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/lit/ - Literature

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14325522 No.14325522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do STEM fags constantly push for people to go into fields related to science, technology, engineering and medicine when knowledge of literature, philosophy, culture, history, and so forth is still just as important the world?

>> No.14325527

Benjamin Franklin was a Satanic piece of shit involved in an occult group called "Hellfire Club".

>> No.14325531

then start pushing people to get into the humanities

>> No.14325532

because they are autistic. 99% of STEM is just busy work at some university on non-reproducible studies. it's a waste of taxpayer money, tbqh.

>> No.14325534

I love pushing people off cliffs, especially Jews. It seems like a better way to save this world.

>> No.14325540

such a cool opinion, must have taken a lot of work

>> No.14325553

Yes, I am the Second Coming of Christ, and if you disagree, then you must promptly be thrown off the cliff too.

>> No.14325567

Its very simple! The economy is the engine of the world. It is material which determines consciousness. Niggas wanna get paid, money talks, business is business, etc. Technology makes money! People fucking love money. The more money you have, the more power, status, and nice things. All of the owners of capital know that tech is the best investment so they pay well for those jobs to increase demand and fund programs to train new workers to increase supply so they can keep costs down.

It's all money.

>> No.14325570

People are really insecure. Part of it is because when they are able to convince someone to get into STEM, their own decision is validated. That it seems like a good idea to someone else reinforces to themselves that it must be a good decision.

>> No.14325607

It`s not eve just humanities the spergs hate social sciences. How are we going to understand society then

>> No.14325621

The most patrician route is a deep study of the sciences through formal education and the self studying of humanities. Imagine being such a pleb you need a professor as a conduit for philosophy.

>> No.14325626

It's probably an 18 year old kid living in rural Ohio. He'll grow up one day. Leave him be.

>> No.14325631

STEM is an american meme, in Europe you become either a lawyer, a doctor or a polymath.

>> No.14325635
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I don't want any more competition tbqh

>> No.14325642


>> No.14325686

In my experience the only people that do this are kids still studying that haven't lived a day outside of an academic setting

>> No.14325692

2 of those 3 are science and math?

>> No.14326009

OH MUH humanatee

>> No.14326033

Explains why Americans are dominating tech lul. Without past wealth, Europe would be nothing

>> No.14326065

Why do STEMfags try to push people into STEM fields? Idk, it seems completely unrelated to me. Complete enigma.

>> No.14326075

I think that's unfair. I know a lot of STEM students are really cool people who also enjoy some philosophy or literature. It's just moneyfags. Usually computer science or engineer majors who talk about how many figures they'll make and how big a house they'll have. There's also some crossover with the "about to eat a bullet" community.

>> No.14326092

It's mostly the middle two letters: T&E, not so much S&M. There's a lot more people studying Business and Law, which are more Humanities/Social Sciences-related, than there are people studying Biology or Pure Maths, yet people here don't usually complain much about them.

>> No.14326132

Just be a pure autodidact then

>> No.14326162

Is it really auto-didactism if you're still reading a book written by somebody else for the sake of learning concepts or procedures as they wished for you to understand them?

>> No.14326181

>just as important the world

this is why

>> No.14326183

Interesting question from a gnoseological perspective, but ultimately meaningless from a pragmatic-minded educator's point of view

>> No.14326196

I'm a CS major and I'm more well read than 99% of this board.

>> No.14326242
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Because reading doesn't mean shit when you don't apply it. Knowing a story isn't telling of it's lessons. If you want to make a change you have to be marketable and you have to apply your all knowing knowledge to the masses. Fuck off

>> No.14326244

STEMfag here, STEM universities exists to be the largest fucking gatekeepers in academia. Everything I learned about the field I did in my spare time, the only reason I get the toilet paper called diploma is to get into a good job, where I have to learn things I only heard about from other people who already work. Unless you want to be a lawyer or a doctor I don't know why you'd go to college.

>> No.14326312

Would you say it takes creativity or strong deductive reasoning to get into CS?

