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14337300 No.14337300 [Reply] [Original]

Books about how based it is to be a NEET?

>> No.14337330

Oblomov, from the sound of it.

>> No.14337344

Laziness in the Fertile Valley

>> No.14337348

The bible, there's this nigga named jesus coming up with all kinds of schemes just to skip work.

>> No.14337366

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14337376

There is absolutely nothing worse than being a NEET. It is the exact opposite of living a fulfilling life.

>> No.14337379

>t. seething wagecuck

>> No.14337409

been neet for two years, 6 if you count school to get a meme degree I skipped classes and most work in. Only ever worked 3 months in my life, I have a job offer from some car company and I think i have to take it as i'm out of money. Hopefully they fire me after probation.

>> No.14337439

>have job, own place, a gf
>just want to be a fucking disgusting neet again

Jobs arent worth it unless you have a high paying low time one which barelt exist

>> No.14337455

I've noticed the slave caste gets very depressed when they aren't working for a few months. Something about having autonomy over their time is a crippling responsibility for them, they will often take pride in the number of hours they work a week, and are personally offended at anything under 40.

>> No.14337492

Jesús Is basically me IRL, except I don't wanna get crusified by the Jews when they find out about my schemes

>> No.14337510
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Walden and my diary desu.

Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. Being constantly occupied by menial labour keeps the dread associated with being a real person at bay for brainlets.

>> No.14337513

Ants are Rad af. Since I was a kid I was fascinated by them, probably because of my autism, but at some point I became the ant king. I had all kinds of ants and put them on my micromachines and pretend they did people's stuff, they never bite me and played it cool. Their ways still amuze me.

>> No.14337517

best bet is seasonal work, live on a boat for three months fishing or whatever and then on of unemployment. The knowledge that work will be over/finished is totally different physiologically than some inhumane 45 year grind with only a few weeks off intermittently.

>> No.14337547

you wouldnt work if you didnt have to

>> No.14337574

Routine allows them to subsist, the exhaustion enables them to be content in soaking up judge judy every day after like a sponge. There are no longer any rebels without a cause, work is either a panacea or an anathema for those living in modernity; who are absolutely phenomenologically distinct.

>> No.14337592
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>at some point I became the ant king

>> No.14337603

Billionaires and millionaires are infamous for working themselves to death for no reason, giving all their time to making more money. They never even have some hope of creating a dynastic wealth for their family, they are narrow mindedly focused on having the company itself succeed, regardless of who runs it or where the assets end up after their death. Boomers get jobs as walmart greeters after they retire. Work gives is thought to give their lives purpose and identity, when in reality it simply keeps their hands busy so they are too distracted and exhausted to ever contemplate anything immaterial.

>> No.14337606

Just become a night shift security guard and let all your problems slip
I am a security supervisor, "work" during the night in my office, I just call people over the radio and look at some cameras, that's it. Basically all I do is drink coffee, read books, browse 4chan. Work is monotonous but pays well and I have plenty of time to meme around since nobody can enter my office and all the day time workers are gone. I have some guards showing up drunk and they still function.

>> No.14337622

>just become a night shift security guard
Dead meme. garda ruined security jobs for everyone.

>> No.14337633

Having to pretend to work and "look busy" is often worse than actual work. Fake jobs steal your time all the same and make you anxious.

>> No.14337640

>Boomers get jobs as walmart greeters after they retire
lol do people actually do that for fun? theres no way

>> No.14337655

They quite literally don't know what to do with themselves. They don't know how to live, because for them working was life. it gives them peace of mind.

>> No.14337664
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No u

>> No.14337667

no way, i refuse to believe thats a regular thing, i demand proof

>> No.14337676
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Only dumb normalfags get bored and depressed. There's a mountain of books to read on every subject, instruments to learn, things to write, anime to watch. Meditation, enjoying nature, daydreaming, contemplating God. Keep the normalfags and succubi as far away as possible, give me a wizard's tower in the forest to lock myself away.

>> No.14337724

Based except for the anime, that thing rots your brain anon

>> No.14337749

>t. only knows of shitty moe fan service and faggy shounen
my heart bleeds for you, anon, it really does

>> No.14337757

It's fine in moderation. I mostly like dumb and cute/comedic shows, they're the truest and purest form of anime. Last season I liked Machikado Mazoku and Joshikousei no Mudazukai.

