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14348883 No.14348883 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any modern books that deal with an "incel"-type character?

The whole phenomenon really fascinates me, and although I'm not an incel myself (I have a girlfriend, etc), I'm actually writing a novel right now which is partly told through the eyes of an incel. So I want to make sure I get the character just right.

>> No.14348889


>> No.14348890

Houellebecq - Whatever.

>> No.14348897 [DELETED] 

Reminder to ignore all pseudointellectual rhetoriticians and instead go and read the complete works of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripedes, Hesiod, Aristophones, Herodotus, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Leopardi, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, the Beowulf poet, Chretien de Troyes, Marie de France, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Wyatt, Sidney, Percy Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Bacon, Novalis, Schelling, Schlegel, Hegel, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Goethe, Bunyan, Gibbon, Addison, Smollett, Milton, Johnson, Boswell, Emerson, Quincey, Burke, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Moliere, Montaigne, Browning, Gray, Holderlin, Schiller, Shaw, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Colette, Duras, Dumas, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Walter Scott, Swinburne, Rossetti, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Hawthorne, Twain, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, George Eliot, Williams, Frost, Cummings, Crane, Stevens, Whitman, Plath, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Tagore, Manzoni, Peake, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Updike, Faulkner, O'Connor, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno, Bloch, Lukacs, Bakhtin, Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Andreyev, Bely, Bulgakov, Gonchorov, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Bloy, Pirandello, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Schwob, Casares, Bolano, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Carpentjier, Celine, Marquez, Unamuno, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Camus, Conrad, Wells, Hardy, Salinger, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Bachelard, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Heaney, Auden, Hofmannsthal, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Bachmann, Jelinek, Lessing, Laxness, Simenon,Svevo, Levi, Buzzati, Quasimodo, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Babel, Schulz, Transtromer, Kertesz, Pavic, Andric, Grossmann,Sillanpää, Linna, Mahfouz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Blanchot, Perec, Queneau, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Barth, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, DeLillo, Pynchon, McCarthy, McElroy, Soseki, Murasaki, Shonagon, Kawabata, Mishima, Akutagawa, Tanizaki, Dazai, Oe, Xingjian, Yan, Kosztolanyi, Gombrowicz, Ishiguro, Eco, Coetzee, Auerbach, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, de Man, Kristeva, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Lyotard, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Steiner, Munro, Carson, Handke, Theroux, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Elizabeth Bishop, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara.

>> No.14348923

Thank you!

I've actually read Whatever / Extension, Platform, Submission, Elementary Particles, The Art of Struggle, Against The World Against Life. Might check out his other books too!

>> No.14348946

Actually Notes from Underground protag falls pretty close to being incel.

>> No.14348971

Thank you, and great recommendation! I have also read this already unfortunately. A really great read.

>> No.14349032

whatever you do, don’t be fooled into thinking that the joker character is a true depiction of what it’s like to be an undesirable. the movie was written by wealthy, normal people to extract money from undesirables and the people who, like you, find them intriguing. that you see a movie like this one and resolve to build your own character after joaquin’s superficial hollywoodized “loser”, a character which itself exists as a link in a long chain of normies and “reporters” trying to tell a story to the normal public about why there are people who don’t belong and how psychologically corrupted they must be. how dark, tragic, romantic/repelling this character is, how ideal for my tragic hero! and so people who have no experience really not existing will continue to write story after story where the isolated anti-hero continually drifts into the realm of socially-useful cautionary trope, and further away from reflecting anything true or genuinely broken about our culture, or the people who are isolated within it.

write what you know.

>> No.14349043

The stand by Stephen king has a character in it who is like an incel

>> No.14349058

Loner =/= incel

>> No.14349059

Thank you!

Okay thanks!

>> No.14349081

>not Rage by Bachman
shame on you

>> No.14349088

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

>> No.14349103
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Pic rel

>> No.14349104


Have read this one, but thank you!

>> No.14349113

You might want to watch the movie before you write an op-ed about it

>> No.14349118

Thanks, have read this! Apparently it's out of print because of fears it would cause further school shootings after a school shooter was found to have read it.

