else will I live vicariously through his successes then noooooooooooo

>> No.14354115

>no you can't have mental issues I'm the only one who gets to have those!!!

Next time you see a swamp monster jump out of the window faggot

>> No.14354116

>he'll be rewarded for reneging on an obligation because of some negative emotions
Although I agree that this isn't good
> you need to tell him that the most important thing to do at all costs is to show up when you need to show up.
This is cringe. Another valuable modern skill is to learn when you don't need to show up.

>> No.14354123

>you need to tell him that the most important thing to do at all costs is to show up when you need to show up
lol enjoy having a faggot goy for a kid
you should teach your sons to always be thinking for themselves and to not take shit from retards teaching in a public elementary school
he may inevitably shoot that place up, and thats how you know you did it right

>> No.14354124

thats just what a mom would do naturally. absent here is the dad who would ask him if he has any enemies at school.

>> No.14354142

i hated school, i had a funny name that people harped on constantly and invented new contortions of, in sophomore year of hs i started eating in the bathroom because i didnt want to be seen eating alone, i really liked it when my mom took me to eat at a chinese restaraunt or something with her

>> No.14354155
File: 32 KB, 300x300, disappointed_witch_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't she confront the bully, tell him to man up and confront the bully (probably better since being enough of a bitch to let your mom do things is beta af) or at least tell the principal or a teacher about it? Avoiding the problem is only going to make it worse.

>Avoiding problems
>Right thing

>> No.14354159

>i really liked it when my mom took me to eat at a chinese restaraunt or something with her
based mommy
i have a funny name too, anon, people never made fun of me for it but ive always been a bit self conscience about it

>> No.14354169

You should avoid those situations which are bad for you, yes. There is something about public education which makes the collective society behave in a certain way. We should avoid this influence, if possible :3

>> No.14354176

>This is cringe. Another valuable modern skill is to learn when you don't need to show up.

Dumb comment on many different levels, which is actually somewhat impressive.

First: The parent-child relationship for children under 8 is similar to an owner teaching his dog. You want to teach the dog that when he doesn't want to come inside, he still needs to come inside -- and this is accomplished by positive reinforcement when he comes inside (a treat), and operant "punishment": admonishing the dog when he doesn't come inside and temporarily removing praise from the dog. What a bad owner does is sympathize with the dog not wanting to come inside by giving him a treat and taking him on a walk. The dog now knows that when he doesn't come inside, he'll be rewarded by getting a treat and a walk. This is the exact opposite of what you want. A 6-year-old cannot reason with abstract notions like "responsibilities" in the way that you or I can, so there experience with things is very much predicated on stimulus->reward paradigm. Have you ever seen a tiny niglet who acts like a nigger and cusses a lot? He is rewarded for that behavior: when he does that behavior, his parents give him praise and comfort. Have you ever seen a child who shares his toys with others? His parents rewarded him for that behavior. You can reward or punish emotions as well: when a child is angry, you do not give him what he wants. This is literally what parenting is about.

But your comment is also retarded on another level. Because even if the parent-child paradigm weren't contingent on Pavlovian conditoning, you STILL don't want to reward your OWN bad emotions. This is how phobias and avoidance develop. For instance, a habit of procrastination develops when a person rewards himself with distraction when he is anxious about work. And a social phobia develops when a person rewards himself with leaving a social event when he becomes anxious (negative reinforcement). So even if children weren't fucking retarded (like you), it would STILL be important that you never reward avoidant urges.

All the kid understands from this is if he doesn't want to do something, he just says he is sick and then he gets a lot of pleasure. He doesn't understand such an abstract concept as a mental health day or "learning" when you don't need to show up (???? mind boggling stupidity)

>> No.14354181

i have the same name as a famous person
when i was a kid people used to make fun of it
now i know that the person is quite a hero to a lot of people so i wear it like a badge of pride. it's got me a few free beers too
i wish i could go back and tell little kid me that it would turn out alright

>> No.14354186

jeez dr spock calm down

>> No.14354188

based Paul Bunyan

>> No.14354192

>$5 debt is as big a problem as $5,000 debt because both problems are caused by debt.

