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14328970 No.14328970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm gay and there is no God. Any books that can convince me not to live my best life in spite of these facts?

>> No.14328979

kill yourself midwit

>> No.14329007

based butterfly keeping /lgbt/ posters OUT

>> No.14329020

You believe there is no God because you are gay. Faith is an extension of virtue, living righteously even when there appears to be no point

>> No.14329033

>You believe there is no God because you are gay.

Could be the other way around.

>> No.14329137

It is. You are gay because you hold gay beliefs.

>> No.14329144

None. Enjoy hell sodomite.

>> No.14329459

>a based post from butterfly
in all my days...

>> No.14329611

you people might talk about gay pride, but that's really just a way to compensate for a deep sense of shame, that isn't going away regardless of how much you make liberal society play along with it.

>> No.14329637

>my best life
Asking for 4chan for advice means you're in pretty deep waters, fren.

>> No.14329649

Being gay is sexist against women

>> No.14329688

have you read the Bible?

>> No.14329775

AIDS or pedophilia statistics maybe

>> No.14329793

>no tripcode
cringe identity thief

>> No.14329805

woah butterfly is based

>> No.14329831

YAS KWEEN SLAY!! SO. Diverse. and. Progressive! so inclusive and tolerant! you must be such a responsible consumer and an enlightened global citizen!
what have you people ever done beyond getting fucked in the ass? why do you think normal people owe you anything?

>> No.14329832

>still believing that being gay is a choice just because you were born straight

>> No.14329841

being a faggot is a choice

>> No.14329872

if being gay is a choice, why are gays so intent on pushing gay propaganda on children? gender is a social construct, yet some people are born the wrong gender and there are infinite amounts of genders which are all equally valid and sacred and yet masculinity is toxic. This is obviously ideology, if they can get you to accept absurdity, they can get youto accept anything.

Nobody with half a brain can buy that. the lie that these people are poor victims that just want to be left alone, they want everything but to be left alone. See I used to think gays were just men who wanted to have sex with men or dress up as women, now I see the truth is far more complex and sinister.

>> No.14329887

reminder, this is what leftists mean when they talk about ''science''

>> No.14329891

Have sex.

>> No.14329956

The Ressurection is a historically verified fact . Look up classical theology for proofs of God's existence

Join and Catholic church (not the Vatican II apostate counter church ) , abstain from sodomy and enjoy life ever lasting

>> No.14329971

>gays are a liberal monolith

Spend less time online. Gay conservatives and gay christians exist. Shit like drag queen story hour is mostly pushed by woke women and not actual gays.

>> No.14330119

Based butterfly imposter

>> No.14330154

You're posting on 4chan which means you're almost certainly not living your best life.

>> No.14331179

>The Ressurection is a historically verified fact
Why do Christfags always say this but never provide source?

>> No.14331193


Gayness is the result of perversion.

God has always been there. You're just sick in the head. This is why homosexuality is wrong; because it give you psychological problems. Have a nice day!

>> No.14331211

Hello anon, assuming this isn’t some empty shitpost I’lll respond. I’m most interested in what it means to “live your best life”? Is this strictly defined in opposition to theological teaching on homosexuality? If it is I might say you’re getting yourself into quite the pickle. Happiness is a hard thing to come by for anyone, gay or otherwise.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by that?

>> No.14331214

>gay christians exist
Lol, no.

Just stop.

>> No.14331337

how very christian of you to deny others Christian faith

>> No.14331477

Homos are actually master race. Homophobia is a compensation against this fact. Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Alexander, Shakespeare, Turing etc. Women only make a man lesser.

The reason many gay guys act like total fags is because the responsibility of being a loner ubermensch is too scary so they fall back on infantilizing stereotypes that lift that burden and give them an "identity."

Simply ask yourself why a certain subset of the population is always gay during any recorded moment in history. Why?

>> No.14331496

>Simply ask yourself why a certain subset of the population is always gay during any recorded moment in history. Why?

Mental illness.

>Women only make a man lesser.

That's why truly great men were celibate and didn't partake in sexual activities at all.

Everything else you wrote is pure horseshit.

