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File: 97 KB, 850x400, quote-i-think-it-s-wrong-ladies-and-gentlemen-for-anybody-to-to-be-terrorized-out-of-investigating-george-lincoln-rockwell-72-14-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14326712 No.14326712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

there probably is not a single post modernist american as ballsy and as dedicated to the free exchange of thought as this man

>> No.14326757


>> No.14326782

He kind of punches off the checklist of a typical poltard except he's for free speech. Makes me skeptical that he's not a thinking man. Granted if he and Benjamin Franklin were born in each other's place, they might end up where each other did. Time is weird.

>> No.14326800
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Rockwell was so damn insanely based that the alphabet niggers had to use one of their inside guys to take him down. Commie cucks still to this day SEETHE about him.
Remember /lit/, without a burning hatred for what you love, love means nothing.

>> No.14326816 [DELETED] 


He is cut from the same cloth as the founding fathers. Liberals themselves think this, when they call them nazi white supremacists. They're right. Only these are the qualities that made the America and the West great.

>> No.14326824


He is cut from the same cloth as the founding fathers. Liberals themselves think this, when they call them nazi white supremacists. They're right. Only these are the qualities that made America and the West great

>> No.14326829

the thing about rockwell is that he is less philosopher, more guy in the street fighting for what he believes in. handing you a pamphlet and offering you a hand to join him.
that is essentially all he did throughout his political career, to a point where it was actually the achilles heel to the movement.
he was undoubtedly fringe, he had a good reason for being so in that he wanted the topics he discussed to be part of mainstream discussion and it was the only way to get people to hear about his ideas in a society controlled by mass media in a pre-internet time.
but to everyone else he sounded like a mad man rambling about a future collapse that was never to come.

no matter what you think about him or his views, he was as prophetic in predicting the future of the united states as spengler was to germany.

>> No.14326837

Where to start with him?

>> No.14326975
File: 14 KB, 183x275, wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read his wikipedia page, as well as listening to any number of the speeches he gave on college campues. then read white power if you're still interested in him.
the title sounds like blatant stormfaggotry, and in many ways the ANP was certainly the precursor to it.
agree with it or not, but the book offers a very important perspective on the shit show that was american politics in the 1960s.
the objective of the book is to shed light on certain facts (or at the very least those in which rockwell considered to be facts) and to encourage the reader to do more research themselves on the state of contemporary american politics.

if you would listen to any speech he gave on campus, he would lecture on how he may not be right. how he may be the biggest phony lying nazi bigot to stand on a podium since adolf hitler. but, he would retort: "don't you think you have the right to hear what i have to say?" if he's wrong, you sure as shit should be the one to decide that for yourself. not the state, not the media, not any institution.
the man had revolutionary spirit, he was no coward. he criticized and conjured up solutions to every problem he believed plagued american society at the time. he also genuinely believed that if everyone was informed of what he believed to be the turth- everyone would rally behind him and march with him.
had he presented himself as more of a serious politician than a flamboyant provocateur then he would have had much more support with the general american public. in fact, he did begin to shift his image by the time the late 60s were rolling around. of course, he would only end up getting shot.

if you are looking for theorem, then reading anything he wrote wont do much good unless you're seriously interested in american nazism. otherwise, the book is worth the read on the writing alone (guy knows how to keep someone hooked) and also the fact that rockwell is just an interesting character.


>> No.14327029

Get this pseud out of here. Who the fuck actually falls for this sophistry.

>> No.14327041

Teenagers, mostly.

>> No.14327047

glr is a lot of things but he certainly isn't a pseud
at least tell me what his ideas are and why you think he's wrong.

