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File: 98 KB, 1193x734, Incel_Culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14340704 No.14340704 [Reply] [Original]

If pic related is true, why haven't we seen any incel-related literature published in the past decade?

The only examples I can think of are My Twisted World, Cat Person, and Tao Lin's early work.


>> No.14340709

Because none of them have the willpower to do anything creative or constructive with their energy.

If they did, they would have pulled themselves out of their misery long ago.

>> No.14340723

I don't know why they're complaining, all politics left and right are driven and ranked and made up by unfuckable mentally deranged lunatics who are hideously ugly. Just look at those lazy tranny types who are just balding men in dresses, and the fat woman with blue hair and her husband in a previous life, the neo-nazi reformed catholic troll, they all live on the same street and never talk to each other, and they do nothing but talk 'about' each other.

they all need to have sex and shut up.

>> No.14340733

what energy?

>none of them have the willpower to do anything creative or constructive
Many many people are completely gone on drugs nowadays. I mean prescription drugs that they give them as children and college. This locks them in a state of arrested development.

>> No.14340753

>fat woman with blue hair
although, i've got to imagine involuntary celibacy is easier for a woman. I masturbated once with vaseline and I suppose that's how it must be to have a clitoris and a vibrator. I can well imagine the stupor she's in before she logs into twitter.

>> No.14340764

>I masturbated once with vaseline
in the butt?

>> No.14340848

>>>14340753 (You)
>>I masturbated once with vaseline
>in the butt?

eew what the fuck anonobon.. that's where poo comes from.

>> No.14340872

>Tao Lin's early work.
Duck off

>> No.14340880

Why? Granted I've not ready much contemporary fiction, but his short stories feature at least one incel that I can recall.

>> No.14340883

Tao Lin has zero connections with incels

>> No.14340888

archive this im not giving vice clicks

>> No.14340890
File: 94 KB, 540x510, 1576187114900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> archive this im not giving vice clicks

>> No.14340895

I'm not saying he does, or that the bulk of his work does, but I remember one short stories (I believe in Eeeeee Eeee Eeeeee) where the main character is a young guy living in New York and sits in a park mentally daring a romantic couple nearby to approach him and mock him so he could lash out at them.

>> No.14340923

VICE is neoliberal trash. Kill yourself.

>> No.14340931

So-called incels are just another angle of ridiculing men for being virgins and demonising unrelated masculinity. We haven't seen anything because it's not a thing.

>> No.14340944

How is VICE neoliberal? If anything it's socialist.

>> No.14340954

what prescription drugs? SSRIs?
this might shock you but unlike weed and other other depressant and stimulating drugs, SSRIs actually give you more energy, will power and better well being/health, and SSRIs aren't physiologically addictive (although one may become psychologically dependent on them).
SSRIs are the better option for the person and for society when it comes to treating mental illnesses that interfere and ruin one's life.

>> No.14340957

>why haven't we seen any incel-related literature published in the past decade?
incels have been the primary drivers of culture on this web site for years now
just because it's not in a book doesn't mean it's not art

>> No.14341021


>> No.14341040

Why hasn't it broken into the mainstream though?

I can't think of a single novel which has featured such a character in the past decade, and Cat Person is the only major example of this issue breaking through to the mainstream.

>> No.14341050

>what is Whatever by Houellebecq

>> No.14341055

That was published in 1994 you dumb boomer.

>> No.14341065

shut up zoomer no one wrote a single decent book in the last decade

>> No.14341116

Cat Person doesn't feature an incel, just a guy. Still a very good story though.

>> No.14341129

They're all busy posting their masterworks on /lit/ between intense guilt-ridden jerk-off sessions, crying over verses of the Bible frantically woving never to sin again, then posting how all women are thots until someone actually posts an image of one in the OP and the cycle starts all over again

>> No.14341134

Ah yes, VICE are known for being huge fans of Milton Friedman and Margaret Thatcher

>> No.14341148

Speaking from experience?

>> No.14341149

>[x] is [label] [absolute negativity]
The story of our time.

>> No.14341154

You must be from Vice to be that impishly dense

>> No.14341172
File: 66 KB, 640x638, 1570525105055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any woman wil cycle thru 3 phases:
-the one who likes sex and money, ie the slut and wants to be treated like a princess
-the one who likes money and sex, ie the whore and wants to be treated like a princess
-the one who wishes she was even more of a slut or a whore and wants to be treated like a princess

there is only one type of men: the guy who will do anything to value women, to please women, to entertain women, to care about women, spend time or energy or money on women.

So women are sluts and very gross. they need to clean their pussy and arsehole all the time.

did you know that 1/3 of old roasties piss themselves and need to keep wearing their tampons? yes i thought so.
So women clean their pussy and arsehole of cum, pussy goo, shit and piss. But Men keep working for women and women do not need much work in life to have comfy life. So women are not that smart and able to do anything by themselves, because they do not need to.

>> No.14341178
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>> No.14341182
File: 86 KB, 1242x1184, 1575988439656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14341191
File: 1.92 MB, 1976x4608, 1546336536348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14341197

The guy fits the Incel mould though, so may as well be classed as incel. I mean he shakes because he's too nervous to have sex, sleeps on a mattress on the ground, and even has to download a movie while the girl is there so that they can watch it together.

>> No.14341210

She looks beautiful in the top-right photo. In the porno photos she has the appearance of someone who has starved themselves in order to lose weight, or who takes drugs and loses weight that way. Sad.