>> No.14337766

i take >>14337749 back, anime does rot your brain

>> No.14337848

I held 3% of a startup that sold for tons, and cashed out with millions at 26. Been a neet for years now just chilling and reading books. Honestly I have been considering work again just because it gets boring.

>> No.14337870

>being a pretentious pseud about anime

>> No.14337887
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This is you, OP.

>> No.14337892

It was also Neetch so not big deal :)

>> No.14337893

>work because it's boring otherwise
But work is boring drudgery. Sure there is probably a minority of jobs that aren't but most are.

>> No.14337899

Should I get a union trade job? Seems pretty fucking easy and relatively useful for myself and others

>> No.14337922

Work will set you free

>> No.14337927

Only true if you enjoy what you're doing.

>> No.14338010


Just work security at a hospital. It’s all post-dependent. The hardest part of this job is finding a place to hide

>> No.14338012

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14338275

Absolutely based.

>> No.14338426

okay wagie

>> No.14338677

How do you people even live without doing anything? Every time I'm not working towards a productive task, I get this shitty feeling inside me. I can't even play video games anymore because of it.

>> No.14338684

>having shitty taste

>> No.14338685

Not wrong.

>> No.14338695

The wagie's anxiety, a dreadful and almost incurable sickness. Good luck with it.

>> No.14338699

I haven't worked a day in my life and I'm 25. I'm just scared of getting left behind.

>> No.14338700

>Every time I'm not working towards a productive task, I get this shitty feeling inside me.
sounds like a self esteem issue

>> No.14338744
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Have you even seen either of those two anime I mentioned? The first one especially is pretty well done. I have very specific requirements when it comes to anime, it needs to be a perfect balance of comedy, relaxed comfiness and mediocre quality to hit the right spot. All is vanity anyway except for the worship of God, and pretending that art is something serious is the height of vanity; to go as far as to treat anime that way is the height of ridiculousness. Not that I don't appreciate the more artistic shows and movies.

>> No.14338752

Consider for a moment, the wagie. They absorb themselves in a world of infantile and childish banality to act as a shield against the lack of meaning they’ve found in adult life.

The neet was ever the cynic, they grew up early. However, in adult life this questioning cynicism has led to socratic reasoning; it has allowed them to find the inherent meaning that drenches existence. They need not bow to and defend a corporate entity, they rather see it as a means to harvest value for themselves. Distanced from the social lies of hierarchy, they feel no need to defend a service with the tribalistic intensity the wagie would. This psychological and spiritual independence has allowed the neet to see that all beliefs rest on faith, and thus they have a dream to pursue- a free life. The neet is ultimately on the side of life- they revel in existence, and as a consequence, freedom, the ultimate expression of life.

Contrast this, with the wageslave. They treat a company like a mother figure, a comforting provider that can do no wrong. Yes, they treat a giant, profit seeking cooperation like their friend, like a mutual partner. This is the mindset of the wagie. Why?

They never thought introspectively, they always got exactly what they wanted, that repeated cycle of childish demands and concessions, and so never became questioning or critical. In adult life, this has led to the wageslave embracing nihilism in full force. They never learned to see beyond the physical, peer into the abstract, forge a path of their own, and so are a reflection of the sad world around them. In adult life, they have no parent figure to give them meaning, provide to them orders and a cause, and so replace that comforting lie with wageslavery. This pathetic existentialism drives them to take orders from their boss and waste their prime in an office. Why? Because outside of that environment, outside of being told what to do, outside of being given structure and a “purpose” of “contributing” to “society”, the wageslave would be hopelessly lost.

>> No.14338758

How do they cope with this? Simply put, by not thinking about it. They are fundamentally cowardly. It terrifies the is wagie to face difficult questions, even if the eventual answer may be positive. They believe what they are told, whatever the “experts” tell them, they can not comprehend of authority simply being human, and capable of being wrong. They crave, fundamentally, to be subservient, and their corporate overlord is an outlet for this pathetic desire.

The wagie has nothing to fight for, nothing to hope for, they get the same perfectly acceptable sum of cash month in and month out. There is nothing for them beyond their next “fix” like a pig being given its slop, living from one meal to the next- and nothing in between. Without this veil of childish distraction they may, God forbid, think for themselves, which would lead their lowly and materialist minds down the path of existential panic.

