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File: 85 KB, 500x308, 1572467831632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14325611 No.14325611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let's discuss the modern cultural/literary world

>> No.14325613
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>> No.14325616
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>> No.14325622
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>> No.14325630
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>> No.14325637
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>> No.14325647
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>> No.14325656
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>> No.14325661
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>> No.14325662

I thought that said super shame

>> No.14325672
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>> No.14325678
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>> No.14325685
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>> No.14325689
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>> No.14325697
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>> No.14325704
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>> No.14325714
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>> No.14325743

Jesus christ

>> No.14325762

That can't be real.

>> No.14325764

>"Teach Eddie before English"
What did these brave women mean by this?

>> No.14325782
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>> No.14325796
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>Shane Wanye

>> No.14325808

This pisses me off so fucking much

>> No.14325812

We live in a corporate society.

>> No.14325867

Hahaha NAH CHIEF i would completely wipe that board as I walked out

>> No.14325874


>> No.14325906

These images give me such a strong feeling of impotent rage. I know that I hate the maxims of all of these actions, but I also know that I'm a lone, irrelevant man facing the irresistible tidal wave of rampant unchecked corporatism. Who do I have to kill in to stop the flow bros?

>> No.14325929

Just be kind to the small sphere of people you can help/influence. Try to be a leader in whatever you do and be virtuous.

I know unhelpful faggot answer but unless there's some major change it will stay like this.

>> No.14325932

Glow harder.

>> No.14325948

can't express how happy i am that at least some people recognize how fucking sickening the OP shit is, corporations hiring professional social media catamites to act as public relations liaisons by being "in touch with the zany youth culture :P!!!"

scrolling through the replies to that tweet made me want to kill myself

>> No.14325951

>Whatever you do, don't drink the water. They put something in it... m-makes you forget.

>> No.14325955

I will do my best to alter the culture of corporatism and idol worship. I'll start with my church. It isn't unhelpful at all, sincere optimism is mana in this decadent culture of materialist slavery.

>> No.14325964

Tbh I don’t mind they, better then xir and isn’t fucking retarded.

>> No.14325967

This tbqhwya.

>> No.14325971

I'm not a glownigger I'm just experiencing a mild existential crisis. I never understand why people slaughter irrelevant innocents in a fits of rage at the world. The deaths of millions of plebeians will not move a single politician to genuine tears. But the minor inconveniencing of these corporate leviathans can move mountains.

>> No.14325978

you don't inconvenience corps you merely attract the ire of state glow niggers.

>> No.14325980

and then you'd find another job, at another company, that was exactly like this one except for having the decency to not rub it in your face, right?

>> No.14325984

Hey op, get a job already. The world owes you nothing.
And if you want to create threads like this one, consider some other boards. Here on /lit/ we discuss books and philosophy, not reddit-tier images about 'late stage capitalism' or whatever you're fighting against.

>> No.14325989

I still can't believe they published that shit.

>> No.14325991
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>> No.14325998

I hate that image because it's not as good as the site version. McDonald's once had a BET cross over

>> No.14326001

>casket it lowered into grave
>pipe sound, underground theme plays

>> No.14326025


>> No.14326036
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>> No.14326040
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Holy fuck my sides

>> No.14326043

Alright I lost. I handled the rest but f*ck this

>> No.14326047
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>> No.14326048

I always hated how they bitched out with the curse words. Of they really wanted to be edgy they'd use racial slurs
>Find your inner Ch*nk: The natural adderal for learning
>The f*ck did you say to me n*gger: 10 steps to instant confidents
>Be the k*ke you wanna be: how to start your own business

>> No.14326051
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>> No.14326056

Oh God can you imagine the glorious butthurt online. I would buy every copy.

>> No.14326060
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>> No.14326062

People have used the singular they for decades because there aren't a lot of better options in English for ambiguous situations, and the only people who used to get mad were grammar enthusiasts. People have just gotten their panties in a knot now because it's gotten associated with the xir crowd.