>> No.14341231

It's americans redefining and obfuscating established terminology again. Liberal is socialist there, so neoliberal = neosocialist in burgerspeak.

>> No.14341236

It's almost like porn is an evil, abusive industry or something.

>> No.14341239

Just looked at her Instagram feed and it's clear she has an eating disorder. I can relate to some extent since I have starved myself for several days before out of anxiety of how I would appear in a photograph. But I can't imagine trying to do that as a lifestyle choice. Very sad. This world has so much darkness in it.

>> No.14341247

This is actually my favorite thing about this board. Seeing left-wing idiots accuse people they disagree with of being Nazis, only to find out they're talking to someone even further left.

>> No.14341250

>recent meme is story of the entire decade

I'm thinking no.

>> No.14341272

Sex is awkward and strange for a broader population than the newly constructed "incel" meme. People live in socially impoverished isolation, but that also does not make them an incel, either. That's just being realistic. Not everyone is a sex pro nor decorates.
Guys who get laid often and most certainly would further stretch the incel term can and do verbally abuse women far worse than, as in Cat Person, calling a girl a "whore," once, over text message.

>> No.14341286

I agree about the misogyny thing. In my experience people who have had sex and are good with women are more likely to talk about them as if they're trash than autistic betas who crave women but may fall into the trap of becoming demoralised by 80/20 and similar ideas.

What I mean is that Cat Person captured something about the past ten decades, where guys tend to have become more atomised, isolated and are therefore made a little weirder because of that due to pornography, frustration, economic hardships etc. The fact the guy in the story obviously isn't having much sex (he pleads with her to keep talking to him, like Travis Bickle) is what links him to the notion of the Incel. He's not Elliot Rodger-tier at all, but he is one of the growing number of sadsacks who yearn for romance, affection, sex, intimacy etc but for whatever reason just can't attain it.

>> No.14341291

This is the mindset of the eternal roastie. It comes from the fact that she doesn't understand why she's valued or how fragile and temporary it is.

Men want the roastie, so she assumes she as she conceptualizes herself is what's desired. She thinks she's valuable, that everything she does has merit and that people want the whole of her.

Take her mind and dump it into the body of a 40 year old and any personality traits labeling her quirky or interesting are now openly viewed as irritating. They're not any more of less irritating than they were when she was 23, there is just no longer and reason to pretend.

>> No.14341302 [DELETED] 

Because incel is a manufactured term. It has absolutely none of the context in connotations it originally carried within the self contained incel community. Pop politics and popular media added drips of venom and vitriol to the term so that people spit it as a pejorative faggot. I remember the slow turn over the past couple of years of incels being a morbid curiosity, to 'oh no incels are going to shoot up the school.'

>> No.14341309
File: 119 KB, 550x812, FB_IMG_1574771929394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because incel is a manufactured term. It has absolutely none of the context in connotations it originally carried within the self contained incel community. Pop politics and popular media added drips of venom and vitriol to the term so that people spit it as a pejorative like virgin or faggot. I remember the slow turn over the past couple of years of incels being a morbid curiosity, to 'oh no incels are going to shoot up the school.'

>> No.14341313

the true incels are too wacko and mistrusting of the establishment to ever get anything published at a serious house and contemporary authors are too normie to ever truly get inside the head of an incel without making it mawkish and both-sidey, it could never be as warped and romantic as it demands

>> No.14341316

>incel-related literature
Incels are useless sex-obsessed lumpenproles that are too busy pitying themselves to raise their consciousness high enough to put it towards such feats as literature.

>> No.14341322

>warped and romantic

What do you mean by that?

I believe Travis Bickle is an accurate portrayal of an "Incel", however Sorrows of Young Werther is also an incel-tier book but the protagonist is less violent and more pathetic and desperate. But then you have the fact that most male stand-up comedians, and a lot of men in general, joke about the fact that it's hard to get laid as a man etc, which is true.

>> No.14341325

Incel just means you're a guy that wants to have sex with women but women won't have sex with you. Anything beyond that is feminist propaganda.

>> No.14341332

Is it just about sex though? I feel like it taps into the wider issue of men being unable to find a romantic partner, for various reasons including the death of manufacturing, house prices, fatherless homes etc.

>> No.14341341


>several attacks
>can only name two that occurred before people even started calling themselves incel

>> No.14341353

It is technology finally being able to turn socialisation and intimacy into a product, and capitalism offering an obvious incentive to profit off of this. I hooks in to inherent bias men and women have when it comes to mate selection and amplifies them to a point where previous counter-balances developed by society to sublimate these bias become ineffective. There is a hesitancy among liberal-feminists to acknowledge the primacy of technology in woman's liberation, certain radfems and marxist-feminists are acknowledge this, but they are culturally irrelevant. This hesitancy comes from the liberal privileging of individual agency over impersonal imposition by outside forces, so for them the changes that happened over the last century, and especially since the sexual revolution, are framed as the results of stunning and brave gyno-warriors rather than a capitalist disruption of sexual relations. Liberal-Feminists can't acknowledge the failure of their theory to account the rise of Incels because, by all accounts, the sexual revolution should have been a blossoming of agency among all people. There only is to commit to their theory but hypothesise spooky and nebulous bad agents brainwashing men in developed nations with remarkable co-ordination, rather than admit to their "agency" as a post-hoc rationalisation.

>> No.14341361

If women won't fuck you then they won't date or marry you either.