>> No.14327055

lol exactly

>> No.14327065
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>> No.14327070
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>> No.14327093

>gets shot by fellow Nazi
All's well that ends well

>> No.14327094

There sure was nothing German about the American Nazi Party. Rockwell was flamboyant and spectacular, more interested in attracting attention and offending sensibilities than acting thoughtfully. Everything he did was excessive and parodic of the original Nazi Party. Maybe he didn't have any choice, he was working in America. Thought doesn't go very far there. Still the cartoonishness of something like the "Who needs niggers" record label and the so-called Stormtrooper barracks betray how empty American racial thought is. You'd be much better off reading Schmitt or Nolte.

>> No.14327101

When the kids of 4chan finally grow up, they're going to be really embarrassed they spend their formative years LARPing as Nazis.

>> No.14327110

rockwell along with the ANP was not german nor did they they want to be.
again, he was provocateur and that is a legitimate criticism, but within the context of what was the situation at the time, he had to do it. his main goal was to get his word out as far as possible, and to engage in public discourse with those who challenged his views (and the establishment never would)

can you tell me what he says in particular you disagree with?

>> No.14327114

>can you tell me what he says in particular you disagree with?
That whitness should be a political movement.

>> No.14327135

there is no political movement in whiteness and whiteness alone.
the fact is that rockwell, as well as many people at the time wanted to keep the european majority demographic in the u.s.a

you cannot have the nation, without those in which it was cultivated and maintained.

>> No.14327138

>the european majority demographic in the u.s.a
But some Jews are European

>> No.14327147

just read his wiki

jesus christ mods you allow this kind of shit to add up on lit but purge kafka threads albeit with 10 posts.

>> No.14327157

Yeah you can

>> No.14327168

well depending on who you ask they could be, however i have not met any jew who considers themselves to be jewish that does not consider themselves to be a jew first and foremost whether it be religiously or ethnically.
mods delete shit that is reported sometimes without giving a glance. they are also faggots.
anon, a japan without japanese would not be japan at all

>> No.14327172

>however i have not met any jew who considers themselves to be jewish that does not consider themselves to be a jew first and foremost whether it be religiously or ethnically.
Same with Italian-Americans or Albanian-Americans etc. though or no?

>> No.14327180

Yeah it would be

>> No.14327205

yes until like 6th generation

>> No.14327206
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i don't know of any italian americans who would put their italian nationality over their american nationality. it was rare even in the second world war when the united states was at war with italy.
considering the fact that there is no hostility between italians or americans, it would be even less of an issue today.
such is not the case with zionists.
no, it would not.

>> No.14327216


>> No.14327294
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>you cannot have the nation, without those in which it was cultivated and maintained.
Damn right.

>> No.14327321

neither I or rockwell deny the fact that native americans were forcefully taken out of their lands and genocided.

they did not build this nation, nor did they cultivate it. they committed atrocities among one another just as we have on them, and just as their ancestors have against other peoples long before any european set foot on the americas.
unless you think one should be held accountable for the crimes of their forefathers- i inherited this land by chance and i intend to bring a better tomorrow for my own children.

>> No.14327369

Maybe if the Native Americans had been more tolerant and inclusive they would have survived. What exactly are libs trying to do with this analogy? The message is “fight and win or die”

>> No.14327383

>considering the fact that there is no hostility between italians or americans, it would be even less of an issue today.
There's no hostility with the typical American and the typical Jew.
>such is not the case with zionists.
But all Jews aren't zionists. German Jews pre-ww2 viewed themselves as German and didn't support zionist movements.
WB Chris Cuomo on CNN?

>> No.14327410

What about Chris Cuomo? I know a lot of Italians and Albanians. They're already integrated by the second generation. Even some of the first generation ones tend to primarily speak English. They LARP with the muh ancestry crap but they're here marrying outside of their circles and betraying their home countries. It's cringe. A general rule is that all diaspora everywhere is shit. No exceptions.

t. balkanfag in America

>> No.14327418
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He is undoubtedly one of the greats. Truly an inspiration and possessor of the solar spirit

>> No.14327420

>There's no hostility with the typical American and the typical Jew.
Let us begin on the subject of Israel.

