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/lit/ - Literature

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14334641 No.14334641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she the oldest /lit/izen? have been seeing her tripcode for years now

>> No.14334646

I forgot she had those jahumbas...

>> No.14334648


>> No.14334650

You also forgot she looks like a man.

>> No.14334656

I mean she's not a great beauty, but this tranny stuff is a recent invention afaik. She's not particularly mannish, just old

>> No.14334665

No, are you fucking kidding me? I used to post here 5-6 years ago and ever since I returned I’ve noticed the quality of discussion has taken a complete nosedive

>> No.14334672
File: 78 KB, 933x1118, Wojak mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a man dude.

>> No.14334674


>> No.14334679

Getting Terry Davis vibes from that grin

>> No.14334682

Nice tits bro

>> No.14334684
File: 110 KB, 1900x283, 1574112281102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14334688

/lit/ wasn't great 5-6 years ago either. 2015-2018 is its peak

>> No.14334691

Nah we have a few old folks.
The 80 yo German grandpa, that 60~ yo librarian, that one Hermit from Eastern Europe

>> No.14334692

So you're telling me those old pics are of a man prior to HRT? A likely story...

>> No.14334695
File: 1.06 MB, 943x1281, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14334697

what books should i read to get a gf like this?
preferably exactly specifically the pic related

>> No.14334700

look at the state of these absolute LADS

LADS there's a female poster on the board

did you know? he/she/it really is here amongst us

amongst've the LAAADS

8- - - -D

>> No.14334706


>> No.14334708

>8- - - -D

fug, muh pepe

>> No.14334710
File: 266 KB, 994x340, 8168152991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just doing my duty

Proof Butterfly is a Jannie/Jezebel spammer:

>Anon writes a scathing post in a thread about moth
>Post gets removed
>Anon retypes his post and archives the thread

>Post gets removed again
>Anon gets a temporary ban while mods review janitor's report
>Anon archives thread again

>Anon in another thread tries using butterfly symbol in his name
>He gets banned
>Another anon tries and also gets banned
>both threads are suddenly removed

>Butterfly admits to Jezebel posting in the first thread which gets removed

The Next day (Currently):
>Anon posts evidence of all this
>Post gets removed
>Anon reposts evidence and archives again

>> No.14334726

Is she herself a janitor or something?

>> No.14334733

Tripfags are eternally shit, what else is new.

Also, you don't want insecure arthoe bookheads as gf's, they'll continue giving you shit all the fucking time to test your virtue until you finally have enough and break up with them, after which they'll blame everything on you as their "manipulative ex".

She probably gives e-blowjobs to them on IRC or something. Fags gonna fag.

>> No.14334742

I've been here since the beginning unfortunately, so I assume there are many of us.

>> No.14334745

The absolute state of thirsty beta faggots

>> No.14334749


>> No.14334750

Oh my god! Offtopic posts got deleted! Such abuse of power!

Go back to /x/

>> No.14334761

boohoohoo, but mummy, there's a girl on my literary board and i wanna be like the others boys, don't make me play with the girls they're so gross, weeeeeeeeeeeehhh
>can somebody recommend a book how to understand the psychology of a female mind, more specifically so i can feel less lonely?

>> No.14334772

Ladies and gentlemen, this is tranny bug. The language always gives it away. Never fails. Stop being a coward and be consistent with your trip.

>> No.14334806

This might be the saddest, most pathetic thread on all of 4channel.

>> No.14334824

Ha. Hahahaha.

Don't go to /r9k/.

>> No.14334832

It kinda is. I come here to talk about lit related topics not to gossip. Everybody who participated in this thread b4 me shud neck themselves.

>> No.14334833

> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE
bitch cunt I murder you

>> No.14334837
File: 95 KB, 615x615, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag cocksucking thread
/lit/ is officially dead.

>> No.14334843

I can recognise you from your style mothcunt

>> No.14334846

That is 4chan bud, this is 4channel.

>> No.14334862

why use a tripcode in other threads and then post here anonymously? nobody wants you here

>> No.14334886

She might be. Gasbro has only been around for about 5 years

>> No.14334888
File: 16 KB, 500x375, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14334914

Not her and have never used a trip, but these threads make me seriously consider it.

>> No.14334923

the amount of sheer paranoia they create is hilarious

>> No.14334974

And a new tripfag is born. Thanks for the motivation thread.

>> No.14334996

Make that two!

>> No.14335003

please tell everyone from now on you are femanons. PLEASE! PLEASE!!!!

>> No.14335011
File: 128 KB, 208x214, 2345236234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are newfags obsessed with her? Tripfags just want attention, which you guys are giving her plenty. If you really dislike her, ignore or filter.

>> No.14335017

thats a man baby

>> No.14335022
File: 96 KB, 328x322, bring it around town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are newfags obsessed with her?
the spin doctor has entered the room

>> No.14335028

I wish that were the case, but sadly, I was born with a dick and I just do not seem myself going through all the work it would require to get that taken care of. I guess I am a tranny that lacks motivation and follow through, just accepts life as the man. It is not so bad, but I do want tits.

>> No.14335032

You realize that the person writing as butterfly isn't even the uggo from the picture. It's literally some weird guy using her as an avatar.

>> No.14335042

t. femanon

>> No.14335044

Butterfly needs to be range banned badly

>> No.14335052

People were calling her a tranny in 2014.

I'm older than butterfly here, but as far as tripcodes she may be the oldest.

