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14323278 No.14323278 [Reply] [Original]

Unironical answers only

>> No.14323280

Everything that isn't incoherent deterministic materialist ramblings?

>> No.14323290

If you're talking regular right wing then just conservatives, but if you mean far right then just some /pol/ charts. THe issue is that right wing and especially far right thought always rejected universalism and emphasis on theory, so there can never be "the" theory.

>> No.14323300

The right is far too fractured to have a coherent chart. This is what happens when you have high t creative males instead of slave moralists who all just subscribe to the same thing.

>> No.14323349

What about any intellectual right wing YouTubers? It seems like left wingers dominate the intellectual market like Shaun, Three Arrows, Contrapoints, Vaush, hbomber, philosophy tube, etc etc. What Youtubers do right wingers look up to that haven't been deconstructed by them? I want to be white natsoc but there is no logical argument for it.

>> No.14323356

Postin' in a bait thread

>> No.14323415

From all pseuds you mentined here smartest is hbomber, others were owned by race realists or traditionalist

>> No.14323443

Please tell me you don't look to /v/-tier e-celebs for intellectual stimulation.

>> No.14323467

Many people here do and it's fucking embarrassing. Anyone who gets their philosophy/political opinions from e celebs should be tossed in a gas chamber.

>> No.14323565

I'm almost in shock from how confidently he cited those bloggers. He's trying to cite people like DarkSydePhil as if they were some Athenian philosophers. /Lit/ is out of control these days.

>> No.14323570

It's bait.. Everything here comes with a triple layer of irony these days here.

>> No.14323582

So /lit/ has entirely abandoned its goals of sincerity. Fucking damn it.

>> No.14323584

It may only seem to you that those leftists you mentioned dominate the intellectual sphere because they're all you watch, and so YouTube recommends only their videos to you.

The right-wing definitely dominates more than the left, if you listened to them. Watch videos of Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Jordan Peterson (or just read their books) for a deeper breakdown of leftists, and for more gotcha arguments, Ben Shapiro and John Doyle.

>> No.14323599

What's wrong with any of those lefty youtubers? They make good arguments against capitalist and nazi propaganda but nobody on the right responds to them

>> No.14323605
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>Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Jordan Peterson (or just read their books) for a deeper breakdown of leftists, and for more gotcha arguments, Ben Shapiro and John Doyle.
Nice one anon

>> No.14323612

It's more likely to be sincere if it's longer that three sentences and actually mentions a book somewhere.

>> No.14323618

If their arguments are so good, why don't they publish them as academic writings instead of the dwelling place of WingsofRedemption and "Ten hours of Peter Griffin falling"?

>> No.14323636
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>> No.14323642

Dostoevsky also cockslapped leftists. Would you laugh at him?

>> No.14323668

Militant anti-intellectualism is more rewarding than theory.

>> No.14323678

At least he mentioned actual academics with reputable accomplishments. You probably unironically think Destiny is an intellectual.

>> No.14323683


>> No.14323686

Yes, it's called read the fathers of the Church, the doctors of the Church and the lives of the Saints, especially Thomas Aquinas.

>> No.14323689

So mao was right?

>> No.14323693

Dostoevskij wasn't a retard.

>> No.14323701

Sort of, but Pol Pot was more right. The goal should be rougism with American characteristics.

>> No.14323711

Destiny is a lib
I don't like Dostoyevsky so I would

>> No.14323733

lmao go off softjaw

>> No.14323759
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>> No.14323762

No society has ever seen as much power accumulated by intellectuals as the US today. Militant anti-intellectualism is a necessary part of any real resistance. For that reason, we must form the Burger Rouge.

>> No.14323780

nice thread idiots. oh wait, no its not, this thread fucking sucks!!!!!

>> No.14323796

destiny is such a faggot
He only reads wikis and jerks himself off by railroading literal /pol/ tier gamer retards with his undergrad level theory and pretends he's some sort debate God
He is a talented speaker, but his to theoretical laziness throws any of his potential straight into the trash

>> No.14323804

squatting three times a week will actually turn you into a fascist.

>> No.14323816

are you by any chance, 65+ years old?

>> No.14323823

>burger rouge

Based and redpilled with some keksauce

>> No.14323873

That's very accurate.

>> No.14323890

Jesus fucking christ we have like 4 MArxist containment threads already and they're all garbage. Read something new nigger

>> No.14323935

Just imagine the most garish aspects of American culture combined with genocidal state communism. I think we'd all get a good laugh out of it.

>> No.14323961
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>intellectual YouTubers

>> No.14323992

None of the people you mentioned are right-wingers.
Read Plato and Aristotle, Guenon and Evola.

>> No.14323995

Go outside and actually do things unlike a fagboi reading his precious little books and shitposting

>> No.14324153

>ywn see the furious mobs of rednecks marching under the People's Confederate Army to the capital and start massacring bourgeois urbanites
A blessed timeline.

>> No.14324197

None of those people you mentioned are right-wingers. Two of them existed way before the dichotomy and the other two are delusional semen guzzling schizos.

>> No.14324213


>> No.14324224
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The Right has tradition and practical experience in the real world. Leftists live in the abstract

>> No.14324248

weird thoughts

>> No.14324254
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Dostoevsky was a leftist. He knew leftist circles inside and out and the biggest critiques of the left usually come from leftists themselves. I don't know how anyone can read Demons and think it wasn't self-mocking of his own political views

>> No.14324260

>practical experience dude
>bunch of boomers who died in ww2

>> No.14324269

Boomers were born after the war retard

>> No.14324286

What kind of nigger tier chart is that?

>> No.14324300


>> No.14324433

Baby boomers. "Boomers" has a new meaning

>> No.14324868

No. /thread

>> No.14324992
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Its the second part of the chart but the most relevant one. The first one just lists basics.

>> No.14325216

Yeah, saying it signals you're an unfunny vapid trend follower. Fuck off shitdick