>> No.14326067
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This is what comes to my mind when my boss confuses my pump for a phone

>> No.14326070
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>> No.14326074

You could join local groups in your area against this type of shit. Unionize or pressure these Compannys

>> No.14326082
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>> No.14326083

Who's gonna be the first /lit/ anon to write the great burgerpunk novel? Would be a fun read desu, just what this world needs.

>> No.14326091

Every local group seems to be steeped in the conservative/liberal dichotomy. I doubt they recognize the true source of decay.

>> No.14326093
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>> No.14326098
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>> No.14326103
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>> No.14326107

I don't get it

>> No.14326108
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>> No.14326110

just yeet a betta in there bro

>> No.14326113
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10/10 thread keep it coming lads

>> No.14326116
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>> No.14326119

The refusal to pay employees a livable wage and the reliance on customers to directly fund their employees existence via donations of the products they originally purchased to indirectly fund their existence. I assume.

>> No.14326120
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>> No.14326125

The company has the gall of asking employees to provide food for other employees instead of just paying them enough to afford food in the first place

>> No.14326128
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>> No.14326135
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>> No.14326142
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>> No.14326148
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>> No.14326149
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>> No.14326153
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>> No.14326156

This is what happens when you live in a Society™

>> No.14326161
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>> No.14326163
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>> No.14326170
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>> No.14326177
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>> No.14326184


>> No.14326189

AJ is an ass

>> No.14326190
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>> No.14326199
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>> No.14326208
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Oh god don't tell me its too late. its not too late, i wont believe it, don't tell me i cant do anything. don't say that...

>> No.14326210
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>> No.14326215

Clever marketeers trying to appeal to the zoomer consumer by spreading memetic rumors. And let's face it teens slurp it down.

A standing ovation for the participation and consummation of fetishistic commodification.

Queer how one must steer clear of one's child to rear lest you fear the end of your career.

>> No.14326240

So what's your proposal? Abolish capitalism? No, thanks, I'd rather work 60 hours a week than die from starvation.
Are we facing cultural decay? Of course not. We live in a world with almost 99% literacy rate and it's still improving. Stop pushing this negativist agenda here, read the fucking history textbook, learn how poorly people lived before the industrial revolution, how meaningless and plain their lives were. They could have never imagined the world as great and complex as we, their descendants, see it now. Maybe things around us change at much faster rate than our brains, but in a few generations we'll work it out. No reason for panicking and shilling the alarmist nonsense.

>> No.14326259
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>> No.14326269

yeah that got me. that's just sad

>> No.14326271

yeet is hilarious desu

>> No.14326286

Trust, be in the upper crust your bottom you must bust, says Musk.

Prostration before the idol of carbonation brings little lucy salvation.

Robot disregards thot without a thought no matter how the situation may be fraught, and no criminals to be caught.

>> No.14326295

this is based though. He's not saying 80 hour work week for everyone, but that it's necessary for highly productive and wealthy people.

>> No.14326297

are you a learning algorithm?

>> No.14326309

>literacy rate
How about the fact that violent crimes in the US still aren't anywhere close to their pre 1975 rates?
The rise of single mothers? The rise of children not being raised in two parent households? The fact that these children go on to commit more crimes, abuse more drugs and produce less than nothing to society? The fact that 50 goddamn percent of Americans make less than 30k a year and we're too fat and inundated with cheap entertainment to bother to do anything about it? Increased suicide rates? Increased rates of drug abuse? The fact that Americans are less trustworthy of their fellow man than ever before? But hey, at least they can read all this bad fucking news.

>> No.14326325

just bee yourself anon

>> No.14326337

The post is satire.

>> No.14326342

Support a union or unionize if you haven’t where you work. Identity became a marketing ploy disguised as a product in the past century and these corpocracies are going to become even less regulated in their manipulation and wastefulness as they purchase subsequent elections.

>> No.14326361

I hope more people in these shitty jobs are retarded enough to unionize. Nothing would make me happier than to see the ship go down with them.