>> No.14335053

While I’m not one to incite hate on some bitch that posts on the internet. I don’t and will never understand idealizing someone on the internet, but at the same token it’s 2019 and people live for this shit. I never see any actual discussion here, I get it takes awhile to finish a book, and the chances of a high percent of people reading it is low but why not do chapter analysis? Character discussion ? It has potential to be a good resource because there are some smart people. Maybe the pseudo to genuine ration is to high idk. Stop caring about image and just read some fucking books.

>> No.14335057
File: 12 KB, 300x207, 1473009154584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butters has been posting for years and has been tolerated or simply ignored. You retards have only been making daily threads about her for a few months. It's obvious to everyone that you are desperate newfags trying to fit in. It's embarrassing.

>> No.14335065

>Also, you don't want insecure arthoe bookheads as gf's, they'll continue giving you shit all the fucking time to test your virtue until you finally have enough and break up with them, after which they'll blame everything on you as their "manipulative ex".
Holy shit, this 100% happened to me.

>> No.14335066

Your the boss!

femanon checking in, post #4 of the new trip.

>> No.14335071

>not using the trip code explorer to get a cool trip


>> No.14335081


Based fuck that ugly butterface

>> No.14335085

Same with me, everytime i posted m*thnigger, it suddenly disappeared.

>> No.14335098

I don’t believe the rumors. Someone so humorless simply has to be a woman.

>> No.14335099



>> No.14335101

I like soup.

>> No.14335115

Is that onision

>> No.14335116

omg some1s triggered lel

>> No.14335215

Wait isn’t that the hit or miss girl??

>> No.14335529


>> No.14335550

didn't read also you're white

>> No.14335559

Huh, never considered that possibility. Either way he(?) always obviously had a mental illness

>> No.14335560

Butterfly's been posting on this site for a decade, dude. 5 years isn't much.

>> No.14335564

Oh, anon...

>> No.14335566

this was confirmed fake

>> No.14335580

I don't get the hate. She seems polite, I get that she's an attention whore but still.

>> No.14335620

lmao at the seething BIDF posters

>> No.14335621

She's a nice woman but she talks about philosophers and boiks she admits she's never read and used to reallt act like an Amazing Atheist tier cunt about any religious thread.

>> No.14335638

No. That would be D&E and rapture, the former only showing up once every now and then and the latter having dropped his trips after throwing a temper tantrum and dropping is irl professional email. 100% convinced current butters is some retard who went on fukka and hijacked the symbol from old butters who dropped off around 2013-14. He’s just gaslighting everyone and is indeed a tranny.

Oh yeah and Tao still posts on here so thatd make him pretty old as well.

>> No.14335644

>I don't get the hate
Considering how much open misogyny is posted on this board, the persona of a gay woman is bound to attract the most rabid of the morons

>> No.14335647

Only a retard would believe this. While 2014 and 2017-18 were peaks in their own right, 2011-2012 /lit/ had actual intellectual autists who held semi meaningful discussion.

>> No.14335696

2014/15 is when all the best memes came around.

>> No.14335749

Lol you said misogyny not out of gest on /lit/ what a redditfag

>> No.14335784

>Oh yeah and Tao still posts on here so thatd make him pretty old as well.

How do you guys know this?

>> No.14335805

This is a great pose. It really makes people think that you have so much depth, when in reality, you’re just a typical attention seeking whore.

>> No.14335813

She actively derails author threads and critique threads to spout Marvel-tier zingos about communism and reddit-atheism. She also says shit like "derriere" and "nice rear ends" and that always just fucking creeped me out.

>> No.14335832

I'm pretty sure butterfly is also erisomniquery the discordian/whitehead schizo. I suggested the possibility in a thread a few weeks ago where butterfly had posted a principa discordia related reaction image, and the post was immediately deleted.

>> No.14335838

Butterfly is also :3.

>> No.14335842

Eris is also a confirmed tranny too

>> No.14335844
File: 109 KB, 600x400, Racist_on_4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm 56...
Married, too. I remember being in my teens and twenties, though, and can appreciate the desperation-over-sex posting I often see here. (So far as sex goes, becoming a musician helps a lot in getting laid. Also patience.)

>> No.14335854
File: 127 KB, 657x527, 593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man hips.
The best way to avoid the Traps is to go with the broads...

>> No.14335866

Damn, Jesus, I wonder what that pussy taste like

>> No.14335867

We need to have BHFly day and EVERYONE use the Butterfly symbol that day.

>We are all Butt Hurt Flies now..

>> No.14335869

>still posting about this
Get help, anon, you aren't well

>> No.14335870

I'm interested in that hermit, who's he ? Same for the German what's peculiar about them ?

>> No.14335873

Low iQ energy

>> No.14335931

Gasbro since about 2015

>> No.14335942

Imagine being this obsessed. Pathetic thread. Kys all of you.

>> No.14335944

1) I've been browsing /lit/ for longer than her. I remember that during my first two years (more or less) she wasn't here.
2) She doesn't read.
3) She is completely retarded.
4) She is an attention whore.
5) Fuck her.

>> No.14335951

Oh and here's another thing. She claims to be an acolyte of Stirner but is the biggest moralist piece of shit on this website.

>> No.14335960

She can't grasp philosophy, anon.

>> No.14335979


>> No.14335990


>> No.14335999
File: 38 KB, 900x900, 1547273150203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit we've been rused

>> No.14336002

It's just a coping fantasy of hers. She likes to pretend that she's aloof and says things like"Oh, you silly boys" but she lost her shit any time someone implied women were inferior writers.

>> No.14336002,1 [INTERNAL] 

100% false.
I dropped out in 2015. I am indeed she and not your tranny bugaboo

Your complaints are amusing.

I haven’t been to any discord chats in several years, and I am most certainly not that 3face guy

I don’t think you understand Stirner or philosophy