>> No.14327421

OK, but most of the Jews you're criticizing have never even been to Israel.

>> No.14327429

>Let us begin on the subject of Israel
The typical American-Jew is a bit too apt to give Israel the benefit of the doubt and thinks America has a moral obligation to help them, but so are Christian boomers and republicans in general. What exactly do you dislike about Israel? Please don't use the Palestine excuse.

>> No.14327448

Palestine excuse? That is not an excuse, it is a legitimate argument against their existence but I will not be using it as the basis of my own.

I don't believe we should have any business with Israel.
Certainly not guaranteeing it's independence, nor sending billions of dollars in military aid, or sending our own soldiers to protect their interests.

>> No.14327450
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>niggers bad

>> No.14327458

Not that guy but Israel is an illegitimate nation. "The Palestine excuse" is core to its reprehensibility.

>> No.14327460

oh the irony

>> No.14327478

>Palestine excuse? That is not an excuse, it is a legitimate argument against their existence but I will not be using it as the basis of my own.
"The Palestinians were here first. It's not fair that these sand-niggers that serve no purpose and are considered pathetic by other Muslim countries can't control the entire region."

> I don't believe we should have any business with Israel.
Yeah, because American elites invest in oil there. Look into the Golan Heights retard.

> Certainly not guaranteeing it's independence, nor sending billions of dollars in military aid, or sending our own soldiers to protect their interests.
If we cut off Israel, then we should cut off Afghanistan and Iraq too. And it's because of American investors that we supply so much. Again, I really don't care either way, but I'm not a naive retard about it.

I'll end this by saying I'm anti-Israel because it's way too bureaucratic , but it exists and spreading this global slave morality is repugnant.

>> No.14327486

Ok so then give America back to the Native Americans, slave. Also, if you read into it for at least a bit and disregarded the vice narrative, then you'd realize there has been a zionist movement in the area since the 1800s. Again, I do not like Israel, but let's not be slaves about it. I'd be fine if you said you didn't want to give kikes a state, not this tepid transitive white-guilt

>> No.14327515

>"The Palestinians were here first. It's not fair that these sand-niggers that serve no purpose and are considered pathetic by other Muslim countries can't control the entire region."
Perhaps if they were living side by side, it would be okay, because then you could say no hold more claim over the other since it is the holy land. However Palestinian land is constantly being partitioned and their overall landmass is getting smaller and smaller.
>Yeah, because American elites invest in oil there. Look into the Golan Heights retard.
They oughta be hung.
>If we cut off Israel, then we should cut off Afghanistan and Iraq too. And it's because of American investors that we supply so much. Again, I really don't care either way, but I'm not a naive retard about it.
>I'll end this by saying I'm anti-Israel because it's way too bureaucratic , but it exists and spreading this global slave morality is repugnant.
Well if we desire the same end, what matters the means?

>> No.14327523

>Perhaps if they were living side by side, it would be okay, because then you could say no hold more claim over the other since it is the holy land. However Palestinian land is constantly being partitioned and their overall landmass is getting smaller and smaller.
That's fine and if you argue we shouldn't fund that then I won't disagree, but I'm sick of hearing how Palestinians are so virtuous and just.
> They oughta be hung.
Also agree
> Well if we desire the same end, what matters the means?
You're not so bad after all anon. Frens?

>> No.14327538
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I never said we weren't, I don't know who you are.

>> No.14328120
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>> No.14328142
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Based and redpilled

Seething niggers and kikes can't kill the spirit of this great american hero

>> No.14328323

if Jews can be German then they must share equal collective guilt for the Holocaust. if they try and weasel out of it by claiming to be a Jew then it proves they're not German

>> No.14328581

so far ahead of his time. if only he could see how depraved things are now

>> No.14328584

Based Malcolm X liked him, so he's chill with me.

