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14333724 No.14333724 [Reply] [Original]

i am either the highest genius, or the lowest idiot of the world. and i'm not quite sure which one it is.

>> No.14333730

You are a caca

>> No.14333741 [DELETED] 

You know what? You are probably correct.
I embrase this notion.
I will lift my voice and let it be heard through out the heavens.

>> No.14333746

You know what? You are probably correct.
I will embrace this notion.
I will lift up my voice and let it be heard through out the heavens.

>> No.14333799

This is why I stopped reading philosophy. It's simple normalfag tier thoughts with word salad window dressing chucked up top. Literally just "Be yourself brah!"

>> No.14333807

You're posting on 4Chan, take a guess.

>> No.14333815

That's a nice story to tell yourself but the plain truth is that you are likely just mediocre.

>> No.14333833

He's certainly not a genius, nor the "lowest idiot", but he's not average either.

>> No.14333864

What do you guys think of the person that knows that they truly don't know anything but know that having this thought is perceived as intelligent so they feel shameful that they have this thought while also cringing if someone else says it because they think they are saying to be perceived as smart or humble.

>> No.14333883

Philosophy is much more than "be yourself brah"
I had a weird night and just wanted to make a stupid shitpost.
Measuring intelligence quantitatively is a near impossible task. The only thing IQ is consistently useful for is measuring retardation. All I know is that I am simply above average.

Nevermind the fact, even if you were not intelligent it does not mean you are incapable of doing great things big or small. If you are an idiot or consider yourself to be one my advice would be for you to overcome your own idiotic tendencies.

Or just sit at home and coom to your weird japanese animated pornos whatever.
By going under, one is also going over or whatever.

>> No.14333928

>even if you were not intelligent it does not mean you are incapable of doing great things
Tell that to nig nogs bro

>> No.14333937
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>> No.14333951
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That's completely different, niggynugs lack sentience

>> No.14333966

This is how I feel. I have low self esteem but I experience moments of mania with extreme confidence and even arrogance.

>> No.14334048
File: 86 KB, 1000x788, Hunter-S-Thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the latter, as all geniuses are born through consistent results and determination. Every knobhead gets their big break now and then; the difference between you and them is that you let it delude you into a false sense of intelligence.

>> No.14334055

I AM a genius. I am a doctor of JOURNALISM GODAMMIT

>> No.14334096

I can't even parse this gobbledegook nice try faggot looks like I'm the genius

>> No.14334383

What a fuckin awful quote

>> No.14334398

If you are familiar with Kierkegaard’s thought you’ll realize that this statement has quite a bit more going on than meets the eye—one has to be oneself as an existing being and not as pure being, etc. Kierkegaard’s not saying “just be yourself bro xD”.

>> No.14334402

The question this guide misses, and the one Kierkegaard certainly understood if didn't say clearly, is that: how can Abraham be sure it's God talking to him, how can he be sure the command to sacrifice his son is the will of God and not a temptation? That's the real source of uncertainty, of fear and trembling.

>> No.14334675

-dumb quote man

>> No.14334689

Ok I'll take your word for it anon

>> No.14334709

If your true self is a drifting dude that doesn't think getting told to be your true self doesn't mean much. But if you're struggling against your vices and trying to be the industrious tinkerer, knowledgeable scholar, brave explorer, etc. that you know exists deep within you being told to be and to do what that ideal man within would may help.

>> No.14334746

You are the first poster I've seen on 4chan that gets how IQ works. My god this site isn't as dumb as I thought

>> No.14334836

he is the synthesis