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14346901 No.14346901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good books which document the history of anti-semitism in far left political movements?

>> No.14346907

they will try to do the same thing to bernie but bernie is a jew so its going to be a jew vs jew fight

>> No.14346933

Social democrats are considered far left? Damn, here I am on the Hoxha pill and you niggas existing.

>> No.14346942

That's one of the few good things about far-leftists, desu

>> No.14346947

They, very much like left-liberals, are leftists.

>> No.14346948

socialists are considered far left.
corbyn is a socialist.

>> No.14347006
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They are left liberals.

He’s a soc-dem. A reformer.

>> No.14347013

marx was anti-semitic and aligns his entire critique of capitalism with a critique of judaism...stop shifting the goal posts and own up to your bigotry and hate

>> No.14347027

I didn’t even address the canard.
Some jews are anyi-capitalist, some jews are anti Zionist. None of that makes them antisemitic

>> No.14347036

best case, he's a democratic socialist.
he's also a snake. good riddance.

>> No.14347047

>How dare he try to improve living conditions for the people of Britain
You’re the snake.

>> No.14347050

Zeev Sternhell, Neither Right nor Left: Fascist Ideology in France

>> No.14347056

Jeffrey Mehlman, Legacies: Of Anti-Semitism in France

>> No.14347059

no, that would be good.
what isn't good is calling genocidal terrorists (yesyes, """"freedom fighters"""") his friends (IRA, hamas, hezbollah), taking money from insanely repressive regimes (iran, iraq) or using russian hackers (this time really) to get classified internal documents. all this under the guise of compassion.
you're part of a personality cult. i don't expect you to make any good faith argument. maybe someone else will find what i wrote interesting.

>> No.14347062

WW2 all over gain.

>> No.14347082

are you guys really dumb enough to believe the media and establishment lies about corbyn being antisemitic

>> No.14347094

Liberal smearing canard. You are the snake.

>> No.14347098

>critics of the Leader are just mouthpieces of the Luegenpresse
why did that retarded horseshoe theory have to be right sometimes

>> No.14347100

>improve living conditions for the people of Britain
Rather the people of Pakistan who live in Britain.

>> No.14347107

London exists, yes.

>> No.14347325

where is the lie?

>> No.14347338
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>> No.14347350

its not even anti-semitism its just anti-Israelism

>> No.14347372

No, it's anti-semitism.
The Jews make a big chunk of the 1% and they have a huge influence over media and finance.
Any legit leftist is going to bump into Jews at some point.

>> No.14347441

>marx was anti-semitic
Marx was just a self hating jew proyecting his neuroses on to society. He identified with 'the proletariat' on the abstract note: not actual poor people. because he felt excluded from European culture, a mimetic impostor, a mass produced commodity. Read Wagner on Jewry in Music, Weininger, Karl Kraus, if you want to know what I am talking about.

>> No.14347458

rundown on karl kraus?

>> No.14347462

> Karl Kraus was a subject of controversy throughout his lifetime. Marcel Reich-Ranicki called him 'vain, self-righteous and self-important'.

yeah...gonna pass on this guy

>> No.14347469

>IRA, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Russian Hackers, communists joining hands with Shia Martyrs, fascists, black israelites, the white working class, and other anti semites of all colours and creeds

the nazbol international the establishment keeps trying to meme into existence sounds impossibly cool. where do I join? too bad the actual left is dominated by middle class, panicky lgbt and white women.

>> No.14347487
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>teenage mutt larpers still trying to force the you can only be leftist if you want to abolish capitalism meme

>> No.14347505

so youre a neoliberal?
turn that shrek around and face it

>> No.14347514

Post your trans cuties thread, chapo.

>> No.14347529

you have a transparent obsession with trannies. might think you are repressing

>> No.14347532

>assuming everyone's a tranny
yup it's a tranny

>> No.14347536


Gotta be good!
See you tonight ... I know that was fine
Gotta be safe!
Gotta be true!

You know that you're mine...
Help me now!
I'm coming home...
Gotta be fine...
Gotta be right!
You'll set me alight!
Help me now: "I'm coming home"
I can see the band from miles away

>> No.14347540

if i understand you right, you think all i wrote is actually fiction. that is your prerogative, of course.

>> No.14347542

Really, we all know middle class leftists care more about the sexual revolution and californian self expressive values than about even minimal gibs for the working class. They want to star in their own movie, travel the world and still be recognized by society as victims, their very sexual neuroses to be universally proclaimed as revolutionary. They of course fancy themselves rebels, they are sticking it to the man and subverting all binaries, just like american mass culture and social media taught them too. for all their rebellion, these people are panicky, conformist, incapable of independent thought, and detached from any tradition. No wonder the masses resent them and will always vote for right wing populists given the chance. and it's not just a first world thing, either, see India, Brazil, Philippines.

>> No.14347549

Wasn't Bakunin anti-Semitic?

>> No.14347550

This is me desu hmbut I'm right wing Ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.14347557

>middle class leftists
An oxymoron, but whatever.

>> No.14347560

>tranny tranny tranny tranny
go suck some good dick bro

>> No.14347562

God are you /pol/fags so scared of losing the elections you can't help but raid every board on 4chan, 24/7?

>> No.14347569

No one:
Literally no one:
Chapo tranny: what about my girldick?????

>> No.14347572

the alt right are the real heirs of the counterculture and the radicals of the 60s and 70s. Actual leftists are far too domesticated to really give full vent to their narcissism and sexual neuroses. Therapeuthic PC safe space campus culture is actually a pretty tactic when it comes to preempting suicidal retard red army faction tendencies amongst the student population.

>> No.14347573

>but whatever
No you stupid twitter tranny this is not your rats nest of a home site where everything is condensed to small quips and mindless signalling messages either elucidate on your point or don't post at all.

>> No.14347587

Who wasn't... speaking loosely?

>> No.14347595

Fuck off, jewbag.

>> No.14347597

all the major leftist spokesmen in media are by definition middle class and promote a set of values based around middle class counsumer humanism, diversity, lgbt, feminism, therapeuthic pc regime. These values are meaningless to actual working class people and only serve as a means for the middle class to assuage their guilt 'buying indulgences' from the capitalist regime.

>> No.14347606

>These values are meaningless to actual working class people
No shit sherlock.

>> No.14347671

substantiate your claim or shut the fuck up

>> No.14347707

I wish it was real tho.

>> No.14347713

then rejoice.
labour's ex-dear leader has done all i have written about. i don't know anything about what you've written about though. that probably makes it less cool.

>> No.14348103

kys tranny psued, your posts are always the most basic bitch uniformed take on a topic, you are a smooth brained simpleton

>> No.14348119

Socialists are left/centre-left, socdems are centre-left. Far left are literal Marxist-Leninists, Maoists and the like.

>> No.14348444
File: 1.42 MB, 2527x1867, wienbibliothek-ausstellung2018-karl-kraus-geist-versus-zeitgeist-reisepass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

austrian satirist of the early 20th century, and a madman

>> No.14348458

Bloody hell, far left? Are you mental?

>> No.14348925

You can be a left liberal, but they’re not going to get anywhere with this reformist position. The oligarchs have made it perfectly clear. They will not yield. They’d rather we all die, while they fly off to Mars with their robot servants

Woohoo, look at the brain stem copying from other anons