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14340667 No.14340667 [Reply] [Original]

am i missing anything essential from my to do list? the leftist books are just to get a base/general understanding of leftist ideology so i can adequately argue against them.

>> No.14340681

This is pretty good, you should add Marx's Capital and The Wealth of Nations there too.

Im looking forward to some Esoteric Mysticist Neo-Fascist Nations in the new age desu

>> No.14340685


>> No.14340689

>Marx's Capital and The Wealth of Nations
good suggestions. that would cover the bases for everything i'd need to argue against.

>Im looking forward to some Esoteric Mysticist Neo-Fascist Nations in the new age desu
me too! it looks like iran is going to be a major player in the next few years, maybe even a super power, which is all very exciting.

>> No.14340703

If they dont get nuked by the American-Israeli-Saudi gang.

Iran is one of the few Middle eastern countries I would consider moving to, but it looks like its going to end up the same way Iraq did

>> No.14340718

i doubt america will pull out the nukes, and even if they do, nukes are largely over blown. also, russia has a strong backing of iran. an american-iran war could easily cause wwiii, which america will not fare well in, going by the millennium challenge 2002 and the recently released afghanistan documents. the future looks bright imho.

>> No.14340746

There's too much meme shit. What the fuck does the Quest for the Grail have to do with fascism? It's a literature study expounding on pre christian religious elements. The Fourth Political Theory is an explicit rejection of fascism. Then of course you include that glow in the dark Mason because you never actually read any of these books.

>> No.14340755

This should have been a 4th Position thread I think, or some sort of Neo-Fascism.

Classical Fascism is a meme

>> No.14340763

You're retarded and you have no idea what fascism is.

>> No.14340779

>What the fuck does the Quest for the Grail have to do with fascism? It's a literature study expounding on pre christian religious elements.
have you read anything that evola has written?

>The Fourth Political Theory is an explicit rejection of fascism.
it's really not. he is just creating a less nationalistic form a fascism, one that is more empire based in a sense. he has to reject the term fascism for purely legal reasons.

i highly recommend you read this short essay by mosely

honestly, just for the memes. those two books are something if i finish the rest by the end of the summer.

>> No.14340782

Kill yourself Nigger

>> No.14340791

Dosent Dugin support direct democracy though?

Or do you think hes doing it just for politics

>> No.14340796

that im not 100% sure on. his main thing is that he supports ethnic groups recreating metanarratives; everything else comes second to that goal.

>> No.14340849

>James Mason

>> No.14340855

as i said previously, it's mostly just for memes if i finish the rest in a timely manner.

>> No.14340903

Imagine being so cucked by an ideology that you would make up your mind before doing any critical thinking of your own.
Read important books and think for yourself

>> No.14340924

>that you would make up your mind before doing any critical thinking of your own
doing critical thinking got me to this point.

>Read important books and think for yourself
i read most of the iron march book "next leap," which despite not being amazingly written, did provide a good synthesis of fascist material and i found much agreement with it. now i am diving deeper into fascism.

i've also read (forgot to mention) "the green book" by gadaffi and half of "democracy the god that failed" by hoppe, so i've been exposed to other ideas. not to mention, im exposed to liberal-capitalism every day of my existence, considering that i live in america.

>> No.14341105

Can you all fuck off already

>> No.14341121
File: 689 KB, 923x1280, Boyd Rice Kowala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will be here until the end of time

>> No.14341126

>please feed my confirmation bias


>> No.14341136

three of the books i listed are leftist and i watch a lot of leftist media (vaush, majority report, etc)

>> No.14341438

Add Codreanu

>> No.14341447

This is an awful awful list.

>> No.14341462

Law and Authority is Kropotkin's better work, although leftists might disagree.

>> No.14341467

>metaphysics of sex
why don't you actually have sex instead of reading some incels opinions

>> No.14341513

ill probably get to him by 2021, unless I find the time to complete this list before then.


thanks for the suggestion. i figured that the bread book is kind of a meme. I’ll definitely look into it.

>> No.14342030

Are you Wignat Identity Movement?

>> No.14342052

mein kampf?
for my legionaries
maybe white power
pretty good list though desu Mason is not a meme, there are memes about his shit which are usually pushed out of context by people who have not read his books.

>> No.14342082

Prussianism and Socialism by Spengler

>> No.14342132

Literally none of these are fascist.

>> No.14342261
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>> No.14342765

it depends, are you a homosexual catboy?

thanks for the recommendations. i'm going to compile a second list for after i complete reading the current one.

>> No.14342840

oh sorry, i didn't realize this was a guy on twitter. no that is not me, but looking through his timeline, it looks like we see eye to eye on a lot.

>> No.14342861

Bhagavad Gita is so fucking good

>> No.14342862


Far right books are shit. Leftist literature is more interesting and more varied.

>> No.14342866
File: 38 KB, 678x525, apu thinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mussolini's "The Doctrine of Fascism" is not fascist.