>> No.14341368

Incels are a distraction from the political potential of online organization and bonafide ethos arising from incoherent sources. Even if you alienate certain factors conditioning the incel as just part of the cultural industry, the incel stands as a phenomena more than the sum of its parts (which, of course, are in face government regulated). Incels themselves need to realize they really could cause in uproar so long as they dont find vindication amongst their own ranks (shit like the Joker only solidifies that dangerous immobilization), and other would-be terrorists against the society of control need to take notes.

>> No.14341370


>> No.14341376

I find it funny how incels are universally reviled by everyone, even by other incels and outcasts. Not even jews, blacks, women, or any other controversial group you can think of get such unequivocal vitriol from all sides.

>> No.14341398

>Incel just means you're a guy that wants to have sex with women but women won't have sex with you.

I feel like it's more about the general lack of intimacy than it is about sex.

>> No.14341403

See >>14341361. If women aren't sexually interested in you then they aren't going to be intimate with you in any meaningful way.

>> No.14341407

How would you describe intimacy?

I think a lot of people conflate sex and intimacy, but in my mind intimacy means penetrating the superficial aspects of our identities (appearance, social mask, approved behaviour, etc) and developing a genuine bond with someone and being vulnerable around them and having them behave the same way towards you.

>> No.14341409

If you're going around fucking women but can't form a deep bond or whatever it is you want, then you aren't an incel. Incels are virgins. Find a different term to use.

>> No.14341424

exactly! even a terrorist pats his buddy on his back when the other fella goes out to blow up a train carriage and people all over the world can call him a hero if they feel like it. there's a romantic/heroic notion to proceedings. an incel who miraculously escapes inceldom turns into an enemy, a traitor, someone worthy of hate and who was never true. a sexual sellout. and if a normie ever learns about this supposedly reformed incel's history of identifying as an incel the latter's status will forever be tainted in their eyes, perhaps even be considered a defining trait and a lens to view all future behaviour through ("x said something vaguely misogynistic, i guess a leopard doesn't change his spots after all huh")

>> No.14341427

I wish we were all so sharp we really do suddenly discover this new social species, the incels, who are in dire straits and need a great intervention on their own jaded behalves. But why is it so obvious that this term only emanates from the most commercially positioned sources? Why is this genre largely so filled out by click-bait? Could this new term really only exist because it serves so well the algorithms and the supporting architectures (capitalism, poptimism, feminism, the singularity etc), the incels being the Disney-esque role of being the bad eggs to the broader cultural exercise? To the extent that we know
>not having much sex
is a bit different than celibacy, one wonders what degrees we are now arguing? What is the nonzero rate of sex that sends one into this new species? How bizarre already the discussion has become, which is like most contemporary Americana these days, taking it seriously is almost a side joke. Never constructed with rigorous review in mind, these ideas fall apart in front of you even while everyone clammors for their platform advantage by brandishing them. It's an incredibly empty exercise that teaches us little about the human beings left behind by our society, let alone young males, mentally unwell young males, who are also medically unserved and, as we now understand, culturally labeled as some odious other that becomes a kind of whipping boy for any misalignment with our perfectly peachy Pinkerist utopia.

>> No.14341445
File: 24 KB, 250x328, 30yr-old-virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only a true incel once you achieve wizardhood.

>> No.14341474


>> No.14341544

It's almost as if we now inhabit a society where notions of kinship, fellowship, and even citizenship have been brushed aside so that each consumer may be judged and ranked according to his or her willingness to serve technological advancement, which itself is teleologically committed to negating the need for human servants altogether. The idea that 500 years ago you were born into a relative limited geographical locale, remained on closer terms with your family, local neighbours and wider social and familial community and were for the most part content to remain among them seems absurd now, almost brutish in its simplicity.

Already the outsourcing of basic, largely unskilled work has undermined the idea that the unskilled working class man deserves to remain a member of society. The best he can do now is struggle against thousands of competitors to secure a minimum wage job in a retail unit, warehouse or one of the few remaining factories and cling to that job as though it were the only way he could plausibly survive in this socio-economic climate, rather than as a stable career which endowed him with respect and the necessary social status required to earn the romantic affections of a woman (who, quite naturally, yearn for stable, economically successful, socially validated partners). Even this man, and men like him know their jobs will be automated within the next decade or so, and this alone reduces any pride they may have in their job or in themselves for working it. And they know also that they will not gain in any way by being replaced, as the profits from a reduced staff payroll will just be concentrated within a small group of powerful individuals who will use much of that profit as capital to further automate things and develop technology further.

Eventually, more and more men will simply drown as the waters of progress continue to rise, until only the most sycophantic, self-effacing, hard-working or sheerly callous men are left earning the kind of money necessary to sustain a decent lifestyle. The rest will not be cared for and rehabilitated by the patriarchal figures within their community (or even their own family, considering how many men grow up with only a mother), but will treated as even more as annoying, pitiful, childlike, pathetic, weak, creepy, dangerous and any other pejorative term that one is likely to direct at oneself in moments of self-criticism. The only virtuous individuals left will be those who are completely invested in bringing about the advancement of technology with no thought of its effect on actual people who use it or are used by it.