The wageslave represents the physical man, the man chained to earth, bereft of the abstract self, the artist, the author, the thinker. The wagie, like an animal, lives his life in denial or panic before he perishes having created nothing, having learned nothing, having been nothing- his weak and pallid soul dissipates into the earth. Pity the wagie, but know, wether consciously or not- this was his choice.

>> No.14338776

you can't get a job in security in canada by yourself, you have to get hired at gaurda and everyone buys security via this third party, with shit pay and benefits.

>> No.14338784

>not warlords being given tribute to their conquered nations via welfare to keep them doclice lest they might shoot up their shopping malls.

>> No.14338800

Outstanding post.

>> No.14338807

>All is vanity anyway except for the worship of God, and pretending that art is something serious is the height of vanity
just because everything is ultimately in vain doesnt mean you cant have standards, and i appreciate the more “serious” stuff because i find it more enjoyable than the watered down YA or whatever
i honestly do watch moe shit, mostly because it make my peepee happy, but i would never recommend any of it to anyone because i truly do believe it rots your brain. there are only a few animes i think are good quality shit
a thing i like about literature as a hobby compared to others: you can talk about works being good and bad and such without retards accusing you of being elitist. unfortunately, even on the literature board, as soon as i say someones taste in anime is bad they call me a pseud

>> No.14338810

I love ant culture. What's a good book or article to read more about them?

>> No.14338844

How do you guys get money? I've been NEET for 2 years just doing odd jobs and living with family so no food or rent. I'm 24, have a degree etc.

>> No.14338845

Literature is inherently a higher medium because it consists of thought as opposed to the grosser more sensual forms of art. I only enjoy the best of the best of writing, and I prefer non-fiction most of the time. With anime I make no mistake that it's not purely for enjoyment and pleasure. I watch a cute and funny show to have a laugh and get my fill of thoughtfulness in philosophy and literature.

>> No.14338866

>get my fill of thoughtfulness in philosophy and literature
couldnt that be considered entertainment?
i solely consider literature a form of entertainment, and in this vein i only read fiction, but i think (good) fiction can make you think just as much as nonfiction, with the added benefit of fiction being actually fun to read (for me, personally)

>> No.14338878

Having a backup makes working fun, since you don't have to put up with shit and can quit any time and hold on for as long as you want

>> No.14338926

I used to work for my family and packed some cash then went on looking for musical instruments, look for ads, deals, look for old guys who used to play for a band/sold instruments or just loved to collect. I hit the jackpot with a really old dude who had a fuckton of synths, guitars, amps, etc. Mostly were reduced to garbage because he used to rent the equipment for local bands, but salvaged a Moog, vox continental, some Yamaha organs, some tube amps, a Gibson SG Bass and his daughter told me she already sold most of the guitars he had. After convincing him I paid around $1.5k for all the stuff + offered to clean the place. Cleaned and fiddled around the things I salvaged and put em for sale, packed around $11k. But that's like a once in a while opportunity. I mostly get deals from people who need a quick cash, so I resell and get some extra.

>> No.14338931

Suttree, he’s essentially a NEET

>> No.14338934

Because working a retail job is more meaningful than writing/reading all day.

>> No.14338943

It depends on what you read, obviously. I say that philosophy and literature that don't bring you closer to God are vain. Those are just entertainment. It's a gradient and no book is perfect but the most worthwhile things are to be found in the highest literature. Fiction will always be more vain than talking about the matters directly, but it can redeem itself by being able to communicate the truth more powerfully with imagery and poetry.

>> No.14338972

Dance for me wagie. Sweep that clean floor again, can't be paying you to do nothing during downtime.

>> No.14338979

i suppose if you frame literature in the context of religion, then of course it wouldnt be entertainment, and all other forms are second tier

>> No.14339005
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>> No.14339007

I don't know if it's worse to be a neet or to be a wagecuck. Having a real job is definitely better than either but I wish I had more time off xP

>> No.14339044

Sometimes they *have issues*. A former co-worker of mine kept on part-time till he was 75 even though he fucking hated it there, and had a military pension and SS, all because he couldn't stop gambling. One year he lost 30k, and his apartments & cars kept getting shittier as time ground on toward the grave.
Dated though it is, Studs Terkel's Working is the flip-side of OPs NEET book, and about the only people in it who really enjoyed their work were in the arts, or some kind of trade that takes a level of craftsmanship few are born with the finesse to attain. In hardly any of the usual professions, including private practice, is work so free of administrative snarl or the Damoclean sword of possible lawsuits.