>> No.14342868

Besides The Doctrine of Fascism, which one is actually fascist? These are just a hodge podge of general anti-liberal racism and mysticism which does not make them fascist.

>> No.14342873

I was exaggerating when I said literally none, but see >>14342868
That aside, none of these are explicitly fascist.

>> No.14342909

stopped reading there. into the trash it goes

>> No.14342910
File: 58 KB, 1485x1101, Apu Sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascism is rooted in other philosophical ideas that are important to understanding fascism in its totality. ok now i have to sleep. ive been up for like 22 hours.

>> No.14342911
File: 334 KB, 720x888, logically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right is actually far more varied as far as ideology goes.The left consists of near identical ideologies that simply pretend to be varied. The difference between Marxist leninism, Stalinism, Socialism, social democratic and communism is not even close to the difference between Monarchism, Fascism, Liberalism, Libertarianism, Democratic Nationalism, and conservatism which are all massively different in their own ways. The only one that even sticks out amongst the left is social democracy and that's just because its capitalistic. All the others are practically the same system with 1 or 2 differences. Comparable only to conservatism and liberalism on the right.
>Inb4 liberals aren't right wing

>> No.14342927

Yeah, it’s rooted in ideas which aren’t even on this list. Nothing dealing with idealism or national as a spiritual entity.

OP, these aren’t fascist. They are right wing, but they are not fascist. If you want to understand fascism, start with Hegel and German idealism. Then, read Croce and Gentile.

>> No.14343056

You braindead stormfags through fascist on anything that is vaguely anti-modern and gnostic on anything that is vaguely mystical.

>> No.14343545

James Mason is gay for jews

>> No.14343613 [DELETED] 

Reminder to ignore all pseudointellectual rhetoriticians and instead go and read the complete works of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripedes, Hesiod, Aristophones, Herodotus, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, the Beowulf poet, Chretien de Troyes, Marie de France, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Wyatt, Sidney, Percy Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Bacon, Novalis, Schelling, Schlegal, Hegel, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Goethe, Bunyan, Gibbon, Addison, Smollett, Milton, Johnson, Boswell, Emerson, Quincey, Burke, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Mary Shelley, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Moliere, Montaigne, Browning, Gray, Holderlin, Schiller, Shaw, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Colette, Duras, Dumas, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Poe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Walter Scott, Swinburne, Rossetti, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Hawthorne, Twain, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, George Eliot, Williams, Frost, Cummings, Crane, Stevens, Whitman, Plath, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Tagore, Manzoni, Peake, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Leopardi, Faulkner, O'Connor, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno, Bloch, Lukacs, Bakhtin, Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Andreyev, Bely, Bulgakov, Gonchorov, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Bloy, Pirandello, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Schwob, Casares, Bolano, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Carpentjier, Celine, Marquez, Unamuno, Gracq, Gide, Jarry, Camus, Conrad, Wells, Hardy, Salinger, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Bachelard, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Heaney, Auden, Hofmannsthal, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Bachmann, Jelinek, Lessing, Laxness, Simenon,Svevo, Levi, Buzzati, Quasimodo, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Babel, Schulz, Transtromer, Kertesz, Pavic, Andric, Grossmann,Sillanpää, Linna, Mahfouz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Blanchot, Perec, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Barth, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, DeLillo, Pynchon, McElroy, Soseki, Murasaki, Shonagon, Kawabata, Mishima, Akutagawa, Tanizaki, Dazai, Oe, Xinjiang, Yan, Kosztolanyi, Gombrowicz, Ishiguro, Eco, Coetzee, Auerbach, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Lyotard, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Steiner, Munro, Carson, Handke, Theroux, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Elizabeth Bishop, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

>> No.14343651 [DELETED] 

here's why that's a good thing

>> No.14344290
File: 1.75 MB, 1439x1623, 1544548062247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop doing this shit, you are like those myopic marxists that only read anything that agrees with their confirmation bias.
Any educated person should read a minimum of the western canon before even daring to call himself anything.
Yeah, this is a /pol/ list but it is really solid, the only fault that I find in it is that there aren't enough anarchists /socialists and that epistemology isn't really explored as deeply as it should.

Just add these books to the list in their corresponding time periods:
-Discourse on the Method + First Philosophy
-An enquiry concerning human understanding + The principles of morals
-Freedom and Possibility + Monadology
-Baumgarten's Metaphysics
-Prolegomena + Critique of Pure Reason
-The Unique and its Property
-Any communist/anarchist/socialist of the 20th century just to see how their reasoning evolves.

With this you can easily branch out to the "ideology" that you fancy the most.

>> No.14345285

i like this list up until you get to the liberal/enlightenment philosophy. all of that shit is really gay and boring.

>> No.14345291

None of those are fascist, except Evola

lmao this board is embarrassing

>> No.14345297

literally almost everything i posted relate back to evola's work. man, you leftists are embarrassing.

>> No.14345340

Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Conversation Between Adolf Hitler and Me, by Dietrich Eckart

This is actually the first book I recommend people read when they want to know more about National Socialism. Make sure to look up the footnotes, at least the ones referring to the Torah/Bible should be easy to get a hold of.

