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14338303 No.14338303 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ keep up with the times? Do you subscribe to major publications like the NYT, WSJ and WaPo? Or literary magazines like the New Yorker and Paris Review?

>> No.14338315

I don't. I figure if it's truly important enough, I'll hear about it in passing, and if I don't, then I'll deal with the consequences of my voluntary ignorance.

>> No.14338496

I would really like to know what people do. Most sources I see have the same modern trightness and smarminess of attitude to them. I just want a serious unsentimental source om things that outline the facts and give what the major opinions of those facts are. If they are partisan I would like both. If it is not necessary I would like none and form my own.

>> No.14338502

This, do not consume any news media.

>> No.14338515


>> No.14338526

I browse 4chan you fucking moron.

>> No.14338536

people who "subscribe" to "publications" are actively aiding and abetting the corporate media crooks and should - nay, WILL be lined against the wall

>> No.14338544

Thank you.
Idk I type fast.

One thing though, this explicitly is about partisan stuff. I was kinda thinking of that only as necessary. So for bills and stuff. If they are talking about certain events that don’t need partisan coverage I’d rather not have it in the first place since things are rarely yay or nay outside of again politics and bills.

>> No.14338551

Why are there so many false flag butterflies today? You really need to work on act. You are coming off more abrasive than passive aggressive and smarmy.

>> No.14338557
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I like The Economist.
I also read Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Financial Times only because I have to for work.
I get these all paid for by my employer. The Economist is based af and has the coolest covers. Besides that, the other 3 are just full of shit and political garbage that I barely read unless it involves monetary/fiscal policy of some sort.

>> No.14338609

Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for when I said not partisan focused. I knew there was some newsletter I liked, but I forgot the name.

>> No.14338626

>the rothschild mouthpiece is based af

>> No.14338633

You're welcome.
As far as newsletters, I read The Water Coolest, Robinhood Snacks and The Morning Brew every morning.
hey lean a bit liberal and it's more of a collection of links to other news articles with a few sentences of facts. Also they are finance/business concentrating with a bit of politics.

Each is about a 3-minute read sent out at around 5 am EST, but helps you be kept in the loop as far as capitalism goes.

>> No.14338661

hoped you posted this with a vpn, the cia is after you! The big deep state patriarchy is coming for your $5.36 wells fargo checking account! Watch out for the man in the big nose!

Go back to /pol/, we don't need your fairy tales, old prospector.

>> No.14338773

Good to know. I personally lean slightly right politically, but I guess I might be described as a classical liberal, although I fancy myself a relativist. Though I can enjoy anything from Marx to Guenon as long as it isn’t an ideologue shoving it down my throat. With a defined difference between is and ought.

I’ll definitely look into it, thanks.

>> No.14338782

rothschilds own 21% of it retard

>> No.14338865

I go on KiwiFarms and look at the Articles & Happenings subforum. It's exactly the smae thing but it includes a method to discuss it right then and there, which is the whole reason why the press is and always has been and will be propaganda for their financiers: reading is great but having a place to discuss what you read is even better. I sometimes bring it up in conversations with friends who I talk to regularly.

>> No.14339297
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>How does /lit/ keep up with the times? Do you subscribe to major publications like the NYT, WSJ and WaPo? Or literary magazines like the New Yorker and Paris Review?
Yeah, because I really want to hear what some Jewish Brooklynite thinks about current events or books.

>> No.14339457

>marx to guenon
what the fuck?
the economist is a neo liberal shill pamphlet. staying up on current events, etc., unless its for your job, is an embarrassment. you should be proud to be ignorant of this shit

>> No.14339487

I only trust Wikimedia

>t. NPC

>> No.14339491

i for one am happy more people use this stupid tripfag's name, the more people that do, the closer we come to how it used to be, everyone equal

>> No.14339511

i don't use social media to be social so i just use facebook and twitter to follow virtually everyone, from cnn, buzzfeed and genuine communists, to fox news, breitbart, RT and genuine fascists. then you get every side of the story and draw your own conclusions.

it's actually insane how much shit i would never have heard of it it wasn't for fuckin buzzfeed, for example. i'm thoroughly convinced this is how they all play the game - only giving each market/subculture etc. the info they want to give them, see: 'microtargeting'

>> No.14339526

fuck off namefag. we are all living in history, you might as well pay attention just like how you pray to your cumsock that you wish you lived in '20s paris.

>> No.14339532
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give it up retard

>> No.14339537

do you not know who i am? lurk moar

>> No.14340408

I read WSJ on RSS, and if I need unbiased clarification of some issue I go on the chans.

>> No.14341052

>but I guess I might be described as a classical liberal, although I fancy myself a relativist.
Oh no no no

>> No.14341115


>> No.14341123


>> No.14341139

WSJ could be considered as credible, but you must be cautious with opinion pieces. No other acceptable big source. Use Twitter and don't forget to doublecheck.

>> No.14341155

They all lie. When an occurrence of importance occurs I try to draw from as many sources as is possible to get the closest to the reality of the situation as is possible without having experienced it myself.

>> No.14341156
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Financial Times ("What's news" on vk.com) and a bunch of communist publications ("Le prolétaire", "The Communist Party", "Il programa comunista" etc.)

>> No.14341168

I also subscribe to Geopolitical Futures, they usually do a good job of cutting through the nonsense and analyzing what different groups want, why they want those things and how they are motivating/influencing current events.

>> No.14341170

yeah it's basically reality tv entertainment at this point.

>> No.14341175

>Do you subscribe to major publications like the NYT, WSJ and WaPo?

Why? You can tell exactly what their position is and what they will say next.

If you want to understand the world you're better off reading old books.

>> No.14342438

For me it's le monde diplomatique

>> No.14342594

I almost never read Jew2Goy propaganda websites like NYT, El País, WELT, Tagesthemen, 日テレ and so on. Typically, I'll read a Jew2Jew website like JTA, Forward.com or Haaretz, pick one headline that interests me, read the article and always do additional research on it, e.g. checking if there's anything on wikileaks on the topic, looking up the people involved, or simply reading up on history.
I may also check Goy2Goy publications like Democracie Participative, Counter-Currents.com, 三橋TV or Occidental Observer for additional commentary.

Whenever we discuss anything that's on the news at work or whatever, people are always amazed by all the details I know about the story that they had no idea about, because most of them are monolingual NPC's who just watch TV news or will read a newspaper article and take it all at face value.

>> No.14343483

How many languages do you speak anon?

>> No.14344781

I'm a fluent speaker of Japanese and German.

In addition to that, I understand enough Spanish, French, and Dutch to read things like newspaper articles in these languages, and can somewhat make sense of related languages like Portuguese, Italian, Yiddish and Taiwanese-style (traditional) written Chinese.

>genuine fascists
I'm curious, who do you mean by that, specifically? Ben Shapiro, Sargon and Jordan Peterson aren't fascists.

The only genuine Fascist I can think of who still has a notable social media presence on mainstream sites is Mark Collett, everyone else has been kicked off of basically everything other than Bitchute and Gab quite a while ago. If you do want to hear some hot takes from a fascist with a brain, check out Eric Striker's work.

>> No.14344797

>subscribing to partisan disinfo mouthpieces

>> No.14344803

/pol/ is UNIRONICALLY the best place to find out about current events if you know how to separate Shitpost from fact.

>> No.14345610

Wikipedia & BBC World News for online coverage. NHK World News for TV coverage. And rarely, NPR for radio coverage. I used to read my local paper and the Los Angeles Times, but the price is outrageous now for newsprint.

>> No.14345620
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>caring about the news