>> No.14349132

The Catcher in the Rye
The Sun Also Rises
Ham on Rye
Out Backward (or, if you're European, it's published as In God's Own Country)
Any of the various post-mo novels that fall under Tao Lin's banner of influence. Being honest, I don't find the "incel" movement interesting in the slightest. People whose lot in life is defined by their inability to partake in life doesn't yield confidence in their ability to write anything worthwhile. Great literature has often come from great spirits. Hope you find what you're looking for, OP.

>> No.14349135

Yea but only in America. I was able to find online a new copy in Spanish! You should read The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato. It's a short read. Not sure if the MC is an incel but he's def not fine in the head.

>> No.14349138

>I'm actually writing a novel right now which is partly told through the eyes of an incel
What exactly do you mean by this?

>> No.14349142

>The Catcher in the Rye
Holden literally rejects a prostitute. Incel =/= angsty teenager

>> No.14349154

Thanks! Have been meaning to get around to The Sun Also Rises and I'll check out In God's Own Country.

I'll check out The Tunnel too, thank you!

I'm writing a novel right now which switches between a handful of characters, and of them is an incel!

>> No.14349166

>I'm writing a novel right now which switches between a handful of characters, and of them is an incel!
That's not the part I didn't get
What I'm asking is: what exactly does "incel" mean to you?

>> No.14349186

What do you mean "phenomenon"? As though long-term virgins never existed prior to the meme? As though some men never felt resentment towards women due to such a situation?

I'm confused.

>> No.14349195

Incel is whatever the present speaker wishes for it to be, so far as I've seen, and though the term is coined primarily for its relation to sexual gratification, the mindset of 'incels,' marked supposedly by constant disaffection, resentment, anger against society and 'normies,' etc., is easily recognizable within the books I listed, Catcher included, even if the books don't deal exclusively in the topic. As I said and stand by above: the focus upon 'incels' seems driven by a monetary desire to hop on a trend rather than genuine interest. If it was the latter, I don't think anybody would ask for characters spefically meeting that criteria, because the manners and attitudes they evinced are easily witnessed in other works of literature. This isn't a slight against OP, btw; I just find the recent obsession over the topic to be driven by a desire to identify a new niche of humankind on which articles can written, ads marketed, products and novels sold, etc. It's nauseating.

>> No.14349197

Basically I'm trying to tap into the whole "sexless millenials" thing that's going on, and developing a character who is a real lonely young white guy who basically obsesses over this girl he's never met, and who has never had sex or been in a romantic relationship. I feel like this type of person is becoming more prevalant in Western society, so I'm looking to get "inside the mind" of an incel in a way by doing some research and reading books about similar types of guys.

>> No.14349219

Pic unrelated right? Joker is not an incel, he's a mentally ill person dealing with a shitty life perpetuated by a mentally ill parent and a uncaring society, but he's not some woman-hating incel

I read The Tunnel back in High School and it fucked me for life. Good recommendation.

>> No.14349230

>Joker is not an incel
>he's a mentally ill person dealing with a shitty life perpetuated by a mentally ill parent and a uncaring society
uhhh? lol

>> No.14349233

I advise against all of this. Using your abilities of imagination and empathy, create the character as you see him; base his own loneliness on loneliness you've felt in your own life. You'r writing as though people who fit that criteria are subject species and not human. It's how the 'incel' movement has been presented and it's false. They're lonely people, like you and me, unfortunately suffering a far more prolonged version of it. I also have a girlfriend, a good life, and friends to rely on. You implied that you do, as well. Don't you still have nights of longing and regret? Tap into that. Use the blood of your own humanity for inspiration, otherwise you'll pen yet another lame caricature. Good luck on your novel either way.

>> No.14349255

Yeah, do you even know what incel is? Do you need an explanation? I'm not trying to be a smart-ass or an asshole here, just saying. being a sexless man is not the same as being an incel

>> No.14349257

The trend of young white males being unable to find a sexual or romantic partner is growing rapidly however, so this type of character is more relatable than ever.

>> No.14349261

>being a sexless man is not the same as being an incel
That's literally what an incel is.

>> No.14349273

Whites have pretty much the easiest time on the dating market

>> No.14349274

Thank you, and yes I do have occasional nights like that and for a few months during my teenage years I remember a distinctly lonely period, which I still draw on when brainstorming things this character might say or do. I guess having a loving girlfriend does make it harder to "tap into" the incel mindset, so I'm having to rely on other books just to make sure I don't get it wrong. I've written a few pages of his opening chapter already so I may post them in another thread some day for critique!