That's the flavor of brainlet that you are.

>> No.14354197

The van damm movie where his evil twin says you're a bad mother to some bitch.

>> No.14354216

Please stay away from children
t. child-care professional

>> No.14354219

If you're avoiding school because of some non-necessary entity associated with school, that is obviously avoidant behaviour (though for a bullied child, depending on the severity of the abuse, it might be better diagnosed as rational survival behaviour than pathological avoidance), but you were ranting about "putting in the hours", which seems less like an injunction against anxiety-motivated avoidance than against sloth. Not attending some shitty thing if there's a more productive activity that you value more is fine if the consequences are negligible. One of the important lessons you learn is realising that, when it comes to menial employment, putting more effort than you're getting paid for is a waste of time and human effort.

>> No.14354223

i got so isolated from the teasing and snowballing anxiety and lack of contact i started smoking a bunch of weed by the time i got into college because my social skills were completely fucked, had a mental breakdown, left college and started working with much older people so my early 20s were also socially fucked because everyone else was going to college or grad school or trade school

i have a gf and career im thankful for but i have a hate of people that will never go away and i plan on having enough power to kill someone without consequence some day

be nice, don't make fun of people

>> No.14354230

Is "child care professional" a euphemism for "someone who couldn't find a better job and wanted something easy?"

>> No.14354235

>You should avoid those situations which are bad for you, yes
Go ahead and avoid negative situations which aren't important, productive. Repeatedly avoiding school because of a bully, however, is a stupid idea.

>> No.14354236

>putting more effort than you're getting paid for is a waste of time and human effort
Well said

>> No.14354241

I love working with children, as you can see

>> No.14354243

A Handful of Dust

>> No.14354251

I'm glad all the expert parents on 4chan know what she's doing wrong. Kappa

>> No.14354258
File: 607 KB, 300x169, maximalkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is beautiful on so many levels. Good job anon.

>> No.14354271

I'm not talking about one specific individual, though. I'm saying that public education puts people in a collective unit which may marginalize this individual based on physical attributes he possesses. It is actually counter productive and even inimical to his/her success. I think home schooling should always be an option for this reason. :3

>> No.14354351

That is a great mother

>> No.14354378

mental health days are based. do you really want your kid to become a school attendance bootlicker? however he is probably getting bullied, unfortunately I had a solid 5-6 years of pure misery from getting bullied and crying often, even with "good" parents. I got in a couple fights but there was no way to avoid the bullying, so mental health days help. fuck the american school system

>> No.14354422

Exactly. These administrators think being late for school is a forecast of your future. Kids don't want to wake up at 7, even 6, to go do math problems.

>> No.14354437

hi adolf

>> No.14354452

Or maybe he's 6 fucking years old and literally nothing he does matter. All 6 year olds are selfish, whiny pricks and 99% of them grow out of it. Better to skip on a day of 2nd fucking grade than grow up in contempt for their mother.

>> No.14354465


Okay good luck when you kid grows up but can't get a job because he can't last 3 days without skipping work to focus on his feelings.

>> No.14354475
File: 67 KB, 685x656, 0393E633-5ECA-4AD2-B655-A4DE57C70305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in the cagie

>> No.14354477

or maybe the great spirit is calling him to greatness

>> No.14354482

good luck when your kids don't grow up because they commit suicide because they had a loveless childhood

>> No.14354496

No point in being an Internet parent and trying to give advice based on one damn tweet. Leave that bullshit to /r/aiti or something, but this:
>Like 99% of modern life is literally just showing up and handing in assignments on time
is true and is in general an important thing to convey to your kid. Simply being reliable and getting things done on time is important for college, and much more important for a job. You don't always have to obey whatever people tell you to do, but if you are unreliable in fulfilling just your basic obligations, that causes big problems.