>> No.14326392

underrated joke
cheers to (You)

>> No.14326443

Whoa, just chill out, dude, chill out. Stop caring about America and America only, look at the global picture. The average earthling is much better off now than his counterpart from 1919 CE or even 1980 CE. Yes, there are places where this progress is going on slower than everywhere else, there are places where the growth of human life quality has stopped for a decade or two. But the overall trend is exponential, and it will stop only if one day we'll find ourselves in a neo-malthusian trap. But it's highly unlikely.
As for the crime rates and suicide rates in America, well, it's a unique american problem, and it has connections with ineffective and non-representative political and economic system of the US, where the huge gap exists between those with power and money and average people.

>> No.14326475

fuck you

>> No.14326483

jesus christ this makes me want to stick with my finance job rather than go to school for coding

however, working as a processor/supervisor/manager at a finance tech company for 4-5 years might actually be perfect for these ridiculous job postings

>> No.14326518

>But the overall trend is exponential, and it will stop only if one day we'll find ourselves in a neo-malthusian trap. But it's highly unlikely.
Soon the global population will exceed 10 billion people. A lot of these people will be African. The amount of space that is inhabitable (and where people want to live) is finite. Arable land is finite. Energy is finite. Resources are finite. The amount of energy required just to sustain our civilization at its current level is quickly depleting the Earth's natural resources. Now think about trying to sustain a population of 10 billion people who all want to live middle-class lives at the very minimum. Wages have stagnated since the 1970s, inflation has steadily risen, so has national and individual debt, so has the cost of living. Living at our current level of comfort is unsustainable. Infinite and perpetual growth is a lie. The prosperity you see now is mostly an illusion, the elites want to widen ever so more the gulf between themselves and the 99% by destroying the middle class. You don't have free will in this society, you have the illusion of free will because you get to make choices but only if they are irrelevant and meaningless to your life, such as what color you want your new iPhone #23. Fuck you, you're either a shill or a bot

>> No.14326524

The fuck do you know about the rest of the world, faggot? I live in the third world and the influence of America and the mega corporations it spawned has already started to change my country and the ones around it. They do not bring literacy, infrastructure or medical advancements into it, but shitty technological trinkets, your horrible fucking bugman culture and Coca Cola. Fuck you.

>> No.14326537


It's obvious fucking satire. Like how the fuck do you Americans remember to eat everyday. Genuinely brain-dead culture.

>> No.14326545


>> No.14326548

He looks great for 98. Good for him!

>> No.14326563

>he eats every day

>> No.14326568

They post these ridiculous requirements so they can tell the government that they couldn't find any applicants. They then are given the go ahead to get a h1b hire.

>> No.14326631

is that whats happening?

>> No.14326640


>> No.14326643


>> No.14326647

It's been happening for years.

>> No.14326659

Kinda inspiring

>> No.14326666

I’m British you massive cunt

>> No.14326684

ok it's a tour group in philadelphia and they all got the same free tshirt. this group of people could very well be differentiated from society at large, perhaps even by their exclusive shirts.

>> No.14326696

I would strangle your little pencil neck if i were to see you in person.

>> No.14326755


I don't get it

>> No.14326846
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Just a little reminder here, guys.

>> No.14326854

post more

>> No.14326862


what's in there? a wetland?

>> No.14326889

even if there was a comfy middle ground that was anti-zionist and evolutionist but still trad, how do you force yourself to swallow the hogwash?

>> No.14326894
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>evolutionist but still trad

>> No.14326914

Just be agnostic fence sitter

>> No.14326930

>fencepost sitter


>> No.14326985

Nah chief that aint it

>> No.14326989

I’ve been here irl. Just outside Memphis.

>> No.14327001


>> No.14327008
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>> No.14327013


>> No.14327014


>> No.14327037

i am already, it's the only humble position.

>> No.14327063

She hasn't put worked or put effort into anything her entire life.

>> No.14327105

This is genius.

>> No.14327119


>> No.14327522

its a lie though

>> No.14327535

>hasn't put worked or put effort into anything her entire life.
That is part of the definition of "she."