>> No.14349280

what does the joker have to do with inceldom?

>> No.14349285

Why not post them now? Even if it's rough, you're anonymous, and there are already people in the thread debating what 'incel' even means. Just keep in mind: the same mindset that says whites can't write black characters or males write females is what will eventually transpire when self-appointed incels demand to be represented accurately in literature. It's a group of young men that has been identified, marketed toward, successfully galvanized, and given an identity on which to later profit. So be careful about "getting it wrong." It doesn't matter. Just write a good character.

If you'd like to post anything I'm happy to give some feedback.

>> No.14349290

Not necessarily. Incel is wanting sex and not getting it, thus becoming "involuntary celibate" (which is an oxymoron because all celibacy is voluntary, but who cares).

>> No.14349292

No, you're taking the definition of incel from the literal expansion of the word. "Involuntary Celibate" is not the whole meaning. Incels are very specific group of people, who blame society but more specifically women for their lack of sex life. Just take a look at r/incel or something (if that's subreddit is still alive)

>> No.14349297

Incels aren't like those though. Most normies can realistically imagine what it's like to be black, female, etc. Nobody besides the sexless can even begin to comprehend what it's like to be a man in his late mid 20s and beyond who has never had a woman acknowledge him, let alone hold his hand. It's incomprehensible to normal people, which is why they're so frightened by it.

>> No.14349310

No, you're the one using the definition that normies have been pushing. "Incel" was and is still used as a term for men who can't get sex. It's like a more aggressive and shameful form of virgin. It has nothing to do with ideology. There are violent and peaceful incels, Women hating and women worshipping incels exist as well.

>> No.14349312

I'm going to respond to you by quoting what I just wrote to the OP.
>self-appointed incels demand to be represented accurately in literature. It's a group of young men that has been identified, marketed toward, successfully galvanized, and given an identity on which to later profit. So be careful about "getting it wrong.

You're wrong. It can be imagined, and already has been; the writer credited with pegging the movement prior to its acceleration in the mainstream is himself a guy who has sex.

>> No.14349327

>The Sun Also Rises
I've just started reading this. Which character is incel?

>> No.14349339

>the writer credited with pegging the movement prior to its acceleration in the mainstream is himself a guy who has sex
It started off with guys on the misc using it, some of who were incels themselves. It then spread to virgin communities on r*ddit and made its way over to 4chin. Some faggot writer didn't popularize the term.

>> No.14349343

No, your definition is the original meaning, but it evolved into what I just described. This is not something to argue about, because hating women is literally all the r/incel community did. They may have started as a support group for suffering male virgins, but soon devolved into "womyn are trash" circlejerk, and anyone that joined that community would end up either leaving in disgust or being converted into their ideology, as you said. This wasn't exclusive to the subreddit, literally every other incel community turned into an ogre cave. No one that's an actual "Involuntary Celibate" would call himself incel these days, that's the bottom line.

>> No.14349348

Nah, the term started online and obviously refers to the negative people. "Involuntary celibate" doesn't even make sens. It's an oxymoron. All celibacy is voluntary like definition. Think priesthood and nunhood.

>> No.14349357

Again, you're just trying to stuff it into a neat little box created by normies so they can demonize people with it. Hating women is not all the r/incel community did. It's a large component of being an incel for many, but it's not the defining feature. The thing that makes an incel an incel is NO SEX. If you hate women and get sex, you cannot be an incel. It is not defined by hating women.

>No one that's an actual "Involuntary Celibate" would call himself incel these days, that's the bottom line.
Plenty do.

>> No.14349364

It started online as a joke on the misc and then made its way onto other spaces as I said above. It refers to the "negative" people because that's how most normies use it today. Originally, and for most of its usage online until it became normie slang, it was just another virgin insult.

>> No.14349368

Granted he doesn't fit the category perfectly, but his unrequited longing for a girl, her rejection of him, his seething with anger in isolation etc, all remind me of the "incel" character type.

Thank you, I appreciate your insight and advice. I'll consider posting an excerpt a little later in the thread, if that's okay. Kind of nervous haha!