>> No.14341594

Incels direct their sexual energy toward their computer screen. It's disastrous. You should force yourself to go out and do sport everyday, even if you are behind your computer screen hours each day. Incels don't have the willpower to do this, and are 100% behind the computer screen. Then they blame it on women, society, social networks or whatever. Objectively, incels are a good thing, because they reduce the world population. Indeed they won't reproduce. They are a new phenomenon, they are poor in life. Some are poor in material wealth, incels are poor in life. It's worse, because some poor people have a wife and children. Incels have nothing. They are nothing in the meatspace. They are totally absorbed by the virtual reality.

>> No.14341606

>Just play sports, bro

>> No.14341620

>Objectively, incels are a good thing, because they reduce the world population.

Would you rather live in a world populated by incels or Mohammeds?

>> No.14341622

depressing. I wonder what's wrong with women who get into porn, like what underlying psychological issue she has.

>> No.14341631

fucking kek is that real?

>> No.14341633

Come on now
Remaining a virgin till your thirties is virtually impossible for any man who isn't handicapped and/or severely deformed

>> No.14341636

Look at her Twitter timeline. She posts regular images of her ass, and tweeted recently about how an ex-boyfriend said his new girlfriend had a superior ass to her. She's been in therapy for two years and obviously has an eating disorder. Not sure what led to this kind of lifestyle but it's obviously not a healthy choice made by a sane, rational person invested in their own wellbeing.

>> No.14341637

Haha...yeah...fucking weirdos, am I right...haha...

>> No.14341638

so this is the power of science...

>> No.14341639

This is what normalfags actually believe

>> No.14341646

true, because virginity is forfeit as a result of masturbation. basically unless you were raised in a strict religious household you're doomed to be a coomer.

>> No.14341658

It seems like fiction has swung heavily towards female and minority authors. They're unlikely to write anything compelling about inceldom. If a book ever is published that is said to epitomize the incel phenomenon, I'm sure it'll be blamed for every subsequent mass shooting.

>> No.14341659

Are there actually virgins here that are older than, say, 25?

>> No.14341660

>virginity is forfeit as a result of masturbation
No one has ever believed this in the history of humanity.

>> No.14341666

Yeah, me.

>> No.14341673

I'm 22.

Although if I were to be honest with myself, I would be a virgin even 30 years ago, too.

>> No.14341676

Please explain, satan

>> No.14341679

except, you know, thomas aquinas

>> No.14341680

Strong depression since high school (I'm 30). Never made any efforts and never will.

>> No.14341685

Tell me where he states that male virginity is lost through masturbation. Female virginity obviously is if they penetrate their hymen.

>> No.14341689


>> No.14341690

So are you okay with it?
Because you could still fix it if you felt like doing so. It might be bit more humiliating and awkward than at the age of 25, but...

>> No.14341696

Fiction is definitely reserved for non-whites, women and left-wing homosexual at this point. Even the left-wing heterosexual bugmen are getting elbowed out of the limelight. Naturally, this means barely any literature of any worth has been produced in the past several years.

Could you even imagine something as quaint, complex, historically-rooted and time-consuming as Lord of the Rings being written and published today? Until around the late 1990s I'd say society still had a chance of establishing a kind of generational baton-passing, whereby each successive generation first read the works of their ancestors (whom they respected) before trying their best to continue their artistic legacy. At this point the past has been condemned and the future has been pre-established (ethnic replacement, technological domination), so all we are left to do is wait around to watch several historically unique events (such as voluntary ethnic replacement, virtual reality as consumer product, overpopulation) take place and hope that it at least makes entertaining viewing.

>> No.14341697

yes, 36

>> No.14341705

>So are you okay with it?
No, I'm not happy about it. But I'm aware that my mental state would ruin any relationship I entered.

>> No.14341710

But how? Do you have some kind of medical condition or something?

>> No.14341711

jesus christ shut the fuck up you spaz

>> No.14341714
File: 285 KB, 889x1126, 4a1ae45dbd7b95e0bbc738b1a287122795d81a3f1abd3875e366683b09b63e1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14341717

Find some femcel Anon
She will give no fucks about any kind of relation

>> No.14341719

The FUCK did you say!?!?

*tilts head, eyes bulging, breathing heavily*

>> No.14341726

there's gotta be 10,000 screeching incels for every known femcel

>> No.14341730

Women can't be incels. Save for the physically disfigured and the mentally unsound, a woman is always alone by choice.

>> No.14341735

>Save for the physically disfigured and the mentally unsound
Every female is mentally unsound. Trust me, I'm a Chad.

>> No.14341741

fellow chad here, i agree.

>> No.14341752

A cool wine aunt will have earned a gnarled & gruesome snatch so prolapsed that her drooping leathered labia appear as the glistening russet colored heads of turtles or like the strange proboscis of an eyeless subterranean mammal adapted to gulping silt or high-sand ratio marsh mud in either its search for tiny arthopod-derived calories or else burrowing some sort of nesting cavern to rest its cock-weary scabbard flapped face. A cool wine aunt has been dicked-down & dermatologically pulverized open by long prying motions from lengthy & pharmaceutically enhanced erections, slickly & snappily pistoning in & out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper, their veiny & thick tumescences disappearing into the given aunt with the cadence born of great cardio-pulmonary conditioning, slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt & cloaca with great steady vigors. Simultaneous penetrations, public perversions, emictions & eliminations upon the sweaty faces of paying clients, the cool wine aunt acquires knowledge of high & low slut stuff, cruising correctional facilities public parking lots for incarcerated males receptive to receiving the rippling petals of her gaping beef flower as a welcome-back-to-society gift, or, failing that, then descending into chemsex-fueled benders of nut butter-aided beastiality, emptying kennels of yet-tainted pup, using then hurling the not long ago unclean creatures tumbling tail over snout over the sides of bridges, overpasses, there relinquishing to nature the canine abominations that had scandalously tasted the aunt's vaginal victuals, lapping & schlopping the high calorie treat all the while the writhing cool wine aunt's brapper & snapper are each firing their climactic flatus like tolling bells, urging the pup on, loosing stools at climax as every women aches to do during their deepest orgasmic blisses, no skittish boyfriends to curtail their pleasure, the pup even gobbles up their kegel-launched logs & goes back to riveting clit work