>> No.14345344

this is midwit and normie as fuck dude. read actual poetry and serious history

>> No.14345363

sounds very interesting, thanks.

>read actual poetry
do you have a list of byron (or just romantic poets in general) works to read? i remember quite liking their stuff when i read them in my english 102 class.

>> No.14345395

read homer and all narrative epics dude. you need to grasp what a united cultural identity is before you become a fascist

>> No.14345403

So unironically this >>14343613

>> No.14345427

yea I mean thats kind of ridiculous but do you want to know what youre talking about or not? You need to know history, I cant express this enough. And actually after looking at that list its mostly modern trash. Go to your nearest academic library and start reading about the civilizations of the world and the artistic ideas expressed in them.

>> No.14345464

well if you want to read some fascist poetry, check out Tikkun Olam by Leo Yankevich.

>> No.14345515

Reading this atm.

Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt and Ernst Junger are worth checking out.

>> No.14345647


>> No.14345670

>modern trash
t. philistine. added to the fact that you consider an incel ideology like fascism. you are a lost cause. consider suicide.

>> No.14345745

No Blavatksy? Da fuk nigga

>> No.14345770

wasn't she a hack?

>> No.14345771

>her der it doesn't literally say fascist in the title or isn't a well none person that self identified as fascist so how can it have anything o do with fascism political philosophy

You are a moron you should be embarrassed, btw you shouldn't make it so obvious you have no idea who Devi is as well

>> No.14345775

Hell no my niggus, her work was basically the entire foundation of the occult base of the third Reich. The Sect Doctrine is fire bro

>> No.14345780

>The Sect Doctrine
that is a 1500 page book. you gotta provide some evidence that it is worth reading.

>> No.14345814

lol dont read it then I am not your nanny IDGAF you made the thread asking the question

>> No.14345989


>> No.14346233

thank you to the anon who recommended law and authority. i found time today to read the essay, and i found it a good summary of kropotkin's ideas.

>> No.14346905

He’s also Albanian. Its why i asked.

>> No.14346915

Second thought, he’s Armenian. Nvm.

>> No.14346927

Liberals aren’t RW and Conservatives are liberals/libertarians so they aren’t either.

>> No.14346935

>“Durrr, author X isn’t genre X”
>*doesn’t post any authors they think are genre X*

Go fuck yourself contrarian.

>> No.14346949

And what ideology do you follow?

Judging by how triggered I’ll guess DSA

>> No.14347045
File: 49 KB, 421x323, Yes+hello+do+not+bulli+_e7b799b99e4c961215a28d136f3c1afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that you don't like the authors that spawned the socioeconomical environment in which you are currently living. They more or less say the same shit with minor variations but you should still read them as their arguments are still being used today, specially by """conservatives"""

>> No.14347069

based! i love system of a down.

left and right wing are retarded categories that no one has good definitions for.

>I'm sorry that you don't like the authors that spawned the socioeconomical environment in which you are currently living
i already get the arguments for the most part. there isn't a large degree of complexity behind them and their advocates are pretty retarded. i'm more focused on learning about leftist and post-structuralism, as they tend to have more thought out positions and can [at least sometimes] debate well.

>> No.14347113
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evola would never have admitted it but his worldview in revolt against the modern world is deeply similar to blavatsky's - if he was not directly influenced by her it is clear they have genealogically similar roots (blavatsky was influenced by hyperborean esotericism and nietzsche). her book is a bit of a mess but it spawned lots of offshoots (like ariosophy. see: guido von list) that ended up influencing the third reich directly.

>> No.14347116

Would you say The Histories is also essential?

>> No.14347140

>Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Conversation Between Adolf Hitler and Me, by Dietrich Eckart
Was never finished and is almost universally agreed to be a work of fiction, that is Hitler being somewhat of the Socrates or Glaucon to Plato.

>> No.14347149

the thing about post structuralist arguments is that they are almost never rooted in some deeply held, actionable belief about reality, but in skepticism alone, so when debating someone using such arguments you have to find a way to point out why their skepticism is unfounded based on how they conduct themselves, and how any ethical imperative based on their main premises (facts dont real, what even is objective reality lol) is impossible. most of their arguments are just dressed up personal attacks (lol u only dislike fat clowns raping kids in libraries because u were raised to dislike it bigot) so you have to get dirty with them and expose them for what they are. never anticipate they will engage with you looking for truth or something like it.

>> No.14347209

Well, some people might not like my opinion but I would say that no greek historiographical work is really important. I always felt that the inclusion of the Peloponnesian war wasn't that good of a choice when you are leaving out Plotinus, Hume, Schopenhahuer, etc
Metaphysics/epistemology/ontology are the foundations of any political system and it's pretty damm obvious that lots of authors sidestep this issue because of fear of having their systems crumble down.
Sorry for the blog, still if it interests you just go ahead but they aren't really that essential.

>> No.14347600

However hard you try, /lit/ will not become /leftypol/ 2 lol