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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-let-others-praise-ancient-times-i-am-glad-i-was-born-in-these-ovid-57-75-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14328088 No.14328088 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: massive copes of literature.

>> No.14328094

>H-huh? H-he wasn't complaining and upset like me?
>Cringe! Cope! Seethe! Dilate!

>> No.14328098

I don't get it. He was born in ancient times. Is this quote fake?

>> No.14328099

He was born in a terrible time and thought it was good. Pitiful. I'm supposed to.read what this naive dope has to say?

>> No.14328102

I guess he did live in a crumby time. But being able to find goodness in hard times is a virtue, not something bad.

>> No.14328108

You realize they oppressed women in his day, right? And that he probably never had a dorito in his life?

>> No.14328114

Well of course he didn't have any doritos. They didn't exist until 1968 and Ovid died around I'd guess 10-20.

>> No.14328115

Doritos retroactively refuted btfo

>> No.14328625
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 0F174414-038B-4BA8-BC0C-91756E2C9290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14328698

You're the dog one for throwing a tantrum that someone would dare humanize women. Go back to r*dditt , have sex and for the love of.God read a book for once in your life. Stay the FUCK out of my thread.

>> No.14328989

Imagine being this weak and lacking. No virility, no soul. You will suffer just for being. Any internet curse that I place on you has no effect compared the trivial existence you will always live and die in

>> No.14328998


>> No.14329003

I'm genuinely curious: how can you post this without being totally embarrassed and ashamed?

>> No.14329012

(that means I laughed, for you book readers)

>> No.14329075

Kys estrogent, (YOU) go back to plebbit

>> No.14329084

Its almost like people in ancient times thought they were living in present

>> No.14329085

Ovid was unironically better than any ancient Greek writer. Cope harder, OP.

>> No.14329159

pretty retarded, we literally call the period they lived in "ancient times"

>> No.14329378

You hate women.

>> No.14329935

How is the reign of Augustus a terrible times. Rome was peaceful for a change, the empire was expanding.
Ovid is great. Definitely way more engaging than Virgil.
Not Homer, but probably everyone else

>> No.14329950

not based and cringe, women are queens

>> No.14329952

who are you qouting

>> No.14329957

>And that he probably never had a dorito in his life?
They didn’t have junk food or convenient stores back then either.

>> No.14329960


>> No.14330907
File: 18 KB, 465x70, 1575899198710-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old ecology books were so hopeful...

>> No.14331224

Death, therefore,
is nothing to us, does not concern us
in the least, since the nature of the mind
we consider mortal. Just as in the past
we felt no pain when Carthaginian troops,
massing for battle, advanced from every side,
when all things, disturbed by war’s fearful noise,
shook with dread under high heavenly skies,
in doubt on which of the two sides would fall
power to rule all men on sea and land,
so, when we cease to be, when soul and body,
whose union makes us one single being,
part company, it is clear nothing at all
can happen to us or rouse our feelings,
not even if earth is mixed in with sea
and sea with sky—for then we won’t exist.

>> No.14332082
File: 708 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ohhpd6TvDv1vtvq1ho6_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14332314

Are you just posting porn gif s all over lit?
I saw you in that thread about the using a picture to find a book

>> No.14332328

every post on this board

>> No.14332337

i was born in a great time because this time has me