>> No.14349374

this is kind of Orwellian especially for a term that is so clear in its literal meaning

>> No.14349375

the reader

>> No.14349446

Let's agree to disagree then. However you can at least concede the original point of this conversation, which is that Joker isn't about an incel. The guy isn't suffering for his lack of sex, we don't even know if he's a virgin (well, he probably is), his quarrel with society is not because he can't get laid.
Spoilers for the movie in case people haven't seen it, but the guy is mentally ill, the government cut the medical funding that allowed him to function normally, society in general didn't give a shit about him, his father figures turned out to be assholes (in his eyes at least) and his mother was a cunt that allowed his step father to beat him to the point of mental retardation. None of that is related to celibacy. Joker doesn't deal with incelibacy or whatever, it deals with a guy finding freedom in detaching himself from society's rules and morals.

>> No.14349478

Well he literally hallucinates a gf so being romantically alone is a part of his alienation, which is normal for very mentally ill people.
>a guy finding freedom in detaching himself from society's rules and morals.
He's a psychotic villain lol. We can sympathize with him because we saw how he suffered but he's still a literal comic book villain

>> No.14349501

If he had a gf and sex, he would not be the psycho he becomes.

>> No.14349517

Pretty sure he's fucked in the head because his mother traumatized him which resulted in him being insane and inadequate for society, including relating to women, and later the gvt cut the budget of the programs which gave him the meds necessary to stay stable. Sex isn't the root cause. You didn't see the movie.

>> No.14349518

How can a guy by a virgin by the age of 30 unless he's like a monk or in a wheelchair or something?

It must be a conscious choice at that point

>> No.14349521

I mean yeah, the movie is about a comic book villain, but it does a good job on explaining why someone would just say "fuck it" and start killing people. The guy is psychotic, but he didn't get there until he realized he owed nothing to society. At the end of the movie the guy is literally detached from everything and everyone, no family, no friends, no morals. It's still a far cry from the complete chaos that is the comic book Joker, but it's close.

Or if he had taken his meds

>> No.14349551

most people who are khhv on here never leave the house

>> No.14349569

I'm just saying that if he had a girlfriend and sex, he would not turn out the way he did.

>> No.14349577

How can anyone even afford to do that?

>> No.14349612

their parents fund them or they only leave the house for work and other bare necessities like groceries

>> No.14349626

By being (1) physically unattractive and (2) living in an area with an abundance of men, in particular large cities.

>> No.14349642
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It's easy
Just go outside as little as possible and when you have to go out, scowl at anyone who looks at you.
works great for me

>> No.14349651

And you are wrong and not seeing the issue. Congrats.

>> No.14349660

No, it's why we need state mandated mental institutions and girlfriends.

>> No.14349677

Girlfriends are not the issue. The Christchurch mosque shooter had a girlfriend. The issue is mental health.

>> No.14349679

Who is talking about mass shootings?

>> No.14349694

Was Tarrant even insane? I mean beyond the obvious abnormality needed to shoot up a mosque, I don't remember him saying anything about that. His manifesto was just a bunch of /pol/ talking points(JQ conspicuously absent). Breivik doesn't seem insane to me either. Or McVeigh

>> No.14349696

Pretty sure you talked about how the Joker became a psycho and then tried to sold "sex & girlfriends" as the solution. You brought up the psycho angle.

>> No.14349700
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it can not be boiled down to just "mental health" or "lack of sex"
It's not that simple, it's a complex dynamic process of disintegrating meaning and purpose in the postmodern world.

>> No.14349707

I don't know. Is the Joker truly insane? Does it matter? All it matters is they killed people and did irreparable damage. Mental health deals with this.

>> No.14349712

Joker's descent is different from someone like Tarrant or any other generic mass shooter. Tarrant was just a retard, there's nothing complex about him. Elliot would be a good comparable example though.

>> No.14349718

Joker was completely insane he was hallucinating entire people and had all sorts of delusions.

>> No.14349732

Elliot was also a retard with misguided intentions (killed his Asian roommates for no reason at all). He's even less deep than Tarrant.

>> No.14349737

Torrant believed in the muh white replacement theory, so.

>> No.14349742

He may be a retard, but Tarrant is just a generic normie who swallowed some /pol/ shit. Tarrant is about as deep as Butterfly's non-existent vagina.