>> No.14327539

This really hurts

>> No.14327582


>> No.14327614

Hello glownigger

>> No.14327685

Used to work at a Jimmy John's. Pretty chill place. Owner was a early Gen X'er or late boomer. Everyone was pretty cool.
Once, we lost a few managers in a short period. One went into the airforce, one quit, one did something else idfk. We got a temporary manager, worked for the owner for 5 years.
This bitch was exactly like this picture. Basically worshipped the store owner. I mean the owner was pretty cool and all, but the level this lady took it too was annoying as fuck.

I was in highschool at the time, and it was specifically May. I was born in May and still 17, which meant I couldn't use the knives because you had to be 18. One time we were short because two summer workers decided to feign injury to go to a concert (keep in mind the manager knew this cause she was the "cool manager"), and the manager asked one of my other coworkers to stay late but never asked me. I couldn't stay late as I had exams coming up and also I hated this woman at this point for multiple other reasons. Anyways closing time happens and I get ready to go, when she confronts me and tells me that I agreed to stay late, even though I never did. I tell her I couldn't stay and never agreed too and that I had plans for the night that I couldn't let go of last minute. Then she hits me with this line:

"Oh come on, what could YOU have to do on a Friday night?"

Before that I was considering staying but after that line I was out the door. It was her fault she was short anyways, she knew those two closers were at a concert and not sick and she chose to let them go anyways.

She also graduated college that year at the ripe old age of 37. Business degree. I asked her what she was gonna do now and she told me she was gonna work at jimmy johns forever because "(owner) is good to us!"

Across the street was a buffalo wild wings. I love their food, so I often offered to go over there during slow times and pick up food for everyone. One time she wanted milk with her large platter of food. I got her white milk. She began screaming at me that she wanted chocolate milk and wouldn't let it go so I had to go back over there and get her chocolate milk, even though customers were starting to come in.

Frequently we would be short staffed on her shift. After turning 18 I finally was allowed to bread start. They shortly removed this rule after I turned 18. I am very offended at this part but I digress. Despite being new to bread starting, I would have to work through rushes alone while another under 18 brand new employee worked the register. She wouldn't help because she was in the back screaming at her baby daddy about the divorce or something. Or doing nothing at all. Despite this none of my other coworkers saw just how bad of a manager she was because she was lenient on them. Not on me, though.

One time she told me that "You may hate me now but in the future you'll come to love and respect what I do." I'm not clairvoyant but I don't see this day in the foreseeable future.

>> No.14327824

link the site version then

>> No.14327951

Fuckin kek

>> No.14327974

What a fucking angel holy shit.

>> No.14327987

You are so wrong I don't know where to start

>> No.14328019
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Yeah, strong argument.
But I have a thick neck, and you are a leftist which means you're most likely not strong enough to do anything more with your hands than an iPhone made by "bloody capitalists"
See pics. It's you who is in the wrong, buddy. The world is objectively better now than ever before.

>> No.14328063

Having a hard time believing somebody who reads and enjoys literature could have an outlook as short-sighted and unimaginative as this.

>> No.14328074

ahahahahhah :D

>> No.14328097


>> No.14328101

I think you misinterpret this picture. Based Elon.

>> No.14328117

>Having a hard time believing somebody who reads and enjoys literature could have an outlook as short-sighted and unimaginative as this.
You don't have to hate humanity just because you've read the whole Dostoyevsky's bibliography or the latest Houellebecq's or Spengler's The Decline of the West or whatever. It's just books, writers and philosophers are prone to depression and pessimism all the time, it's almost as if it were their drive, just like coffee and alcohol are like a fuel for many of them. You always have to detach literature from life, because reality isn't as bleak as you may think after reading some books or the latest news headlines. And don't forget that you are also capable of changing your life and lives of those living close to you. It's not like you're a silent observer of the world's final days, you can take your part in making it better. I am not saying that we live in an ideal world, but it's true that overall life has improved significantly in the last two centuries. But it's still not enough, and it will never be enough.

>> No.14328159

"ass we can"

>> No.14328167
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271673d3d2d3333323531343535302e3134383564393035626166636331313334383035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh starvation

>> No.14328168

If I go into a meeting room and see "positive vibes" as one of the points on the board, I turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.14328169

That is some obtuse Big Bang Theory materialist cope bud.

