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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 144 KB, 525x490, Wheel-of-Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1434573 No.1434573 [Reply] [Original]

I heard you guys dislike The Wheel of Time. Why is that? I think the series is pretty awesome.

>> No.1434577

People never stop going on about it here FYI. They love it.

>> No.1434576
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>> No.1434588
File: 163 KB, 825x619, mazrim_taim_and_logain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does gets boring , there are some major plot holes, but I still like it for all it flaws.

>> No.1434594

*tugs braid angrily at your suggestion*

>> No.1434595

I did not expect this, where are the rabid /lit/ hipsters that dislike all good books?

>> No.1434601

She's the reason I started braiding my hair.

>> No.1434605

At first I thought you were being sarcastic... but not so sure now

>> No.1434609

OP, people here love The Wheel of Time. /lit/ was the place that convinced me to start reading it.

/lit/ isn't totally full of hipsters, there are us decent people here too.

>> No.1434611

I think the angry fags/trolls that rant so much about what garbage WoT is are just a loud minority.

>> No.1434612
File: 184 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that's pretty awesome, maybe I should come here more often then

>> No.1434618
File: 8 KB, 185x231, 1283645751672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /lit/ and /v/ aren't so different after all...
Then again, this basically happens on every board.

>> No.1434620

What else does op like to read ?

>> No.1434629

Not OP, but I am the /v/irgin who sent him here under the assumption that /lit/ was full of raging hipsters.

WoT is the only fantasy I've read in ages, besides Terry Pratchett.

Right now I'm reading "Time in History", by G.J. Whitrow, and "The Brother's Karamazov".

>> No.1434627
File: 88 KB, 600x745, Ta__veren_by_dem888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two of my favorites are:
A Song of Ice and Fire
Ender's Game

I am on the first book of the engineer trilogy at the moment (which I like so far) and I did not mind some of the warcraft books (when I was younger) and I like The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

>> No.1434635

msn :D ?

>> No.1434636

Fucking apostrophes...
"The Brothers Karamazov"

>> No.1434637

WoT is the only good fantasy series ever written. Tolkien is baby shit for kids written in singsong language. WoT is complex and weaves together the mythology of every culture on Earth through all times.

WoT is an amazing work and all fantasy pales in comparison to it.

>> No.1434638

My bf LOVES Terry Goodkind's Confessor series, do you think that he'll enjoy WoT if I can get him to read it?

>> No.1434641

Not sure since I have never read that series, but I heard Terry Goodkind was similar to Robert Jordan in terms of content.

>> No.1434643

He'll be amazed at how much better it is.

>> No.1434645

wot is good, but not that good fine sir,
Also Jordan and Tolkien were going for different things .

>> No.1434646

I think Tolkien and Jordan are pretty comparable...

>> No.1434649

He got me to read the first book, it could have stood alone by itself. I had to stop 1/2 through the second, my emotions got really intense, there's some serious shit that happened and I couldn't deal with it. The content feels a little similar, but Goodkind's series seems more romance based.

>> No.1434653

Go on, how so :) ?

>> No.1434651


continuing on this since I thought of some more stuff

-and I plan to read The Way of Kings and Eisenhorn when I get around to it... Along with the the new book that Scot Card just put out in the ender universe... and some other stuff but I don't remember.

>> No.1434660

Some serious shit goes down in the 12th book of WoT if I remember, probably the most intense thing I have ever read in a story. I wont describe it because I don't want to spoil, but I was gripping the book so hard that my hands hurt and read like a madman until I got through to the end of the intense part

>> No.1434661

wow you really love mormons

>> No.1434668

Um... because... of words.. .and stuff.

>> No.1434672
File: 87 KB, 332x864, shaidar_haran1-copy_106_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol are all those authors mormons?

I got into sanderson (warbreaker and mistborn) when I heard he was finishing WoT

I read ender's game at the recommendation of my sister.

surly Dan Abnett is not a mormon?!

>> No.1434673

I think he means the writing style.

>> No.1434675

He wrote ANOTHER Ender book? That man is a whore.

>> No.1434683

Sanderson is PAINFULLY mormon. You can tell just by reading the last two Wheel of Time books. The tone of writing, especially in characterization, comes off as ridiculously shallow and naive. He's a dorky, shitbrained, straight-laced mormon, with none of Jordan's understanding of the human experience, and it shows.