>> No.14339059

This is all true, but it doesn't mean those things are helpful or fulfilling.

>> No.14339069

after wagecucking for a few years I beg to disagree
the only problem with NEETS is that many of them do not understand truly how free they are

>> No.14339092

So hobos are the top of the neet pyramid?

>> No.14339221 [DELETED] 


>> No.14339227

WTF is the thing he's doing at 6PM???

>> No.14339314

Taking a shower? You should try it once in your life, it feels amazing

>> No.14339344

is it possible to be a neet in a third world shithole?

>> No.14339353

He has jobs for most of the book.

>> No.14339359

I have only anecdotal evidence as well but I’ve found it to be very true.

>> No.14339465

nuh uh, no sir

>> No.14339517

I've been a content writer for an SEO firm for roughly three years now, and it's been amazing. I earn £22k a year if I work 3 hours max every day, and have the rest of that time free for my own personal development.
It's not a lot of money, nor is it leading anywhere, but fucking hell it's comfy. Every now and then when I'm writing a travel guide or writing about the property market I do get pangs for that upward mobility I'm sorely missing out on through my decisions however, and the next job I find will raise their eyebrow *at best* when I tell them how I've been spending my working time.

However, I can't shake the opinion that the content of my days and stress-free lifestyle is worth more than the materialism I wish I gathered five years from now.

>> No.14339521
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>wake up
>eat breakfast
>do general house chores until lunchtime
>eat lunch
>ride down to local park and lay on the grass in the sun
>read my book and browse 4chan on my phone
>wave to qts as they walk past
>come home
>do my workout eg push ups, pull ups and sit ups
>eat dinner
>have nice long hot shower
>get on 4chan and post with my friends for a little while
>go back to bed, read until i fall asleep

this is living, i do not need to work

>> No.14339534

What's your source of income?

>> No.14339541
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my wife

>> No.14339596

How has no one mentioned Lafargue's The Right to Be Lazy?

>> No.14339662

Copy uncle ted/ become a monk where poor wagies gives you food for a 'blessing'

>> No.14339841

Regardless, he still has the NEET attitude throughout
>implying he spent a single minute actually working

>> No.14339853
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The only real question here is: how do I become an Ant? I need to know the secret life of the bug society and the secret life of ant niggas

>> No.14339871

A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.14339885

Hmm . . . the book does not portray NEETs too kindly

>> No.14339890 [DELETED] 

what a stupid passage, why should speech be any different from any other kind of action? if people aren't masters of their own actions, as the author correctly asserts, why would they be masters of their own speech?
or, for a practical example, i've seen people literally quote propaganda verbatim during political arguments, the idea that everyone is the captain of their own ship is just completely ludicrous

>> No.14339926

But you didn't answer my question fugger

>> No.14339958

it happens in terms of retired people going back to work. not sure about the walmart greeters that seems too low lol. my friends dad got bored of retirement and is some coo of some start up but mostly still plays games. theres some i have known that retired and is living off his pension but runs some bar business etc. another old guy i met runs an ice cream shop after retiring as an engineer for an aerospace company

>> No.14340199


Pretty good.

>> No.14340320

speak for yourself normalcuck

>> No.14340463
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>showering feels amazing
Huge normalfag meme I'll never understand. There's nothing pleasant about it. First you get cold when you undress, then you have to adjust to the hot water, and it doesn't hit you all over so the rest of your body is cold while the water is hitting one spot. Being wet isn't good either, I'd rather be dry than wet ten times out of ten. Not to mention having to wash your hair. Then you get out and you're cold again until you dry yourself and get dressed. Awful experience all in all, 0/10 wouldn't recommend. Goes to show you how horrifying wagecucks' lives are that they consider showering a treat.

>> No.14340530

> implying NEETs do anything besides scrolling /b/ and masturbating

>> No.14340808

>tfw a NEET for seven years

I don't know where I stand on anything anymore plus the thought of how I'll get back into work is always on my mind but other than that it's pretty great a lot of time to read.