>> No.14331498

We really need a purge of Christfags on this board, they suck the joy out of everything. Anyways how about starting with uhhh fuckin Rimbaud

>> No.14331513

Do not believe Christfags' lies. Only a small percentage of the "great men" of any time and place commit to something like a monastic lifestyle. It takes all kinds. And it is certainly true that, of the precisely four possible sexualities, the gay man is the noblest (straight men and lesbians occupying a middling position, and straight women the lowest).

>> No.14331517
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I'm so glad that faggots get punished both in this life and in the next. They get to enjoy depression, high suicide rates, AIDS, childlessness, and nihilism on earth and then they get to enjoy eternal hellfire after death. We live in such a just universe; isn't it beautiful? And no atheist and faggot scum, this isn't sarcasm. Repent.

>> No.14331529

Alright whatever. I should have learned a long time ago that no amount of argument can humanize us to people that immediately decided we're bad. Its not even an ideological or social discussion at all but you have to keep pretending it couldn't be biology because that would make you wrong.

>> No.14331530

this is a trap that people without resolve fall into, if you do not believe in the teachings of the Bible you're not Christian


>> No.14331535

lol dude I'm super gay too but this is not the place to mention that, you're not going to get a whole lot of good responses

God or no God, there are lots of shitty assholes living horrible lives that believe and lots of great people living exactly how they want who are staunch atheists. Why even give a fuck? Just do what you want and don't be a cunt.

>> No.14331554

/lit/ is obsessed with inceldom and starting a family neocon bullshit, you're just going to get a bunch of losers who don't even read telling you to kill yourself.

Unless this was bait in which case 10/10 well done

>> No.14332014

What I meant is simply being with another man. That is one ingredient in a happy life and an important one at that

>> No.14332044

well anon, assuming this isn't bait, now you've realized that the answer to your question is no, and hopefully now you also know this board is full of foul-mouthed ignorant roleplaying twits

>> No.14332283

I'm sure you're free of sin friend

>> No.14332542

unironically Plato

He's a theist but you can definitely read an esoteric atheist meaning to his writing.

>> No.14332659

You don’t have to be free from sin to identify it

>> No.14332671

What facts? God is real and true homosexuality doesn't exist. It's a social disease that's completely curable.

>> No.14333571

Just get grindr my dude problem.solved

>> No.14333577

>esoteric atheist
what does this even mean

>> No.14333584

You need to kill yourself. Not because you're gay, but because you just use the phrase "my best life".

>> No.14333606
File: 47 KB, 334x499, demonhauntedworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commitment to the pursuit of understanding in all of one's engagements is the good life. It is to follow the simple rule to "know thyself," and thus to know thy world and one's relationships with it.

There's absolutely a spiritual aspect to science in the driving motivation behind it: the simple will to know and discover. It is also present in philosophy and art.


>> No.14333635

but the best life you could live is that of a father, i wouldn't want to prevent that.

>> No.14333691

>best lives
>true selves
>"x exists"
fucking spare me

>> No.14333694

I think (per OP's image) having a pet mountain lion beats having a pet human.

>> No.14333743

he's not following his own advice then i guess

>> No.14333866

>Gay conservatives and gay christians exist.
And? Your sexuality and theirs are disordered. At least there are churches out there that will outright tell them this without going full autist and start hating them, just their sins of homosexuality and promiscuity.

>> No.14334555

If the real butterfly's posts were remotely this good this board would be substantially better.

>> No.14334581

This is the only good post with a butterfly I've ever seen.

>> No.14334588

>my best life
>implying being somebody's cumslut 24/7 is your best life
anon, you can do better

>> No.14334607

God do I hate those pseudo-Christian larpers who hide their own hate and spite behind the label of a righteous man "concerned" about other people's """sins""". You're the ones going to hell, you hypocritical sycophants. First cast out the beam out of thine own eye...

>> No.14334766

>he wasn't there

>> No.14334798

>what are spiritual works of mercy

>> No.14334944

lmao godless faggot, you're ass is burning in earth and you're ass is going to burn in hell.
you might like it

>> No.14336048
File: 203 KB, 474x444, 1576081446782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All gays should kill themselves since they're evolutionary dead ends and contribute nothing to society save degeneracy and coomerism. And I'd call you a faggot for saying "muh bess lyfe" but it would be redundant since you already admitted to it.

>> No.14336700

There's no such thing as dead-ends in a process without any goal

>> No.14336710

you want me to crack it then ?