>> No.14326322

I'm a femanon and I'm probably more weller read than you.

>> No.14326372

I'm a trans(Girl) (muslim) And I've read and gone through much more than you can ever imagine.

>> No.14326396

I can't even tell if this is irony anymore.

>> No.14326402

Like what? Got any tragic stories for us?

>> No.14326409

This. Based as fuck.

Lol'd at all the humanities fags seething itt

>> No.14326410

im a chronic masturbator, and ive watched more porn vids and read more hmanga than the number of books all u guys will ever read

>> No.14326415

I'm a Humanitiesfag who studies Electrodynamics and CSS on his spare time
Suc that.

>> No.14326499

When you start doing University level math and science classes, and see how many people you thought of as peers literally can't do logic, it changes you. The opinions of a person who cannot reason are based on valid experiences, but completely unreliable. Worse, art and culture are fueled primarily by repetition. Ideas that persist need not have any merit of any kind.

It's true that many people who work in STEM disciplines are also stupid. They also have blind-spots where they don't apply critical thinking. But at least I know they're capable of it.

Pushing people toward Math and Science, for me at least, is to emphasize the importance of teaching reasoning and problem-solving early in life. If a person can't do word problems, or set up an experiment, or analyze a series of events, why should they be permitted to influence culture?

>> No.14326504

Was he really that based?

>> No.14326520

I'm of the opinion that both philosophy and STEM are garbage. Modern analytic philosophy has made itself so trivial by arguing about the most useless shit — why should we keep philosophy departments open? And STEM is definitely more useful than philosophy, but the people involved in STEM — and Academia, to a larger extent — are insufferable assholes.

>> No.14326542

The argument I keep hearing is that it’s easier to be an autodidact in the humanities, whereas in STEM having the equipment and lab time is an asset. That’s why I chose math/physics over philosophy, I can just start with the Greeks on my own, why would I pay for a degree that’s essentially just reading books I would read on my own and could get for free anyways.

>> No.14326549

I know way too many people who scraped through calc and statics and physics and everything else through blind repition. They all graduated too.

>> No.14326567

Because STEM isn't nearly as impossibly competitive as fine arts and it yields a successful profit at a much more reasonable rate.

It's all about money, you stupid shitstain.

>> No.14326569

You don't need anything more than paper and a pen for mathematics.
If you wanted to go for an experimental, purely empirical science, you ought to have gone for Chemistry/Biology.

>> No.14326589

Not the guy you're replying to, but it depends on the program.

If you grind through the easy classes (web dev, databases 101, etc), you can be both a straight-A student and braindead.

If you take more difficult stuff (quantum, ML, AI, anything to do with compilers), then you'll need to be good at math and a strong reader. A lot of people fail harder classes because they misunderstand assignments and do something backwards.

That said, plenty of people make it through difficult courses without learning much, and fail when they have to go into the real world.

If you want to get better at thinking, pick up a logic book and do puzzles. The "science" in computer science takes little thinking, unless you get to the grad level.

If you want to get into CS, start with a simple language (Python, C#, JavaScript) and work on a project that interests you. Programming is more like learning to play an instrument than being a philosopher; any idiot can do it, as long as he practices.

Capable of critical thinking =/= good at critical thinking =/= thinks critically more than once a year. Remember that.

t. CS grad student who did a philosophy minor in undergrad.

>> No.14326605

lol what third tier school did you go to
Literally anyone can learn math and science
The level of mathematical comprehension to get an engineering degree is well within the cognitive limits of anyone with an IQ above 90.
The problem is at a certain point schooling becomes a ranking system and stops becoming an educational system.
If someone falls behind the developmental curve they're pretty much fucked.

STEMfags are delusional if they think they elite for being able to get to the mathematical level of a chinese high schooler

>> No.14326619

Less job opportunity in bio/Chem unless you want to be a pharmacist/doctor/chemical engineer.