>> No.14341762

>they all need to have sex and shut up.
i mean, the ugly blue-haired types you describe do in fact have sex. it's just with other ugly people in pigsty polycules.

i think you're broadly right, but sex isn't the cure these people need. it's healthy and honest social relationships that aren't based around politics.

>> No.14341778

I think the death of religion plays a large part in this phenomenon. In the past, incels could find spiritual fulfillment as monks, mystics, pilgrims, or missionaries. Nowadays that's just simply not a possibility for your run-of-the-mill western white male.

>> No.14341781

25 year old virgin but by choice since I’m a good Christian. In all probability will marry my new girlfriend next year.

>> No.14341783

Obvious to anyone not afflicted with a high measure of autism, any "cool wine aunt" will have earned a gnarled and gruesome snatch so scarified and prolapsed that her drooping leathered labia appear as the glistening russet or tawny or ruddy colored heads of turtles or large-lipped freshwater fish or like the strange proboscis of an eyeless subterranean mammal adapted to gulping silt or high-sand ratio marsh mud in either its search for tiny arthopod-derived calories or else burrowing some sort of nesting cavern to rest its cock-weary scabbard-flapped face. Make no mistake, any cool wine aunt has been dicked-down and split apart and dermatologically pulverized open by long prying motions from exceptionally lengthy and pharmaceutically enhanced erections, slickly and snappily pistoning in and out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper, those veiny and thick tumescences disappearing into the given cool wine aunt with the metronomic cadence born solely of great cardio-pulmonary conditioning, slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt and cloaca with great steady vigors. Simultaneous penetrations, public perversions, emictions and eliminations upon the sweaty faces of paying wide-mouthed "clients," the cool wine aunt acquires worldly knowledge of all high and low slut stuff, cruising correctional facilities' public parking lots for recently incarcerated males receptive to receiving the rippling petals of her gaping beef flower as a welcome-back-to-society gift, or, failing that, then descending into chemsex-fueled benders of nut butter-aided beastiality, emptying kennels of yet-tainted pup after predictable pup, using, abusing then hurling the newly unclean creatures tumbling tail to snout over the sides of bridges, and overpasses, there relinquishing to nature the canine abominations that had so scandalously tasted the cool wine aunt's vaginal victuals, lapping and schlopping the high calorie treat all the while the writhing cool wine aunt's brapper and snapper are each firing their climactic flatus like tolling bells, she’s thanking the pup, cooing and urging the pup on, even loosing bowel-punched stools at climax as every women aches to do during her deepest orgasmic blisses, no skittish boyfriends to curtail these womanly pleasures, the pup even gobbles up each kegel-launched log and goes back to riveting clit work.

>> No.14341788

I have some kind of psychological problem that I am only starting to address (literally called and spoke to a psychiatrist for the first time ever yesterday). It comes down to having a fear of rejection. Not an ordinary fear, which is healthy. But a fear that is so crippling that you begin to structure your life around avoiding situations where you might be rejected. To an outsider it probably appears like I just have social anxiety. I avoid social situations. I only have two friends, one of whom I see a couple of times per year, the other not at all. Even with the friend I do meet, I'm never the one to initiate to suggest that we meet up. He has to be the one to reach out. When I'm obligated to go to events where there are a number of people, for holidays, etc, I have to drink to be able to bear it. I almost always flush when responding to questions, even innocuous questions at work. Family thankfully don't even ask about what's going on in my life. I have a physical reaction when I even think of seriously talking to a woman, like my throat will constrict and I'll feel light-headed and my heart will race. I have no social life, no personal life. I'm completely dependent on my parents, despite being 36, despite making 90k per year, despite having a large savings (since I spend nothing on housing).

>> No.14341805

I was going to ask about your parents, as I assumed you may have been raised by a single mother.

Do / did you parents have a healthy relationship? Did they engage you as a child in conversation and encourage you to articulate yourself? Did they themselves have many friends that you saw around the house or whose homes you visited?

>> No.14341808

Not that anon but, is it really that hard to understand? I am simply too autistic; I overthink too much in every social situation, I am too awkward. In general, I'd say the problem is that I don't know how to use the language in a way that I'm being subtle enough to be suggestive and not awkward. Even if I wanted to approach to a girl, and if I wasn't shy (which I'm not) I would never know what to say. How do you start? What kinds of gestures, words do you say? To me it's a complete mystery, that's why I never could have a gf nor any romantic interaction

>> No.14341814

>tfw had sex and regretted it
i wish i was pure

>> No.14341839

My parents divorced when I was 7 or 8. My father got custody. My mother got a job overseas and lived out of the country for 6 years or so before moving back. When she was away I saw her at certain holidays and for some time during summer breaks.
I don't have any memories of my parents getting along. They didn't have people over often and we didn't really visit others.

