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File: 2.90 MB, 5312x2988, 20191211_201913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14328465 No.14328465 [Reply] [Original]

NEETs btfo'd

>> No.14328471

>Protestant work ethic

Unchain yourself from Urizen senpai

>> No.14329008

I didn't know they already had imax in the early 20th century

>> No.14329340

>bee nietzsche
>come to the conclusion that life is meaningless
>just like every other pseud
>come to the conclusion that objective morality is impossible
>just like every other pseud
>can't cope with this knowledge
>make up your own retarded values, remain buttmad over trivial shit like some people being "parasites" or whatever
holy shit this dude was an idiot

>> No.14329344

one more thing: I'm glad he turned insane and killed himself if this is what he wrote. Reads like the diary of an edgy channer.

>> No.14329352

If by "historical" he means "vaginal."

>> No.14329359

You're just mad that you're the exact kind of parasite he discusses.

>> No.14329374


>> No.14329384

While I agree with him I hate it when philosopher or Poet or novel authors call others parasite.

>> No.14329389

parasite cope

>> No.14329444

Was he already in his NEET period when he published this?

>> No.14329480
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche also called money useless and lived off money given him by family and friends, always begging after it. And of course he lived as a withered retard completely dependent on others for the last part of his life.

I'm not sure why anyone can put stock in what Nietzsche says since he usually contradicts it somewhere else and even if he doesn't his actual life contradicts it in an embarassing way.

>> No.14329486

Holy fucking cope of copes

>> No.14329487

>Hates neets
I feel betrayed bros

>> No.14329496

You're pronouncing it wrong. It's Neet-sh-eh

>> No.14329509

It's NEET-chan

>> No.14329795

If I hypocrite or a liar speaks the truth, that doesn't make it false. I don't know much about Nietschze or his life but I think it's kind of silly to be like "What he says is invalid because he alledgedly leeched money from his family." That's just odd to me, we can't all be like Marcus Aurelius.