>> No.14328607

>I gradually found out, however, that Rockwell was dead right about the moral cowardice and the servile conventionality of the great majority of Americans. Most of them would rather lose an arm and a leg than be suspected of thinking a politically incorrect thought, and as I worked and argued with Rockwell, my appreciation of his own courage and idealism grew.

>> No.14328635

>talks about gassing politics he doesn't like

Yup, not a Nazi here! And he's definitely not suggesting you read Mein Kampf in the first line, nope.

>> No.14328703

>Yup, not a Nazi here!
who said he wasn't?

>> No.14328727

Kek he literally was an avowed nazi, he never denied being a nazi.

>> No.14328758


Nazism, an ideology which couldn't survive its own evaluation criteria.

>> No.14328773

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.14328878

dear god, you have uncovered the great truth! Rockwell WAS a nazi!

>> No.14328995

I never got this argument
>might makes right, stupid whitey :^) we're taking your country!
Make uo your mind, incel.

>> No.14329163

jidf pls go

>> No.14329167

better than larping as a woman

>> No.14329177

>If we cut off Israel, then we should cut off Afghanistan and Iraq too
Yes, yes! Now you're getting it.

>> No.14329190

Psst. You don't have to do either.

>> No.14329219

The statistical evidence kind of implies differently to "some jews that you met", and honestly I doubt you've met many jews anyway


>> No.14329243

Is this supposed to be a rebuttle? I am a huge proponent on the same things Faulk believes. Only he has much more raw statistical evidence than I.

I interact just as much with Jews I do with everyone else. In fact, I may have even more experience with Jews on account of the fact I live in NYC

>> No.14330166

I feel like the reason nobody likes to talk about the situation of Native Americans in the States or Canada is that reservations are a living reminder of the reality that compromise to an overlord can very well be first step toward abject submission and humiliation. The same rules that applied in the Stone Age apply today. Crushing defeat and oblivion are still possible.
Kind of the same thing with urbanites turning a blind eye to the homeless. Nobody likes to look into the void.

>> No.14330562
File: 29 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off eli

>> No.14330574

Do people actually think this does anything? Shouting go back to /pol/ like you doing anything other than outing yourself as a liberal or libertarian faggot

>> No.14330578


>> No.14330617
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>> No.14330623

eli you need to go back

>> No.14330630

i am already here

>> No.14330631

eli you need to go home

>> No.14330662

i am home

>> No.14330667

Alright, then I'm all for it. Some of these retards say we are morally obliged to Iraq and Afghanistan because of infrastructure damage etc. from the war when most of Afghanistan was their own doing and Iraq would be more than capable if we didn't put economic restrictions on them.

>> No.14330692

every single fucking u.s troop should be here in the united states of fucking america
and all of our politicians oughta be strung up and hung. i will much sooner unite with a communist than i would any disgusting creature that holds any sort of power in a political office today.

>> No.14331502

Who's larping, schlomo?

>> No.14331511

And dogs born in stables are horses.

>> No.14331635

No matter your views, this guy was a joke who accomplished nothing.

>> No.14331641


>> No.14331647

woah epicsauce

>> No.14331655

He accomplished far more than either you or I

>> No.14331661

I actually think the ANP would have becone a viable 3rd party under his leadership, hadhe not died

>> No.14331669

>fellow nazi

>> No.14331688

>when his image proves his greentext

>> No.14331701

Stop it with this cope, its the same as
>W-well i'd like to see you make something better!
Well I didn't dedicate my life to Neo-Nazism did I? If I did i'd do a much better job of it than this spaz.

>> No.14331711

>founder of the American Nazi Party
Very cyptic

>> No.14331720

No, you are living the life or an extremely comfortable slave. You are not revolutionary at all and you contain no such spirit. You are too afraid to stand in opposition of the current powers held in place.

You would not have been a better "neo nazi" you will not be a better anything.

>> No.14331721

What did you dedicate your life to?

