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/lit/ - Literature

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14340825 No.14340825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14340832

As opposed to the constant normalpol raid? It would be a good change of pace.

>> No.14340837
File: 3.32 MB, 600x600, ooc colorwut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do the jokes end

>> No.14340841

this 2bh

>> No.14340861


>> No.14340868

Lefty pipedream

>> No.14340869

Great! Those threads will keep the christians and poltards to busy to shit up the lit threads. Should be fun to watch as well.

>> No.14340873

t. Brainlet

>> No.14340876

both should fuck off

>> No.14340897

>post-scarcity worldbuilding
>propagandizing on 4chan
>trot flag
The absolute state of leftoid pseudo-communists. If you're reading this post then go read a fucking book instead of wasting your time being such enormous faggots online.

>> No.14340907

Transhumanism SLASH post-scarcity? Do they think of those two concepts as interchangeable?

>> No.14340908

/pol/ is almost invincible here

>> No.14340910
File: 55 KB, 612x476, Nazbol Gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leftypol raids /Lit/
>They all get converted to Nazbols instead

>> No.14340913

Don't underestimate my free time, niggerjewtranny.

>> No.14340916

>raiding 4chan
when will they learn

>> No.14340917

literally sci-fi roleplay the ideology

>> No.14340934

hahahahahaha yeah hahahahahahaha
anglos are pathetic hahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh lmaoooooooooo for fuck sake anglos, stop, just stop

picture a bunch of bastardized cultureless fatsos muttoids wearing plastic clothing from china, these people have never eaten a proper meal in their life (corn syrup) their parents barely tolerate their presence, theyve been bullied their entire life, they cant hold a hammer to save their life or communicate with another being normaly so they 'organize' on the internet trying to push their cia packaged (and neutered) narrative hahhaaaaaa fdudes!!!!

ahahahaha this is worst than the end times, more boring than every dystopic scenario ever produced. a bunch of teens with acne and that dyke trip fag will probably lead the marchHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHHAHAH I CANT STOP IT sincerely I am laughing my ass off, haven't laughed like this in a lon time

>> No.14340997

i just want to discuss books without every discussion turning into a political shitfest and soijak spam

>> No.14341004
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>i just want to discuss books without every discussion turning into a political shitfest and soijak spam

>> No.14341028
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I'm thinking based.

>> No.14341053


>> No.14341058

Like the board could get any more shit

>> No.14341061

the trick is:
Make a really bad anti-leftist thread: >>14341009

Then have all your buddies post on it to "btfo" the OP

Also, LARP as a social conservative to trick the Nazis into supporting Soviet Russia >>14341039

(Although Nazbols already do this which is fine)

>> No.14341062

Free time is all you have christcuck frogger

>> No.14341067

>Implying anyone with half a brain takes commiecucks seriously.
Whew lad.

>> No.14341071

Who the fuck cares?
Im not here to see shitposts about some fucking online war between neo-nazi shitbrains and commies.
Go back to fucking /pol/ and bunkerchan. I hate you all.

>> No.14341074

They are on the same level as the current /lit/-toddlers

>> No.14341078
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Aka: R*ddit refugees

>> No.14341095

They may just get enlightened by good literature opinions and stop their mesianic communistic tendencies.
Fuck communists

>> No.14341098

what is t he good literature opinions that own the gommunist?

>> No.14341107

Already subverted and neutralized by counter-psyop manifest in anti-trannyism

>> No.14341108

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.14341112

Reading endogamic and nepotistic communist authors that are basically an echo chamber in the far reaching world of history and philosophy is something only toddlers do. Reading a variety of authors undoes all believe in communism or any socialistic tendency for that matter.

>> No.14341128
File: 32 KB, 333x499, lenin english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very concerned about this, we all better read pic related to know what they're up to.

>> No.14341138
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I think this pic explains better what should do.

>> No.14341140

Fuck off

>> No.14341212


>> No.14341213
File: 115 KB, 653x735, 1574098272129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post scarcity
>capitalist realism
>post left
>post modernism
yes, welcome

>muh shitty "leftist" celebrity
>contra points
>chapo trap house
>global proletariat revolution
>"anti-idpol" identity
>ortho marxism
>constantly using leftist buzzwords (fascist, neoliberal, late stage capitalism, etc)
fuck off

>> No.14341230

Leftypolfags always fail cause you just have to say nigger or hate on gay trannies and they lose their cool

Polfags have become similar with their Trump worship though

>> No.14341245

>what I dont like not welcomed
>what I like welcomed
ok bugman. post-scarcity any day right?

>> No.14341339

things that are welcome are more literature related (except Freud, zizek and kropotkin because these are trash)

>> No.14341387

>Leftypolfags always fail cause you just have to say nigger or hate on gay trannies and they lose their cool
They literally don't. You just made that up.

>> No.14341389

>Marxist midwits from elsewhere will mix with our homegrown Marxist midwits

Spreading Marxism won't work here. It's spread is dependent on peer pressure, and you can't really use the forces of peer pressure on an anonymous, mostly uncensored that doesn't have group-think features (think reddit votes).

In a place where numerical superiority/peer pressure and control of the narritive can't be obtained or maintained, the spread of Marxism is not possible. It is just picked apart like any other bad idea.

>> No.14341399
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I love socialism! National socialism.