>> No.14354536

>good luck when your kid preserves his humanity instead of growing up to be a cog in the meatgrinder

>> No.14354550

Read Kafka

>> No.14354560

not him but this is your particular flavour
>I can quantify your mental health the same way I can quantify your financial holdings

>> No.14354565
File: 682 KB, 629x607, 0gangshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to expand, force your kid to make more elaborate excuses, there's no mommys out in the real world who give in this easy

>> No.14354572

but he doesn't need to do that to be right

>> No.14354580
File: 965 KB, 500x204, dasrite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and underrated

>> No.14354588

skipping class is fine but munchausen by proxy isnt

>> No.14354603

my diary desu

>> No.14354620

>he doesn't need to have an objective reason to claim that his suffering is deeper and more important than another's

>> No.14354636

Extremely based post everyone else in this thread are slack jawed faggots.

>> No.14354637

Hey listen, I'm going to do most of you a favor:

there is a big difference between hurting someone to help them and just hurting them.

Obviously I make you swallow cough syrup despite the bad flavor so you recover from your illness, but if I make you swallow a molten ball, it's nothing but to hurt your health. :3

>> No.14354652

The mom did nothing wrong.
Especially if the kid is in the hellhole that is the US Education System.
Shitty system expects 100% effort at all times, like a slave master.

>> No.14354653

english, please

>> No.14354672

I agree, jk

>> No.14354680

im jewish btw not sure if that matters

>> No.14354693

The Bible Esau had a huge cunt of a mother

>> No.14354701

>Mom calls her son "dude" and treats him like a friend

>> No.14354703

>It's impossible to order problems by severity
That's the flavor you are.

>> No.14354815

Super normie question but in your opinion what are the best sites to start publishing work?

>> No.14354840

Public education is child abuse though. However, private education is good, most of the time.

>> No.14354862

HAHAHA FAGGOT, are you anxiously hitting F5 to see who will call you out next? The kids problems matter more than yours because you are irrelevant. He/she could still have a future

>> No.14354874


>> No.14354892

he does have a reason, but that reason is apparent to anyone with an IQ of more than one digit

>> No.14355118
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, CapitalIsLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks one can be a failure in capitalism

>> No.14355175

>imagine needing a day off for your mental health

>> No.14355187


>> No.14355198
File: 20 KB, 492x550, 9-11-toomuchnews-com-1-21vu212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's doing the right thing for the wrong reason. school is inhuman

>> No.14355362
File: 7 KB, 234x216, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental health day

>> No.14355369

Viper in the fist, Hervé Bazin. Step mother to be exact, great book.

>> No.14356302

Don't listen to the forever-virgin NEETs here, anon.
But yeah, fuck those faggots who fucking believe in that mental health day bullshit. I honestly hope they get fired soon so that another person who actually needs a job gets it.

>> No.14356356

Kill yourself.

>> No.14356404


>> No.14356429

i hope you succumb to your condition so we can spend resources on kids who have a future

>> No.14356522

Can someone just color in the rest of this guy's fucking beard and save the jpg and post that shit so I don't have to look at some motherfucking wojak's unfinished beard being posted nonstop?

Fuck. :3

>> No.14356561

I wouldn't take advice from an anime poster.

>> No.14356601

Can't tell who's trolling who itt. It's one thing if you're a young boy who's lying to get out of school (which is extremely common) it's another if he's legitimately mentally ill as in actually diagnosed by a professional and not by his r3ddit twitter """"mom"""" so more context would be needed.

>> No.14356603

Here :3 From yours truly.

>> No.14356640
File: 14 KB, 229x211, soiboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops. Uploaded my resume by accident

>> No.14356684

everyone needs a job, retard. you sound like your girlfriend broke up with you because you were wearing down her mental health.

>> No.14357181
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1412, __hacka_doll_3_hacka_doll_drawn_by_momoirone__297669f5dfff652a7076dec1742d3d7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone needs a job, retard.
Not the bourgeois or the niggers in welfare that are able to live by the state's sagging titty.
> you sound like your girlfriend broke up with you because you were wearing down her mental health.
Projecting, much?
Please go back to facebook, twitter or where you came from.