>> No.14331742
File: 18 KB, 1583x57, AbsoluteFailure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry some moar.
Having as much fun as possible.
It's going much better than that clowns nazi revolution.

>> No.14331751

Of course you would be king in a society that worships weakness.

>> No.14331781

Nah its the neo nazis that are weak, gullible losers.

>> No.14331799
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>commander rockwell, still making kikes seethe after 55 years
>b-but he only got 212 votes
absolutely plebeian take

>> No.14331803
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Most NatSoc people I know were on the left when they were in their teens but grew out of it.

>> No.14331842


He got shot dead like a bitch by his own follower. And all of you should follow your leader

>> No.14331850

>his own follower
He doesn’t know what the CIA and FBI are and paid informants. I suppose you think the guy who shot Lee Harvey Oswald was just some random dude who loved JfK

>> No.14331851

I'm in my twenties and a reasonable citizen, informing myself

>> No.14331865

This is the type of guy to think Epstein killed himself. It doesn't matter to him what the truth is, only that the lies are of use to him.

>> No.14331866


Where's this quote from?

>> No.14331876

It's hilarious that these dorks can only aspire to be like this laughing stock. Makes you wonder how sad their lives must be in comparison that they idealize such a man.

>> No.14331898

Thank you for sharing that, all of this is jelling for me

>> No.14331933

Your idea of fun is being a volunteer cop for the status quo on 4chan lmao

>> No.14331949

They could've done with a better name. I guess he didn't know Nazi was a slur against National Socialists

>> No.14331971


He knew.

He talks about it in ' white power'.

He knew that any name he chose wouldn't matter, the kosher press would just smear him and call him a Nazi anyway. So he just embraced it.

>> No.14331980

>as much fun as possible
I don't usually say this, but that just reeks of cope. you're having fun are you? what a child

>> No.14331991



>> No.14331997

>if we had 1000 other fundie spergs sperging out at the same time, they would have upset the course of history and altered the entire reality of white population demographics

>> No.14332019

I just like bullying nerds who think they're nazis
If you think there's a greater meaning to life than that, then pursue it with all your heart.

>> No.14332024

William Pierce says this in his intro to Rockwell's speech at Brown University

>> No.14332033

>implying the entirety of human history isnt a struggle between who can chimp out the best

>> No.14332039


Based. Plebbit should execute poltards instead of banning their shit tier meme subs.

>> No.14332049

>I dedicated my life to the path if least resistance
Truly inspiring

>> No.14332060

So the guy was the incarnation of basedness

>> No.14332073

>le hedonist
back to réddit loser

>> No.14332080

You stick out like sore thumb, co-opting the 4chan terminology like it's natural to you, and making sure to sow shame and self-reflection upon your targets. I'm on to you, I know how you operate.

>> No.14332087

whoa, I didn't ask for your gay well wishes, you utter faggot

>> No.14332145

Thank you for the (you)'s guys.
I'll leave you alone now. I hope you snap out of this dumb shit before you fuck yourselves up.

>> No.14332147

Yes , exactly.

Pretty sure he showed up at a commie protest he was banned from attending but the cops cause they couldn't guarantee his safety.
He showed up in full uniform and brawled with em anyway

>> No.14332202

Really weak anon

>> No.14332421

>>1433thanks anon

>> No.14332683

White power is really good. But you can find some of his speeches online.

>> No.14332693

A great American.

>> No.14332738
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>> No.14332751
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Oh, for a time machine, to be there that day! :-)

>> No.14332914
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>> No.14332919
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>> No.14332925
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>> No.14332947
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>modern democracy is good

>> No.14332956
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>> No.14332980
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>> No.14332995
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>> No.14333003
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>> No.14333020
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>> No.14333031
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>> No.14333038
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>> No.14333056
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>> No.14333069
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>> No.14333075

Perhaps they will learn their lesson about taking obvious b8 on 4chan. Only time will tell.

>> No.14333079

And "nigga", another n word, is a slur against blacks.