>> No.14341855

Do you have male friends? The best way to meet a girl is by going out with male friends to a social meeting-place where girls are present. Then you get drunk, and eventually someone from either group will do something to begin a conversation between you, or even better the group itself consists of both young men and young women who have something in common (e.g. ethnicity, religious belief, locality, career industry). Then it's largely a matter of making sure that you are groomed to a high enough standard, are conducting yourself in a confident (this needn't mean you are loud and aggressive) manner, and that you aren't displaying signs of needing to be pitied or protected (slumped shoulders, crossed arms, mute wide-eyed staring). Then the magic of the situation is looking at a girl who you are instantly attracted to, and generally you will know when she looks back at you if she is interested. If you are both interested then believe me you will know it. It's like there's this instantaneous direct connection between all you are and have ever been with all she is and has ever been. That feeling, believe me, is absolutely priceless. From then on you just have to maintain confidence, realise you are the one who needs to make the moves, but be courteous and self-aware enough to delight in the subtle flirtation between you. This will consist of sneaked glances, intense if brief conversations away from the rest of the group, and then the process of talking to her via text or online, and gradually opening up to her, and meeting her by herself, learning more about each other, and then the stuff like kissing, holding hands etc which cements things. After that you meet her parents and she meets yours, and you feel like two kids who have spent their whole lives jumping through hoops and wearing appropriate if uncomfortable masks and sacrificing the present in the desperate hope that one day you would enjoy the intimacy that she and you are now sharing in a thousand conversations, nights spent sleeping beside each other, memories shared, fears discussed, victories celebrated, defeats consoled. Honestly believe me when I say that being in love, especially when you have reached a point where you acknowledge that the world is to a large extent a cold, vicious, confusing, brutal, merciless, sinister place, is like finding a tiny island of absolute warmth and tenderness amidst everything. It makes anything worthwhile, and knowing that your sacrifices are made for another person makes you in turn feel better about yourself for not just being a solipsistic, depressed, self-engrossed downer. There is nothing in this world that is even roughly equivalent to being in love with someone who loves you back. And I say that as a virgin.

>> No.14341867

I won't waste your time with amateur psychology, but I'm sure their breakup must have affected you and contributed to your acknowledged inability to properly adjust in such a way that you are living a fulfilling life.

May I ask about your highschool and / or college friendships? How did they form, and were they maintained? When you meet someone who seems happy, enthusiastic, joyful and mentally balanced how do you initially feel?

>> No.14341890

>Do you have male friends?
I had two "friends". For a couple of reasons they both stopped talking to me so for the past year I've been completely lonely. Only very recently, in the last two weeks, I've started attending meetings of a small political party which is a good excuse to talk with people about things I'm also interested in, such as politics, history, etc.

Your description of the process seems very genuine and accurate anon. I can only say that, until now, it has never happened to me to see that kind of interest in the girl or person that I'm talking with. My problem is that to me it seems impossible that meeting someone can be so spontaneous. I always think of it as a long and hard process that you have to carry and that it takes a lot of effort. This leads me to being extremely self aware of everything I say and express.

>> No.14341894

Yes, I was devastated by my mother leaving.

The two friends I have are both from high school. The one I still occasionally see I met in freshman year, probably in class or something. We only see each other when he calls and arranges to meet. The other friend from high school I might see once a year when he invites people to a bar for his birthday. Otherwise all communication is just through text. We weren't actually friends in high school. We someone became friends freshman year of college, despite attending different schools. I think it was through instant messenger.

When I meet someone who is happy I feel like they are oblivious, unreflective.

>> No.14341907

What do you think the happy people you meet are oblivious to?

And do you find any fulfilment in your current routine and hobbies, which I assume are experienced in isolation?

>> No.14341931
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Every Houellebecq book is about incels

>> No.14341934


>> No.14341936

how did you get your fancy job in the first place if you have such an intense fear of rejection

>> No.14341943

funny enough, most incels also have impossibly high standards, contracted by being online and only searching out exactly what they desire and jerking off all the time. they want cute slender virgin gfs who are either manic pixie dream girls or subservient tradwives and won't settle for anything less. they constantly rate women on a callous 0–10 scale, as if they wield any authority whatsoever. meanwhile they're insecure, boring as shit and usually well below average in the looks department themselves
wasting their life throwing phantom punches at all of the above when they really just need to find another boring homely person to date and fuck and marry or whatever

>> No.14341945

Two anons said it best in that recent thread with the incel guidebook.

>so is this just faggy lookism shit or what? someone should write a book about how incels and women are pathologically identical and obsessed with the same banal, inane and completely gay shit. they hate women because they hate themselves, they're a spitting fucking image, and that's why they're completely incompatible. opposites attract and all that, and incels are just women with dicks. kind of like trannies but somehow with even less self awareness if you can even begin to fathom such a level of delusion

>You nailed it. Men nature is to overcome, whatever the odds, and whatever the cost.
Incels are 20 something years old boys. Like women, they complain instead of take action. If a study was done on incels, i'll bet that most never actually did something hard in their life. No hard studies, no hard work, no competitive sport. Those who have success but stay away from women are actually volcels.
I don't have high esteem of females, but i have higher esteem of females who are into competitive sport, or manage a business, than those incel failures. They are nothing, and especially not men.
Incels are a failure in all aspects of their lifes. Not only women. It's very rare to find a small, ugly man who is a successful software programmer, business man, or whatever, but who qualify himself as an incel. Such a man will admit to his best friends that he doesn't have success with women, but he'll never identify himself with this failure with women. Incels are the male equivalent of feminists.They are the trash of the male population.