>> No.1434681
File: 760 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_678850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, about Ender right after the war when he goes into exile and become a governor and shit. I honestly only liked the first book Ender's Game, and was hoping this one might be closer to Ender's character in the first book.

>> No.1434690

Whoever drew these did a good job, but is AWFUL at drawing noses. I noticed it on the one of Mat you posted in /v/ earlier as well.

>> No.1434701
File: 89 KB, 1000x630, gallery_13053_8_10336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it show? He is writing the books to Robert Jordan's outline and detailed notes you know. The only issue I have had is that Rand feels a bit odd in the most recent WoT book because of a lack of his perspective.

I thought Sanderson did something great with the scene where that forsaken forces Rand to strangle Min, it thoroughly freaked me out

In fact, I loved Sanderson's first WoT book and the second one needs to be re-read before I give a proper opinion on it.

>> No.1434708
File: 254 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_201295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I like this one the best out of all the pictures he/she has drawn.

>> No.1434714
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>> No.1434721
File: 753 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_697654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1434725

I hate when Tuon or Semirhage are depicted as black when the series is not about black people.

Liberal democrat political correctness is fine in the proper context but keep it out of WoT, thx.

>> No.1434727

I think everything looks good, but I imagined her having slightly lighter skin.

>> No.1434730
File: 456 KB, 2257x2257, KnifeofDreams_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

granted, this is probably the best WoT art out there (besides the Moraine one which is also very good)

>> No.1434742

You can see it in the extreme, un-subtle behavior of Rand, Mat's kitschy humor, the dialogue of every minor character...

I don't think he's done a bad job, and I know he's working to Jordan's notes and guidelines; but at times it's really obvious that he's a younger, less experienced writer, and looking at it in conjunction with his one works reveals a very unsophisticated, "mormon" world view.

>> No.1434743
File: 308 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_151536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I remember dark skinned people being mention in the south and from Seanchan. It helps make Tuon feel more exotic I imagine.

>> No.1434749

...wut? I pictured Tuon as pale, sure, but isn't she explicitly referred to as "dark"?

>> No.1434760

Tuon is specifically described as "dark". I DO always imagine her as being pale anyways, probably just because of the association with imperial tropes, asians, and "pale and petite" accompanying each other so well...

But the fact stands that she is dark-skinned.

>> No.1434763

Birgitte looks like that Tes V tavern wench.

>> No.1434764

You can only read one Terry Goodkind book. After that you realize he is obsessed with rape and has a love for his main character that transcends his writing.

>> No.1434767
File: 319 KB, 400x379, frontrankoftheshaidoabouttoexplode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the ebook covers are pretty good. I like the Lord of Chaos art.

>> No.1434776
File: 630 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_394046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that is true enough, but I don't think it shows too much since he has a fairly good "guide" in RJ's notes. I honestly think Rand's behavior fits his character fairly well, Matt's humor is not something that upsets me (but I can't say that I remember RJ's Matt super well). And I can't remember more than two minor characters who actually do something in the prologues of the books (and they did not strike me as out of the norm or anything).

But I can't say that I have a greater world view than Sanderson, let alone Jordan, so I might not be the best judge of that either.

>> No.1434782
File: 794 KB, 680x850, gallery_14218_20_111192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1434790

I mean, Goodkind did steal quite a few lore concepts from the Wheel of Time.

But Goodkind's a fucking hack, and I can't stand his preachy bullshit writing.

>> No.1434792


>> No.1434795
File: 47 KB, 600x776, Demandred__AKA_Barid_Bel_Medar_by_Spiffiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I have an issue with the asha'man not wearing / holding swords and some other minor things in that pic though

but it is a whole lot better than the default SWEET cover (which sucks dick)

>> No.1434805

>Goodkind did steal quite a few lore concepts from the Wheel of Time.

If you notice a similarity, then you probably aren't old enough to read his books.

>> No.1434808
File: 385 KB, 1280x2281, WoT_Sketches_by_RoseMuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gleeman illusion perhaps?

>> No.1434809

I can't believe the bastard was honestly arrogant enough to say that. I mean, his theft isn't even subtle

>> No.1434819
File: 70 KB, 401x537, Child_of_the_Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two can play at that game!

If you don't notice a similarity, then you probably aren't old enough to read any books.

>> No.1434835
File: 15 KB, 324x400, Terry Goodkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it to his face fucker not online and see what happens.