>> No.14340996

How many books did you read this year anon? Also all the other neets ITT. I've only finished about a dozen since I fell prey to WoW and other vidya again.

>> No.14341124

Catcher in the rye

>> No.14341130

Taking a nice warm shower when it's cold outside, or taking a nice cool shower when it's hot outside are some of the best feelings ever bro, trust me.

But unfortunately my current shower situation is fucked up so I can only take 10 min showers. Sucks :3

>> No.14341153

turn the water on before you go in retard

>> No.14341184

you stinky, stinky boy, a very smelly neet indeed
i would look into better shower heads if your current one doesnt get the job done
not sure how you would afford it, but im honestly not sure how you people afford anything

>> No.14341237

I have a pretty wide one already, but that wouldn't solve the other problems anyway. I don't like undressing, don't like being wet, don't like being cold, the feeling of the hot water does nothing for me even during winter. It's not even worth the discomfort already involved nevermind having to work and pay for it. Normalfags will cope endlessly about everything even the smallest things.

>> No.14341262


not too many, one thing you learn to leave behind is the false productivity thing of more is better & instead have the time to dedicate your mind wholly to one subject. for instance I spent about three months very slowly making my through Jung's red book letting it settle into my mind rather than chasing a metric like page count.

I feel you on vidya for me I like to at least do one hour of reading & then I'll let myself play video games after that. same way I reward exercise with a smoke. it's all balance & the working world has sought to wreak havoc on our balance.

>> No.14341267

t. seething wagecuck

>> No.14341280

You're not gonna just show up and get in. They can tell who really wants to be there.

>> No.14341323

This. Taking a bath is the patritian's choice

>> No.14341386

Equally bad because it just makes you stew in your own filth if you don't take a shower beforehand. It's also expensive and unhealthy. Not washing at all and letting the wagies huff your stench is the patrician's choice.

>> No.14341430

Wait til you reach a point where books hold no more meaning for you than fast food.

>> No.14341459
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I admire the ways of the NEETs. They don't refuse to work out laziness and arrogance, but because the contemporary officium is inherently pigheaded and demeaning. The only way I can describe it is, a race to the bottom where everyone tramples over each other for a small amount of worthless paper and to add insult to injury the one who is willing to receive the least compensation is the one who will usually "win" this competition. In some cases people will even indirectly pay to work and in the worst(Like MLMs) they will actually shell out money they don't even have to make someone else rich. So essentially it is a micro-penis contest. Furthermore workplaces like to pretend they are meritocratic but this cannot be farther from the truth, nepotism and corruption abounds in every workplace. Any chance there may be for upwards mobility is already spoken for, because that new guy who took your spot was unqualified yet friends with the boss. Yet the most infuriating part is, that one model employee who worked all the overtime but didn't charge for it, who was always on time, did all the right things, loved his job and was by all means excellent because he always went above and beyond for over ten years. Well, he just got fired or "laid-off" as they say in Newspeak, because its slightly cheaper to have someone new or some equipment brought in.

It shouldn't be surprising to anyone then that when the prospective worker realizes he is getting a terrible deal that is not worth the effort he just says "Fuck it" and refuses to work.

>> No.14341471

were you molested as a child? i read somewhere that victims of child molestation often develop hygiene issues as a defense mechanism that they carry with them later in life

>> No.14341494

Not as far as I know.

>> No.14341772


I mean I can take dole money or I can clean dirty dishes for the same money. It's almost an insulting choice when aesthetically/structurally civilisation has been in such sharp decline for at least 100 years. I'd rather go mad alone & comb through the canons of old because that seems a more illumined future than the complete absence of future thought outside of doomsday scenario 101 forevermore

>> No.14341891

Wish i could be NEET. Have currently settled for part-time so it's not so bad. Couldn't imagine actually working full time (well i can i've done it before, but i wouldn't want to do it for years and years on end)

>> No.14342047

Don't you lose her respect at some point?

>> No.14342067

>Implying he ever did in the first place.

>> No.14342080


>> No.14342090


Oblomov had interests and investment in land though.