>> No.14341953

I think not all happy people are oblivious. I can see why someone who has a family might be happy and seem fulfilled. I'm just pessimistic about the culture. I hate life mediated through phones, even as I recognize the trait in myself. So much of life seems performative. Like people travel some place for the sake of taking a picture and putting it online. People fly to Paris seemingly to use their phone in Paris. If I go out to dinner I routinely see families all sitting at a table using their phones. They'd all rather be somewhere else.

My routine is the only way I function. When I am in my work routine I am on cruise control. Everything feels mechanized. No highs, no lows, just following the routine. I struggle with hobbies that aren't part of a routine. I go to the gym, I read, I will go for walks. My issues recently seem to be amplified when I do these activities. Any time I am alone my failure to be with someone just eats at me. So I'll drive to the book store and just start crying. I'll walk through the woods crying and lie down on the leaves. When I can contain myself in these activities, I walk around with a grimace on my face.

>> No.14341954


>You nailed it. Men nature is to overcome, whatever the odds, and whatever the cost.
>Incels are 20 something years old boys. Like women, they complain instead of take action. If a study was done on incels, i'll bet that most never actually did something hard in their life. No hard studies, no hard work, no competitive sport. Those who have success but stay away from women are actually volcels.
I don't have high esteem of females, but i have higher esteem of females who are into competitive sport, or manage a business, than those incel failures. They are nothing, and especially not men.
Incels are a failure in all aspects of their lifes. Not only women. It's very rare to find a small, ugly man who is a successful software programmer, business man, or whatever, but who qualify himself as an incel. Such a man will admit to his best friends that he doesn't have success with women, but he'll never identify himself with this failure with women. Incels are the male equivalent of feminists.They are the trash of the male population.

>> No.14341958

>i'll bet that most never actually did something hard in their life.

Most normies with average sex lives didn't, either.

>> No.14341959

Relatable unfortunately.

>> No.14341963

It isn't a fancy job. I only got my current role by working part-time for 7 years, working nights, weekends, overnight. I was eventually asked by my boss to do one of the more difficult aspects of his job, which I took over while still working part time. It was mind-numbing work that required almost no social interaction. Eventually I got sick of still only working part-time and started to explore leaving at which point I was offered a full-time spot. My boss was eventually transferred to another department due to some issues he had and I received his job because I was essentially the only candidate and they needed someone quickly.

>> No.14341968

what did you do then (7 yrs ago) and what do you do now?

>> No.14341975


>> No.14341978

nah,everyone hates furries too and they also hate themselves

>> No.14341982


And yet the guy who started it is an alt-right neo-nazi.

>> No.14341993

Do you ever try to meet a girls? I mean, financially you are in the top tier of eligible males and being 36 doesn't really matter as long as you're not expecting to meet a qt submissive 18-year-old.

Being pessimistic is fine, but ultimately those kind of mundane observations shouldn't bother you too much. There will always be people who are slaves to trends that are ugly and offensive to your ideals. But dwelling on those things, and using them as justification for pessimism, will just trick you into thinking that your way of life currently is correct and preferable to the perceived alternative. There are tons of women out there who just want to meet a guy they can talk to, laugh with, go see a movie with, care for, have sex with, and just share life alongside. External to any all-encompassing theory of perspective, a lot if not most people are just laid back and wanting to enjoy life and, beyond a certain age, help others enjoy it too.

It's the weekend, and I imagine you'll be spending it alone? Why not go home tonight, have a conversation with your parent which is positive and humorous, and then put on some clean, smart clothes and just head into the nearest town and order a beer at the bar? Everything will tell you not to, and ultimately collapsing into futility will seem the practical option, but why not just try it?

To be honest, I'm in a similar position to you, and I am trying to step out into the world also.

>> No.14341995

>all that moralizing about an amoral matter like sexual attraction

100% spooked. If you think that the only reason incels are incels is that they don't take action, or didn't do "something hard" in their life, you're delusional, or more likely, just dishonest and want to think of something basic like putting your dick in a pussy as proof of the strength of your character.

>> No.14342006

I worked then and now for a company that streams video. When I first started I was an operator who worked on whatever event we were streaming, basically working with whoever was directing the event to decide when to start it, end it, go to commercial breaks, etc. now I manage the department of people who do that job.

>> No.14342008

>i'll bet that most never actually did something hard in their life.
such as overcoming handicap?

>> No.14342019

But furries create furry communities, and are liked by fellow furries. Incels create white-hot rage everywhere and in everyone.

>> No.14342031

it gets worse:
read article 12, too.

>> No.14342032

>Still a very good story though

>> No.14342043

I don't try to meet girls. I've constructed my life to basically avoid the opportunity. The idea of going out and meeting someone just gives me anxiety. This sounds bizarre, but my ideal scenario is that I would just wake up one day and have a wife and a child there. Like I'd just be at step 2 and 3. Like I would have skipped the first step where I would possibly be rejected.

I understand my pessimism the same way you do. It's basically an excuse to myself for why I'm not social. When I form crushes it's always on girls who are essentially normal, who like all of this stuff that I tell myself I hate. I'm sure if I could get over my fear of rejection that I could find happiness with a person who is like that.