>> No.14333485
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>> No.14333493
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>> No.14333765

God, Rockwell was truly Satan incarnate.

>> No.14333826

Holy motherland of based

>> No.14333890
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>insinuating satan is bad
This is what becomes of the Christian mind. He is unable to not only hate, but also to love; for to love
something, one must be willing to hate that which wishes to destroy what he loves.

>> No.14334001
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>> No.14334011
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>> No.14334016
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>> No.14334021
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>> No.14334027
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>> No.14334030
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>> No.14334101
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>> No.14334103

>>talks about gassing politics he doesn't like

And the other side talks about killing and/or socially destroying their opponents, and gladly conflate anyone who doesn't tout their espoused ideology with violent racists.

I see two sides both saying violence against their political opponents is justified. One side is better at having reasoned discussions with people they disagree with and is more willing to admit they may be wrong. GLR was invited to the black panthers to speak. Two groups of violent ethnocentrists were able to listen to each other speak.

>> No.14334105
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>> No.14334108
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>> No.14334112

I didn't know Niger was a slur against Nigerians, but supposedly it is...

>> No.14334114
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>> No.14334125
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>> No.14334131
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>> No.14334137
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>> No.14334146
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>> No.14334149
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>> No.14334150

Question to the Nazis on this board. What would your ideal solution be to the various non-European peoples in the US (and let's say 'migrant workers' in Europe).

Are you willing to embrace solutions other than genocide or exile that still allow for the continuation of your heritage?

>> No.14334153
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>> No.14334156
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>> No.14334180
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>> No.14334186
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>> No.14334255

Short answer: They have to go back.
There is no continuation of European heritage without a European white majority. Deport all illegal aliens and criminal migrants and provide incentives for recent non-white arrivals to return to their homelands. Europe and the US unquestionably have the right to remain white majority regions. Not even the German National Socialists were in favor of genocide and there is no reason why this issue can't be resolved peacefully, but (((the powers that be))) are unwilling to relinquish their stranglehold over finance and the media, working around the clock to keep white Americans blind to the inevitability of racial conflict in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society.

>> No.14334261
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>> No.14334264
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>> No.14334266
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>> No.14334273

My politics are private, but my opposition to polfaggotry is open

>> No.14334282

This dumbass lived during the 1950s when everyone was white and which modern day fascists look back to with fondness. No matter what the fascist imagination confabulates some intangible corruptive "Other"

>> No.14334308
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>> No.14334312
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>> No.14334317
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>> No.14334322
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>> No.14334327
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>> No.14334334
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>> No.14334337

>177 replies
>56 posters
if you can't even be bothered to write a post, stop spamming images and let the thread die a natural death

>> No.14334340
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Keep this thread alive lads
Bump for the Commander


>> No.14334351
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>stop posting images on an image board

>> No.14334378
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« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ », known to some as Butterfly, was getting old. She was past thirty now and wondered where her life was heading. ">tfw no gf," she thought to herself, as her fingers unconsciously typed "4chan.org/lit" into the address bar with a well-practiced ease. It wasn't just the lack of a qt Laurie Penny gf, though. She wanted more. She knew her fertile period was beginning to wane and she had started craving a child. On /lit/, she opened every thread she could and commented in all of them, with surprisingly apt pictures attached, and flirted with desperate men who thought they had a chance with a 5/10 lesbian.

Then she saw it. A Sunhawk thread. She was so lonely, and had desired Sunhawk's attentions for almost ten years now. There was no one left for her after Feminister died, gangraped by a bunch of MRA activists when her boyfriend had lifted up her shirt and exposed her bare breasts to them. Sunhawk never responded, but every time Butterfly commented in one of his threads she allowed herself a tiny bit of hope. He was the only familiar face among the anonymous horde. She knew that he, too, was alone: he still posted threads about attractive girls that he couldn't summon the courage to talk to.

