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/lit/ - Literature

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14318852 No.14318852 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, what the hell is going on
>be me
>know of the handful of prominent figures of history / literature
>finally get around to learn about their lifes work and life history
>find out some ridiculous fact about them
>realize “holy fuck, THIS is what history has deemed as a memorable important figure? this buffoon?”

Literally ALL OF THEM. For example:

>drunkard, one who couldn’t even finish his work on time, he was a self loathing bastard who hated himself and automatically that is a huge red flag because a man whom is not content with himself will have radical outlandish views

>ptsd war victim creep who fetishized mothers. creepy guy in general, ironic of his to study other creeps

>studies the meaning of like and Accidentally goes crazy kek. a literal madman. a rolemodel to hitler, countless redflags.

>> No.14318905
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>> No.14318916

Post feet

>> No.14318918
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i just want ONE of these histortical figures to not have a cringey life story. the only person whom i can think of whom is like this is Marcus Aurelius. a truly noble, kind and wise man. not past history as a drunkard or a thief or a mentally insane

>> No.14318932

>a truly noble, kind and wise man.
*persecutes Christians*

>> No.14318946
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>blocks your path

>> No.14318954

Literally everyone is a hypocrite, a sinner, and contemptible in countless ways, whether it be cruelty, cowardice, laziness, vice, etc. You yourself im sure fit all of these descriptions and more. The only reason you think Aurelius is so pure is because you only know an ideal in your mind.

>> No.14318959
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Did you even read any of their books?

>> No.14318962

Lenin & Stalin had based life stories

>> No.14318963

then why bother look up to anyone except the man himsel

the man excempt from sin

the purest

the son of god

the prophet

the king


>> No.14318972
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you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.14318990

why not just engage with their ideas instead of looking for a historical daddy figure
most of them were made social outcasts because they rejected their modern cultures and thought to the future
that is the sacrifice they make for thinking outside the normal cultural paradigm: they are going to be judged as sinful by the standards of that structure
you seem to have this idea that your moral standards are somehow the correct ones, but by what authority can you make those claims?

>> No.14319000
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>> No.14319020

I take the opposite conclusion and look up to men who are sinners, because to do otherwise is deny life, to deny ourselves, and all this does is result in a self-hatred, a disgust with the world.

>> No.14319078
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here you go

>> No.14319096

How important is a theorists biography?

>> No.14319103

As one should

>> No.14319124

This is just as stupid and as bad a cope. It’s literally projecting your own sense of inadequacy onto everyone

>> No.14319170

Being different is a precondition for being important. That's pretty much tautological.
Difference implies neuroses, neuroses imply divergent life experience.
That's why all notable thinkers were "weird", those thinkers who weren't "weird" weren't notable thinkers.
Philosophy itself can be thought of as a sort of sickness.

>> No.14319196
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>literal saint
>viking heritage
>persecuted by jews (the media)

You're welcome

>> No.14319368

This lenin's story is based af. Like a romantic novel.

>> No.14319763
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Um, no

>> No.14319825

I have no sins I make my own morals

>> No.14319894

But you repeat yourself

>> No.14319906

>Marcus Aurelius
>not cringe
good one

>> No.14320659
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Looking for righteousness in ZOG approved materialist degenerate "philosophers" is futile.

>> No.14321329

I want to be a wignat, but the brain donors that the movement is composed of makes me reconsider.

>> No.14321632


>> No.14321634

>a 1930s LARPer, suburban Fantasy nut
No. I'd rather have a NEET or a drunk any day.

>> No.14321704

Sounds based

>> No.14321827

Sure bro

>> No.14321917

It's pretty cringe that you want historical people to read like Luke Skywalker

>> No.14321931

I cringe greatly at the fact that Marx and Freud are the fathers of modern thought. Psychoanalysis and interpretation are so fucking pathetic. I wish it were aestheticism or transcendentalism or something cooler that became popular instead of this rubbish.