I’m naturally more inclined towards the humanities so it was an issue of motivation as well, the labs for my physics courses also use resources that I otherwise wouldn’t have access to.

>> No.14326627

It's going to be very difficult to defeat scientism without gaining a high level of scientific proficiency. A vague hunch there's something off about the whole thing based on little more than your own deeply personal phenomenological experience is not going to cut it. And the stakes couldn't be higher.

>> No.14326648

I've never seen a humanities major crack open an analysis textbook and do some proofs.

I've seen many math majors open up a Nietzsche book.

People should learn math, science, statistics... AND literature, philosophy, history, anthropology, etc. The thing is unless a structured environment forces you to learn the former you will not. The latter is much more likely to be learned autodidactically.

>> No.14326654

I’m in my degree precisely because of this feeling, it struck me as off in HS math that such a basic principle such as dividing by zero is undefined, that seems like a foundational misstep.

>> No.14326691

Good luck getting a job in the tech industry.

I'm publishing my novel next month.

>> No.14326695

The instinct isn't wrong, I was just saying that there needs to be more of an innovative approach when pointing to the phenomena and screaming "Just open your eyes and look, there's so much more than just mere quantity here!" is falling on deaf ears.

>> No.14326703

Im a former humanities faggot and agree with this completely
in this age of accessibility there is zero reason to pay some dipshit thousands to handhold you through something that is compelling on it's own as literature and philosophy

>> No.14326731

>it struck me as off in HS math that such a basic principle such as dividing by zero is undefined, that seems like a foundational misstep
you realize this shit comes from proofs right? It's not a foundational assumption. Real numbers form a commutative ring in abstract algebra, and one can prove that within a commutative ring division (i.e. inverse multiplication) by the zero element is undefined.

If you want division by zero you simply create a different set of axioms to define the algebraic structure. But then zero won't function the same as you interpret with regular numbers, and you wont be dealing with regular numbers the same way anymore.

The fact that you don't know this is why humanities folks are completely ill-equipped to even comment, let alone comment intelligently, on maths.

>> No.14326735

This is so true, I spent a semester in a philosophy program before switching to stem and every class had a booklet essentially summarizing a philosopher, it made me not want to read them because they all felt so small and archaic in that context. These were introductory classes though so there was going to be more assigned reading later, but it left such a bad first impression I switched to math and started reading the /lit/ “start with the Greeks” guide instead.

>> No.14326761

I understand that it’s the result of proofs, I’m simply asking what does it mean undefined, does that mean it’s an irrational result?

>> No.14326778

>have CS roommate in uni
>listens to Ben Shapiro and JBP

what the fuck? i thought i was the dumb one majoring in bio

>> No.14326788

Dear God, I am not loved. I am unloveable. I can not love. My heart is cold, filled with hatred, and torn apart by longing. Do i not stare into an abyss when i look inward? No engineered smile and performed laughter can ease my bitter heart.
When i say that i love everyone but that I need distance to do so, can i really then make a claim for love? What kind of love turns away the moment the others being touches mine? It is love of my eyes, not love of others - and there is so little love of others in me. I must have been terribly betrayed in my past, that is the only explanation, for what i feel whenever i come close to others, is fear of them betraying me. What is there to betray? Betray my inexistant love? Or do i feel betrayed because nobody loves me?

These thoughts arent getting me anywhere. They do not ease the pain. They do not liberate me from my the humiliation of an unfulfilled heart. It may be that i am as loving as i claim to be, and that the hatred, the judgement, the bitterness and disgust are nasty wounds that refuse to heal. And the knowledge that such a love can only repel but not attract, the knowledge of my unending loneliness is killing me day by day.
Is that it?

(To see the ease and acceptance that drives the families and friendships around me, makes me wish to draw a loaded gun and shoot)

>> No.14326811

Don’t focus so much on yourself, you’re torturing yourself with self-negation. Who cares what meaning or sorrow amount to, the sun’s bright and warm and will burn away all love and pain one day anyways.

Self-pity is wasted thought much like anxiety.