This time he answered. She couldn't believe it. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she replied and had a surprisingly only half-fumbling conversation with him, and most of her spaghetti reserves had remained securely in her pockets. She left her email for him on a post, unwilling to let this feeling of elation go. Of course, the drones of /lit/ conspired to flood her inbox with filth pretending to be him, but she could tell which one was him. The total un-self-awareness of his own vapidity, the way he could supposedly read so many books and still be a utter pleb, revealed the real Sunhawk to her.

She got off the internet and started masturbating instead. She imagined Sunhawk as a cute, shy girl who she was initiating into the beauties of sapphic love. Her pace quickened, her fingers plunging into her cunt in the same pattern they had typed on the keyboard, as if to say "HA HA, TIME FOR 4CHAN!", and she came hard.

In the few moments of clarified thinking after her orgasm, she realized what she had to do. Over the next few days she exchanged emails with Sunhawk, trying to slowly bring the conversation around to the possibility of a meeting. He was recalcitrant, but she eventually brought him around. He was, after all, just as old and tired as she, as lonely and longing, as desirous of some iota of human contact that wasn't perfused with anxiety and awkwardness and judgement.

>> No.14334394

Yeah he was a good man but a poor politician.

>> No.14334406
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When it was all settled, she took the car/bus/train/plane/hovercraft from wherever the fuck she lived to wherever the fuck he lived, somewhere in London or something (he hadn't agreed to meet at her place, or even halfway in between-he could be quite selfish sometimes, she thought, but she couldn't stay mad at him), and met him at his favorite Waterstones. She picked out the man with the fedora, their previously agreed-upon sign, and came up to him, hesitating.


"Yes," he said, and left it at that.

Despite that autismal introduction, he soon warmed up and started expostulating, like his normal superficial, pseudo-intellectual /lit/ self, about shit he clearly had no insight into. She was getting quite annoyed with how much he talked about the cashiers (notably less pretty and sluttier than the cashiers from days gone by, according to him) instead of discussing whatever Roman shit she was reading at the moment with her, but as they were leaving she decided to stick close and subtly play his girlfriend while he paid for his books. The girl did give him an appraising glance, she thought, and she was happy for him. Could this be the rumored friendship unknown to NEETs?

She followed him to his flat and sat inside. He offered her some tea, which she gladly accepted. They made brief, stilted attempts at conversation but mostly sat in silence drinking their tea. All the while her mind was racing. She had to do it soon. It was now or never. Quickly, she kissed him.

"But... but I thought you were a lesbian," he said when their lips parted.

She mumbled some bullshit about fluid sexuality and kept kissing him, her image of a female Sunhawk firm in her mind. They moved to his bed and undressed. Slowly, cautiously, he touched her. She helped him along, but the foreplay was still shit. Finally she bade him enter her pussy. He lasted nearly an hour, as he was only used to the wizard death grip he had been using on his dick to masturbate. Butterfly was exhausted, her vagina was chafing, but unexpectedly she started to enjoy it. She must have grown to love him, she postulated in between thrusts, in all those long hours posting in his threads, yearning for his attention, for a decade. And he was kind of effeminate... maybe she could convince him to trap for her? Whatever the reason, her cunt redoubled its lubrication and they finished in an explosion, their sweat-soaked bodies pressed against each other.

As Sunhawk went to the bathroom to piss, Butterfly had an epiphany. She realized that, far from being a lesbian, she was actually a trip-sexual, hopelessly attracted to all tripfags. It all made sense; how she used to touch herself to D&E's, REI's, satan's, and all the others' posts; the erotic flush of blood she felt everytime she witnessed some of their narcissistic faggotry; how she felt compelled to defend all tripfags constantly. She had to tell Sunhawk, now that she knew, now that she loved him.

>> No.14334828

Well put

>> No.14334829
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They're not native to North America, they're Siberian land bridge migrants, you utter 90IQ midwit dysgenics apologist tit.