>> No.14321958

Isn't it strange though that despite those two being some of the most important and influential figures on the 20th century that they're also some of the most maligned by the general public. I think Marx is probably looked at more favourably now both because of the distance from the cold war and because of the general state of the world, though normies can't stand Freud. I think a lot of people are scared to accept what they read in him and are scared to think about the implications. That being said, I didn't need Freud to tell me I'm a neurotic spaz.

>> No.14321967

Most people are just bored and seek out the wisdom of mad Men to make things more exciting. Also people don't like dealing with themselves either so it's easier to get lost

>> No.14321974

Freudian Psychoanalysis just doesn't seem at all logical to me, particularly in his attempt to formulate concepts of neurosis to varying levels of group orientation and politics. Thus, like Marx, these two ironically racial kinsmen both more or less produced the same kind of hyper critical mentality that has funnily enough led to the present trauma of today. The more people consume these ideas the deeper the rabbit hole will go, that is, until mass humanity is no longer needed and probably selectively killed off.

>> No.14321986

That is illogical to me and I don't think one can attribute philosophy as neurosis. This psychoanalytical approach is, in itself, rather perverse in attempting to suggest "sickness" in the actions of man. The real sickness of course lies in the ideology, Freudian Psychoanalysis and Marxism being among the most sick of 20th century thought and ironically has led mankind into actual trauma that some are still attempting to foster.

>> No.14322005

His only sin was not doubling down on it.

>> No.14322028

Jesus Christ

>> No.14322030

>flips a table like some nigger with zero impulse control

>> No.14322119

>implying he did anything wrong there

>> No.14322178

I'm stupid can I get a list of who's here?

>> No.14322189

allow me: Hitler, literally who, Mussolini, Hirohito, Mosley, literally who, literally who, literally who

>> No.14322196

Plato and Aristotle had good lives. So did Epicurus and most of the Stoics (there were tons of them).

This is some stupid shit.

>> No.14322202

He was extremely cringe in TLJ, and a whiny noob in ANH.

>> No.14322234

hitler mussolini hirohito codreanu mosley

>> No.14322242

Okay retard.

>> No.14322260

Are you okay, retard?

>> No.14322371
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>a man whom is not content with himself

for fuck's sake, if you're a lesser midwit whomst can't nail down the who/whom thing, just say "who"

makes you look like less of a tryhard anyway

>> No.14322383

If you're looking through history to find perfect people to worship as an ideal, you're really taking the wrong lesson home

>> No.14322431

you make your own morals, but you're really hoping for a B in that one class!

>> No.14322806

I mean neuroses in a very broad sense, and not necessarily as a bad thing.
That is to say, to philosophize is to recognize the need for philosophizing, one does not make grand theories of the world if he thinks that what exists is sufficient.
In that way, philosophy is always critical, not generally of society per say, but critical to the tradition in order to justify itself.
The rationalists tried to overcome the scholastics, the empiricists tried to overcome the rationalists, the idealists tried to overcome the empiricists, and so on. At the core of all philosophy is discontent. That's the neuroses I'm referring to.
Any new philosophy has to negate the status quo in some way, else it isn't new philosophy. That negation, by it's very nature, is counter to the norms surrounding it.
In order to negate one must find a need for negation, it follows then that contented people don't become philosophers.

>> No.14322823

Not a single great author is a sane person. I would rather read the work of a man who drinks wine than the work of a liar.

>> No.14322842

It's almost as if the "great people" in history were / are actually just human beings with flaws and biases or something. WHO KNEW?

>> No.14322923

Only Derek Jeter is perfect anon. You just have to learn to see past their flaws.

>> No.14323116

Die bitch.

>> No.14323431
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Fucking retard. Yes, Hitler looked up to Nietzsche but Nietzsche himself condemned the fascist ideololgy. When he died, his fashy sister edited and published his works to become in line with the fascist ideology. Furthermore, Hitler was desperate to find any German "great men," to propogate the "greatness" of the German people; Nietzsche just so happened to be German.