>> No.14342551

I think the ideal, stoic NEET often written about on 4chan is a nice idea, a fun lampoon of our wagecuck society, but few can truly thrive living a NEET lifestyle.
A NEET lifestyle presupposes a lack of instinct towards a self-productive mindset, someone dependent on something external to keep them sustained and occupied, a wagie in a different form.
I think the NEET's cope is to idolizes this notion of being an aristocrat whose above it all, but they never had the perks that come with an aristocratic lifestyle - a family legacy, wealth leading to refined leisure and taste, private education and tutors, etc. Instead they're bred from a failing state and its culture of welfare.
Props to the autodidact NEET. I think the circumstances that would lead such a person to the lifestyle would be a dabbler of sorts who has had a taste for a variety of life's experiences and decided to cheat the system, or a true autodidact who through luck slid into the system.

>> No.14343070

Can you say this in german please?

>> No.14343106

>Goes to show you how horrifying wagecucks' lives are that they consider showering a treat.

Sounds like they can make the most basic in life a treat while you're a dumb coom brain who needs to read a comic to get a thrill. I'm puking for real.

>> No.14343116
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>> No.14343128

Faulkner was a night watchman for a time, seemingly wrote As I Lay Dying on shift.

>> No.14344185

Great and truthful post

>> No.14344468

>working a retail job is more meaningful than scrolling /b/ and masturbating
even your mindless generalizations don't prove the point you want. watching people in an insane asylum tarding around is still more mentally stimulating than sticking things on shelves

>> No.14344488

Reading as a surrogate activity is one of the worse habits. No one should be reading more than a hundred books in a lifetime, and should be studying them like a song. Read with purpose, don't play with ideas for it's own sake.

>> No.14344522

>work out laziness
But we partially do. Wage slaves don't see the 40 hour work week as inhumane and take pride in working more. Work is literally a curse, and now that the work is never done, and the cult of productivity had a never ended assembly line of things to do you never even get the satisfaction that the harvest is over. It's why chores do not have the same affect on the psyche. Give me a 24 hour work week (at most, and don't hide the hours behind and increased labor burden of inhumane quotas) and take away my time saving appliances so my everyday tasks add up to 40 hours of work if the number is so sacred in wagie minds.

>> No.14345241
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>> No.14345259

>NEETs pretending all non-NEETs work shitty retail jobs
>NEETs covering up their schizoid or autistic personalities by posturing as an intellectual
You're too handicapped to work, it has nothing to do with a 'literary life' you supposedly chose...

>> No.14345270

I-I'm so lonely a-and it feels g-great, anons!

>> No.14345273

The amount of replies shows you touched their Shadow

Good job anon-kun

>> No.14345278

Don't know. Neither of us really respect each other at this point. I'm just riding it out

>> No.14345283

She's gonna leave you one day and you'll be homeless


>> No.14345313

I grabbed the closest union job and take it easy. Can't be threatened, have seniority and healthcare.

>> No.14345316

To be fair you have to be highly intelligent and creative to enjoy NEET life, which, thank the lord, I am.

>> No.14345323

Or I might leave her. I don't think I'll be homeless, and if I am so what? I'm smart enough to find my feet again. I am charming and can easily make a fake resume to aquire a job if need be.

>> No.14345738

Not everyone is made for the NEET lifestyle. Few will thrive in it. To be successful, you should have a comfortable financial cushion, so that you can get the state money and still buy quality things for yourself. Maybe do some work on the side while cashing in on the NEETbux, since aristocratic NEETdom morality enables you to exploit the peasants for as much as they are willing to give to you, and it is your right to take it. Or don't work at all. What's most important though is not preoccupying yourself with degenerate and wasteful activities. That's where most fail and end up living with their mother at 35.
The überNEET fully realizes that by exploiting the system he attains freedom from profane society and simultaneously helps bring about its collapse, all while having (or at least working on) the virtues and strength of character necessary to live a fulfilling and productive life.

>> No.14346487
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I've been getting NEET experience working on my NEET resume for years, and still I didn't get any NEETbux out of it. I've NEETed both short-term and long-term, full-time and part-time, and in many different fields. I've accomplished nothing many times over by now, one would think it would count for something. Any tips from experienced NEETs here on how to impress a prospective NEETployer?

>> No.14346569

>tfw work is based on rotations so I work 28 days and other 28 days I'm NEET

>> No.14346599


it took me a long while but finding a place of self discipline when you're a NEET is infinitely rewarding. I don't expect most have it in them because we're simply not predisposed to that mindset. my twenties as a NEET have allowed me to put back together the person I was as child away from the decimation of school and what that does to your character while fostering a growing maturity within myself. It's my hope other neets find this point because I truly believe a new artistic movement could be fostered from it.