>> No.14349768

That's not being insane, that's having a fringe belief. White societies are quite literally becoming less white because of low birth rates and nonwhite immigration. That is not delusion and nobody actually disputes that. Now saying that this is some kind of plan is another matter, but it's a statement about complex historical processes about which there is no clear answer. I think the other side of the culture, who see white supremacy ingrained in institutions are delusional, but I would never call them insane for that belief, it is perfectly plausible given the uncertainty.

It's simply not comparable to hallucinations

>> No.14349792

>White societies are quite literally becoming less white because of low birth rates and nonwhite immigration.
White replacement theory deals with Jews or elites being behind all of this. Not with proven facts. Eitherway, mental health wouldn't hurt.

>> No.14349807

I don't believe someone is orchestrating it, but white replacement is very real.

>> No.14349810

Elliot is also not deep. "Waaa white girls won't fuck me therefore I must kill random people waaa!" Where's the depth in that? Nowhere to be seen.

>> No.14349815

It's still not insanity. It's comparable to Marxists saying that capitalists are coordinating behind the scenes. Powerful people who have certain views conspiring and influencing policy and society is not an insane belief, it's just fringe.

In the US the progressive elite at the Ivies, NYT, DNC etc. often literally praise the diversity they see as inevitable in the country's next few decades. All these extremely powerful people cheering something makes it not unreasonable to suggest they have a hand in it coming to fruition.

>> No.14349816

>not appreciating aesthetics

>> No.14349820

So what do we do in this reality? Move in the woods?

>> No.14349829
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>It's kind of rolling country, not flat, and when you get to the edge of it you find these ravines that cut very steeply in to cliff-like drop-offs and there was even a waterfall there. It was about a two days' hike from my cabin. That was the best spot until the summer of 1983. That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided I needed some peace. I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had put a road right through the middle of it ... You just can't imagine how upset I was. It was from that point on I decided that, rather than trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting back at the system. Revenge.

>> No.14349839

What aesthetics? His entire work is nothing but a misguided, inconsistent, impulsive tantrum of nonsense coming from an autistic, capricious and spoiled brat. His cringy videos scream "I need mental healthcare". His pathetic writing cries "I need therapy." Anyone who admires him is a grade A loser.

>> No.14349842

That's an option.
but that's the thing, there's no longer a good answer to "what do we do".
Justifying anything is an exercise in futility. There are no obvious solutions, and one should expect that many people won't be able cope with this reality.

>> No.14349853

Having a girlfriend does not excluding you from being an "incel", and can we abolish usage of the word, it’s design is not of holy usage

>> No.14349854

Elliot himself had the depth of a 10 year old, the guy literally identified with Anakin Skywalker from the star wars prequels. The sheer scope of his dysfunction had a sort of depth to it though. The combination of what Im guessing were NPD, ASPD, and autism and the way they manifested in his particular environment is really something to behold. He is possibly the single least self-aware person I've ever read, almost everything he writes reads like intentional comedy.

>> No.14349863

that is what makes it aesthetic

>> No.14349869

>Having a girlfriend does not excluding you from being an "incel"
Absolute state of normies.

>> No.14349889

I’m right, if you take an examination into the psychological mind of who you get involved in a relationship with, I care for no use of internet generalised terminology

>> No.14349903

Most incels would absolutely reject a prostitute, because they're so stupidly delusional they think they deserve a "higher class" of woman.

>> No.14349907

>how dare you not like a strong and independent prostitute

>> No.14350276

read Shakespeare

>Since I cannot prove a lover
>To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
>I am determinèd to prove a villain.

>> No.14350331

This guy looks like an uglier version of Roger Federer and it's really annoying me

>> No.14350342

Sorrows of Young Werther
Notes from the Underground
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Book of Disquiet
White Nights
Pleasant Hell
Phantom of the Opera
Hungover Square
Doctor Glass
The Collector
Temple of the Golden Pavilion

My Twisted World
Sex and Character

Petrarch's Canzoniere
Canti by Leopardi
Orlando Furioso
Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock
Collected Poems of WB Yeats
Collected Poems of Phillip Larkin

Harlequinade (Pierrot)
Cyrano De Bergerac
Uncle Vanya

Taxi Driver
Lars and the real Girl
Blade Runner 2049
The Double
Swiss Army Man
The Last American Virgin
A Short Film About Love
Welcome to the Dollhouse
The Inbetweeners

Schubert's Wintereise and Die Schone Mullerin
Fur Elise/ Moonlight Sonata
Symphony Fantistique
The Queen is Dead
Weezer: Blue Album
Five Leaves Left
Works of Daniel Johnston
Blank Monk Time
Violent Femmes
In the Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonley
Works of Roy Orbison

Jimmy Corrigan

Strong Man Kurosawa
Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.14350344

Never try to sound smart again.