>> No.14334841
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Cringe. You're a fudgepacker, get your head checked. You're off your cock a' doodey nut once again, faggot. There's no excuse for not supporting eugenics.

>> No.14335112

Paradox of tolerance

>> No.14335135

Beautiful love story. Who would be casted for the screenplay?

>> No.14335202

can anyone give a rundown of the more obscure faces here?

>> No.14335210

then your politics are public and you're a supporter of the current banking oligarchy and its destructive liberal paradigm

>> No.14335272

this based on some true story or fanfic?

>> No.14335274

Holy shit what kind of loser singlehandedly keeps a thread about some no name austimo for this long fuck off

>> No.14335339

go back to sleep, sheeple

>> No.14335351
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>shills broken ideology peddled by grifters, maniacs, and online teens
>thinks he's "woke"
this is a board for books. go read a book and post about it after you've read it. this shit belongs on /pol/

>> No.14335357

Someone either on or off more drugs than most of us ever require.

>> No.14335497 [DELETED] 

He's not for free speech you idiot

>> No.14335517

he's not in favor of free spech you tone-deaf idiot, the quote is the nazi equivalent to tankies joking about how in their utopia even nazis would be free to say whatever they want - in the gulag

>> No.14335745

Average IQ of posters ITT: 70.

>> No.14335760

>we should gas all Commies
>we should let them speak their opinion so they reveal themselves as Commies so we can gas them
Sure he's for free speech.

>> No.14335764

>Commie cucks still to this day SEETHE about him
Nobody gives a fuck about this guy.

>> No.14335770

That's a more or less universal implication of any intelligent reasoning, yes.

>> No.14335776

He committed the worst blunder a right wing extremist can make: he made people think about his opinions. The only way Nazi rot will ever be influential to any extent post-WW2 is to the degree it can present itself as something else. If they air their true opinions they get laughed out of the rooms.

>> No.14335793

Malcom X renounced all that stupid NoI shit before being assassinated.

>> No.14336294

i read rockwell, not like you pseud
go to plebbit to post about harry potter and your colour schemed book case

>> No.14336314

you're free to speak your mind, doesn't mean you're free of consequences for doing so, if you're a commie

>> No.14336319

ye, he wrote it on the same page where he declared why he would suicide himself with 2 bullets in the back of the head

>> No.14336337

Who will play :3 ?

>> No.14336357
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>> No.14336413
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>> No.14336461
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>> No.14336476
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>> No.14336498
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>> No.14336507
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>> No.14336517
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>> No.14336523
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>> No.14336531
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>> No.14336537
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>> No.14336549
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>> No.14336639

I think he wanted to desenstize people to the nazi label, which unironically seems like the only viable method of reviving a genuine right wing.

>> No.14336654


". . .I went to the post office one morning and found a big carton waiting for me. It was from James K. Warner, one of our first supporters. Inside I found, carefully and lovingly folded, a huge Nazi flag, eighteen feet long. It was one of the strokes of destiny I have come to expect.
There was no doubt in my mind. I went home, drew the livingroom blinds closed and hung the beautiful banner completely across the wall. In the center I mounted a plaque of Adolf Hitler. Then I placed a small bookcase under it and set three lighted candles in front. I stood before my holy altar to Adolf Hitler, alone in the silent house, without a single soul knowing what I was doing — or caring. Then, for the first time since I had lost my Christian religion, I experienced the soul-thrilling upsurge of emotion which is denied our modern, sterile, atheist 'intellectuals', but nevertheless remains the force which has moved the human race for countless centuries: religious experience. As I looked at the stern face of the greatest mind in twenty centuries, I felt the unbelievable flood of 'religious' power pouring into me which would be easily understood by any savage Indian standing on a mountain top at sunrise and communing with the Great Spirit before battle, the very power which the so-called intellectuals have denied themselves because of their conceit that they can 'know' everything."

This Time The World, Chapter XV
George Lincoln Rockwell