>> No.14347081
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Neets of /lit/ have you called upon the name of the Lord yet?

>> No.14347342
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I spit on your false religion and its demiurge. I worship only the one true God who created all, including the demigods, from whom everything emanates, who is absolute and infinite, transcendent and beyond everything though present in everything, and who treats me as His equal.

>> No.14347409

evangelion seems like psued shit but it basically tells you in a really complex way the nature of relationships and how to get a gf

>> No.14347425

This NEET is lying.

>> No.14347427

i just need some money dude

>> No.14347428

Based Gnostic and pleromapilled

>> No.14347447

visit china

>> No.14347685
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Working just takes up so much energy bros. As a NEET i was in the best shape of my life, was reading a book a day (or near enough, obviously long complex books took longer) and still had plenty of time to do other things. Now i'm just tired all the time and don't have the mental energy to read after work. I'm still young and don't even have responsibilities like kids ect, must be even worse for the average person who does. All my energy goes to being productive for someone else and personal cultivation is out the window. It's no wonder pop culture is so shallow and the average person has no interest in 'high' culture. I see myself turning into a sloppy pig who only has the mental energy to consume shit, knowing i need rest to do the same shit all again the next day.

>> No.14347737

>come home exhausted
>can't do anything
>constant anxiety about looming next workday
>get little sleep because of anxiety
>tired and slow at work, reprimanded
I was actually living for the weekend, and even then just a single day (saturday) let me not dread work the next day or be exhausted from it. I only lasted 3 months and wanted to kill myself and everyone in the factory every day. "deliver us" from that prince of egypt animated movie was stuck in my head all day for three months. My friend later got a job there, he said it was easy and he liked it and felt bad for moving on because he got hired somewhere else.

>> No.14347790
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I honestly just do not get the mindset of many wagies. My story is similar to yours and yet other people just seem to find it easy. Like there is one guy who complains about work everyday i'm there, but then is also the kind of guy who complains about people being lazy and not wanting to work and seems to want to do as many hours as possible. I don't know if a lot of it is i just tasted the forbidden fruit of NEETdom and many people haven't, so it just becomes normal to them or what. But then again i've been working for a number of years now and thought i would have adjusted, but if anything it just gets worse.

>> No.14349077
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>> No.14349159

Is there any way to get pussy while being NEET? Prostitutes cost so much that NEET bucks will only allow once or twice a year if you save from them? Otherwise it's easy to live frugally as a single man and just devote your live for art and culture but women are problem. No beautiful woman wants to date unemployed men.

>> No.14349169

This WAGIE is seething

>> No.14349179

If you are a chad women literally do not care what you do, so you should easily be able to get laid but finding a long term partner will be harder

>> No.14349351

Why would you even care about women if you can devote your life to virtue instead?

>> No.14349390

Currently working in retail after being a neet for some time, I miss just scrolling, masturbating, and reading

>> No.14349396

This, don't waste the freedom of your solitude and independence from material goods by letting a succubus enslave you. There's no satisfaction in it anyway unless you have a family, and even that is secondary to wholeheartedly devoting yourself to God so you can transcend this world.

>> No.14349412
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>> No.14349414

look up ant sociobiology. also there are a lot of ant farm youtube videos that are pretty high quality, great to watch with a joint.

>> No.14349423
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>> No.14349438

kinda, hobos often work a lot in shit labor jobs to feed their meth habits though. hobos and neets are the same kind of people from different generations, they dont mix super well, they ususally dont care about knowledge or higher things that neets like

t. neet who lived with some hobos for a couple weeks sleeping in my car,

>> No.14349472

this, school ruins people and throws them into the work force ap they never have the chance to undo their conditioning, being a neet for a year, i have been able to rewire my brain and values, im more disciplined now then ever before.

>> No.14349504

this is why weed exists

>> No.14349511

weed. it resets your schitzo nsture that school brainwashed you into and allows you to enjoy experience.

>> No.14349546
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>> No.14349659

>dependent on something external to keep them sustained and occupied
The wagies are dependent on dancing to the tune of their boss. They are unable to function without this dependance. Say what you want about the NEET, but they are defiantly able to keep more of their dignity than the wagie.