>> No.14350356

Autocorrect on, sorry buddy

>> No.14351010
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>> No.14351024


read books nigga

>> No.14351026

Your mum looks like an uglier version of Roger Federed but it never annoyed me when I fucked her.

>> No.14351060

>Sorrows of Young Werther
Werther is literally a handsome guy who attracts many women. He just fell in love with the wrong one (a woman who's about to get married).
Literally no one here is an incel. One brother fucks any time he wants, and the other is asexual and only interested in science. Not an incel in sight.
>Hunchback of Notre Dame
Not an incel in this one. Quasimodo is a minor character. The main character is the cathedral in the original title "Our Lady of Paris".

>> No.14351084


>> No.14351144

>Werther is literally a handsome guy who attracts many women.
Leonora isn't loads of women. Besides, the book is perhaps the best portrayal of unrequited oneitis in literature so it definitely counts
>Literally no one here is an incel.
Bruno was involuntary celibate for huge stretches of his life. He struggles to get laid at a fucking orgy for fuck's sake.
>Not an incel in this one. Quasimodo is a minor character. The main character is the cathedral in the original title "Our Lady of Paris".
Quasimodo is not a minor character and even if he is, he's still an incel and not even the only one in the book.

>> No.14351154

So, incel = any loner I don't like?

>> No.14351171

Why are you being willfully dense?

>> No.14351178

It's a rather simple question, nothing complex or dense about it.

>> No.14351192

And the answer is quite obvious to those who aren't being dense

>> No.14351195

He's just being a nlgger

>> No.14351198


Why a white guy? Ethics are highly over represented among incels

>> No.14351203

Are you using "dense" in some American zoomer way? Just answer the question, lad. Anyone loner I don't like = incel?

>> No.14351215

>Are you using "dense" in some American zoomer way
Christ, I'm talking to a fucking ESL 'tard aren't I.
> Anyone loner I don't like = incel?
What the fuck do you think my answer is going to be?

>> No.14351229

>What the fuck do you think my answer is going to be?
I wouldn't be asking if I knew the answer, numbnuts.

>> No.14351233

Then you're fucking dense

>> No.14351238

Who's she? Hot name.

>> No.14351244

weak anon

>> No.14351280

Werther is not an incel.
Bruno is not an incel.
Quasimodo is not even the MC.

>> No.14351448

Werther is an incel
Bruno was an incel
Quasimodo is a central character of the book and is an incel along with Frollo and, to a lesser extent, Gringoire.

>> No.14351482

Werther is a chad who fell in love with the wrong woman.
Bruno married, ffs. If anything he's a sex addict and is disatisfied with his life. Sex or otherwise.
Frollo is a priest or something? I don't remember much about this book but I rememebr Quasi being mostly irrelevant.

>> No.14351499

Werther is not a chad
Bruno was an incel until he got married.
Quasimodo is not irrelevant.

Stop making up shit about books you clearly haven't fucking read.

>> No.14351502



>> No.14351529

I have read all three, the only one I don't quite remember is Notre-Dame since I read it way back. But Bruno was definitely not an incel and Werther was a chad who simply faced unrequited loved like many people.

>> No.14351541

not really a book but good vid nonetheless

>> No.14351561

You obviously haven't read them. Saying Bruno wasn't an incel when he spends the bulk of his early life wanting sex and being unable to get it and saying Werther was a chad when he spends the bulk of his time being the king of the betas is retarded. You can keep typing these lies over and over, that doesn't make them true.

>> No.14351588

Bruno was just an angsty teenager. He fucked afterwards. Anyone who doesn't have sex all the time is an incel now? Come on. And Werther just went crazy for an engaged woman. It was in the Romantic soul to be intense and go all in.