Every serf in history has been vulnerable to the myth of progress.

Surely you understand the meaning of 'the world is getting better and better, and worse and worse'?

What about things you cannot measure or factor?

Like contentment, the quality of relationships, spiritual wellbeing, transcendence?

Your graph only convinces those who accept that the definition of what it means to be human is purely material, expressed as an effective economic unit.

>> No.14328193
File: 26 KB, 659x465, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your spiritual dimension that's so important can't even be measured, how do you know it was in better shape before the Industrial Revolution? Self-reported happiness appears to be rising too.

>> No.14328209

>Be the k*ke you wanna be: how to start your own business
Would buy and read.

>> No.14328272

To be quite fucking honest with you senpai, I would love to be an ignorant peasant in some medieval village, not caring about the world and putting my faith in God, while having 12 children and working from dawn to dusk. At least they had purpose and real human connections.

>> No.14328273


>> No.14328320

Good quality bait, almost got me.

>> No.14328344

then why not plant a seed in the garden and a seed in your wife and start growing some children and vegetables. life will be so meaningful

>> No.14328348

God, can you imagine just what virgin peasant girl pussy was like? Do honest work by day, fuck your n=1 qt3.14 wife by night, be fruitful, and worship the Lord. How much simpler life must have been!

>> No.14328351
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>look after kids for a whole day (includes = blow job

>> No.14328355

Schuon didn’t even understand scientism in the world around him, he was deluded into thinking that the people fetishise science into a religion actually understand it and apply it to the society around them, they clearly didn’t because if they had he wouldn’t have seen increases in tolerance, he would have seen increases in ethnonationalism.

>> No.14328420


>> No.14328422

>your wife
Where do you think you are?

>> No.14328424

Based and combinepilled

>> No.14328439

Are you guys on a spectrum or something? You DO understand you most likely won't even survive to your 30th birthday if you were some medieval peasants, right? Read about the Great Plague, shit literally halved the population of Europe in 3 to 4 years. Even today rural life is shit in comparison to urban one. Cities are the place where all the progress is happening. Also, God doesn't exist, there is nothing more dumb than worshipping some non-existant bearded old man who lives in the sky. And your wives MOST LIKELY would be some ugly smelly women who would age badly after 20. Half of your children would die before the age of 3. Stop the idealization of pre-modern lifestyle, it was awful. Be glad to your ancestors though, because it's through their hard work that you live in these comfortable conditions, have internet and cellular phones, state-sponsored healthcare and education and many other things that make your life enjoyable and entertaining.

>> No.14328446

>Can't even be measured
>I fucking LOVE science

You sound like a teenaged bugman, no nuance, its sad that you can't even imagine another set of potentials.

Ever heard of the shifting baseline? people don't know how depraved they are, like people born into a North Korean work camp.

Scientific materialism really is the most autistic position, ever heard of an externality? By your standard of measurement as long as those metrics continued on trend, we could literally kill the natural world and live on a concrete world where natural processes are geoengineered, and if you can't see the horror of that then you're already another lost drone.

>> No.14328448

You're young, they're not being literal.

They're yearning for simplicity and an initiation into a more meaningful life, obviously.

>> No.14328449
File: 604 KB, 2896x2896, 1576044348204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my pod share complex, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.14328452

I do not give a single fuck about longevity or the truth of reality if I'm an empty husk. Rather live until 30 with a purpose, no matter how false it might have been, than 90 with no purpose in life other than to slave away to our corporate overlords. Finding purpose within in a consumerist society like ours is a fucking meme, there's no rest to be had anywhere unless you're fucking loaded, and in order to become that you first have to sell your soul, and after that there's no point in the rest and reflection.

>> No.14328463
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Bugmen make me literally nauseous

>> No.14328468
File: 38 KB, 400x365, 1567349756697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't you want to live for a long time?
>be grateful you have internet, cellphones, and socialist healthcare

Shoo shoo bugman. Be gone.