>slavery is freedom
Here we see the mental gymnastics required of a wagie in order to function properly. If he did not have this coping mechanism, he would realise he is a giant cuck and immediately kill himself.

>> No.14349717

you obviously have never worked out before

>> No.14349726

based zen anon

>> No.14349729

I know. There's nothing i can do.

>> No.14349739

Why is that? I have and I do, I have my own little gym in the basement. Usually I don't take a shower afterwards to avoid the additional unpleasantness of showering after the unpleasantness of working out, but when I do it's not any better.

>> No.14349741

The Hojoki, a short writing by Japan's first ever NEET

>> No.14349769

my diagnosis
troll or autism

>> No.14349782

my diagnosis: down syndrome wagie

>> No.14351221

When seeking work for the sake of the pay, almost all men are alike at present in civilised countries. To all of them work is a means, and not itself the end; on which account they are not very select in the choice of the work, provided it yields an abundant profit. But there are rarer men who would rather die than work without enjoyment in their work: the fastidious people, difficult to satisfy, whose object is not served by an abundant profit, unless the work itself be the reward of all rewards. Artists and contemplative men of all kinds belong to this rare species of human beings; and also the idlers who spend their life in hunting and travelling, or in love affairs and adventures. They all seek toil and trouble in so far as these are associated with pleasure, and they want the severest and hardest work if it be necessary. In other respects however they have a resolute idleness, even if it should spell impoverishment, dishonour, and danger to health and life. They are not so much afraid of boredom as of work without pleasure; indeed they require much boredom if their work is to succeed with them. For the thinker and for all inventive spirits boredom is the unpleasant "calm" of the soul which precedes the happy voyage and the dancing breezes; he must endure it, he must await the effect it has on him: it is precisely this which lesser natures cannot at all achieve! It is common to scare away boredom by every means, just as it is common to work without pleasure. It perhaps distinguishes the Asiatics above the Europeans, that they are capable of a longer and profounder calm; even their narcotics operate slowly and require patience in contrast to the obnoxious suddenness of the European poison, alcohol.

>> No.14351392

>evangelion tells you how to get a gf

>> No.14353187
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>> No.14353265

Is being a wagie really that bad or is this an American thing? Like how much does welfare give you a week as opposed to a minimum wage job in America?
In Australia I'd much rather work in fast food than be a NEET on welfare if that means getting more than 3X the money coming in after taxes. I'm currently neeting it atm and am enjoying the reflection I am getting and introspection and have enough savings but not having a nice cashflow sucks.

>> No.14353311

no idea about 'murica, but over here welfare gives you the about same as minimum wage. it's like 1100€ monthly before subtracting healthcare and rent.
and when you bullshit and know the loop holes you can even make the state pay mortgage for a house that you own in the end. why even work and give 60% of your income away if you can make the peasants pay for your assets.

>> No.14353329

Centrelink were paying me $304 a fortnight for doing a philosophy degree, admittedly that;s not NEET, but I skipped most classes and spent my time actually reading philosophy books rather than hearing some crusty analytic go on about entry level epistemology. It depends if you live by yourself or not though, if you live alone I understand that $304 a fortnight probably isn't enough to cover expenses, but it covers booze and books just fine

>> No.14353330

Which country is this NEET paradise in? Or wagie hell for others?

>> No.14353338

Neets claim to be happy yet comments like this set them off kek. Life is only worth what you do with it and they sit around doing nothing all day.

>> No.14353341

Yeah $304 bucks every 2 weeks won't cover even rent when alone. I'll take being a maccas wagie dealing with angry methheads for $1.4K fortnightly wage after tax any day over $304 bucks

>> No.14353342


>t. cat


ascended>self employed>neet>wagecuck

tbqhfamalam neet is better than wagecuck but isnt it event better to choose to contribute actively to society in a way that you define yourself ? The problem nowadays with a lot of "freelancers" is that they re just doing some sort of non official wagecucking. Truly self employed is difficult to reach but does exist.

>> No.14353344

the shithole in central europe with the highest taxes.

>> No.14353477

>First you get cold when you undress
Roastie detected

>> No.14353588

I'm plump and sensitive and I sit down to piss, but no.