>> No.14351611

>Anyone who doesn't have sex all the time is an incel now?
For a protracted period of time due to ugliness to the point of total obsession, yes.
>And Werther just went crazy for an engaged woman
Which comes under the bracket of both beta and involuntary celibacy

>> No.14351616

This is already sophomoric 2 minutes in. Clearly never read Hegel, only 20th century appropriations of Hegel by people steeped in generations worth of Heideggerian hermeneutics. Intersubjectivity and historically contingent construction of notions of subjectivity etc. are all fine and good, but Hegel does indeed have a conception of the subject in its "ownness," away from the world. Yes, this is a deficient state, or an empty state, but it is still a state. This guy leaps right to a kind of milquetoast post-French postmodernism hermeneuticized Hegel, mostly elaborated under neoliberalism. More Habermas than Hegel.

This is why you should never trust "read theory" faggots. By theory they mean the digest version of an epitome version of a real philosophy that they were spoonfed in some college class like "Dividualities in Postcolonial Narratives of Self" by a rootless nigger who drives a beemer and hasn't been to his home country in 30 years except to give conferences to its wealthy business elites.

>> No.14351635

>For a protracted period of time due to ugliness to the point of total obsession, yes.
I don't quite remember him being ugly. I remeber him sabotaging his chances with women early in life.
>Which comes under the bracket of both beta and involuntary celibacy
Using revisionist meme sensibility to older works is cringe. Incels want sex, hencd the oxymoronic name. Werther wanted love.

>> No.14351636

haven't read a lot of the thread, but i think that 'incel-dom' as a point of interest will fade away from interest in the next few years. it's something a media-constructed identity with a community latching onto its label as a result--doesn't mean that label will stick. plus, i think reading a so-called "incel novel" would be too narrow of an experience unless done really well satirically.

>> No.14351661

Lol he just goes “Okay thanks!” to that wall of text.. a masterstroke.

>> No.14351690

>I don't quite remember him being ugly.
Then you can't have read the book since this is emphasized time and time again
>Incels want sex, hencd the oxymoronic name. Werther wanted love.
Incels also want love. And Werther definitely wants sex, he spends entire paragraphs talking about "touching" Lotte - he's not talking about holding her fucking hand.

>> No.14351708

I'd agree that the term incel will not stick. I'd suggest anyone writing about these matters to avoid using the term and about about the community or any of their memes. Partially because copying shit you read on an internet forum full of autists is beneath the imaginative capabilities of a good writer but also because it will date terribly. Invent your own language to describe what you see happening. For example, most of what we think of as the Jazz Age was an invention of people like Fitzgerald

>> No.14351709

>Then you can't have read the book since this is emphasized time and time again
Do you have an example? I remember him being described as average. Average penis, face, etc. I don't remember the word "ugly." Maybe "unattractive" which isn't necessarily ugly.
>Incels also want love
So incels are whatever is convenient for you? The name simply implies they want sex but can't get it.

>> No.14351766

>Do you have an example?
Not to hand, it's at home.
>So incels are whatever is convenient for you?
No, incels are a group of people with certain behaviours and characteristic than can be easily observed
>The name simply implies they want sex but can't get it.
And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor a republic. Sometimes names don't mean shit

>> No.14351798

Aren't you the faggot who said incels are not the negative people online but just these loners who can't get laid? Or am I mistaking you for some other faggot from above? Either way it seems like you're expanding the term to include as many people as you dislike. Next thing Brad Pitt would be an incel as well.

>> No.14352099

it's easy when you have no friends and never talk to anyone

>> No.14352242

The desire for the girlfriend was not a desire for sex, it was a desire for acceptance by a healthy human being. The girl being nice to him one time was such a rare occurance for him that she imprinted deeply on him, which is why he has all of those delusions about dating her.
The movie never explicitly nor implicitly suggests a sexual basis for the relationship. All of the hallucinated scenes involving the girlfriend involve the two of them just talking, and her comforting and being nice to him.

>> No.14352255

Just as real as asian, black, brown, etc replacement, yeah.
It takes two to mix a race.

>> No.14352262

Never try to sound smart again.

>> No.14352302

Either way it seems like you're expanding the term to include as many people as you dislike. Next thing Brad Pitt would be an incel as well.
You're being fucking dense again. Stop projecting

>> No.14352309

tfwnogf is identical to incels in a morose mood.

>> No.14352757