I'd like to meet someone. I'm just not capable yet. The physical reaction I have to these social situations is just too overwhelming at this point. It hits my body like a kind of survival instinct, telling me to run.

>> No.14342074
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>"Oh cool, you're volcel too?"

>> No.14342085
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5'7" broke narcissist
i know more memes than she does
NOT boring
big dick

I fuck now and then but don't place high value on it or relationships.

Story sucks. You should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. How dare you?

Nothing wrong with floor mattresses. Stop letting the petty judgments of little bitches control your mind.

>> No.14342087

>This sounds bizarre, but my ideal scenario is that I would just wake up one day and have a wife and a child there.

Naturally most people would enjoy this. But man come on, you need to either reject the idea of ever meeting someone except by chance (which you admit your life doesn't accommodate) or make a conscious decision that you want a girlfriend, or at least to experience intimacy etc, and then go about pursuing it like every other guy has to. Sure it's hard and embarrassing, but it's better to be rejected than to have never tried. Otherwise you'll end up old and either numb or bitter. Only you can control how you react to external stimuli. Seriously, it's the weekend, do at least one thing this weekend that will make it memorable and which involves interacting with another person or a group of people. Even if it's going to a takeaway place and asking the girl there how her week has been before ordering food.

>> No.14342198

you're clearly not literary if you haven't seen https://nplusonemag.com/issue-35/fiction-drama/the-feminist/ or keep up to date with the new york mags

>> No.14342220

that n+1 thing was crap and exactly the type of milquetoast shit one would expect from the establishment

>> No.14342224

>takeaway place

>> No.14342279

Doesn't sound too bad anon. Go to a shrink and get help, some of us need it. Life will turn around for you.

>> No.14342281
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>be incel
>writing great incel novel as we speak
>only have a few weeks to finish it before the end of the decade when incels become irrelevant again
Help guys

>> No.14342325
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>> No.14342335

just go on a shooting spree when the novel is done, that way you can both revive inceldom and get publicity at the same time

>> No.14342347

molested as a child usually and/or growing up with no strong father figure

>> No.14342367
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>> No.14342387

Simple it isnt true. Incels are a novelty we talk about for 20 minutes whenever one does a shooting or whatever and then no one cares

>> No.14342388


>> No.14342472

Travis isn't an incel, he's a deeply disturbed war veteran with a lot of irrational views on society that he developed due to isolation from being unable to reintegrate with mainstream society and only ever getting exposed to the worst scum in the city all the time. He would have fucked the kid when she came onto him if his bitterness was just about not getting his dick wet.

>> No.14342488

He's deffo an incel dude, don't be a faggot.

>> No.14342545

I think characters like Arthur, Travis, that guy from that French movie I forget the name of, etc. are something coterminal with incelibacy but are not necessarily incels. The roots of their issues are more complicated than just being bitter over virginity, but we like to write off these problems as just being symptoms of being an angry virgin so that we can ignore any broader problems in the world by ridiculing people based off traditional notions of masculinity and sexuality. Like making Taxi Driver a movie about not having sex misses most of its point.
Sorry if this is incomprehensible I am on a phone

>> No.14342604

Not really, they are incels because they want to have intimacy with women but can't. That's all there is to it. Added layers of issues don't change that basic fact

>> No.14343051

you should pay some hooker to tie you to a bed and rape you, that oughta do it

>> No.14343063

Incels and Transgenders are incidentally part of the same cultural movement, a unique aspect of which is their being utterly inept at artistic endeavors. The hippies didn't produce any great novels, either. The 2010s were a transitional period that the 2020s are going to correct with a vengeance.

>> No.14343086

I know you’re joking but someone always chimes in with this whenever I’ve talked about my problems. Of course if I wanted to do this I could. It’s just not a resolution to my problem. I want to be loved, not just fuck. Even ignoring that I doubt I’d be able to perform because of how my issues manifest themselves physically.

>> No.14343171

What an optimistic take. Things have barely even started. This coming decade is the Decade of the Incel.

>> No.14343177 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14343179

The official stance of the Church is that, while unchaste, a coomer who has never had sex is still a virgin. Aquinas wasn't right about everything.

>> No.14343182

Correct to what, you vague cunt?

>> No.14343224

>Objectively, incels are a good thing, because they reduce the world population.

I dislike incels as much as the next guy, but if your criteria of good is a slight reduction of population growth your argument is no better than a 5th rate pseudo journos. The incel demography isn’t exactly the one that is has a higher than 2.1 replication rate regardless and is a pitifully small part of the pop. It’s the hight of false extrapolation. Population problem is only a thing in third world places, most of the developed places where incels are don’t have that problem at all or have the opposite.

Also, if your end “objective” good is population control, I don’t think your too bright.

>> No.14343228

Sure, let me clarify: the 2010s were marked by a surge of cultural sentiment designating anything which might provoke or offend as precarious material that needed correction: in response to this you had many capitulating and creating 'diverse' (see: bland and homogeneous) material. Sentiments shift, and the division of ideology currently at play in the West is the first of the pushback. Once it regains some hold in the mainstream, as it eventually will, a tide of reactionary literature, film and music will arise and take to task the perpetually victimized. There are already those, like Michel Houellbecq and various Alt-Right Youtubers, who do this. My belief is that more will appear in the coming decade and receive a wider, more openly supportive audience. In the meantime, you may keep applying cream to the gash between your severed genitalia and cry wolf, faggot. Transgenderism is a fad that will pass.

>> No.14343278
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