But seriously yeah, he's a huge turd. Chichi antique furniture restoring Objectivist turned ripoff fantasy author... you really can't get much douchier if you tried.

>> No.1434869

oh god he looks retarded

he is not even fat, it is a well known fact that ALL good authors are fat (it is required to move from okay author to epic author tier). Those fuckers gotta be on the verge of having a heart attack from eating like a whale.

>> No.1434924

Are you suggesting that Hemingway isn't a God-tier author?

>> No.1435479
File: 98 KB, 800x600, 800px-Floridita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he had muscles, but I think what the previous poster meant to say, he also had some meat over those bones. Goodkind looks like he counts calories.

>> No.1435582

i liked when rand was in far madding in winters heart and was all like, bitch i dont care if i cant use the power you fools gon die, then lan was like fuck yeah bro then nynaeve was like tug on this bitches i got a well then they were all like stabety stab boom slice and rand was like what now what and lan was like fuck yeah bro

>> No.1435736
File: 63 KB, 317x385, 1288300786492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more WoT art please? I beg you! Can't get enough of this stuff!

also more discussion. How do you think the series will end? Why is Galad so retarded? Why should Mat get away with all of the crap he does? Are Birgitte and Olver going to get married later, like seriously? Elayne is supposed to be a good queen but seems like a bimbo half the time (could be being pregnant I guess).
At least Lan wasn't completely emo anymore.

>> No.1435778

>How do you think the series will end?
Rand and Moridin swap bodies and Rand's body dies with Ishy's soul in it.

>Why is Galad so retarded?
Gawyn is more retarded. Galad may have joined a murderous hate cult, but at least he's still somewhat rational.

>Elayne is supposed to be a good queen but seems like a bimbo half the time (could be being pregnant I guess).
Elayne was a bimbo before she got knocked up. Andor needs a king. I miss Gaebril

>> No.1435799
File: 443 KB, 680x850, Graendal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the love for Sorilea "those hips were meant for bearing children" of the Slaphips Aiel?

>> No.1435821

Sorilea is the second best Wise One, behind Bair.

Bair will fuck your shit up.

>> No.1435856

fuck you

>> No.1435911


I was using the facial expression as mfw. Ignore who the person is.

>> No.1435917
File: 691 KB, 680x850, egwene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1435923
File: 574 KB, 680x850, moiraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always pictured Egwene with brown hair. I guess I wasn't paying attention to her description well enough.

>> No.1435927
File: 160 KB, 680x850, lanfear_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1435931
File: 466 KB, 687x852, aviendha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1435937

I always pictured Moiraine as being flat-chested

>> No.1435956

The part in TGH where they're in the Illuminator's Guild and Selene tells everyone to be still so they won't be seen is awesome, she weaved an invisibility illusion and it's only obvious after you've read the later books.

>> No.1435999

I personally don't like WoT.

Around 8th grade I tried reading Eye of the World, got around 60 pages in, and it sucked so I checked it back into the Library. A few months ago I decided to give the series another try since that was yeeaaaars ago, but the shitty library didn't have Eye of the World, so I had to start with the Great Hunt. I couldn't get past the first few pages because Rand keeps freaking out about "Oh my god, there are women, I have to run away!" and it pissed me off because he's so stupid.

>> No.1436001

check out Crossroads of Twilight from the Library. That's the best one.

>> No.1436004
File: 440 KB, 1105x765, trollocs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


doesn't sound like you gave it much of a chance.

Maybe One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is more up your alley.

>> No.1436012
File: 580 KB, 680x850, faile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always thought she had at least a b-cup

>> No.1436016


I suppose I'll check it out in a few days. I might just read the series to get to the Brandon Sanderson books, I really like his books.

>> No.1436053

Mildly entertaining, at least the world it's set in is interesting unlike most modern fantasy.

>> No.1436066

I've followed WoT for quite a while and I can tell you it's pretty much shite for the most part.
I mean it's not Goodkind shite but it is pandering, drawn-out, most-of-the-stereotypes-in-the-book, laughable evil vs bitchy good bullshit for the most part.
I enjoy it much like I enjoy a tie-in book. A trashy guilty pleasure.

>> No.1436068

I too find allusions to real world cultures, tolkien (by jordan's own admission) and pop-culture references to be "interesting".

>> No.1436076


Good thing that interesting and originality aren't synonymous eh?